View Full Version : Platinum Knights is recruiting

01-09-2014, 02:38 AM
Hello Cannith! Platinum Knights is recruiting. We're a medium/large guild that has all levels of experience and we run all content. We regularly schedule guild raids. We have a guild mantra, which is posted below. If you're interested in joining, go to http://guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=330286&TabID=2766191

Thank you!

- Krackle of Cannith


This is our guild mantra, also listed on our home page. Our guild mantra is the essence of Platinum Knights, our point of reference, and what we will uphold forevermore.
We are an adventuring guild on the Cannith server. We consist of seasoned veterans as well as newbies to Eberron. We like our guild to reflect the world of Eberron; flexible, unlimited within our mantra, and adventurous. We like to learn/explore content together, and sharpen each others skills. The most important aspect to us is having fun, that's what it's all about. We believe that real life comes first. We treat guild members and all other guilds with respect. For example, we do not trash talk other players builds, or tell them how to play their characters and account. We know the difference between giving advice and suggestions versus being overbearing, arrogant, pompous, domineering, pushy, rude, or superior. We respect the party leader and don't have an elitist attitude that goes against team-play. We know how to follow instructions as well as lead. In regards to loot, we believe strongly in need before greed. Every individual Platinum Knight is a reflection of our guild as a whole, and should conduct themselves appropriately with that knowledge. Some of us do partake in the water of life. We can be rough around the edges with language and good ole fashioned ribbing. Furthermore, we can be a rowdy but mature bunch. We have a very restricted recruiting process, fully enforce our guild mantra, and want to make sure every recruit is a good fit for Platinum Knights. Furthermore, we only accept one qualifying applicant per week, this means that all applicants will be required to run with PK leadership for at least one week before being considered for membership, and we will only grant potential membership to one qualifying applicant per week. We have a minimum age requirement of 18, unless accompanied or approved by an in-guild parent or guardian. We don't mind pugging if we aren't running guild groups. We help out our guild mates when and if we can. Although we are made up of individual personalities, we believe first and foremost in the concept of team-play, and encourage it. We believe in earning our victories honestly, and do not participate in any game-play that would result in a ban, or bring harm to Platinum Knights. We would like to keep a wide range of player levels from level one to capstone. As always, new content will be sought after and focused on, but all content is encouraged as well. We respect each others play styles and adjust accordingly. In Platinum Knights, all members are on equal footing, no matter if you're free to play, premium, or vip.

*These ten things are what makes a Platinum Knight a Platinum Knight via our Mantra*
1) A Platinum Knight takes pride in his/her guild, and shows guild-mates respect always (no you don't have to 'like' everyone, but you do need to show them respect) as well as any non-guild groups/raids. Remember you're a Platinum Knight, your guild tag reflects on us all. Just because it isn't a guild group doesn't give you an excuse to show your ass!

2) A Platinum Knight does his/her best to help the guild. This includes joining guild groups/raids and giving guild-mates priority FIRST before pugging. This also means being active in guild chat as well whenever possible. (If your joining a guild just to have a tag under your name then we don't want you!)

3) A Platinum Knight will do his best to offer insight to builds/play-style/quests ect. to other members when asked, WITHOUT being overbearing and rude. It's fine to disagree, but bashing other members outright will not be tolerated.

4) A Platinum Knight respects group/raid leaders (non-guild included) and will listen to them when grouped in order for the group to achieve the ultimate success of the quest/raid.

5) A Platinum Knight respects leadership of the guild and their policies on management. Leadership does its best to lookout for ALL members of PK. Questions are encouraged along with reasonable discussion and suggestions, arguments however will not be tolerated as leadership has final authority. Platinum Knights has existed for an established time and will continue to do so with open communication and support of its members.

6) A Platinum Knight knows that Officers are here to help you. If you have a problem with someone in guild or another guild, please tell an officer what it is and it will be addressed. It is also the duty of all members to ensure PK mantra is being applied at all times, just because you may not have officer status doesn't mean you don't have the power to protect our guild.

7) A Platinum Knight knows his/her limits when joining a quest/raid. Its one thing to voice you're new to a certain quest or raid, but its quite another to be clueless and not ask questions. This could be detrimental to a group/raid sometimes and there is no excuse for not speaking up. We have our very own PK website with a plethora of information on it, READ and SEARCH out things or consult the WiKi......his name is Saehj.

8) A Platinum Knight does not use in game exploits (determined by Turbine) to his advantage in game. We hold ourselves to a higher standard and will not push 'easy button' to make things simple.

9) A Platinum Knight does not discuss disciplinary actions in game with anyone other than leadership. In game discussion of disciplinary action with anyone other than leadership may result in more warnings or your dismissal from PK. This is to ensure privacy to each and every member as mis-tells are a part of ddo.

10) A Platinum Knight is here to have fun, but not to be a burden on other members. Pranks and ribbing are encouraged to those that are accepting. It is NOT acceptable for people you don't know well and/or don't let them know you are joking, this could come off as griefing other members and will not be accepted. That said, PK's should be a little bit thick skinned and not take everything to heart or wear their feelings on their shirtsleeves. It's an online game, no one should be attacking anyone personally. If you feel your integrity is being threatened, or feel you're being treated unfairly it's YOUR responsibility to contact leadership and get it squared away.

Stand and Fight!

05-20-2014, 04:13 PM
Platinum Knights will be running The Shroud (elite) tonight at 8pm PST, if you're interested in running with us. Look for LFM by Theoman (me).

12-09-2014, 01:57 PM
We have an active guild and are looking for new active members!


01-28-2015, 12:04 PM
I just had a very enjoyable PUG experience with a large group of Platinum Knights - in a Tempsest's Spine Raid. I appreciated the nice commentary and explanations as we went along.

Great Job PK! It was great fun. Keep on keeping on!

Horkster (as Stavandal)

02-06-2015, 01:06 AM
Hard to believe I've been a part of this game for about 5 years now and been with PK for the vast majority of it. I'm certainly a better person because of it. We're not just a guild to play the game with, we're a family and always try to have the most fun out of what we're doing. Shenanagins are always had, and we don't tend to take things too serious, after all if you're not having fun then what's the point?

We're an ever growing and changing guild, over the last few years a fair amount of the veterans of PK have taken breaks from the game or just left all together. Some are coming back, and we're growing again. We're back to running regular scheduled raid trains (I'm sure some of you have seen these posted in the lfm panel over the last few weeks), we're running a static group right now and very often running spur of the moment stuff.

We're based on the Eastern Timezone, but PK is full of people from around the globe. Because of that there's nearly always some PK on to talk to or do stuff with. We're always looking for more people to join us and expand the guild.

Check us out at pkddo.guildportal.com or join in one of the raid trains we run on Sunday and Wednesday at 9:30pm EST.

- Watchfull

02-18-2015, 03:28 PM
I just had a very enjoyable PUG experience with a large group of Platinum Knights - in a Tempsest's Spine Raid. I appreciated the nice commentary and explanations as we went along.

Great Job PK! It was great fun. Keep on keeping on!

Horkster (as Stavandal)

Thanks for your kind words!

03-31-2015, 04:10 PM
We've got a great bunch of players and a big fancy ship. Our members are cooperative and regularly group together and with players across the server.

We strive to set a good example for fun play and a positive attitude.

03-31-2015, 10:33 PM
Platinum Knights also runs scheduled raids twice a week. We have a calendar we use to sign up for these, but signups are not required. We often open them up to non-guildies.

07-11-2015, 06:04 AM
The Platinum Knights have a new website!

We moved our website from Guildportal to Shivtr for better options and reliability.