View Full Version : Arcane Archer TR Project - would like some advice and help.

12-16-2013, 11:56 AM
Hello all, I've been wanting to play on an Arcane Archer for a while, but I would like a good character for it, so several (2-4+) past lives that would help the archer be better.

I'd like to know exactly which past lives, and how many everyone thinks I should take for such a project. I've access to every class (except favored souls (WIP)) and have access to every race including Iconics. I am currently VIP for another couple of months, but once this time runs out I do not think I'll be get it back, and at which time I loose access to the Warforged, unless I can spare the TP to buy it.

Anyways, I'd like to know what possible past lives I might look into, and I have a few questions, such as:

What class split possibilities are there?
Which split(s) might best provide:
- High dps
- High survivability
- Self Healing
What gear should one look into for an arcane archer?
What would be the best endgame bow to use?
What about early-mid game bows?
Should I look into Racial AA (Elves/Half Elves) or look into Ranger AA (6 Ranger)?
Whats the differences between Racial AA, and Ranger AA?
What feats and enhancements to aim for?
When to switch between using a bow, to using swords?
Outside of Manyshot + Ten Thousand Stars + Slayer Arrows, how viable is the Arcane Archer for DPS?
Is it possible to have a casting Arcane Archer? (Spells and Ranged)
How viable is an Arcane Archer's melee dps, if required to drop a bow and pick up swords?

If anyone could answer these questions, as well as provide general insight about the arcane archers, I would greatly appreciate it.

For the general leveling of such a character, to power level straight to 20 and TR, what is the best method of leveling?
Is it better to aim for a solo-ist build while leveling and run solo, or better to get groups together for possible faster runs?

12-16-2013, 12:50 PM
wow many questions...

For high dps I would do a monkcher 12 monk 6 ranger 2 (flavor of your choice)
For survivability 17 Druid 2 monk 1 ranger helf or elf to open AA tree
For TWF with ranged I recommend this build: https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/430998-Noyellowbar-a-100-monk-free-U19-Build-(15Ranger-4Paladin-1Fighter)

For leveling just do all quests 2 level under you on elite, for example you are on level 6 you go do Irrestone Inlet which is a level 4 quest but on elite it is level 6 so you get your streak bonus.

12-16-2013, 12:53 PM
wow many questions...

For high dps I would do a monkcher 12 monk 6 ranger 2 (flavor of your choice)
For survivability 17 Druid 2 monk 1 ranger helf or elf to open AA tree
For TWF with ranged I recommend this build: https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/430998-Noyellowbar-a-100-monk-free-U19-Build-(15Ranger-4Paladin-1Fighter)

For leveling just do all quests 2 level under you on elite, for example you are on level 6 you go do Irrestone Inlet which is a level 4 quest but on elite it is level 6 so you get your streak bonus.

I am asking for dps AND survivabilty, not one or the other, also with ranged as the focus, and TWF as a backup.

12-16-2013, 01:04 PM
Read these:


12-16-2013, 01:38 PM
Read these:


I'm not looking for a completionist character, or 10+ lives, as I only have a limited time for access to all quests.. both builds you linked are completionist characters.

12-16-2013, 01:44 PM
I'm not looking for a completionist character, or 10+ lives, as I only have a limited time for access to all quests.. both builds you linked are completionist characters.

Inside those threads, there is plenty of discussion about how to do the characters without the full past lives. You want the best dps, the best survival AND don't want to do any research?

It isn't rocket science, you need 6 monk if you want 10k stars, ranger provides free feats and if you want to hit high saves then pally doesn't hurt. If you read several threads, the feats and stats are well discussed. If you don't have the full past lives/tomes then you are going to have to compromise... You were offered an excellent compromise build first (noyellowbar) and rejected that... now I gave you the top end builds and you reject that too.

Now you get told that you are being ridiculous.

12-16-2013, 01:55 PM
for a quick pastlife build google "pastlifenmo"

pastlives i'd get in order on my arcane archer if i had unlimited time (i stopped after doing 3ranger/3monk)

1each - completionist.

It might be a good idea to do 3 of your lives as a shadarkai, you won't have many issues reaching the dodge cap, but having a permanent free passive 3dodge is nice.

12-16-2013, 02:16 PM
The builds Ancient linked are weaksauce.

Listen to munkenmo. Bows suck for early/mid heroic leveling, you're way better off meleeing.

12-16-2013, 02:24 PM
The builds Ancient linked are weaksauce.

Listen to munkenmo. Bows suck for early/mid heroic leveling, you're way better off meleeing.

Monkenmo is a great build, I've thought about making one myself... but it isn't an arcane archer build.

12-16-2013, 02:44 PM
Well bows are still useful for the right situation, I would go with

Level 1-5: AH/lootgen/crafted stuff
Level 6: Silverbow
Level 12: Greensteel, Lit II 1st choice usually
Level 14: Bow of Sinew, although I don't find it as good as many here say it is (specially if you are wis based and can get another seeker slot)
and if you spend any after time over 20 of course
Level 23: Pinion

12-16-2013, 03:05 PM
Monkenmo is a great build, I've thought about making one myself... but it isn't an arcane archer build.

You mean pastlifenmo? You shouldn't be trying to use bows for TR lives if you want them to be fast.

At the very least, you should melee up until level 12 or so. Or splash 1/2 arti and use a repeater, if you absolutely have to be ranged at low levels.

12-16-2013, 03:16 PM
Take all the Arcane Archer Imbue Toggle enhancements and equip a melee weapon :D

Best advice anyone can give to any AA right now

12-16-2013, 04:00 PM
Take all the Arcane Archer Imbue Toggle enhancements and equip a melee weapon :D

Best advice anyone can give to any AA right now

But how long is it going to last, love the paralyzing toggle though :D

If I was doing a Ranger past life I would do a Bladeforged 12 Ranger 6 monk 2 fighter then you have dps, good self healing and you can level up destiny´s on your way to 28 (BF starts at level 15), then you really get 2 past lives + destiny farming at the prize of 1 :)

12-16-2013, 05:11 PM
Inside those threads, there is plenty of discussion about how to do the characters without the full past lives. You want the best dps, the best survival AND don't want to do any research?

It isn't rocket science, you need 6 monk if you want 10k stars, ranger provides free feats and if you want to hit high saves then pally doesn't hurt. If you read several threads, the feats and stats are well discussed. If you don't have the full past lives/tomes then you are going to have to compromise... You were offered an excellent compromise build first (noyellowbar) and rejected that... now I gave you the top end builds and you reject that too.

Now you get told that you are being ridiculous.

First off, I haven't rejected anything, I just stated that I wasn't looking for a completionist character.

12-20-2013, 10:44 AM
Let me first say I am not the greatest player ever to enter a quest so take this for what it is. My first attempt at customized building is a Drow AA. I chose to build him with pretty well rounded base stats (not maxing any but raising dex and str above the others letting the racial bonuses handle int and cha) He has good saves against magic, is nimble enough for TWF (though he almost never has to) and can decently self-heal (though he would rather not have to lol). Take every enhancement offered that increases damage, put the force ritual on every bow (for that matter everything you own) and try to get some toughness in there. As far as equipment goes I agree with a couple of the other posts- get the best gear you can afford for the early levels but if you find Thornlord or can pull the Silver Bow these will be your best friends until you can craft a LitII and it will be your best friend until (and in some cases even after) you get Pinion. Get the paralyzing imbue quickly but do not neglect your racial enhancements completely to get it super early (takes 20AP in the tree, I took it first thing in lvl 8) With optimal Dragontouched or even dragon-scale armor and a good ardor item paired with a devotion shield you should be able to stay alive long enough to heal when necessary while hand-to-handing it(cure serious is the only spell I carry but I have seen AA's who carry all 3 cures and rotate them). Gear is good (and essential in upper tier q's) but I find the fun of my AA is taking down a boss from a distance and pew-pewing the trash while they stand around in a daze. Tactically I taught myself how to essentially immobilize targets (you will find that ranged toons draw more agg than you would think!) in the middle of the melee by kiting them efficiently. Try it you'll like it. BTW- Thornlord is pretty rare but the Silver Bow isn't super hard to get through play. Hope this was constructive.

12-20-2013, 11:02 AM
You mean pastlifenmo? You shouldn't be trying to use bows for TR lives if you want them to be fast.

At the very least, you should melee up until level 12 or so. Or splash 1/2 arti and use a repeater, if you absolutely have to be ranged at low levels.
Yes, using a bow while in druid shape shift form is a non-combo...

I've been toying with a 2 arti/6 monk/past life build for my next TR run..., I like traps and the repeater seems really strong at the very low levels. The 6 monk would kick in about level 8 when the new silver bow is available (although I do have the older lvl 6 ones in the bank). I could even take 2 more arti later for a bonus feat. Are there any posted builds similar to that I could use as a starting point?

I recently FINALLY got ahold of some undead slaying arrows, and there is now a greater undead bane shard in my crafters ingredients bag. Trying to decide what to make with it. Leaning towards a holy/greater undead bane repeater or bow with master craftsmanship and now weapon +s. Both arti and bow can get + from the ammo, and I think that would get me the most damage at the lowest level. I originally planned to make it a repeater, but with the ability to get ghost touch and blunted ammo from toggles... AA is making the bow very tempting.

12-20-2013, 11:03 AM
First off, I haven't rejected anything, I just stated that I wasn't looking for a completionist character.

Second off...