View Full Version : Guess i picked the wrong destiny can i remove it?

12-11-2013, 09:56 AM
So my past life was cleric when i hit 20 it told me to pick a destiny so i picked Exalted angel. That was fine. However I TRed shortly after to druid. Now that im 20 again i want to go primal. Unfortunately it wont let me claim any destiny as im still exhaled angel.

I know you can work your way through the spheres but im hoping there is a way to jump to a destiny your class can usually pick. To get from exhaled angel to primal is about as far as you can go i think i have to work through 9 destines almost all of which do nothing at all for a pure druid.

Any way to totally reset a destiny pick (not just the points) i dont mind losing any progress I made in it already.

12-11-2013, 10:10 AM
So my past life was cleric when i hit 20 it told me to pick a destiny so i picked Exalted angel. That was fine. However I TRed shortly after to druid. Now that im 20 again i want to go primal. Unfortunately it wont let me claim any destiny as im still exhaled angel.

I know you can work your way through the spheres but im hoping there is a way to jump to a destiny your class can usually pick. To get from exhaled angel to primal is about as far as you can go i think i have to work through 9 destines almost all of which do nothing at all for a pure druid.

Any way to totally reset a destiny pick (not just the points) i dont mind losing any progress I made in it already.

Short answer: no
Slightly longer answer is: you just have to plow your way through destinies to unlock adjacent spheres.

Plan your path through the destiny sphere with your future TR goals in mind.

12-11-2013, 10:15 AM
Your starting point is Exalted Angel, we only get to pick a starting point once.

Without purchasing ED skips from the DDO Store your fastest path to Primal Avatar is:

Exalted Angel: 3 Levels (720,000 XP)
Unyielding Sentinel: 4 Levels (1,080,000 XP)
Grandmaster of Flowers: 3 Levels (720,000 XP)
Legendary Dreadnought: 4 Levels (1,080,000 XP)
Shiradi Champion: 3 Levels (720,000 XP)
Primal Avatar

Assuming you already have Exalted Angel at the 3rd Level you will need 3,600,000 XP to reach your destination, this will put you at level 25 (1/2 way to level 26) before you reach the desired destiny. You will also have at least 5 Fate Points and 5 destinies to choose twists from.

12-11-2013, 11:14 AM
ugg this is going to be painful. Thanks for the info all.

12-11-2013, 11:23 AM
You're going to want to level those other destinies to get fate points for twisting anyway. Better to do it in Druid or another caster than can succeed in epic content with no destiny at all than say....a pure rogue, who without a destiny is in dire peril.

Plus you might well find that some of the other destinies actually work out pretty well. A TWF melee druid will pillage using Dreadnaught.