View Full Version : Am I choosing the Correct Mac Download Option?

02-05-2014, 12:45 PM
Hello DDO Mac players & Forum readers, I need your help. Please be kind, this is my 1st post. I have been playing DDO on my Mac through Parallels for years now. I have an older Mac Beta client which only connects me to Lamania, but that has been showing as closed for several days now. I have read through many Mac DDO forums trying to determine how I can download the newest Mac Beta which would allow me to connect to the production, i.e. live, servers, but my attempts have not succeeded. When I visited the Turbine DDO Download page I choose the Mac (High Resolution) option, HTML code shown below for the curious:

<a class="button-download-mac" href="http://content.turbine.com/sites/clientdl/ddo/ddohigh.dmg" id="button-download-mac" style="background-image: url(/sites/default/files/btn-download.png);">High Resolution (Mac)</a>

This started to download "DDO-Live.DMG". Clicking on this created a mountable image on my desktop called "DDO-Live", which when opened asked me to move the application DDO-Live to my desktop. This in turn is now downloading "DDO Unlimited" to the reported tune of 8,156 MB. Only 5 to 6 hours to go, but the bigger question I have is what will this give me once this is downloaded? Is this the DDO Client which will actually connect me to the Live servers?

Here is what I'm running on:
Mac Pro (Early 2008)
Processor: 2 x 2.8 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon
Memory: 8 GB 800 MHz DDR2 FB-DIMM
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680 2048 MB
Software: OS X 10.9.1 (13B42)

Thanks for any help or advice in advance

02-05-2014, 01:04 PM
This started to download "DDO-Live.DMG". Clicking on this created a mountable image on my desktop called "DDO-Live", which when opened asked me to move the application DDO-Live to my desktop. This in turn is now downloading "DDO Unlimited" to the reported tune of 8,156 MB. Only 5 to 6 hours to go, but the bigger question I have is what will this give me once this is downloaded? Is this the DDO Client which will actually connect me to the Live servers?

I've not used the Mac client, but DDO Unlimited is the right name for the client for the live servers under Windows, and 8,156 MB is about the right size (my install folder under Windows is 9.98 GB), so I'd say you're on the right track.

02-13-2014, 01:09 PM
Hello DDO Mac players & Forum readers, I need your help. Please be kind, this is my 1st post. I have been playing DDO on my Mac through Parallels for years now. I have an older Mac Beta client which only connects me to Lamania, but that has been showing as closed for several days now. I have read through many Mac DDO forums trying to determine how I can download the newest Mac Beta which would allow me to connect to the production, i.e. live, servers, but my attempts have not succeeded. When I visited the Turbine DDO Download page I choose the Mac (High Resolution) option, HTML code shown below for the curious:

<a class="button-download-mac" href="http://content.turbine.com/sites/clientdl/ddo/ddohigh.dmg" id="button-download-mac" style="background-image: url(/sites/default/files/btn-download.png);">High Resolution (Mac)</a>

This started to download "DDO-Live.DMG". Clicking on this created a mountable image on my desktop called "DDO-Live", which when opened asked me to move the application DDO-Live to my desktop. This in turn is now downloading "DDO Unlimited" to the reported tune of 8,156 MB. Only 5 to 6 hours to go, but the bigger question I have is what will this give me once this is downloaded? Is this the DDO Client which will actually connect me to the Live servers?

Here is what I'm running on:
Mac Pro (Early 2008)
Processor: 2 x 2.8 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon
Memory: 8 GB 800 MHz DDR2 FB-DIMM
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680 2048 MB
Software: OS X 10.9.1 (13B42)

Thanks for any help or advice in advance

How did this work out for you? The DDO-Live thing is relatively new. There used to be a direct download link but it broke and stayed broken for months. I am curious if the new arrangement works.

02-16-2014, 02:15 PM
How did this work out for you? The DDO-Live thing is relatively new. There used to be a direct download link but it broke and stayed broken for months. I am curious if the new arrangement works.
Hi... I don't usually hang out here at DDO, but rather over at LOTRO - Mac Technical Support.

Basically, the "new" "High Resolution" download for DDO is the same as for LOTRO -- it uses Pando Media Booster (PMB) to download the client. PMB is basically a "torrent style" downloader. When it works, it tends to be VERY slow for the Mac, because it is dependent upon other Mac Users to allow PMB to upload their copies of the DDO client! However, the PMB structure is problematic. If you followed Apples upgrade instructions for Java back in the spring of 2013, PMB wont' work at all. When you launch it -- nothing happens.

That said, the Happy Cloud download should work with no problems -- just don't believe that it is done and that you can go ahead and play when it claims you can. The HC download is pretty quick, as they have their own servers providing the download. (The DDO download is much smaller than the LOTRO download. The starting LOTRO download is 17.8 Gig, and then you patch!)

A collection of notes about the Mac Client under LOTRO is here: http://lotro-wiki.com/index.php/Mac_Client
I haven't been playing DDO lately, so I don't have a similar page of DDO notes. But since they two clients are basically the same, some of the "caveats" are the same.

02-16-2014, 03:13 PM
BTW, I just checked -- Steam DOES offer a Mac Client download for DDO as well as LOTRO.

The Steam download is the fastest way to download the Mac Client as they have their own network of servers hosting the client.

Once downloaded, you don't really need to play via the Steam interface, just lock the DDO icon in the dock on your first launch.
Or launch it from within the Steam structure on your disk.
See: http://lotro-wiki.com/index.php/Mac_Client#LOTRO_Mac_Client_is_also_available_as_a _download_via_STEAM

Just launch "DNDLauncher.app" directly.

Remember, as with the LOTRO Mac Client, the Steam download is "ancient history" -- it still needs to be patched to the current release level.

02-17-2014, 08:37 AM
How did this work out for you? The DDO-Live thing is relatively new. There used to be a direct download link but it broke and stayed broken for months. I am curious if the new arrangement works.

Hello, although it took awhile for the download, it is working very well. There are a few, mostly underground so far, places where the screen image goes gray, but these have been mentioned previously in other threads. On the my setup I'm getting good FPS overall. Generally I'm seeing 50 to 75 in quests and 25 in congested areas like Storm reach Marketplace. So, I am a happy customer once more and am putting more time into the game. Thanks for the help!!

04-10-2014, 10:31 AM
Resurrecting this old thread to make sure people have the latest information:

As of today, we now have three options to download the Mac client:

To begin with, you can find our main client download page here. (https://www.ddo.com/en/game/download)

1. Play as you install: There is a Happy Cloud-enabled version of the Mac client here (http://thehappycloud.com/ddo_mac_en_installer). This version allows you to begin playing DDO quickly, while the rest of the client downloads in the background.

2. Install, then play: This is a full download version of the game for Mac. It can be found here (http://content.turbine.com/sites/clientdl/ddo/ddolive.dmg). This version does not currently utilize Akamai, but we expect to replace this version with an Akamai version in the future.

3. Steam: Launch your steam client and you can find a Mac version of the game on Steam here (http://store.steampowered.com/app/206480/).