View Full Version : pure arcmage build help

12-25-2013, 10:17 PM
So I just got back from deployment and have no clue of the state of the game. I have a level 20+ Wizard who was an arcmage before and want to keep it that way. Due to personal prefaces I do not want to spec into PM and EK well I am a wizard not a barbarian for a reason. Any advice is helpful. Please keep in mind while I have 32 points on my build I have no epic gear.

12-26-2013, 05:13 AM
Did you already lesser reincarnate to redistribute your Skillpoints for the new Spellcraft skill? What race do you play? Which spellschool are you focused on? Is it a first life toon or with a past live?

Without these informations I'd recommend to LR first to get Spellcraft. Note that Spellcraft increases your elemental spellpower, Heal now increases your positive and negative spellpower, Perform increases your sonic spellpower and Repair increases your repair and rust spellpower.

After LR distribute your AP in the Enhancement trees (http://ddowiki.com/page/Enhancements). You have 80 Action Points available at Level 20+. If you max the AM tree, there'd be still 5 AP left. But I'd recommend to not max a tree. Better first take a look at the different trees to figure out what would benefit your build and playstyle the most. Eg. if you distribute at least 22 pts in the PM tree, you can get additional +2 Int, +30 HP, one or two SLA's that cost HP instead of SP but using the shrouds is totally up to you (though they are handy against certain enemies like Beholders and I'd shroud into Vampire if you are focused on Enchantment). Depending on which race you play, also put a few points into the racial tree.

12-26-2013, 08:10 AM
Did you already lesser reincarnate to redistribute your Skillpoints for the new Spellcraft skill? What race do you play? Which spellschool are you focused on? Is it a first life toon or with a past live?

Without these informations I'd recommend to LR first to get Spellcraft. Note that Spellcraft increases your elemental spellpower, Heal now increases your positive and negative spellpower, Perform increases your sonic spellpower and Repair increases your repair and rust spellpower.

After LR distribute your AP in the Enhancement trees (http://ddowiki.com/page/Enhancements). You have 80 Action Points available at Level 20+. If you max the AM tree, there'd be still 5 AP left. But I'd recommend to not max a tree. Better first take a look at the different trees to figure out what would benefit your build and playstyle the most. Eg. if you distribute at least 22 pts in the PM tree, you can get additional +2 Int, +30 HP, one or two SLA's that cost HP instead of SP but using the shrouds is totally up to you (though they are handy against certain enemies like Beholders and I'd shroud into Vampire if you are focused on Enchantment). Depending on which race you play, also put a few points into the racial tree.

sorry first life and was focused enchantment conjuration. I will take your advice to lesser to pick up spell power. Yeah I know I have to TR eventually but want to farm gear first

12-27-2013, 08:51 PM
So I just got back from deployment and have no clue of the state of the game. I have a level 20+ Wizard who was an arcmage before and want to keep it that way. Due to personal prefaces I do not want to spec into PM and EK well I am a wizard not a barbarian for a reason. Any advice is helpful. Please keep in mind while I have 32 points on my build I have no epic gear.

1. What race is your Wizard?

2. Do you have Epic Destinies?

3. Do you have a +20 Lesser Heart of Wood?

12-31-2013, 02:05 AM
warforged, some magister, and yes I have a 20+ heart of wood.

12-31-2013, 06:13 AM
So I just got back from deployment and have no clue of the state of the game.

Welcome back.

The way enhancements work has totally changed.

Due to personal prefaces I do not want to spec into PM and EK well I am a wizard not a barbarian for a reason. Any advice is helpful.

It's not really like that anymore. Enhancement PrEs as they were before have been basically removed; your generic class enhancements are now split across multiple trees.

The trees are named after the previous PrEs, and do contain some of those previous PrE abilities, but you should not get hung up on "not speccing into PM" or something.

If you don't want to run around in undead form, or do melee, that's fine, but don't let that stop you from taking, just for example, +30 hit points, Efficient Metamagic, or +Int, just because they happen to be in the Palemaster tree, or +15 hit points, Wand & Scroll Mastery, more +Int, or various defensive buffs from EK. Skipping useful abilities because of the name of the tree, and trying to spend 80 AP in just one tree, would be a little silly.

12-31-2013, 08:28 AM
warforged, some magister, and yes I have a 20+ heart of wood.

Then you want a Wizard 16/Favored Soul 2/Monk 2 split using the Shiradi Champion destiny. Use cdr's build that's listed in the Wizard section of the forum.

12-31-2013, 08:30 AM
warforged, some magister, and yes I have a 20+ heart of wood.

Unlock the Shiradi Chamption ED and +20 LR into a Wiz 16/FvS 2/Mnk 2 using cdr's build listed on the Wizard forum. That is probably the easiest, most powerful and effective option for processing DDO content.

01-04-2014, 08:56 PM
So I just got back from deployment and have no clue of the state of the game. I have a level 20+ Wizard who was an arcmage before and want to keep it that way. Due to personal prefaces I do not want to spec into PM and EK well I am a wizard not a barbarian for a reason. Any advice is helpful. Please keep in mind while I have 32 points on my build I have no epic gear.

Well, I don't know if you committed to a plan for your Warforged Wizard AM yet. So I'll give my two-cents on the subject.
You wrote that you didn't want to respec out of Archmage, etc. That statement *implies* two things to me 1) you want to stay pure wizard and 2) You want to know if its possible to still play the CC enchanter you were playing before you deployed (because to me Archmage strongly implies Enchanter, which means CC). If that's not what you meant, well its an honest mistake.

I have a first life Warforged Enchanter that I play alot, and I generally keep him strictly CC specc'd (gear, spell and ED-wise). Its still possible to successfully play a CC enchanter even as a first life Wizard. It won't be a one-button parade of auto-holds, at least that hasn't been my experience (although I try and make it look easy, ofc). Its more about whether you like CC-ing enough to really focus on it in a quest than it is about anything else. Sure, the toon must hit the minimum competencies for saves and spell pen, but that minimum is substantially lower than "no fail enchant dc"

Arcane DPS builds are very popular right now, god bless 'em; But any group, except possibly a group of uber shiradi arcane monks, can benefit from one guy doing focused CC, and a Warforged pure Wizard archmage build is as well suited to that style of play now as it was back when heavy picks were the epic weapon of choice.

...If that was your question.

01-27-2014, 12:36 AM
Also looking for a good archmage CC enchanter build. Anyone have a link? Looked and couldn't find much. I really want to go human but will go robot if it's going to gimp me too severely.

01-27-2014, 06:37 AM
If you have access to Half-Elf, try it with Cleric Dilettante to be able to use Heal scrolls. U can still use WF Hires and reconstruct them, if you want to. The advantage from WF are the Fortification cores in the racial tree and the many immunities this race has.
11 points in PM to get the Vampire Shroud (+2DC for Enchantment spells), though while in Vampire you'd have enough Fortification but if you unshroud to use a heal/reconstruct scroll you're very vulnerable without a fort. item except you are a WF.

If you want to be able to charm normal animals like spiders/wolves/scorpions/dogs/lions too, consider a Druid splash like mentioned in this thread (https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/433349-New-and-advanced-Player-Enchantment-Wizard-17-Rogue-2-Druid-1). If you think to not need Trap Skills, either take two Levels of Monk or two more Wiz levels. Druid 3 could also be interesting for Hold Animal and more spell power, SLAs, Beguile, +spell crit and other benefits like Natures Warden from Season's Herald tree.

Most important Metamagics: Enlarge, Heighten, Quicken.
There's no need to take Empower or Maximize, especially when you take Arcane Supremacy in the AM tree and even as an Enchanter you can have insta-kill experiences eg. with the prismatic spells.

Most important feats: Spell Focus & Greater Spell Focus, Spell Penetration & Greater Spell Penetration
Depending on your equip and PL feats available either go the Mental Toughness line too to increase your SP pool or take feats that would suit you the most.

Mind that while on epic normal and below you can have a 100% Enchanter gameplay experience, on epic hard and epic elite this experience is reduced to only about 66,6%, because no matter how high your Spell Penetration or Enchantment DC is, all charms will last only about 8 to 12 Seconds due to Epic Ward. Hold and Dance are not affected.

01-27-2014, 10:48 AM
Also looking for a good archmage CC enchanter build. Anyone have a link? Looked and couldn't find much. I really want to go human but will go robot if it's going to gimp me too severely.
If you don't mind paying the LR +1, sun elves make the best Enchanters: +4 INT, +3 Spell Pen, +1 Enchant DCs, Feywild Tap for extra SPs.