View Full Version : Cetus: The Supreme Bladeforged Fighter

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11-07-2014, 10:18 AM
ooooo the sponges grow restless...
speak, Cleetus, oh sage one... what does de Lemming Wrangler comand?

"...drink... yesssss. drink Kool-Aid... yessssssssss"
/sarcasm off
(well, not really, sum targets just 2ez.)

This made me laugh, thanks :)

11-07-2014, 03:50 PM
To the main build you are running.

IIUC, the last update to this build was 07-30-2014 and was interested in knowing if this is still the build/gear you are running and recommend or if you had made changes.

Oh, nah this build was killed off quite decisively with the advent of U23 pally.

I'm currently playing a pure pally, might switch over to barb if I ever find a window of time to actually log on and the changes are worthwhile.

11-09-2014, 06:56 PM
Oh, nah this build was killed off quite decisively with the advent of U23 pally.

I'm currently playing a pure pally, might switch over to barb if I ever find a window of time to actually log on and the changes are worthwhile.

Just glad to see Paladin, Bard, and Barbarian classes getting some love. Spellsinger was ok for bard, but not what people wanted to do. SB is a beautiful thing on paper and others make it look sweet. It's the only class that keeps up with my Paladin atm. Paladin is now so awesome I find myself bored at the lack of challenge. I just hit Epic again with the class, and I am finding myself storming through low-end EE quests like LoD and Sentinals as if they are set on EH. Barbarian was, back in the day, my favorite class. I hate they fell off wagon for ee play. I hope they get the loving that they need.

11-09-2014, 09:09 PM
nah this build was killed off quite decisively

I missed the massive nerf hammer swings?

11-10-2014, 01:45 AM
Just glad to see Paladin, Bard, and Barbarian classes getting some love. Spellsinger was ok for bard, but not what people wanted to do. SB is a beautiful thing on paper and others make it look sweet. It's the only class that keeps up with my Paladin atm. Paladin is now so awesome I find myself bored at the lack of challenge. I just hit Epic again with the class, and I am finding myself storming through low-end EE quests like LoD and Sentinals as if they are set on EH. Barbarian was, back in the day, my favorite class. I hate they fell off wagon for ee play. I hope they get the loving that they need.

Paladins was top choice last time when DDO was launched in 2006-07 and now back in business around 7-8 years later. Every class will get its turn, we know that for sure. It's a circle - barbarians seem next of the list, another class after them etc

11-10-2014, 01:47 AM
I missed the massive nerf hammer swings?It wasn't nerfed in any way. Paladin was made stronger, though, so Cetus dropped this build like a bad habit.

11-10-2014, 07:36 AM
And armor was made useful again thru the PRR/MRR changes. Everything is cyclical; in a couple of years we'll be complaining about how OP monks are again...

11-10-2014, 12:00 PM
I missed the massive nerf hammer swings?

There was no mention of a nerf hammer.

03-30-2016, 10:36 AM

I designed a version of this build that requires no tomes and is therefore new player friendly, though it does require purchase of Bladeforged and Monk class, for a free to play account.

Considering this build uses Ki and lacks Quicken Spell, I managed to include 19 ranks in Concentration, while keeping max Repair and 7 ranks in UMD.

This build is also useful for seasoned players who need a self-sufficient and versatile new character on a new server.
I made this with the intention of the new iconic logging in and picking up the lvl 14 bow available from the 10th anniversary vendor, thus requiring no existing gear for maximum utility.

Taking the 6th monk level at lvl 15 allows for Zen Archery and Master of Forms immediately upon iconic creation. Manyshot is a possibility if a +6 Dex tome is purchased.

Grandmaster of Forms can be taken at 18, although that delays Greater Weapon Specialization: Slashing to epic levels.

Cetus THF + Bow
12/6/2 Fighter/Monk/Paladin
Lawful Good Bladeforged

Level Order

1. Paladin 6. Monk 11. Fighter 16. Fighter
2. Fighter 7. Fighter 12. Monk 17. Fighter
3. Monk 8. Fighter 13. Fighter 18. Paladin
4. Monk 9. Monk 14. Fighter 19. Fighter
5. Fighter 10. Fighter 15. Monk 20. Fighter

32pt Level Up
---- --------
Strength 15 4: STR
Dexterity 13 8: STR
Constitution 16 12: STR
Intelligence 10 16: STR
Wisdom 13 20: STR
Charisma 8

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Repair 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 23
Concent 4 1 2 2 3 3 2 2 19
UMD 2 1 ½ 1 ½ ½ 1 ½ 7
Balance 1 1
Tumble 1 1
8 2 4 4 2 4 2 2 4 2 2 4 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 2


1 : Stunning Blow
1 Deity : Follower of: Lord of Blades
2 Fighter: Weapon Focus: Slashing
3 : Cleave
3 Monk : Power Attack
4 Monk : Two Handed Fighting
5 Fighter: Great Cleave
6 : Weapon Focus: Ranged
6 Monk : Path of Harmonious Balance
8 Fighter: Improved Two Handed Fighting
9 : Improved Critical: Slashing
11 Fighter: Point Blank Shot
12 : Bow Strength
14 Fighter: Greater Weapon Focus: Slashing
15 : Master of Forms
15 Monk : Zen Archery
17 Fighter: Greater Two Handed Fighting
18 : Grandmaster of Forms
20 Fighter: Weapon Specialization: Slashing


04-07-2016, 11:04 AM
I'm not sure how the monk synergy is going to work once the fighter pass is finalized.

I'm very much hoping that a competitive fighter build can emerge from the upcoming changes (I'd love to find a reason to back to a straight pure fighter after all of these years of being kicked to the curb).

04-07-2016, 11:59 AM
Aren't there rules against necro'ing old Cetus threads..
...get back to the curb...

04-07-2016, 02:30 PM
How shall we resolve this? There is only one way:

Jot v Cetus PVP! Tonight, 6:00 Pacific in the Lobster!

I don't know who to root for because you are both elitist jerks. :-)

04-07-2016, 06:53 PM
How shall we resolve this? There is only one way:

Jot v Cetus PVP! Tonight, 6:00 Pacific in the Lobster!

I don't know who to root for because you are both elitist jerks. :-)

Stop derailing my necroed thread of a dead build!

04-07-2016, 07:08 PM
Die... ****. Don't know who to wish death upon...

04-07-2016, 07:24 PM
Die... ****. Don't know who to wish death upon...

Oh...so many suggestions...

04-08-2016, 07:16 AM
Die... ****. Don't know who to wish death upon...

May the Lag be with you.


04-08-2016, 01:04 PM
Well? Who won? Enquiring minds want to know.

05-02-2016, 06:54 AM
This build never really died, imo, at least by the time everyone got nerfed +1 Threat/X comp bonuses, the only thing it lacked to other builds was 6d6 scaling damage and some double strike, or the ability to do a cartwheel and hit two things at once. Otherwise, I think it is the bridge between the Juggataw era and now. It was so effective that Turbine had to kill MCing.

Still see a few Cetus Builds in game, and they keep in groups. It's a HoF classic build and should be stickied.

I can't wait for fighter pass. It's opening up my eyes to MCing again. I've been pure classes for so long it's getting boring.

09-07-2016, 03:51 PM
New updated version posted here:


04-23-2017, 03:44 PM
And armor was made useful again thru the PRR/MRR changes. Everything is cyclical; in a couple of years we'll be complaining about how OP monks are again...

It's the funny truth. Bumping just because it's as good or better than the rest again.

04-28-2017, 02:13 PM
Ya it is kinda idiotic how they spent a freaking TON of time messing with and remessing with armor (Sadly they never flippn fixed docents fully) to make ac somewhat useful and even more so to make heavy and medium armor useful by implementing the mrr and prr system. And it worked. So well that you were an idiot to even go for evasion you just slapped heavy on, got your extra mrrprr in gear and shrugged off element dmg and traps.

Course monks being the sole class that got the finger whined and the MRR was taken off (Didn't fully kill it though because a 3 pally split or fighter with a shield or med/heavy or both can really stack the hp with prr and MRR not to far behind)

However after all of that they come out with reaper where your gettn blasted without even going for 10. And so a 28 or 32 or even higher dodge equals more chances to stun or mow something down. And so begins the great journey of the pajama mamma once more lol.

04-28-2017, 02:24 PM
Why even have the fighter levels? Just go all monk.

04-28-2017, 02:25 PM
It's the funny truth. Bumping just because it's as good or better than the rest again.

Teh_Troll is rolling in his grave.

05-02-2017, 10:54 PM
Just not the bladeforged version lol

05-27-2017, 07:07 PM
Teh_Troll is rolling in his grave.

You mean Teh_Troll died?

05-27-2017, 07:23 PM
Just not the bladeforged version lol

Other than a lack of AP (9 Racial AP would have been nice on a BF), it really wasn't that bad until R4+, then it was horrible without a wizard, arty or another Bladeforged.

11-29-2021, 12:43 PM
Under the original enhancements spread, before the current tree setup, I liked Elven Displacement shadow-marked 12 Kensai 7 AA Ranger 1 Wizard when the slayer arrows was 500 damage on vorpals. I would melee twf and then clear room with IPS manyshot.

Once enhancement trees came out and needed to spend hard points on displacement (instead of feats), shadow mark really lost a lot of its value, especially when it changed to self cast only.

Of course, this build quickly converted to furyshotter with slayer arrows, but has been in limbo since.

11-29-2021, 12:45 PM
Under the original enhancements spread, before the current tree setup, I liked Elven Displacement shadow-marked 12 Kensai 7 AA Ranger 1 Wizard when the slayer arrows was 500 damage on vorpals. I would melee twf and then clear room with IPS manyshot.

Once enhancement trees came out and needed to spend hard points on displacement (instead of feats), shadow mark really lost a lot of its value, especially when it changed to self cast only.

Of course, this build quickly converted to furyshotter with slayer arrows, but has been in limbo since.

Beautiful Master of Necro

11-29-2021, 12:46 PM
Beautiful Master of Necro

Arrgg thought I was responding to something else!! :) I will keep the post undeleted for the laughs for anyone needing an extra smile to their day.

12-23-2021, 05:02 PM
Ah maaan. I have a char that (attempted to) use this build years ago, and was all like "OMG there's an update to this thread??" when I saw it on top of the list...but nope, accidental necro lol.