View Full Version : Raid Sunday - 11 a.m. EST

02-23-2014, 01:20 PM
Perhaps you want to join us!

Haus Feuerfuchs will run heroic (and later epic) raids, one by one, every Sunday. Goal is to at least run every raid in the game once. We already did Chronoscope last week on HH (and an after-raid on HE) and Tempest Spine on HE today. Next raid will be run on Sunday, March 2nd, 2014, 11 a.m. EST. This will be ADQ on heroic (depending on group Hard or Elite).

Here the list of raids for the weeks to follow:

VON 5+6
Reavers Fate

While the Raid Sunday originally was proposed by some guildies to be for guild members primarly, we will open the raid group to anybody willing to join, as long as we have slots on the group left. If we can find enough players willing to run with us, we may even open 2 parallel groups or 2 different raids (on different difficulty levels or level ranges). The goal is to revive somewhat the raid scene on Wayfinder.

If you are interested in either raiding with us or doing your own raids and if you are still looking for raiders to join, please feel free to post a comment here. And please feel free to join any of our Sunday Raids.

02-24-2014, 02:22 AM
Good luck guys :D

That is some ungodly hour of the night for us bout midnight but will let the rest of the guild know !!


Hard & Ooh

02-24-2014, 03:58 AM
Good luck guys :D

That is some ungodly hour of the night for us bout midnight but will let the rest of the guild know !!


Hard & Ooh

Thank you for telling your guild. Superiority Complex is always welcome to the raids!

If we can organize, we will have two different sunday raid times in the future, one as early as 3 a.m. EST or 4 a.m. EST is discussed. This would be in the morning for those guys at our guild currently organizing the raids, so we still need to find players wantnig to organize this on a regular base. If we can come up with organizing at another time, I will post here and you are most welcome to join us! If anybody else wants to organize earlier raids, you are welcome to post the times (and raids) here. Haus Feuerfuchs members eager to join will certainly welcome any such opportunity.

Keep on with the good work!


02-27-2014, 07:29 AM
Habt ihr denn irgendwelche Level Voraussetzungen?

Wenn nicht wäre ich aufjedenfall an Vault of Night und Twilight Forge interessiert :)

02-27-2014, 08:13 AM
Habt ihr denn irgendwelche Level Voraussetzungen?

Wenn nicht wäre ich aufjedenfall an Vault of Night und Twilight Forge interessiert :)

Eigentlich nicht, wenn man von den Mindestlevel absieht. Nachdem VON aber sicher auch mal in Episch gelaufen wird, kann man da vielleicht differenzieren. TF ist sicher offen für alle interessierten Teilnehmer, ab lv. 10, würde ich sagen. Auch epische Toons willkommen.

02-28-2014, 09:42 AM
Count me in, and I have a friend I'll try to bring along also.

03-01-2014, 06:46 AM
Sorry, but due to private date and time problems with the guys organizing the raid we have to switch the date of this Sunday´s raid.

If possible, we will try to make a second raid ADQ on heroic (!) on Sunday as well, perhaps one hour late, at 12 a.m. EST. But this currently is not fixed yet.

03-02-2014, 07:01 AM
And the proposed further raids, as far as we can say today:

In about 2 weeks: Twilight Forge (be flagged, 2 quests one time in your lifetime on Restless Islands)
In about 3 weeks: Heroic TOR (flagging required)
In about 4 weeks: Abott (flagging - we will check on how many want to run this, we need at least 8 participants or somebody knowing the raid, because in our guild afaik nobody ever ran this)

We will check if we can come up with extra dates and times for epic Chronoscope, ADQ and VON.

The goal still is to run and complete every single raid at least once.

03-03-2014, 02:03 AM
Here on this forum a big Thank You! to all contributing and running the raids with us. So far it had been fun and was a very good opportunity for a lot of folks to run these Raids first time and to learn. Please keep comming!