View Full Version : Help new player with arti build please...

12-08-2013, 09:30 AM
Just recently my wife and I returned to DDO. We have been having a blast so much so we didnt realize that we gained enough favor to get the DDO store points needed to purchase the FVS and ART classes. She bought the FVS so I got the arti, my issue is she has a pretty good idea how to build the FVS since its much like a cleric but I havent a clue how to build my artificer since its unlike any other class. I have an idea that I would like to use crossbows or would it be better to concentrate on spells? I have been trying to do some research but most of the stuff out there are builds for second and third life and are not noob friendly. Should I splash rogue, what race is best, should I go drow for better stats or human for bonus feats and skill points? What kind of feats should I look into getting? I really like the concept of the artificer but I am lost completely on how to build one for duoing with my wifes favored soul. Any help would be greatly appreciated thank you.

P.S. I am still working with a 28 point build.

12-08-2013, 10:24 AM
Race: Many people like Warforged since Artis get reconstruct/repair spells. But you're duoing with your FvS wife and toasters suck (personal preference), so I personally like Human.


Melee: The Juggernaut build is popular at the moment, but that's just toaster lovers drooling over the self-healing, combat oriented buffs, and such. They're durable enough to survive while harassing things to death.
Ranged: You'll want to take enough dex to get Improved Precise Shot, but otherwise focus on Int. Insightful Damage/Strikes is your friend, and your rune arm's DC is based off your int.
Spells: Artis actually have very limited offensive spell selection. Most are Lightning, Fire, or Force based. Your spell pool and selection won't be large enough to actually make this viable through all content.

As for multiclassing, some people like to splash 2 rogue/monk for evasion, but either capstone is definitely powerful enough to merit serious consideration. I like the Battle Engineer tree a lot. For some pure pewpew damnage, there's my favorite 13 Mechanic/7 Battle Engineer.

I personally am of the school of thought that the big draw to DDO is the trillions of possible builds, and think that understanding what the pure class has to offer is essential for making an effective multiclass toon that works for you. My capped raider maxxed out character is a pure human artificer. I prefer to be 70% dps and 30% utility overall though, so she's built that way.

12-08-2013, 06:10 PM
Warforge is good,but if you dont know where all the trap boxes are,Drow can be very useful. Nothing is hidden pops boxes if you have a high wisdom and Int.

You can also take construct essence as a drow/squishy if you dont want to rely on your wife for healing. It would free her up some so she doesnt have to babysit you so much. But you only get half healing from normal healing,and only half healing from reconstruct/repair spells.

The best spells Artis have is Turrent,Blade barrier,Tactical destruction, and deconstruct. The buffs are really nice across all levels but they are just buffs,not so much offensive.

Alot of the Xbows are really over powering until late in Epic.

Really Arti is a really easy class to play even on first life,its hard to screw one up. Most mobs die before they get to you or run straight to your turrent as its a summoned creature and draws argo. Plus your dog is really useful until late in epic. Learning how to know when you dog is bugged is one of the stumbling blocks though.

I have 9 Artis and all of them are easy to play,even my melee based artis.
If you need somebody to run with i can play on all serves and give you a hand if you need it.

12-08-2013, 06:30 PM
Just recently my wife and I returned to DDO. We have been having a blast so much so we didnt realize that we gained enough favor to get the DDO store points needed to purchase the FVS and ART classes. She bought the FVS so I got the arti, my issue is she has a pretty good idea how to build the FVS since its much like a cleric but I havent a clue how to build my artificer since its unlike any other class. I have an idea that I would like to use crossbows or would it be better to concentrate on spells? I have been trying to do some research but most of the stuff out there are builds for second and third life and are not noob friendly. Should I splash rogue, what race is best, should I go drow for better stats or human for bonus feats and skill points? What kind of feats should I look into getting? I really like the concept of the artificer but I am lost completely on how to build one for duoing with my wifes favored soul. Any help would be greatly appreciated thank you.

P.S. I am still working with a 28 point build.

I had a level 12 WF electric arti before the Enh pass.
After the pass he is kinda ridiculous walk in to room press the button for SLA blast rod that is maximized and empowered , watch everything die.
This is with a level 7 or 9 magnetism helm and no lore item.

28 point build doesn't matter so much , max int 12-14 con to taste and rest in Dex. All done on the points.
If you have the favor for FvS at 2500 isn't that enough to get 32pt builds at 1750 favor?

Edit :
D'oh just realized you said enough point to buy. Not unlock.
Ignore last part

12-09-2013, 09:13 AM
I'd second the recommendation about using and abusing the SLAs. They're cheap spells that you can apply metamagics to without cost. And you can get at them pretty quick.

Max int, put enough into dex and con to get Goodies. If you go human, 8/15/12/18/8/8 would be good, but realistically you'd need to put 2 level up points and a +2 tome into dex to qualify for Improved Precise Shot around level 15. There's a free +2 tome if you can get to 1700 favor, or you can buy one from the AH. If you have drow, consider that since it's easy to get and boosts dex and int, which you need both of. This is assuming your wife is your pocket healer. If not all the time, you can get a cleric hireling, or consider Warforged to allow for great self healing, or the Construct Essence feat for lesser self healing.

Put points into Arcanotechnician until you get Blast Rod maxed out (23 points in). Then go up Battle Engineer all the way (max the crossbow and runearm lines). Get Point Blank Shot, Maximize, Empower, Precise Shot, Quicken, Rapid Shot, Improved Critical Ranged and Improved Precise Shot as feats. At this point you still have 3 feats you can choose. Artis get lots of feats. Good choices for extras would be Extend, Dodge, Weapon Finesse (if you ever want to melee), Construct Essence, Augment Summoning (if you like dog), Precision (reduces fort, good for some mobs), Mental Toughness, Improved Mental Toughness, Spell Focus Evocation.

Turn on your metamagics, and use your SLAs like crazy (Blast Rod and Lightning Sphere; don't use Static Shock beyond the low levels. Not worth the time). Shoot your bow and runearm between. If you can, try to pick up Bracers of Wind from the Cannith Challenges that seriously boost your lightning power and your SLA damage, and keep it upgraded; that's the only piece of equipment you need to max out your SLA damage (first version is at lvl 3, and new versions you can upgrade to at 7, 11,15, and 20. Each level has 3 tiers. Don't bother getting higher tiers until 20). Your SLAs will get you through the heroic levels. Once you get to Epic levels, they're still darn good but not as wow.

12-09-2013, 05:17 PM
Thanks for all the info guys it is a lot to take in but I think with your input I have the idea and concept down to make a good strong toon. Thanks again