View Full Version : Fail Sorc life.

02-01-2014, 02:17 AM
Alright , turns out sorcs arent fun to play ... just not my type , yeh big numbers are fun to see and all but no..just no .
I had a pm wizard before the enhancement update, was really fun to play, really enjoyed him,but for some reason i got convinced into tr'ing into a sorc, but it didnt work out like i hoped it will , its just not fun to play sorc .Im currently lvl 21, i parked him thinking i cant do anything to make it fun except tr'ing again but i cant do that now since he's the only one thats capped and im trying to level my other toon. Then the update comes out , and i get the +20 heart , and i thought my problem is fixed ,i can get back to being a wizard , but no , turns out you cant change race with lesser hearts, and yeh im a wf sorc.
Now im trying to figure out what build to go after that works with wf , i really want it to be another pm wizard but i cant figure out how thatll work with wf, and ive been on the forums for a while trying to find a way to turn that boring sorc back into the fun wizard i had ,so any ideas are really appreciated.

02-01-2014, 03:17 AM
Alright , turns out sorcs arent fun to play ... just not my type , yeh big numbers are fun to see and all but no..just no .
I had a pm wizard before the enhancement update, was really fun to play, really enjoyed him,but for some reason i got convinced into tr'ing into a sorc, but it didnt work out like i hoped it will , its just not fun to play sorc .Im currently lvl 21, i parked him thinking i cant do anything to make it fun except tr'ing again but i cant do that now since he's the only one thats capped and im trying to level my other toon. Then the update comes out , and i get the +20 heart , and i thought my problem is fixed ,i can get back to being a wizard , but no , turns out you cant change race with lesser hearts, and yeh im a wf sorc.
Now im trying to figure out what build to go after that works with wf , i really want it to be another pm wizard but i cant figure out how thatll work with wf, and ive been on the forums for a while trying to find a way to turn that boring sorc back into the fun wizard i had ,so any ideas are really appreciated.
If you use Pale Masters forms, all races become "undead" (sort of). You keep some basic racial perks, like Human has extra feat, Drow higher INT and so on.

Main Warforged "perk", in the case of Pale Master is that you can be Warforged in area with lots of light damage. There are couple of other perk, but for me this is the main one.

Warforged can be PM just fine. If you want to change race (TR), ask yourself what that specific race has to offer in undead form and do you really want it.

02-01-2014, 03:33 AM
Warforged also make outstanding Archmages. No int penalty. Repair spells. High DCs. Ring of the Master Artificer not only boosts survivability with it's clicky repair and proc-repair (and later autorepair) but also doubles as your spellpoint item, and your repair spellpower+repair crit item. Leaving your hands free for DC boosters or spellpower items. An AM can get very high Necro/Enchant DCs if you want to go that route as well. And if you use some of the WF enhancements, you can get Repair Amp, and innate fortification.

Also, don't overlook that there are some advantages to Warforged that aren't so immediately obvious. Like Docents. Yes, some of them just aren't as good as the robe counterparts. But you can also use things like the Fleshshaper's Docent (which the fleshy version is medium armor, and off-limits to fleshy wizards) and the Livewood Core.

Personally, I say give Archmage a try before you give up on the character. You may find that you like it just as much as PM, or more.

Oh, and since Archmage gets tons of universal spellpower, and crit-boosts on everything wizzies can do except for sonic and negative energy, you can use virtually every attack spell you've got without it being too weak to be worth the SP. Not that AMs have much problem with SP anyway.