View Full Version : Requesting Build for 36 point Wizard / Rog

12-16-2013, 07:26 PM
I'm a pretty seasoned player and have acquired some decent gear throughout 2 past wizard lives, both were P.M. WF's.
I'm wanting a little advice and then maybe a build to maximize the past lives of Wizard. I think I'd like to be Drow ( but not necessary ) and be able to get traps at least up to 18th-20th range if possible but without doing too much sacrificing on the wizard side, and would a P.M. or an A.M. be best suited for this type of build. Or should I hold out and go pure again for the cap stone enhancement to be more effective past 20th?

I've heard of a Shadow Mage build, but I don't know if it's a pure build or a splash of some kind, or if the build is a note worthy trap smith.

Thanks for reading and any advice or builds posted will be greatly appreciated.

12-16-2013, 08:55 PM
I'm a pretty seasoned player and have acquired some decent gear throughout 2 past wizard lives, both were P.M. WF's.
I'm wanting a little advice and then maybe a build to maximize the past lives of Wizard. I think I'd like to be Drow ( but not necessary ) and be able to get traps at least up to 18th-20th range if possible but without doing too much sacrificing on the wizard side, and would a P.M. or an A.M. be best suited for this type of build. Or should I hold out and go pure again for the cap stone enhancement to be more effective past 20th?

I've heard of a Shadow Mage build, but I don't know if it's a pure build or a splash of some kind, or if the build is a note worthy trap smith.

Thanks for reading and any advice or builds posted will be greatly appreciated.

Ghoste's Shadowmage (https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/127707-Shadow-Mage-A-Build-A-Philosophy) is an old (and very cool out of the box designed) 28pt pure wf wiz, still lots of useful information to look over.

Really you just need 1 rog/arti level to do any traps. Being what I assume is a DC caster, you will want to max out Int, therefore further improving trapskills.

2 Rogue nets evasion and a few more skill points. Typically you would take 1st level as Rogue, 2-8 as Wiz, 9 as Rogue, rest as Wiz. This gives you firewall at 8, evasion at 9.

The new enhancements open up a lot of options, best that you read over what you can get, and what you need to sacrifice.

Palemasters still rock for DC necro/enchantment casting, easy self healing, Drow/Elf/HElf/Human all do well here but you could be anything. A WF PM gives secondary healing out of form.
WF Archmage is pretty comparable, not much stops a self-reconstructing robot of doom

Eldritch Knight is a different kettle of fish, and may not be what you are wanting.

There is also the multiclassing mutant FOTM options, 14wiz/4fvs/2rog, archmage evoker relying mostly on fire & force could be fun.

I will always try to build a toon to be as self sufficient as possible, even sometimes to the detriment of other aspects because I solo a lot - last man standing in groups (or ...ironically, the first to die, storys for another time).

It is your toon. Have a read what is available, listen to others, and choose what you would be comfortable with.

12-16-2013, 09:34 PM

If you have sun elf, that's also a good racial choice for an 18 wizard/2 rogue.

You can start at 20 Int like a drow, and get some very handy racial enhancements like elven arcanum, feywild tap and the ability to take racial boosts to intelligence. The downsides are it's a p2p race, you would have to LR out one level of cleric, and you can't TR again until you hit 28.

I have an alt with this build who is currently a mixture of enough PM for self healing and AM for other goodies. He does well as a DC caster in easier stuff (EH and below) without a huge gear, feat or past life investment, and in EE I content I run in shiradi instead using the evocation SLAs, and acid/solid fog.

I hope that this helps, and good luck with it.
