View Full Version : So, who's gunna fix it?

12-19-2013, 03:49 AM
So, my recently looted Quiver of Poison has mysteriously bound itself to the character who looted it (an Occult Slayer Barbarian) but has never equipped it, before i got around to passing it over to a character who would use it (my Ranger).
I opened a support ticket in-game and was told that they can't (won't?) fix this problem and suggested i submit a bug report.

So, i did, and the email i received back said thanks for reporting the bug, but QA cannot resolve individual or character issues in game.

So, my question is, is there some other person or body i have to ask to get this sorted, or have i simply been shafted?

(And i realize one quiver isn't a huge deal, but it was the only useful thing i pulled from an EH tour of Gianthold, so i was looking forward to giving to my ranger.)

12-19-2013, 05:39 AM
"or have i simply been shafted?"

I'd say this is the mostly likely conclusion.

They basically can't just unbind it as they don't know if you are telling the truth, and would be concerned that such actions would be open to abuse.

12-19-2013, 05:59 AM
There is always the old trick of selling it to a friend in the AS AH, then having him sell it back to your ranger the same way. But timing and the loss of some Astral Shards are a consideration.

12-19-2013, 06:28 AM
You realize if they unbound items every time somebody put in a ticket that says "uh...i dunno....it just bound on its own....for NO REASON!", they'd be spending their entire day unbinding stuff

My guess is you accidentally double-clicked it and want take2. But im afraid you're just gonna have to live with it

12-19-2013, 06:52 AM
So, my recently looted Quiver of Poison has mysteriously bound itself to the character who looted it (an Occult Slayer Barbarian) but has never equipped it, before i got around to passing it over to a character who would use it (my Ranger).
I opened a support ticket in-game and was told that they can't (won't?) fix this problem and suggested i submit a bug report.

The quiver binds extremely easily. You have to be extra careful to get it to the intended target straight away, or you're **** out of luck.

If you log off, it will bind to you.
If you take it out of account bank, it will bind to you.
If you take it out of regular bank, it will bind to you.

I'm not sure if you can safely take it out of mail system, or do you only have one shot at selling it at AH.

12-19-2013, 06:54 AM
The same thing happened to me a while back. I know I did not equip it either, it just turned up BtC when I tried to transfer it to another character.

According to the Quiver of Poison (http://ddowiki.com/page/Quiver_of_Poison) DDOwiki page, this is a known bug.

Unfortunately, this bug is not mentioned in the Official Known Isues List (https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/150534-Official-Known-Issues), so many people get the (dis)pleasure of re-discovering this bug. There is an "Items" section in the Known Issues List, you'd think this would rate being included there.

12-19-2013, 07:34 AM
****, that sucks... well, i suppose at least i know why it happened now. If i have the luck to loot another, i guess i will shove it straight in the shared bank...

Thanks everyone.

Edit; haha, i just had a look on the Shard Exchange, and there are 4 other BTC Quivers up there for sale...

12-19-2013, 07:45 AM
You realize if they unbound items every time somebody put in a ticket that says "uh...i dunno....it just bound on its own....for NO REASON!", they'd be spending their entire day unbinding stuff

My guess is you accidentally double-clicked it and want take2. But im afraid you're just gonna have to live with it

You realize this was a know issue with this item eh? Turnbined item.

12-19-2013, 07:45 AM
you were shafted, it is a known problem and the Dev's are aware of it.

I am sure at some point they will address it but since it does not benefit the players it will be down the list with ladder hitching.

because it is loot in-game GM's wont deal with it and bug reports require many many many complaints before it even gts considered to be dealt with.

So yeah, basically you are screwed.
you are better off to go grind out another one and put it in your share bank before logging out otherwise you will have 2 bound to you.

12-19-2013, 07:48 AM
You realize if they unbound items every time somebody put in a ticket that says "uh...i dunno....it just bound on its own....for NO REASON!", they'd be spending their entire day unbinding stuff

My guess is you accidentally double-clicked it and want take2. But im afraid you're just gonna have to live with it

You realize that the quiver is bugged and is noted in other threads in these very forums. It will bind itself to a character simply by logging out. This SHOULD be known by Turbine and if someone puts in a ticket to a GM about a quiver specifically, they should be able to fix it or at the very least, inform the player of this bug so it doesn't happen again. The fact that they either didn't know about the bug or didn't bother to tell him is lazy, sloppy or just plain cruel.

12-19-2013, 08:27 AM
If want to pass it around, you can cannith craft some BTA arrows and put them in the quiver to make it BTA.

12-19-2013, 09:07 AM
If want to pass it around, you can cannith craft some BTA arrows and put them in the quiver to make it BTA.

This is a fantastic idea! Thank you!

*looks both ways for people who might come by and scream exploit!*

12-19-2013, 09:17 AM
If want to pass it around, you can cannith craft some BTA arrows and put them in the quiver to make it BTA.

You, Sir, are a champion! Excellent workaround to an annoying problem. Thanks!

12-19-2013, 10:44 AM
This is a fantastic idea! Thank you!

*looks both ways for people who might come by and scream exploit!*

Take it from someone who despises exploiters in general and thinks it sucks the fun out the fame, I don't see any reasonable way this could be called exploiting. You're paying for the service that was offered to us in the correct manner with your shards (the ability to sell btc items), and are relying on the luck of the draw that someone else doesn't skype you're sale along the way.

12-19-2013, 10:52 AM
Take it from someone who despises exploiters in general and thinks it sucks the fun out the fame, I don't see any reasonable way this could be called exploiting. You're paying for the service that was offered to us in the correct manner with your shards (the ability to sell btc items), and are relying on the luck of the draw that someone else doesn't skype you're sale along the way.

You might want to read the post he was quoting again. It was not about using the shard exchange. (I don't have a problem with it in this case but it does sound very similar to an old bag exploit)

12-19-2013, 11:05 AM
You might want to read the post he was quoting again. It was not about using the shard exchange. (I don't have a problem with it in this case but it does sound very similar to an old bag exploit)

You're right, I totally lost track of which idea he thought was great. I blame the fact that my office feels like it's only 10 degrees warmer than outside and my eyes are freezing slowly...

12-19-2013, 11:11 AM
I blame the fact that my office feels like it's only 10 degrees warmer than outside and my eyes are freezing slowly...

I blame it on the fact that my ideas are awesome. :)

Admittedly, cdr's ideas was pretty good too...