View Full Version : Well, it's an achievement to me...

01-08-2014, 10:35 AM
My level 18 battle cleric solo in Servants of the Overlord on elite. I skipped the optionals; it was enough of a slugfest without them. It took me nearly an hour and I did it without ship buffs, just to see if I could.

I'm sure many others have solo'd that quest on elite, but sometimes battle clerics (especially pure builds) are looked down upon so harshly I just wanted to show that pure battle clerics can do so as well.



01-08-2014, 11:02 AM
I will give you a small prop on that one - the first boss in there can be pretty tough to DPS past his self healing while keeping yourself alive with him stacking dots and throwing blade barriers. Then you get the second boss who hits like a truck. So if you are doing this by meleeing both toe to toe then you have done something quite exceptional.

Edit - doh - I read Lords of Dust - the first quest. That would have been an accomplishment itself. Road to Tarath Marad is even harder so many more kudos to you sir.

01-08-2014, 11:07 AM

01-08-2014, 11:11 AM

Glad someone in Knights of the Silver Dragon can do it! :)

01-08-2014, 11:24 AM

Glad someone in Knights of the Silver Dragon can do it! :)

Go Knights!

Afterwards, Praetoreus went to the Wayward Lobster and ordered enough ales for the whole guild. Then he realized he hadn't let the guild know about the free drinks, so he drank them all himself.

01-08-2014, 02:19 PM
I will give you a small prop on that one - the first boss in there can be pretty tough to DPS past his self healing while keeping yourself alive with him stacking dots and throwing blade barriers. Then you get the second boss who hits like a truck. So if you are doing this by meleeing both toe to toe then you have done something quite exceptional.

Edit - doh - I read Lords of Dust - the first quest. That would have been an accomplishment itself. Road to Tarath Marad is even harder so many more kudos to you sir.


I solo'd elite Lords of Dust a couple of days ago with the same character. Gnomon was harder than the drow at the end, just because of the neverending cometfalls that kept knocking me down.



No doubt, though, that Servants was by far the more difficult quest. In LoD I was turning all the Death Knights, which made a number of fights much easier. In Servants I had to just beat the **** out of everything with my dwarven waraxe.