View Full Version : DC Cleric Build - Thau

03-05-2014, 01:19 PM
Sorry for the non original thread title. Thau just the name of the character.

OK, originally this build was dreamed up for a FVS to be a combo nuker/DC character that would improve upon the low saves versus the 2 Pally splash. I needed a cleric life on my way to completionist and tried out the concept with Cleric rather than FvS. Am very certain once I finish TRing that I will go back to cleric. 3 Level 9 spells is very awesome in todays end game. Energry Drain everything or scroll enervation if not worried about failing a concentration check.

This build was not intended as a EE solo build and is suited to my playstlye of nuke first, instant kill later. A combo playstyle if you will. Now I uderstand that Divine Nuking and DC casting is not optimal in level 28 EE's but I enjoy the class and like playing in a party. Parties are an evil thing in todays DDO for sure but some groups are just awesome and make up for those groups that can't tie a shoe properly.

Thau has the following PL's: 3x Wiz, 3x Sorc, 2 Pally and 1 everything else. Cleric and the Druid are the last classes to TR into/out of prior to completionist. One day after the raids are farmed out I will probably finish TRing... Maybe.

Going by memory, will clean this up later:
Race: PDK
Class: 18 Cleric / 1 Monk / 1 Wiz
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Twists: Tsunami or Burst, Brace and Magister DC

Monk qualifies you for the Stance Feats, Deflect Arrows or Dodge
Wiz gives you Jump Spell, Extra Feat
18 Cleric is 3 level 9 spells, 18 FvS is only 1 level 9.
PDK gives +2 to Saves

Level Order: Cleric L1-6, Monk L7, Cleric 8-19, Wiz L20

STR: 8
DEX: 12
CON: 14
INT: 12
WIS: 18
CHA: 14

All level ups into Wis.

Feats (in order):
L1: Max and Emp
L3: Quicken
L6: Heighten
L7: Deflect Arrows (Monk Bonus)
L9: Adapt of Forms
L12: PL Wiz
L15: Master of Forms
L18: Grandmaster of Forms
L20: Enlarge (Wiz Bonus)
L21: Emp Heal (for Cacoon but swappable see L24 feat)
L24: SF Evo, Necro or Completionist (would have to drop Emp Heal if you comp to keep SF stuff twistable: Comp at 21 and SF Evo or Necro at 24)
ED1: Guardian Angel
L27: Ruin
ED2: Spell Power force

Around 700-750HP depending on gear and PL (800ish with Yugo)
2600 SP
Saves (ship + GH running): 56/50/70
5% Dodge without the feat or Item (can improve for sure)
56 Wis with +5 Tome and no ED Points invested (can be higher)
60 Wis with store and Yugo Pot burning. (-4 Reflex Save)

My DC's are really lacking at the moment (sub 60 Evo) so I rely on Negative Levels to help clear trash. Once the new raid gear is in hand I will drop a Brace and Cacoon to work in more DC's and hopefully break or reach 60 Evo. Not min maxed, just my build.

Edit: must remain Centered with this build

03-05-2014, 01:32 PM
If you really want DC's, drop Brace and Cacoon. Once Divine Avenger gets released this will change. But for now run in Exaulted with +3 Dc from Magister and +2 Dc from Draconic with Burst. Cacoon is strong yes, but Renewal is also strong. I run a FVS with just Renewal, and you have cleric aura that I don't. Drop the Wizard and take a second level of monk. Evasion is just too strong in EE where the spells and traps can pop you.

I think Emp Heal is debatable. If you have some heal amp you should be fine. I don't even have a 30% item (only have one pair of convo parry bracers, and my monkcher gets em)
and I do fine.

Also you don't have a PDK bonus feat listed, what did you take?

Overall looks super similar to what I am running, so I like it :p

03-05-2014, 01:35 PM
Seems a shame to only take 1 level monk and not go for 2 to get the extra feat (I'd likely take dodge in a build like this) and evasion. That will still leave you with 2 lvl 9 spells only losing one lvl 9 spell.

I would also recommend not taking enlarge. I think doubling up on the SF line to help your DC's would be more valuable.

03-05-2014, 02:31 PM
Thanks for the feed back. There is a lot of room for improvement so I appreciate everyones comments. Cacoon became a crutch for me in Raids with Enlarge. I will try running without it and picking up the DC twists.

I do realise how strong evasion is, when I get back to TRing I will try an evasion based build.

My DC Breakdown today is:

10 base
9 Spell level
25 Mod (pots running)
3 Sorc
1 Wiz
5 Item
1 SF Evo
2 Augment
56 Sum

Where I can easily improve:
3 from 6 Wisdom in ED
3 from Precise Casting

Theoretical New Evo DC: 62

More farming Needed:
ED PL's for 4th twist slot and possible Acute Instinct (havent done the math on fate point costs)

03-05-2014, 03:35 PM
Cacoon became a crutch for me in Raids with Enlarge. I will try running without it and picking up the DC twists.

Got to make sure that you don't find yourself responsible for managing peoples recklessness or stupidity as a healer. If I am fool enough to get far enough away from the healer and I need the healing help, if something happens to me, that is on me.

I do realise how strong evasion is, when I get back to TRing I will try an evasion based build.

Might want to just give it a try. Fortunately you have a ton of self healing, so it is not super critical. But there is a lot of spells and such that can be evaded, and therefore theoretically free up time your would be focusing on healing yourself to do something else. I would not take it just because, but if you are already going to splash in 1 lvl of monk, the extra dodge and evasion I think would be likely worth it. You can alwasy LR +1 or TR out of it and pick up an additional cleric pl if you find that it costs you too much and does not give enough return.

Where I can easily improve:
3 from 6 Wisdom in ED
3 from Precise Casting

Theroretical New Evo DC: 62

More farming Needed:
ED PL's for 4th twist slot and possible Acute Instinct (havent done the math on fate point costs)

Don't forget Evocation Specialist from Magister. Precise casting only adds +2, ESpec adds +3. +5 between the both of them. Would rather even slot in Precise Casting than Acute Instinct. AI will only add +2 to your wisdom for a +1 DC and only when raged, PC is +2 all the time.

03-05-2014, 03:50 PM
I am really thinking about Evasion and my 50ish reflex. Now you have me wanting to TR! Gah

Thanks again for the feedback.

03-05-2014, 08:54 PM
More farming Needed:

I wouldn't farm Alchemical now, unless you're planning on using it while ERing a lot. Alchemical is about to become obsolete as end-game gear when U21 comes out in a few days. +1 stacking DC from Alchemical can't compete with +2 stacking universal DC and +6 equipment school DC on the new raid crafted weapons.

Sadly, that also means the arcanes pull yet another point of DC ahead of divines.

03-05-2014, 09:01 PM
Cacoon is strong yes, but Renewal is also strong. I run a FVS with just Renewal, and you have cleric aura that I don't.

One can swap in Cocoon for raids if they like, and do without it for regular questing. But, yes, agreed, you usually don't need Cocoon if you have Renewal.

Though, don't jump to the conclusion that he has the Radiant Servant aura. Especially on a DC build. My DC Cleric doesn't, as I prefer the DC-boosting Tier 5 from DD.

I think Emp Heal is debatable.

I think I'd rate Empower Healing higher than Empower...but both can be lived without.

03-05-2014, 09:06 PM
I wouldn't farm Alchemical now, unless you're planning on using it while ERing a lot.

Sadly, that also means the arcanes pull yet another point of DC ahead of divines.

I don't really need it, and totally missed the LoB/MA raid train when they were popular so the chances are really slim of that every happening. I do want to get epic Completionist one day though. But in the mean time, I can hang out around 63 Evo while I farm the raids that are coming. I do plan on getting the Caster Armor, and +6 DC stuff. Very much looking forward to almost being decent.

Oh, and don't forget soundburst stun + Energy Burst will be all kinds of cool after Monday

03-10-2014, 06:10 AM
Seems a shame to only take 1 level monk and not go for 2 to get the extra feat (I'd likely take dodge in a build like this) and evasion. That will still leave you with 2 lvl 9 spells only losing one lvl 9 spell.

I would also recommend not taking enlarge. I think doubling up on the SF line to help your DC's would be more valuable.

If someone wants to heal raids as well, enlarge is very helpful. You just have to remember to turn it off on your non-healing spells or just turn off the metamagic entirely when not raid healing. It allowed me to solo heal several EE FOT.

If you opt not to take enlarge, cocoon is bugged and can go through walls and further range. So you can use that to hit people far away.

03-10-2014, 09:54 AM
Enlarge is just too much fun. With enlarge toggled on, I can cast Destruction outside of Anti-magic range as well as heal FoT from the middle/side. Maybe Enlarge is like the lazy feat, I don't have to run all over the place with it.

Worst part about Enlarge is forgetting to turn it off....

I have gotten used to running without cocoon now. Next step be getting used to no renewal after the changes to EA. Getting better, slowly. Still need a party to deal with a lot of HP but maybe that is OK.

03-10-2014, 10:09 AM
Thanks for the feed back. There is a lot of room for improvement so I appreciate everyones comments. Cacoon became a crutch for me in Raids with Enlarge. I will try running without it and picking up the DC twists.

I do realise how strong evasion is, when I get back to TRing I will try an evasion based build.

My DC Breakdown today is:

10 base
9 Spell level
25 Mod (pots running)
3 Sorc
1 Wiz
5 Item
1 SF Evo
2 Augment
56 Sum

Where I can easily improve:
3 from 6 Wisdom in ED
3 from Precise Casting

Theoretical New Evo DC: 62

More farming Needed:
ED PL's for 4th twist slot and possible Acute Instinct (havent done the math on fate point costs)

Do you have grandmaster of forms +4 wis possible in there?

03-10-2014, 01:26 PM
Yeah, the 56 WIS score in my original post included the +4 from Grandmaster.

18 base
5 Tome
7 Level Ups
2 Ship Buff
3 Insight
1 Exceptional Augment
10 Item
4 Grand Master
6 Enhancement (2 from DD, 2 from RS, 1 War, 1 Human)
56 WIS Standing (prior to pots)
2 store pot
2 Yugo

60 WIS (+25 Stat Mod for DC calc)

A pure cleric would only be down 2 from this total.

Not considering Completionist in the calculation, it isn't a feat I have access to at the moment. When I start TRing again and reach Completionist, I will switch out store pots for the +2 from Completionist.