View Full Version : Purple Dragon Knight Religous weapon

12-26-2013, 04:58 AM
Silverflame & Sovereign are available to all the races, whereas, Vulkoors of course is for drow and Undying court for elf. I state these as I was confused when I went to lvl my Purple Dragon Knight from 15th lvl fighter to add 1 lvl paladin and sovereign host wasn't available only amautuar's blessing which(I thought had to do with the Sunlord elf race only) if we could please get this adjusted I would like to my PDK to be even more focused in long sword with the religious weapon in addition to his racial training.

12-26-2013, 05:56 AM
SF & SH are not avaible for all.

Requirements for relligions are:
SF, SH: Eberronian Dwarf, WF, 1/2 orc/elf, elf, hobbit, human
Vulkoor: Eberronian drow
UC: Eberronian elf
Amanataur: faerunian pseudo-human, shadar-kai, sun elf

Forgotable Realms iconics can't worship Eberronian gods.
Eberronian characters can't worship forgotable realm god.

01-19-2014, 11:12 AM
All you get is a heavy mace.

Suggest better here if you want:


02-04-2014, 01:54 PM
PDK is a Forgotten Realms iconic so it should receive the FR lore weapons for whatever gods they worship.

02-04-2014, 02:00 PM
All you get is a heavy mace.

Suggest better here if you want:


Heavy mace is only about as weak as greatsword is really. The fact that bladeforged feel like they got a great weapon is due entirely to SoS and ESoS. If those didn't exist, greatsword would be about as groan worthy a choice as heavy mace.

That said, all it would take is some uber end game heavy mace to come along with 18-20 x 3 crit range and we'd have a winner as a religious weapon.
http://ddowiki.com/page/Item:Phosphor Take something like that in endgame form and you'd be doing just fine.