View Full Version : Known Issue: Mac Client Update (March 10th, 2014)

03-10-2014, 05:52 PM
Players attempting to update their Mac DDO clients to Update 21 are encountering errors. The following workaround will allow our Mac users to update their game clients:

1) Close the Mac DDO Launcher when it gives the error that it can’t install Akamai Netsession.
2) Navigate to the folder the Akamai Netsession Installer downloads to: ~Applications/Akamai

This can be done by following these instructions:

a) Right-click or control click on the Finder icon and select “Go to folder”

b) In the box that pops up: type ~/Applications/akamai/

c) The netsession_installer.dmg will be in this folder. Double click on it, and it will open a new folder that has the Akamai Netsession Interface.pkg in it.

d) Run the Akamai Netsession Interface.pkg to install it.

3) After the Akamai Netsession Client installs, relaunch the game.

We are currently working on a more comprehensive solution to this issue, but this workaround will allow our Mac players to update their game launchers today. Thanks!

03-10-2014, 07:43 PM
I tried that and got a failed installation error. Now what?

03-10-2014, 08:17 PM
OK, this installer is messed, but I got it to install. When it failed, I read the installer.txt file left behind. I noticed toward the end this line:

V1011:140311_001131: [eror] postinstall:main::installMain(121): Couldn't move control panel from '/Users/jeremy/Applications/Akamai/AkamaiNetSession.prefPane' to '/Users/jeremy/Library/PreferencePanes/AkamaiNetSession.prefPane'.

When I thought about it, I wasn't surprised, given that it's trying to modify a system folder, but the installer never asks for an admin password (which is a BIG oversight). So I went to the PreferencePanes folder and changed the permission on that folder to read/write for everyone. The installer then ran fine (I changed the permission back again).

Hopefully that will help anyone else who may have that problem.

03-10-2014, 10:27 PM
Still am unable to install this on live. I previously had installed the Akamai installer for the Lammania client, but used CleanMyMac2 to remove Akamai.

V1011:140311_021653: [info] preinstall:Install::runCmd(62): /bin/chmod 0700 /tmp/akamai_netsession_install_oberon131313.log
V1011:140311_021654: [info] :(17): Attempting installation on OSX 10.9.2
V1011:140311_021654: [info] preinstall:main::saveFileState(36): Starting snapshot of existing file state.
V1011:140311_021654: [info] preinstall:Install::runCmd(62): /bin/rm -rf /Users/oberon131313/Applications/Akamai/Backup
V1011:140311_021654: [info] preinstall:Install::runCmd(62): /bin/mkdir -m 0700 /Users/oberon131313/Applications/Akamai/Backup
V1011:140311_021654: [info] preinstall:main::saveFileState(58): Backing up app files to '/Users/oberon131313/Applications/Akamai/Backup/'
V1011:140311_021654: [info] preinstall:Install::runCmd(62): /bin/cp -pPR /Users/oberon131313/Applications/Akamai/.DS_Store /Users/oberon131313/Applications/Akamai/Backup/
V1011:140311_021654: [info] preinstall:Install::runCmd(62): /bin/rm -rf /Users/oberon131313/Applications/Akamai/.DS_Store
V1011:140311_021654: [info] preinstall:main::saveFileState(66): Skipping item 'Backup'
V1011:140311_021654: [info] preinstall:main::saveFileState(66): Skipping item 'guid.ini'
V1011:140311_021654: [info] preinstall:Install::runCmd(62): /bin/cp -pPR /Users/oberon131313/Applications/Akamai/netsession.plist /Users/oberon131313/Applications/Akamai/Backup/
V1011:140311_021654: [info] preinstall:Install::runCmd(62): /bin/rm -rf /Users/oberon131313/Applications/Akamai/netsession.plist
V1011:140311_021654: [info] preinstall:Install::runCmd(62): /bin/cp -pPR /Users/oberon131313/Applications/Akamai/netsession_installer.dmg /Users/oberon131313/Applications/Akamai/Backup/
V1011:140311_021654: [info] preinstall:Install::runCmd(62): /bin/rm -rf /Users/oberon131313/Applications/Akamai/netsession_installer.dmg
V1011:140311_021654: [info] preinstall:main::saveFileState(98): Snapshot OK.
V1011:140311_021654: [info] postinstall:Install::runCmd(62): /bin/chmod 0700 /tmp/akamai_netsession_install_oberon131313.log
V1011:140311_021654: [info] :(350): Starting installer: isUpgrade 0
V1011:140311_021654: [info] :(352): Home directory: '/Users/oberon131313'
V1011:140311_021654: [info] :(354): Special control flags: testingKeepInstallerBackup 0, testingNoStart 0, testingNoPingFail 0, testingForceFail 0
V1011:140311_021654: [info] :(360): skipBackupItems: Logs, guid.ini, Cache, euc_state.json, installer.txt, Backup, client.ini.debug, nostart.txt, nofail.txt, forcefail.txt, keepinstallerbackup.txt
V1011:140311_021654: [info] postinstall:Install::runCmd(62): /bin/mv /Users/oberon131313/Applications/Akamai/checkclientstatus.xappx /Users/oberon131313/Applications/Akamai/checkclientstatus.app
V1011:140311_021654: [info] postinstall:Install::runCmd(62): /bin/mv /Users/oberon131313/Applications/Akamai/macui.xappx /Users/oberon131313/Applications/Akamai/macui.app
V1011:140311_021654: [info] postinstall:Install::runCmd(62): /bin/mv /Users/oberon131313/Applications/Akamai/Akamai NetSession Uninstaller.xappx /Users/oberon131313/Applications/Akamai/Akamai NetSession Uninstaller.app
V1011:140311_021654: [info] postinstall:(eval)(379): Checking that client has really stopped. Following command should report failure (can't connect).
V1011:140311_021654: [info] postinstall:Install::runCmd(62): /Users/oberon131313/Applications/Akamai/checkclientstatus.app/Contents/MacOS/checkclientstatus noRetry noAlert anyClientListening
V1011:140311_021654: [info] RSLog.h:logLogFilter(2189): Log filter set to [*,INFO+].
V1011:140311_021654: [info] main.mm:initLogging(38): Logging initialized for checkclientstatus
V1011:140311_021654: [info] main.mm:main(159): checkclientstatus started on OS X 10.9.2; arguments: Retry allowed [0], Alert supported [0], Any client listening [1]
V1011:140311_021654: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[1] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [Couldn't connect to client on port 9421, connection refused.]
V1011:140311_021654: [warn] main.mm:main(171): Client is down.
V1011:140311_021654: [warn] postinstall:Install::runCmd(66): Failed command: [/Users/oberon131313/Applications/Akamai/checkclientstatus.app/Contents/MacOS/checkclientstatus noRetry noAlert anyClientListening]
V1011:140311_021654: [info] postinstall:(eval)(384): Checking any client listening after initial stop: running 0
V1011:140311_021654: [info] postinstall:main::installMain(73): Starting installMain().
V1011:140311_021654: [info] postinstall:main::installMain(79): Post-processing plist file at '/Users/oberon131313/Applications/Akamai/com.akamai.single-user-client.plist'.
V1011:140311_021654: [info] postinstall:main::installMain(101): Created plist file at '/Users/oberon131313/Library/LaunchAgents/com.akamai.single-user-client.plist'.
V1011:140311_021654: [info] postinstall:main::installMain(105): Installing control panel from '/Users/oberon131313/Applications/Akamai/AkamaiNetSession.prefPane'.
V1011:140311_021654: [info] postinstall:Install::runCmd(62): /bin/mv /Users/oberon131313/Applications/Akamai/AkamaiNetSession.prefPane /Users/oberon131313/Library/PreferencePanes/AkamaiNetSession.prefPane
V1011:140311_021654: [info] postinstall:main::installMain(131): Checking on accepteula.txt.
V1011:140311_021654: [info] postinstall:main::installMain(171): Starting NetSession.
V1011:140311_021654: [info] postinstall:Install::runCmd(62): /bin/launchctl load -S Aqua /Users/oberon131313/Library/LaunchAgents/com.akamai.single-user-client.plist
nothing found to load
V1011:140311_021654: [warn] postinstall:Install::runCmd(66): Failed command: [/bin/launchctl load -S Aqua /Users/oberon131313/Library/LaunchAgents/com.akamai.single-user-client.plist]
V1011:140311_021654: [info] postinstall:Install::runCmd(62): /bin/launchctl load /Users/oberon131313/Library/LaunchAgents/com.akamai.single-user-client.plist
nothing found to load
V1011:140311_021654: [warn] postinstall:Install::runCmd(66): Failed command: [/bin/launchctl load /Users/oberon131313/Library/LaunchAgents/com.akamai.single-user-client.plist]
V1011:140311_021654: [info] postinstall:main::installMain(177): Checking if NetSession is up and running.
V1011:140311_021654: [info] postinstall:Install::runCmd(62): /Users/oberon131313/Applications/Akamai/checkclientstatus.app/Contents/MacOS/checkclientstatus
V1011:140311_021654: [info] RSLog.h:logLogFilter(2189): Log filter set to [*,INFO+].
V1011:140311_021654: [info] main.mm:initLogging(38): Logging initialized for checkclientstatus
V1011:140311_021654: [info] main.mm:main(159): checkclientstatus started on OS X 10.9.2; arguments: Retry allowed [300], Alert supported [1], Any client listening [0]
V1011:140311_021654: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[1] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021655: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[2] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021656: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[3] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021657: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[4] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021658: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[5] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021659: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[6] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021700: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[7] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021701: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[8] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021702: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[9] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021703: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[10] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021704: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[11] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021705: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[12] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021706: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[13] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021707: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[14] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021708: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[15] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021709: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[16] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021710: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[17] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021711: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[18] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021712: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[19] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021713: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[20] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021714: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[21] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021715: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[22] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021716: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[23] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021717: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[24] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021718: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[25] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021719: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[26] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021720: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[27] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021721: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[28] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021722: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[29] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021723: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[30] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021724: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[31] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021725: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[32] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021726: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[33] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021727: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[34] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021728: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[35] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021729: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[36] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021730: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[37] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021731: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[38] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021732: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[39] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021733: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[40] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021734: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[41] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021735: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[42] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021736: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[43] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021737: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[44] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021738: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[45] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021739: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[46] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021740: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[47] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021741: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[48] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021742: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[49] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021743: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[50] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021744: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[51] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021745: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[52] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021746: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[53] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021747: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[54] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021748: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[55] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021749: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[56] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021750: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[57] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021751: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[58] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021752: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[59] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021753: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[60] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021754: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[61] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021755: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[62] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021756: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[63] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021757: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[64] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021758: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[65] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021759: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[66] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021800: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[67] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021801: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[68] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021802: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[69] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021803: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[70] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021804: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[71] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021805: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[72] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021806: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[73] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021807: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[74] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021809: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[75] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021810: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[76] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021811: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[77] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021812: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[78] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021813: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[79] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021814: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[80] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021815: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[81] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021816: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[82] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021817: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[83] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021818: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[84] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021819: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[85] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021820: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[86] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021821: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[87] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021822: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[88] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021823: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[89] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021824: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[90] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021825: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[91] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021826: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[92] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021827: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[93] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021828: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[94] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021829: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[95] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021830: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[96] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021831: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[97] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021832: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[98] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021833: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[99] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021834: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[100] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021835: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[101] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021836: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[102] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021837: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[103] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021838: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[104] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021839: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[105] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021840: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[106] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021841: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[107] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021842: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[108] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021843: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[109] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021844: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[110] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021845: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[111] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021846: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[112] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021847: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[113] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021848: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[114] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021849: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[115] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021850: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[116] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021851: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[117] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021852: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[118] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021853: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[119] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021854: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[120] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021855: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[121] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021856: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[122] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021857: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[123] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021858: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[124] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021859: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[125] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021900: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[126] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021901: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[127] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021902: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[128] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021903: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[129] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021904: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[130] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021905: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[131] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021906: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[132] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021907: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[133] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021908: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[134] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021909: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[135] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021910: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[136] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021911: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[137] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021912: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[138] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021913: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[139] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021914: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[140] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021915: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[141] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021916: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[142] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021917: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[143] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021918: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[144] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021919: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[145] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021920: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[146] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021921: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[147] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021922: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[148] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021923: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[149] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021924: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[150] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021925: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[151] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021926: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[152] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021927: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[153] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021928: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[154] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021929: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[155] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021930: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[156] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021931: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[157] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021932: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[158] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021933: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[159] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021934: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[160] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021935: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[161] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021936: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[162] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021937: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[163] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021938: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[164] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021939: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[165] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021940: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[166] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021941: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[167] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021942: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[168] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021943: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[169] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021944: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[170] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021945: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[171] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021946: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[172] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021947: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[173] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021948: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[174] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021949: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[175] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021950: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[176] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021951: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[177] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021952: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[178] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021953: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[179] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021954: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[180] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021955: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[181] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021956: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[182] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021957: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[183] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021958: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[184] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_021959: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[185] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022000: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[186] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022001: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[187] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022002: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[188] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022003: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[189] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022004: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[190] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022005: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[191] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022006: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[192] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022007: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[193] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022008: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[194] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022009: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[195] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022010: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[196] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022011: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[197] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022012: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[198] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022013: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[199] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022014: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[200] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022015: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[201] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022016: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[202] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022017: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[203] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022018: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[204] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022019: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[205] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022020: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[206] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022021: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[207] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022022: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[208] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022023: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[209] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022025: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[210] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022026: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[211] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022027: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[212] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022028: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[213] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022029: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[214] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022030: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[215] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022031: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[216] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022032: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[217] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022033: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[218] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022034: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[219] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022035: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[220] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022036: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[221] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022037: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[222] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022038: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[223] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022039: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[224] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022040: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[225] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022041: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[226] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022042: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[227] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022043: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[228] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022044: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[229] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022045: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[230] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022046: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[231] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022047: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[232] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022048: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[233] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022049: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[234] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022050: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[235] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022051: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[236] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022052: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[237] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022053: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[238] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022054: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[239] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022055: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[240] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022056: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[241] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022057: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[242] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022058: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[243] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022059: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[244] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022100: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[245] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022101: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[246] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022102: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[247] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022103: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[248] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022104: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[249] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022105: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[250] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022106: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[251] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022107: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[252] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022108: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[253] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022109: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[254] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022110: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[255] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022111: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[256] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022112: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[257] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022113: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[258] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022114: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[259] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022115: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[260] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022116: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[261] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022117: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[262] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022118: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[263] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022119: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[264] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022120: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[265] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022121: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[266] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022122: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[267] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022123: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[268] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022124: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[269] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022125: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[270] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022126: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[271] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022127: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[272] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022128: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[273] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022129: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[274] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022130: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[275] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022131: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[276] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022132: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[277] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022133: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[278] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022134: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[279] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022135: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[280] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022136: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[281] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022137: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[282] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022138: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[283] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022139: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[284] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022140: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[285] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022141: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[286] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022142: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[287] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022143: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[288] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022144: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[289] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022145: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[290] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022146: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[291] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022147: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[292] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022148: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[293] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022149: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[294] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022150: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[295] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022151: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[296] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022152: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[297] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022153: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[298] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022154: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[299] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022155: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[300] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022156: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[301] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_022156: [warn] main.mm:main(171): Client is down.
V1011:140311_022214: [warn] postinstall:Install::runCmd(66): Failed command: [/Users/oberon131313/Applications/Akamai/checkclientstatus.app/Contents/MacOS/checkclientstatus]
V1011:140311_022214: [eror] postinstall:main::installMain(197): Couldn't start client.
V1011:140311_022214: [info] postinstall:main::restoreFileState(221): Restoring saved file state from snapshot.
V1011:140311_022214: [info] postinstall:main::restoreFileState(233): Removing invalid file state to prepare for restore.
V1011:140311_022214: [info] postinstall:Install::runCmd(62): /bin/rm -rf /Users/oberon131313/Applications/Akamai/.DS_Store
V1011:140311_022214: [info] postinstall:Install::runCmd(62): /bin/rm -rf /Users/oberon131313/Applications/Akamai/admintool
V1011:140311_022214: [info] postinstall:Install::runCmd(62): /bin/rm -rf /Users/oberon131313/Applications/Akamai/Akamai NetSession Uninstaller.app
V1011:140311_022214: [info] postinstall:main::restoreFileState(258): Leaving skipped item 'Backup'
V1011:140311_022214: [info] postinstall:Install::runCmd(62): /bin/rm -rf /Users/oberon131313/Applications/Akamai/checkclientstatus.app
V1011:140311_022214: [info] postinstall:Install::runCmd(62): /bin/rm -rf /Users/oberon131313/Applications/Akamai/client.ini
V1011:140311_022214: [info] postinstall:main::restoreFileState(258): Leaving skipped item 'guid.ini'
V1011:140311_022214: [info] postinstall:Install::runCmd(62): /bin/rm -rf /Users/oberon131313/Applications/Akamai/installer_uploader
V1011:140311_022214: [info] postinstall:Install::runCmd(62): /bin/rm -rf /Users/oberon131313/Applications/Akamai/macui.app
V1011:140311_022214: [info] postinstall:Install::runCmd(62): /bin/rm -rf /Users/oberon131313/Applications/Akamai/netsession_mac
V1011:140311_022214: [info] postinstall:Install::runCmd(62): /bin/rm -rf /Users/oberon131313/Applications/Akamai/user.dat
V1011:140311_022214: [info] postinstall:Install::runCmd(62): /bin/rm -rf /Users/oberon131313/Library/LaunchAgents/com.akamai.single-user-client.plist
V1011:140311_022214: [info] postinstall:Install::runCmd(62): /bin/rm -rf /Users/oberon131313/Library/PreferencePanes/AkamaiNetSession.prefPane
V1011:140311_022214: [info] postinstall:main::restoreFileState(286): Restoring app files
V1011:140311_022214: [info] postinstall:Install::runCmd(62): /bin/cp -pPR /Users/oberon131313/Applications/Akamai/Backup/ /Users/oberon131313/Applications/Akamai/

03-11-2014, 01:39 AM
Still am unable to install this on live. I previously had installed the Akamai installer for the Lammania client, but used CleanMyMac2 to remove Akamai.

The installer Turbine is including is the same version I mentioned in the other thread. There is an uninstaller in the folder mentioned in Cordovan's post. Maybe give that a try. I would also restart the Mac after uninstalling. If your cleaner program only deleted the files, the service will still be running; Unix systems can do stuff like that; and the installer might not be able to start the newly installed one, or communicate with it properly. That might be the reason it failed.

03-11-2014, 02:31 AM
The installer Turbine is including is the same version I mentioned in the other thread. There is an uninstaller in the folder mentioned in Cordovan's post. Maybe give that a try. I would also restart the Mac after uninstalling. If your cleaner program only deleted the files, the service will still be running; Unix systems can do stuff like that; and the installer might not be able to start the newly installed one, or communicate with it properly. That might be the reason it failed.

yes, I cd'd to both that install dir and ~/Applications/Akamai and wiped both of them out. I've also done a partial reinstall (up to the point that the installer runs and actually encounters the 'cannot connect to the client' issue) and ran the uninstaller. I've also made sure that port 9421 has nothing running on it (because of the 'V1011:140311_021654: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[1] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [Couldn't connect to client on port 9421, connection refused.]' error). I've also searched via finder for any references to Akamai and removed those as well.
And I've restarted multiple times.

03-11-2014, 10:50 AM
yes, I cd'd to both that install dir and ~/Applications/Akamai and wiped both of them out. I've also done a partial reinstall (up to the point that the installer runs and actually encounters the 'cannot connect to the client' issue) and ran the uninstaller. I've also made sure that port 9421 has nothing running on it (because of the 'V1011:140311_021654: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[1] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [Couldn't connect to client on port 9421, connection refused.]' error). I've also searched via finder for any references to Akamai and removed those as well.
And I've restarted multiple times.

Hi Oberon. I went through the logs carefully this time :-). Take a look at the file "/Users/oberon131313/Library/LaunchAgents/com.akamai.single-user-client.plist" There will be a key / value pair "ProgramArguments" / "Path to netsession_mac". Make sure that path really points to the file netsession_mac. In your case it will be "/Users/oberon131313/Applications/Akamai/netsession_mac". If that looks right, take another look in the ~/Applications/Akamai folder and verify that the file exists.

Basically it is this command that is failing:
/bin/launchctl load -S Aqua /Users/oberon131313/Library/LaunchAgents/com.akamai.single-user-client.plist

That is trying to start the newly installed net_session daemon but it is falling over for some reason. You can try that directly from the Terminal if you like. You might get a bit more feedback. I assume you are logging in as admin right?

03-11-2014, 10:58 AM
So I managed to do the manual install of this Akamai thing on my Mac, and got the DDO client to patch and update.

I noticed that Akamai put a new NetSession widget in my System Preferences, which seems to have the function, among other things, of letting you see what is being downloaded or streamed -- although this panel always seems to be blank, even when updating DDO, so I'm not sure it's doing anything.

On the Preferences panel of this widget, though, you have the option of changing the Status from "Running" to "Not Running." So, given all of the concern about whatever Akamai is doing, I of course changed the status to "Not Running." However, I discovered that if I then try to re-start DDO, it attempts to reinstall the Akamai thing all over again (so, apparently "Not Running" is functionally the same as uninstalling Akamai NetSession, as far as the DDO client is concerned. I haven't otherwise uninstalled Akamai because apparently it will just get reinstalled next time I try to play.)

SO, my question is this: Is changing this setting to "Not Running" enough to prevent NetSession from doing whatever covert thing it is that people are concerned about? Yes, it is a pain to have to change this to "Running" each time I want to play DDO, but I am willing to toggle that on and then back off when I'm not playing, if that is a reasonable way of deal with this for now.


03-11-2014, 03:04 PM
Hi Oberon. I went through the logs carefully this time :-). Take a look at the file "/Users/oberon131313/Library/LaunchAgents/com.akamai.single-user-client.plist" There will be a key / value pair "ProgramArguments" / "Path to netsession_mac". Make sure that path really points to the file netsession_mac. In your case it will be "/Users/oberon131313/Applications/Akamai/netsession_mac". If that looks right, take another look in the ~/Applications/Akamai folder and verify that the file exists.

Basically it is this command that is failing:
/bin/launchctl load -S Aqua /Users/oberon131313/Library/LaunchAgents/com.akamai.single-user-client.plist

That is trying to start the newly installed net_session daemon but it is falling over for some reason. You can try that directly from the Terminal if you like. You might get a bit more feedback. I assume you are logging in as admin right?

yeah, I missed that line in my first debug pass as well. The plist was empty, so I rm'd it and ran it again. It seemed like it tried to run the install as a fresh install (no 'Starting snapshot of existing file state.'), but still failed out. Gonna reboot and try again.

new log:
$ tail -f /tmp/akamai_netsession_install_oberon131313.log

V1011:140311_191652: [info] postinstall:Install::runCmd(62): /bin/chmod 0700 /tmp/akamai_netsession_install_oberon131313.log
V1011:140311_191652: [info] :(350): Starting installer: isUpgrade 0
V1011:140311_191652: [info] :(352): Home directory: '/Users/oberon131313'
V1011:140311_191652: [info] :(354): Special control flags: testingKeepInstallerBackup 0, testingNoStart 0, testingNoPingFail 0, testingForceFail 0
V1011:140311_191652: [info] :(360): skipBackupItems: Logs, guid.ini, Cache, euc_state.json, installer.txt, Backup, client.ini.debug, nostart.txt, nofail.txt, forcefail.txt, keepinstallerbackup.txt
V1011:140311_191652: [info] postinstall:Install::runCmd(62): /bin/mv /Users/oberon131313/Applications/Akamai/checkclientstatus.xappx /Users/oberon131313/Applications/Akamai/checkclientstatus.app
V1011:140311_191652: [info] postinstall:Install::runCmd(62): /bin/mv /Users/oberon131313/Applications/Akamai/macui.xappx /Users/oberon131313/Applications/Akamai/macui.app
V1011:140311_191652: [info] postinstall:Install::runCmd(62): /bin/mv /Users/oberon131313/Applications/Akamai/Akamai NetSession Uninstaller.xappx /Users/oberon131313/Applications/Akamai/Akamai NetSession Uninstaller.app
V1011:140311_191652: [info] postinstall:(eval)(379): Checking that client has really stopped. Following command should report failure (can't connect).
V1011:140311_191652: [info] postinstall:Install::runCmd(62): /Users/oberon131313/Applications/Akamai/checkclientstatus.app/Contents/MacOS/checkclientstatus noRetry noAlert anyClientListening
V1011:140311_191652: [info] RSLog.h:logLogFilter(2189): Log filter set to [*,INFO+].
V1011:140311_191652: [info] main.mm:initLogging(38): Logging initialized for checkclientstatus
V1011:140311_191652: [info] main.mm:main(159): checkclientstatus started on OS X 10.9.2; arguments: Retry allowed [0], Alert supported [0], Any client listening [1]
V1011:140311_191652: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[1] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [Couldn't connect to client on port 9421, connection refused.]
V1011:140311_191652: [warn] main.mm:main(171): Client is down.
V1011:140311_191652: [warn] postinstall:Install::runCmd(66): Failed command: [/Users/oberon131313/Applications/Akamai/checkclientstatus.app/Contents/MacOS/checkclientstatus noRetry noAlert anyClientListening]
V1011:140311_191652: [info] postinstall:(eval)(384): Checking any client listening after initial stop: running 0
V1011:140311_191652: [info] postinstall:main::installMain(73): Starting installMain().
V1011:140311_191652: [info] postinstall:main::installMain(79): Post-processing plist file at '/Users/oberon131313/Applications/Akamai/com.akamai.single-user-client.plist'.
V1011:140311_191652: [info] postinstall:main::installMain(101): Created plist file at '/Users/oberon131313/Library/LaunchAgents/com.akamai.single-user-client.plist'.
V1011:140311_191652: [info] postinstall:main::installMain(105): Installing control panel from '/Users/oberon131313/Applications/Akamai/AkamaiNetSession.prefPane'.
V1011:140311_191652: [info] postinstall:Install::runCmd(62): /bin/mv /Users/oberon131313/Applications/Akamai/AkamaiNetSession.prefPane /Users/oberon131313/Library/PreferencePanes/AkamaiNetSession.prefPane
V1011:140311_191652: [info] postinstall:main::installMain(131): Checking on accepteula.txt.
V1011:140311_191652: [info] postinstall:main::installMain(171): Starting NetSession.
V1011:140311_191652: [info] postinstall:Install::runCmd(62): /bin/launchctl load -S Aqua /Users/oberon131313/Library/LaunchAgents/com.akamai.single-user-client.plist
nothing found to load
V1011:140311_191652: [warn] postinstall:Install::runCmd(66): Failed command: [/bin/launchctl load -S Aqua /Users/oberon131313/Library/LaunchAgents/com.akamai.single-user-client.plist]
V1011:140311_191652: [info] postinstall:Install::runCmd(62): /bin/launchctl load /Users/oberon131313/Library/LaunchAgents/com.akamai.single-user-client.plist
nothing found to load
V1011:140311_191652: [warn] postinstall:Install::runCmd(66): Failed command: [/bin/launchctl load /Users/oberon131313/Library/LaunchAgents/com.akamai.single-user-client.plist]
V1011:140311_191652: [info] postinstall:main::installMain(177): Checking if NetSession is up and running.
V1011:140311_191652: [info] postinstall:Install::runCmd(62): /Users/oberon131313/Applications/Akamai/checkclientstatus.app/Contents/MacOS/checkclientstatus
V1011:140311_191652: [info] RSLog.h:logLogFilter(2189): Log filter set to [*,INFO+].
V1011:140311_191652: [info] main.mm:initLogging(38): Logging initialized for checkclientstatus
V1011:140311_191652: [info] main.mm:main(159): checkclientstatus started on OS X 10.9.2; arguments: Retry allowed [300], Alert supported [1], Any client listening [0]
V1011:140311_191652: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[1] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191653: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[2] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191654: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[3] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191655: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[4] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191656: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[5] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191657: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[6] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191658: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[7] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191659: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[8] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191700: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[9] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191701: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[10] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191702: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[11] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191703: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[12] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191704: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[13] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191705: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[14] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191706: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[15] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191707: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[16] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191708: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[17] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191709: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[18] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191710: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[19] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191711: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[20] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191712: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[21] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191713: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[22] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191714: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[23] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191715: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[24] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191716: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[25] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191717: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[26] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191718: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[27] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191719: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[28] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191720: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[29] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191721: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[30] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191722: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[31] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191723: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[32] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191724: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[33] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191725: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[34] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191726: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[35] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191727: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[36] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191728: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[37] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191729: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[38] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191730: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[39] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191731: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[40] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191732: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[41] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191733: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[42] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191734: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[43] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191735: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[44] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191736: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[45] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191737: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[46] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191738: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[47] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191739: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[48] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191740: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[49] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191741: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[50] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191742: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[51] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191743: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[52] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191744: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[53] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191745: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[54] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191746: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[55] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191747: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[56] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191748: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[57] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191749: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[58] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191750: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[59] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191751: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[60] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191752: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[61] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191753: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[62] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191754: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[63] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191755: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[64] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191756: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[65] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191757: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[66] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191758: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[67] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191759: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[68] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191800: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[69] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191801: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[70] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191802: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[71] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191803: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[72] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191804: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[73] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191805: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[74] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191806: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[75] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191807: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[76] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191808: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[77] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191809: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[78] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191810: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[79] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191811: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[80] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191812: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[81] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191813: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[82] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191814: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[83] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191815: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[84] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191816: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[85] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191817: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[86] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191818: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[87] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191819: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[88] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191820: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[89] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191821: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[90] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191822: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[91] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191823: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[92] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191824: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[93] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191825: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[94] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191826: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[95] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191827: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[96] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191828: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[97] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191829: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[98] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191830: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[99] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191831: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[100] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191832: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[101] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191833: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[102] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191834: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[103] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191835: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[104] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191836: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[105] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191837: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[106] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191838: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[107] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191840: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[108] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191841: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[109] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191842: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[110] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191843: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[111] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191844: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[112] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191845: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[113] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191846: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[114] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191847: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[115] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191848: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[116] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191849: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[117] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191850: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[118] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191851: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[119] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191852: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[120] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191853: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[121] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191854: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[122] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191855: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[123] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191856: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[124] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191857: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[125] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191858: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[126] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191859: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[127] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191900: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[128] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191901: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[129] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191902: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[130] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191903: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[131] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191904: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[132] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191905: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[133] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191906: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[134] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191907: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[135] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191908: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[136] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191909: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[137] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191910: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[138] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191911: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[139] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191912: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[140] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191913: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[141] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191914: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[142] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191915: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[143] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191916: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[144] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191917: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[145] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191918: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[146] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191919: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[147] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191920: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[148] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191921: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[149] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191922: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[150] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191923: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[151] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191924: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[152] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191925: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[153] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191926: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[154] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191927: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[155] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191928: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[156] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191929: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[157] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191930: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[158] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191931: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[159] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191932: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[160] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191933: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[161] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191934: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[162] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191935: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[163] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191936: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[164] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191937: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[165] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191938: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[166] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191939: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[167] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191940: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[168] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191941: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[169] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191942: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[170] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191943: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[171] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191944: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[172] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191945: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[173] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191946: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[174] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191947: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[175] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191948: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[176] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191949: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[177] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191950: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[178] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191951: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[179] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191952: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[180] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191953: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[181] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191954: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[182] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191955: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[183] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191956: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[184] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191957: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[185] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191958: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[186] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_191959: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[187] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192000: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[188] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192001: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[189] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192002: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[190] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192003: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[191] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192004: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[192] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192005: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[193] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192006: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[194] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192007: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[195] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192008: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[196] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192009: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[197] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192010: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[198] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192011: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[199] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192012: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[200] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192013: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[201] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192014: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[202] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192015: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[203] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192016: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[204] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192017: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[205] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192018: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[206] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192019: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[207] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192020: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[208] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192021: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[209] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192022: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[210] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192023: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[211] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192024: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[212] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192025: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[213] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192026: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[214] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192027: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[215] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192028: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[216] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192029: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[217] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192030: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[218] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192031: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[219] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192032: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[220] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192033: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[221] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192034: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[222] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192035: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[223] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192036: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[224] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192037: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[225] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192038: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[226] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192039: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[227] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192040: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[228] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192041: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[229] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192042: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[230] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192043: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[231] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192044: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[232] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192045: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[233] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192046: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[234] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192047: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[235] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192048: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[236] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192049: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[237] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192050: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[238] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192051: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[239] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192053: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[240] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192054: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[241] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192055: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[242] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192056: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[243] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192057: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[244] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192058: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[245] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192059: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[246] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192100: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[247] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192101: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[248] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192102: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[249] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192103: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[250] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192104: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[251] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192105: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[252] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192106: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[253] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192107: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[254] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192108: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[255] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192109: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[256] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192110: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[257] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192111: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[258] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192112: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[259] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192113: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[260] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192114: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[261] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192115: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[262] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192116: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[263] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192117: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[264] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192118: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[265] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192119: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[266] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192120: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[267] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192121: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[268] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192122: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[269] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192123: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[270] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192124: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[271] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192125: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[272] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192126: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[273] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192127: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[274] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192128: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[275] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192129: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[276] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192130: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[277] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192131: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[278] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192132: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[279] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192133: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[280] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192134: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[281] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192135: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[282] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192136: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[283] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192137: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[284] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192138: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[285] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192139: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[286] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192140: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[287] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192141: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[288] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192142: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[289] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192143: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[290] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192144: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[291] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192145: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[292] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192146: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[293] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192147: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[294] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192148: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[295] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192149: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[296] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192150: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[297] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192151: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[298] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192152: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[299] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192153: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[300] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192154: [info] main.mm:checkClientListening(74): Failed attempt no.[301] to connect to the client. Reason for failure [not installed or not running.]
V1011:140311_192154: [warn] main.mm:main(171): Client is down.
V1011:140311_192305: [warn] postinstall:Install::runCmd(66): Failed command: [/Users/oberon131313/Applications/Akamai/checkclientstatus.app/Contents/MacOS/checkclientstatus]
V1011:140311_192305: [eror] postinstall:main::installMain(197): Couldn't start client.
V1011:140311_192305: [info] postinstall:main::restoreFileState(221): Restoring saved file state from snapshot.
V1011:140311_192305: [info] postinstall:main::restoreFileState(233): Removing invalid file state to prepare for restore.
V1011:140311_192305: [info] postinstall:Install::runCmd(62): /bin/rm -rf /Users/oberon131313/Applications/Akamai/accepteula.txt
V1011:140311_192305: [info] postinstall:Install::runCmd(62): /bin/rm -rf /Users/oberon131313/Applications/Akamai/admintool
V1011:140311_192305: [info] postinstall:Install::runCmd(62): /bin/rm -rf /Users/oberon131313/Applications/Akamai/Akamai NetSession Uninstaller.app
V1011:140311_192305: [info] postinstall:Install::runCmd(62): /bin/rm -rf /Users/oberon131313/Applications/Akamai/checkclientstatus.app
V1011:140311_192305: [info] postinstall:Install::runCmd(62): /bin/rm -rf /Users/oberon131313/Applications/Akamai/client.ini
V1011:140311_192305: [info] postinstall:Install::runCmd(62): /bin/rm -rf /Users/oberon131313/Applications/Akamai/installer_uploader
V1011:140311_192305: [info] postinstall:Install::runCmd(62): /bin/rm -rf /Users/oberon131313/Applications/Akamai/macui.app
V1011:140311_192305: [info] postinstall:Install::runCmd(62): /bin/rm -rf /Users/oberon131313/Applications/Akamai/netsession_mac
V1011:140311_192305: [info] postinstall:Install::runCmd(62): /bin/rm -rf /Users/oberon131313/Applications/Akamai/user.dat
V1011:140311_192305: [info] postinstall:Install::runCmd(62): /bin/rm -rf /Users/oberon131313/Library/LaunchAgents/com.akamai.single-user-client.plist
V1011:140311_192305: [info] postinstall:Install::runCmd(62): /bin/rm -rf /Users/oberon131313/Library/PreferencePanes/AkamaiNetSession.prefPane
V1011:140311_192305: [info] postinstall:main::restoreFileState(281): No backed up application directory '/Users/oberon131313/Applications/Akamai/Backup' found; not restoring any file state.

/Users/oberon131313/Applications/Akamai/com.akamai.single-user-client.plist content:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">

and verified that /Users/oberon131313/Applications/Akamai/netsession_mac exists. Feeling pretty at a loss right now.

03-19-2014, 08:40 PM
After manually trying to install Akamai Netsessions, I get the option to "Install for me only..." whish really isn't an option, as the 'Continue' button is greyed-out. There is a padlock icon in the upper right hand of the Netsession installer window, which Technical support assures me is from Gatekeeper. I am not a programmer, nor do I desire to be... Will Turbine please make an update that will fix this problem? The race is on, because if it isn't fixed by the time Elder Scrolls Online launches, I and several other frustrated users, are jumping ship...