View Full Version : Please Do not nerf animal form druids

01-19-2014, 09:36 AM
why u want nerf druid animal form? dps with twf chain in wolf form is lower then acrobat, acrobats get +25% DS (quickstrike)and 15% attack speed and 13-20x3 critical profile with sireth + huge sneakattaks, improved evasion.... Finally wolf build is competetive to other insine builds like acrobat with sireth or monk with quivering palm, cetus build and others. Before enhacement pass wolf build 9druid9monk2fighter was on par with superb twf, thf dps builds, enhacement pass killed this build to the ground, now build like 10druid8fighter2monk coming back! These animal build have some strong pros but also strong cons like no bludgeon damage in form, feat starved, no meele aoe dps like twohander. Please dont do a change to animal druids, its not over powered!