View Full Version : Healing pally (thoughts?)

02-18-2014, 08:30 PM
Hello! Im wondering what you all think about this build. Now my idea is a secondary healer (able to heal at easier quests, needs other healers for big ones and raids) My build is as follows:

Paliden 13, Cleric 7. Halfling
Take dragonmarks of healer and the cleric healing aura.

02-19-2014, 02:20 PM
I wouldn't recommend it that class split. A Paladin really wants at least 15 Paladin levels, so you can pick up your 4th level spells. Just one more level and you get Zeal, for 10% doublestrike.

Anyways, if you want to melee, while also being able to back-up heal...it's a question of how much melee and healing you want. A Paladin can back-up heal / save someone with lay on hands, cure serious and cure moderate wounds, and rejuvenating cacoon. I've sometimes been in a group with my Paladin where I'm keeping one other person in the group healed up (typically a Fighter) without having any Cleric or FVS levels. A couple of things that will help is building a Concordant Opposition tier 3 Greensteel item, and working your way around the ED system to pick up Cacoon.

Alternatively, if you want more healing ability, I would make a battle cleric or FVS.

02-19-2014, 03:07 PM
That's not what the OP wanted however. As for a Paladin healing enough levels of cleric to get the aura is good. Paladin 15 and Cleric 5 would give you this, so that is the best option. You would also need magical training as well as magical toughness, improved magical toughness and epic magical toughness and access to the Exalted Angel epic destiny tree to be effective which would make your melee suffer a bit which is why most would not do this as it requires too many feats on a feat starved class. So while you can do that, it's not likely the best use of your resources.

02-19-2014, 03:18 PM
Hello! Im wondering what you all think about this build. Now my idea is a secondary healer (able to heal at easier quests, needs other healers for big ones and raids) My build is as follows:

Paliden 13, Cleric 7. Halfling
Take dragonmarks of healer and the cleric healing aura.

If you want to be a support healer i don't recommend paladin, only those lvls of cleric are not enough IMO.

If the idea behind this split is a divine build focused on melee i recomend fvs or cleric 18/2 or 16/2/2, the paladin DPS sux so hard that is not worth it.

02-19-2014, 03:32 PM
From a dps stand point yes, but most healers want more surviveability, not dps making Paladin an attractive choice but unless you are hard set on main Paladin it's much better to splash 2-3 levels of Paladin into a cleric or Favored Soul. But in this case the OP wanted a Paladin to be a healer, so that is what they got.

02-20-2014, 11:42 AM
If you want to be a support healer i don't recommend paladin, only those lvls of cleric are not enough IMO.

If the idea behind this split is a divine build focused on melee i recomend fvs or cleric 18/2 or 16/2/2, the paladin DPS sux so hard that is not worth it.

/Agreed. If I want a character to provide solid healing with the ability to melee (i.e. but not dedicated healbot), I would build a melee-focused cleric or fvs.

02-20-2014, 01:19 PM
Paliden 13, Cleric 7. Halfling
Take dragonmarks of healer and the cleric healing aura.
This is a bad level split, IMHO. On the pally side, you get very little that's worthwhile between lvls 6 (defensive stance) and 14 (Zeal), which is why I consider those more optimal break points. On the cleric side, while you can take RS aura with a minimum of 5 cleric lvls, its healing output is scaled by CL (1 HP per 3 cleric lvls), so it would be pretty weak.

If you're committed to the idea of DMed halfling, then something like Radiant Titan (https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/427304-Radiant-Titan-revisited-Clr17-Pal2-Ftr1-melee-healing-spec) or - if you want a heavily pally splash - maybe cleric 13 / pal 6 / ftr 1 would work better, IMHO.

02-20-2014, 02:17 PM
Hello! Im wondering what you all think about this build. Now my idea is a secondary healer (able to heal at easier quests, needs other healers for big ones and raids) My build is as follows:

Paliden 13, Cleric 7. Halfling
Take dragonmarks of healer and the cleric healing aura.

You can be quite serviceable as a backup healer (or emergency primary healer, when you can't get a cleric/fvs in your party)
with a rogue splash, full UMD, and a couple stacks of Heal scrolls. Agreed, if you are going 13 Paladin, stick around for 2
more levels - Zeal and Cure Serious Wounds are very nice to have. If you work your way around the ED horn to
pick up Rejuvenation Cocoon, your Heal-adin abilities can really start to shine.

Pick up a stack or two of Reconstruct scrolls (since youl have the UMD for it) and fix up the robots, too.
That really messes with their heads. :D


02-20-2014, 04:17 PM
You can be quite serviceable as a backup healer (or emergency primary healer, when you can't get a cleric/fvs in your party)
with a rogue splash, full UMD, and a couple stacks of Heal scrolls. Agreed, if you are going 13 Paladin, stick around for 2
more levels - Zeal and Cure Serious Wounds are very nice to have. If you work your way around the ED horn to
pick up Rejuvenation Cocoon, your Heal-adin abilities can really start to shine.

Pick up a stack or two of Reconstruct scrolls (since youl have the UMD for it) and fix up the robots, too.
That really messes with their heads. :D


That's what regenerating LOH is for.

Agreed that it a bad class split, either go battle cleric/fvs or go 15/5.

02-20-2014, 07:47 PM
Agreed, with 5 cleric levels alone the aura would be weak, which is why you would need to stay in the Exalted Angel tree for the innate ability it has that grants additional caster levels which cannot be twisted.

02-21-2014, 09:22 AM
Agreed, with 5 cleric levels alone the aura would be weak, which is why you would need to stay in the Exalted Angel tree for the innate ability it has that grants additional caster levels which cannot be twisted.
Even with that, 5 cleric lvls + 5 EA lvls + 3 Intense Healing = 13 CL for auras and no bursts. There's probably gear which can goose that a bit higher, but I have a hard time imagining that's gonna be adequate anywhere but the easiest epics. Meanwhile you're in a lousy ED for melee with a melee class which is already behind the DPS curve. It just seems like a recipe for failure & frustration to me.

Now, if OP just wants a DMed halfing pally, that's pretty easy; or a DMed pally / Warpriest with Ameliorating Strike. But making a secondary healer requires a more serious investment in cleric, IMHO.

05-27-2014, 12:57 PM
with pally the real worth is 15. Maybe 14. With they're heal amp and a devotion item cacoon is going to hit you for around 148 most of the time, with bursts in the 200's Lay on hands can be accumulated and regen, and if you really need it a burst of cure serious or just moderate.

So healing isn't the problem. The problem is dmg. Right off your going to want to give up 2 levels for evasion. The saves are more then their. That leaves you with 3 levels left. If you went fighter, you could get some extra boosts, combat dc's, lil bit of dmg. Or you could go ranger and go for a manyshot burst build. The dmg isn't so much what your looking for in that as a quick means to use it to replenish fury. And it just really open up on bosses.

I don't mind the build, it's good, but it's definitely tight on the feats, and could use some more ap. The problem is 2 things. One being chooseing defense vs offense. Unfortunatly Fury attacks do not work in def stance. And thats an extra 25 PRR and some saves. Goes a long way in taking the edge off of EE blows. Dmg isn't that bad with a cleaver. Id say as a horc I average about 91 to 98 dmg base a swing.

The second is UMD. You don't really need it, but having a solid 40 would help alot in buffs like true seeing and GH. I can still do it, but its not always a sure thing. Still more lives would help with that and the stat distrib. As much as you need for manyshot and then full in str. I believe without ED's he's got about 49 str. Throw in furys and its 54. And it can grow with some extra gear to max out cha for divine might.

Also in hindsight I believe I would go human the next time around. Probably save a few AP, one more feat, and extra str and cha with boost useage. Goal is always to stun in EE. The problem though is that it's possible to obtain the same dmg if not more, and have a solid defense without worrying about furys, ect. Which is probably why people always get ticked about the monk builds lol.