View Full Version : Floating Damage Numbers

03-14-2014, 01:32 PM
I'm just checking to see if there was best solution for this or something I'm not catching. About half my characters show damage properly in 2 digits or more... And about half show a truncated number of the first digit. Still using the n+n+n format and no type icon. Just curious if anyone else has a best setup for their displays and if I'm just missing a check box. MBP1/I7.

Post Edit-
I see this is still common along with the black screens... I still can't figure out why 1/2 my characters are displaying fine and 1/2 are not.

03-15-2014, 01:31 PM
I'm just checking to see if there was best solution for this or something I'm not catching. About half my characters show damage properly in 2 digits or more... And about half show a truncated number of the first digit. Still using the n+n+n format and no type icon. Just curious if anyone else has a best setup for their displays and if I'm just missing a check box. MBP1/I7.

Post Edit-
I see this is still common along with the black screens... I still can't figure out why 1/2 my characters are displaying fine and 1/2 are not.

Just to make sure, have you checked that it is n+n+n on all of your characters? Annoyingly, you have to set it on EVERY character, it doesn't apply across the board.