02-03-2014, 10:22 PM
This thread is for discussing paladin enhancements. Any comments are appreciated. I'd especially welcome suggestions for possible changes to my formatting. I hope this is easy for everyone to read.
Also, please note that not *all* paladin enhancements will be listed here, just the ones that are significant (to me) in some way. There is no point in making comments on Action Boosts or skill-increasing enhancements, for instance, since everyone knows what they do, and most of the time they work. The only enhancements I'll talk about are the ones I think need to be changed, or are especially useful or interesting.
General Comments:
Most of these enhancements I recognize from the old system, and that's good. What's bad is that paladins didn't get much that they didn't already have. Furthermore, Paladins actually *lost* some positive energy spellpower, since the only source of it they have is in the Stalwart Defender tree, and they only gain it at a rate of 1 spellpower per point spent. Compare that to rangers, who get a TON of positive energy spellpower in the Deepwood Stalker tree. Overall, it seems to me that paladins are mostly redundant now, now that cleics and fvs have the Warpriest tree.
Knight of the Chalice
[Core Abilities]
1) Slayer of Evil I ----> II ----> III
Comments: One of complaints about paladins under the old enhancement system was that people wished that KotC and HotD (Hunter of the Dead) were combined into one. There is no such thing as an undead evil outsider (that I know of). It would be nice if the player could gain the benefits of both Fiendslayer and Hunter of the Dead as part of the KotC capstone.
2) Hunter of the Dead III
Comments: This should have a DC similar to Holy Retribution, at least. It's a lvl 18 core ability, after all.
3) Champion of Good
Comments: See the above comments on Slayer of Evil. Also, iirc this is the same paladin capstone from the previous enhancement system. It's nice and all, but it's just extra static damage. Perhaps something could be added to it?
[Tier 1]
1) Divine Light
Comments: This used to be it's own ability. Good thing it's a passive addition to Turn Undead now.
2) Attack Boost
Comments: Between the attack bonuses from improved Rally, Divine Might and the to-hit bonus from Smite Evil, this has very little use or utility.
[Tier 2]
1) Divine Might
Comments: This is a lot cheaper now, thankfully. Too bad the insight bonus doesn't stack with epic stat gear.
2) Rally
Comments: This used to be useless. Now it's a lot like a group action boost. I especially like the attack and damage bonuses.
[Tier 3]
1) Improved Restoration
Comments: Very nice.
2) Divine Sacrifice ----> Passion
Comments: Divine Sacrifice is useful burst damage, and isn't limited by smite uses. Passion... eh, I think it should be changed so that it has a percent chance to proc upon a successful use of Divine Sacrifice, with an increased chance of activating when used against undead or evil outsiders. This would make Passion a bit more useful in content with no undead or evil outsiders.
[Tier 4]
1) Censure Demons ----> Censure Outsiders
Comments: I am very grateful that C.D. has been turned into a passive effect. However, I think that these two enhancement should be combined into one, and something else put in the fifth tier. Like an AoE Smite Evil. Now wouldn't that be fun? :D
[Tier 5]
1) Holy Retribution
Comments: This ability has too many requirements to activate. First, on the first two tiers it only has a % chance to activate. Secondly, it has an HP requirement. Unless one has the monster manual maxed out, it's hard to time the activation of HR. Finally, it requires a use of Turn Undead, which is a limited resource for paladins. I would suggest removing the HP requirement, then increasing the cooldown to be similar to Assasinate.
Sacred Defender
Comments: This tree has a lot of impressive defensive abilities useful for tanking. What it does wrong is not giving the player any *offensive* abilities that fit into the S&B playstyle. Stalwart Defender did this, even if it didn't do it very well. Also, most of my comments on Stalwart Defender tree in this thread https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/435199-Enhancement-feedback-project-volume-7-Fighter can be applied to Sacred Defender as well.
Also, please note that not *all* paladin enhancements will be listed here, just the ones that are significant (to me) in some way. There is no point in making comments on Action Boosts or skill-increasing enhancements, for instance, since everyone knows what they do, and most of the time they work. The only enhancements I'll talk about are the ones I think need to be changed, or are especially useful or interesting.
General Comments:
Most of these enhancements I recognize from the old system, and that's good. What's bad is that paladins didn't get much that they didn't already have. Furthermore, Paladins actually *lost* some positive energy spellpower, since the only source of it they have is in the Stalwart Defender tree, and they only gain it at a rate of 1 spellpower per point spent. Compare that to rangers, who get a TON of positive energy spellpower in the Deepwood Stalker tree. Overall, it seems to me that paladins are mostly redundant now, now that cleics and fvs have the Warpriest tree.
Knight of the Chalice
[Core Abilities]
1) Slayer of Evil I ----> II ----> III
Comments: One of complaints about paladins under the old enhancement system was that people wished that KotC and HotD (Hunter of the Dead) were combined into one. There is no such thing as an undead evil outsider (that I know of). It would be nice if the player could gain the benefits of both Fiendslayer and Hunter of the Dead as part of the KotC capstone.
2) Hunter of the Dead III
Comments: This should have a DC similar to Holy Retribution, at least. It's a lvl 18 core ability, after all.
3) Champion of Good
Comments: See the above comments on Slayer of Evil. Also, iirc this is the same paladin capstone from the previous enhancement system. It's nice and all, but it's just extra static damage. Perhaps something could be added to it?
[Tier 1]
1) Divine Light
Comments: This used to be it's own ability. Good thing it's a passive addition to Turn Undead now.
2) Attack Boost
Comments: Between the attack bonuses from improved Rally, Divine Might and the to-hit bonus from Smite Evil, this has very little use or utility.
[Tier 2]
1) Divine Might
Comments: This is a lot cheaper now, thankfully. Too bad the insight bonus doesn't stack with epic stat gear.
2) Rally
Comments: This used to be useless. Now it's a lot like a group action boost. I especially like the attack and damage bonuses.
[Tier 3]
1) Improved Restoration
Comments: Very nice.
2) Divine Sacrifice ----> Passion
Comments: Divine Sacrifice is useful burst damage, and isn't limited by smite uses. Passion... eh, I think it should be changed so that it has a percent chance to proc upon a successful use of Divine Sacrifice, with an increased chance of activating when used against undead or evil outsiders. This would make Passion a bit more useful in content with no undead or evil outsiders.
[Tier 4]
1) Censure Demons ----> Censure Outsiders
Comments: I am very grateful that C.D. has been turned into a passive effect. However, I think that these two enhancement should be combined into one, and something else put in the fifth tier. Like an AoE Smite Evil. Now wouldn't that be fun? :D
[Tier 5]
1) Holy Retribution
Comments: This ability has too many requirements to activate. First, on the first two tiers it only has a % chance to activate. Secondly, it has an HP requirement. Unless one has the monster manual maxed out, it's hard to time the activation of HR. Finally, it requires a use of Turn Undead, which is a limited resource for paladins. I would suggest removing the HP requirement, then increasing the cooldown to be similar to Assasinate.
Sacred Defender
Comments: This tree has a lot of impressive defensive abilities useful for tanking. What it does wrong is not giving the player any *offensive* abilities that fit into the S&B playstyle. Stalwart Defender did this, even if it didn't do it very well. Also, most of my comments on Stalwart Defender tree in this thread https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/435199-Enhancement-feedback-project-volume-7-Fighter can be applied to Sacred Defender as well.