View Full Version : AA FvS

12-28-2013, 08:58 PM
Is there an EE viable AA FvS build?

12-28-2013, 10:34 PM
Is there an EE viable AA FvS build?

I am working on building one atm, but seeing as one my guildies is running one very effectively through all EE content -- yes it is viable.

I am still working on the build itself, but once I have it worked out, I'll post it up (might be a week or so)

12-28-2013, 11:07 PM
I know the text does not look as pretty as run thru a character builder, but this is a very effective lowbow build:

(Party:): [Party] Ivaanna: PBS, PS, IPS, RS, Manyshot, IC: Ranged, Completionist, Mnk feats: Zen Arch, Precision, 10k, Pumped Dex and Wis, Con secondary, Dump Str and Int

(Party:): [Party] Poppytop: point black shot, rapid shot, any shot, quicken, improved crit, improved percise shot, combat archery, empower healing, positive spell power, <open feat>, <open feat>

(Party:): [Party] Poppytop: monk feats are zen archery, percision, and 10kstars

(Party:): [Party] Poppytop: (in that order I think for all of the feats)

Party:): [Party] Poppytop: 14-6

21 or 24
Master of Forms ~ ki regeneration
Combat Archery

Twist in Enlightenment ~ tier 3 ki regeneration

(Party:): [Party] Poppytop: 8 str 16 dex 14 con 8 int 18 wisdom 12 cha
(Party:): [Party] Poppytop: 8 str 18 dex 14 con 8 int 16 wisdom 14 cha

(Party:): [Party] Poppytop: level ups go into wisdom
(Party:): [Party] Poppytop: then you can run in sharidi

Mountain Stance ~ ki regeneration
Ocean Stance ~ saves

Party:): [Party] Poppytop: favored of the silver flame of course

Party:): [Party] Poppytop: green or white dragon armor strongly suggested
(Party:): [Party] Poppytop: off desteny are VERY nice to healers
(Party:): [Party] Poppytop: worst might be magister
(Party:): [Party] Poppytop: primal is tons of fun for the build
Party:): [Party] Poppytop: cuz you also don't need to twist cocoon
Party:): [Party] Poppytop: EA gives you good healing
(Party:): [Party] Poppytop: EA gives you good healing
Party:): [Party] Poppytop: US gives you nice hp

Party:): [Party] Poppytop: this is, on paper, a very very nice build

Green Robe for party buffing, white robes for general, and black robes possibly for bosses.


Must be Elf
Dex to damage

AA ~ 37 points

Shintao ~ 6 points or so to open up two bottom boxes
Expla 2 points, elemental curative,

Warpriest ?


3 sources of ki regeneration
Twist Enlightenment
Master of Forms Ocean Stance
Henshin contemplation tier 2


Dispelling shot good think about it

Shattermantle not needed so much.
Inferno good but will want wisdom bonus instead.


then manyshot
then slayer arrows

Fury of the Wild for Fawn:

Primal Scream 3/3
Bouldertoss 3/3
Fast Healing 1/3
Constitution take first five
Acute Instincts 3/3 (bring rage pots to keep raged)
Fury Eternal
Unbrindaled Fury



Healing Springs 3/3
Illusion of Well Being 1/3
Fey Springs 1/3
Fey Form 3/3
Prism, Rainbow, Double Rainbow
Pin 2/2 (avoid Ottos to save complexity to role)
Elemental Absorbtion
Nerve Venom
Audience with the Queen (cause its cool)I might could find a more detail version somewhere in my thread, but that is the one I built from.

You are giving up mass cures and mass DW for the most part, but it is an efficient favored soul bow build.
The distinction between favored soul 14 and favored soul 12 is that favor soul 14 is the absolute minimum you can be and still be a true divine, while favored soul 12 is designed for self healing.

For something like shroud, you would use your longbow, but for Fall of Truth, cocoon, renewal, and heal will be plenty.

Usually you will be in Fury of the Wild which grants burst healing, as your attention will be divided.
You will alternate between manyshot, 10k stars, buffing, healing, keeping you busy with something.
Shiradai is nice, but requires constant shooting for reliable crowd control, something you cannot guarantee.

Be aware this build is very tight feat wise.

Now if you were wanting a 18 favored soul /2 ranger split, this is what I started with and eventually switched to this.
Elf dex to damage and AA is a quality route to go, only leaving a monk splash needed.
But perhaps you can work something out, the depth of the resources to longbow vs casting is your choice.
For pure favored soul, I prefer to simply use light spells.

Your only level 7 spell is resurrection (the spell that fvs always use anyway) it should be quickened.
This is what distinguishes you from others ~ the ability to cast resurrection without interruption as well as having 14/15 of heal spells,
and twisting in two quality healing ed features ~ renewal and cocoon, as well as slotting a strong devotion item such as the gauntlets of immortality.

You will need two forms of passive ki regeneration, so depending upon your stance, your third twist might be a dance with flowers or enlightenment.

I guess I never wrote up a full detailed version of this.
You will not have room for both completionist and empowered healing.
I ended up with empowered healing to make cocoon and renewal stronger.
Often I would not shrine with this build due to only needing sp for buffs and healing.
Fury manyshot helped make boss fights shorter, saving sp.

12-29-2013, 12:42 AM
What abilities aside from 10k stars use Ki for this build? I guess what I'm trying to find out is why so many sources of ki generation?

12-29-2013, 01:53 AM
That is all, but it does not use any punching, so passive ki is important.
I think there was something else you could use it for, but I never did.

You are going to start with 40ish ki, and do a 10 k right off the bat.
That drops your ki in half right off the bat.
With some passive ki regen, it rises steadily.

You might could make do with 1 passive ki, but I liked 2.
Three was impressive but not needed.

I did go up the warpriest tree, but ran out of action points.
Spend on elf, get AA, spend on AA...

Usually cold imbued arrows, since it slowed foes down and provided a -5 to their saving throws.

12-29-2013, 07:23 AM
After my last epic TR, I decided to change my evoker FvS into an AA. At first I tried to respec her into my evoker base and add some AA on top, but I then used an LR to go all out AA. Suffice to say I'm unhappy with the change and the LR timer can't go by fast enough. My DPS is now in the toilet compared to my evoker days, and it took half a dozen or more manyshots to take down the rednamed reaver in Servants of the Overlord on eH. I was wondering if I did something wrong or if the build itself is just weak.

12-29-2013, 08:10 AM
After my last epic TR, I decided to change my evoker FvS into an AA. At first I tried to respec her into my evoker base and add some AA on top, but I then used an LR to go all out AA. Suffice to say I'm unhappy with the change and the LR timer can't go by fast enough. My DPS is now in the toilet compared to my evoker days, and it took half a dozen or more manyshots to take down the rednamed reaver in Servants of the Overlord on eH. I was wondering if I did something wrong or if the build itself is just weak.

Should still have some damage coming from Archon, Divine Punishment, and Searing Light/BB no? Even if you go all AA, if it's a Wis build your DCs should be reasonably good (maybe not for the higher level EE, but you have a couple of debuffing options), I guess having 3x Ranger past-life is very useful and is one of the things I made sure to get done before trying out my version of the build.

12-29-2013, 10:15 AM
Should still have some damage coming from Archon, Divine Punishment, and Searing Light/BB no? Even if you go all AA, if it's a Wis build your DCs should be reasonably good (maybe not for the higher level EE, but you have a couple of debuffing options), I guess having 3x Ranger past-life is very useful and is one of the things I made sure to get done before trying out my version of the build.

I went all out, lol. My EP are spent on AA tree, Warpriest enough to get blur and haste, and in Helf to get full healing amp. I have literally no points spent in AoV. I have only two offensive spells - blade barrier and cometfall - and no metamagics; my bow is my only source of damage.

12-29-2013, 02:17 PM
I went all out, lol. My EP are spent on AA tree, Warpriest enough to get blur and haste, and in Helf to get full healing amp. I have literally no points spent in AoV. I have only two offensive spells - blade barrier and cometfall - and no metamagics; my bow is my only source of damage.

I guess the 2 routes to optimize damage would be:

1. Helf 17 FvS/2 Mnk/1 Rgr (ranger level for Bow Str), stack Str mostly and Cha as a second stat and forego any DC-based casting and use Divine Punishment/Searing Light since this build will have plenty of SP. Get T1 Warpriest for Divine Might. 13 FvS/6 Mnk/1 Rgr works too but you won't have any L7 spells and less SP.

2. Elf 14 FvS/6 Mnk (what I am currently working on) or 18 FvS/2 Mnk. If you go Elf and stack Dex you can use the Aeranal Weapon Training Enh Line for another +4 To-Hit and Damage with Longbows and Aerenal Grace to use Dex to determine Longbow damage. Strength now becomes a dump stat, so I am going Wis/Dex and use Ocean stance which helps out with those DC-based spells. I would still spend some points in the Warpriest tree for Toughness and Wall of Steel.

I would try to get 1 metamagic other than quicken, most likely Maximize for Divine Punishment/Searing Light and the Cure Mass spells. With Maximize, I would consider twisting in Avenging Light for a really cheap 3sp nuke.

12-29-2013, 06:50 PM
Well, I'm back to being an evoker and couldn't be happier. Someday I'll try an AA again, but it won't be soon. I think the fact that monks make the best archers right now really gets under my skin. Where's the love for rangers?

/rambling rant off

12-30-2013, 12:20 PM
Is there an EE viable AA FvS build?

I built and played one for a while based on:
Ranger2/Fvs18 (raid heal capable, fury shot for burst dps)

I'm in the process of adding 3 ranger past lives to this build for the +6 ranged damage as well as Colors of the Queen x3. I'm considering going to Ranger1, Monk2, Fvs17 version which gains evasion but loses energy drain spell which is so nice in EE as a first hit. You could drop a few more FVS levels for ranger/monk but then you really start to lose group-healing/buffing spells and a diminishing spell point pool.

12-30-2013, 02:19 PM
Hmmm I was just thinking about this the other day. I have an old exploiter build at level 14. Unfortunately, it's a dwarf with a number of D-axes and bows. I was wondering if there was any chance I would be able to make a variant of this concept (with my +20 heart). I suppose it would be something more like 12fvs/6r/2m, and less healing capability. Seems that with no elf I should look for a different concept though.

12-30-2013, 04:07 PM
Hmmm I was just thinking about this the other day. I have an old exploiter build at level 14. Unfortunately, it's a dwarf with a number of D-axes and bows. I was wondering if there was any chance I would be able to make a variant of this concept (with my +20 heart). I suppose it would be something more like 12fvs/6r/2m, and less healing capability. Seems that with no elf I should look for a different concept though.

I don't know about a Dwarf AA, but you could always LR him into a Con-based Ftr 2/Clr 18 self-healing whirlwind of destruction.

12-30-2013, 05:13 PM
Another possibility is to minor in archery instead of majoring in it.

The faulty pause between casting and arrow shooting has been greatly reduced to the point that tinkering with it awhile back, it seems reasonable now.

So, pinion (from raider's box) insert red augment of choice (even radiant), then shoot arrows anytime divine wrath/capstone sla/avenging light is on cooldown.
The red augment slot from the pinion along with gauntlets of immortality provide plenty of spell power options.