View Full Version : Cleric type names - battle cleric and healbot is too vague and derogatory

12-04-2013, 11:00 AM
Ok I got a few.

Generalist (tries to balance out casting and melee feats in favor of powerful Epic Destiny enhancement requirements)

Melee Cleric
-2hdr Cleric
-Two weapon Cleric

Caster Cleric
-Crowd Control Cleric
-Cleric Nuker (DOT Cleric with DP and SLAs)
-Evocer Cleric
-Necro Cleric (Insta Kill Cleric)

Turtle Cleric - shield feats

Clonk (Evasion Cleric with Monk)

Fury Cleric
-two weapon Fury Cleric
-two hander Fury Cleric (tries to get all the 2hr feats and cleaves)
-Ranged Cleric (Kiting Cleric although this can be derogatory if you kite in large circles)

These Clerics tend to have a minimum of 17 levels in Cleric.

Please add yours and the basic requirements for the build and purpose.

Maybe some of these names will catch on in game verse the derogatory ones though I tend to see less of it at higher levels.

12-04-2013, 11:15 AM
Battle Cleric is only derogatory if you know nothing about Dungeons and Dragons - In Pen N Paper every Cleric that's not a Pacifist Flavour Build is a Battle Cleric!

When I came to DDO back in 2010 I had no compunction in calling My Clerics Battle Clerics as that's what I was trying to build - You can say they were gimps if u like {they certainly were nowhere near perfect} but Battle Clerics is what they were!

Healbot on the other hand is Purely Derogatory and has no place in conversation as Every Cleric, FvS and Druid in DDO can Heal others to an extent far greater than any other class without losing an ounce of Melee or Caster ability compared to one that refuses to use his/her Healing abilities!

Turbine even went so far as to make Radiant Servant {for a long time the Only Divine Prestige in the game} best used while in the middle of Melee Combat {Auras and Bursts are of little use to your party if you're standing 30 feet behind them!}.

Turbine gave us Aura type Buffs for our FavSouls as well - Buffs that disappear if the melee moves too far away from said FavSoul.

And then we get Druids - Frankly the best Healers in DDO if played that way {something most don't even consider btw}!

12-04-2013, 11:47 AM
It's very important to teach people how to distinguish divine types and proper use of the therms, thanks for bringing this topic up.
I like to call my 66 evo cleric THE HJEALZOR.
If someone asks me if I am okay hjealing a raid or quest I like to say that "I usually pike and die but this time I am gonna try really hard".

12-04-2013, 11:48 AM
How about "Cleric"?

Build: Majority of levels in Cleric.

Purpose: Contribute to completion of quest/raid, provide heals/buffs as needed, kill/control mobs/bosses as needed.


12-04-2013, 11:49 AM
Is healbot really derogatory when it is used by a player to describe a build she made? :p

12-04-2013, 11:51 AM
My cleric is a thug.

Generally bad at everything.

12-04-2013, 11:59 AM
War Priest, Battle Medic.

12-04-2013, 12:10 PM
War Priest, Battle Medic.

Good ones.

Warpriest if you are Tier5 in it which means you dont have Aura.

What is a Battle Medic?

12-04-2013, 12:20 PM
And then we get Druids - Frankly the best Healers in DDO if played that way {something most don't even consider btw}!

How is that? I do notice a lot of Clerics have gone Druid instead. Mainly due to Cleric hate.

Started a thread on it here


12-04-2013, 12:37 PM
What is a Battle Medic?

A non-derogatory term for a healbot. Because all clerics can melee decent, but the RS is on the front lines more to heal, while the war priest is there more to fight.

12-04-2013, 03:12 PM
And then we get Druids - Frankly the best Healers in DDO if played that way {something most don't even consider btw}!
How so? Or rather, what makes them better than a properly-specced Radiant Servant?

12-04-2013, 04:08 PM
"Battle Cleric" means too many different things to different people to be a useful term.

Healbot, on the other hand, is pretty specific and descriptive. I know people who build and play their Clerics that way. It's not derogatory if it's accurate, is it? Not something I want to play personally, but if others like to, sure.

Clonk (Evasion Cleric with Monk)

Clonk isn't specific enough. Sure, it means Cleric with Monk, but different folks do that in very different ways. Some are very melee-oriented, others are just looking for the passive benefits (stances, Evasion) for what's otherwise a generic caster Cleric.

12-04-2013, 04:20 PM
How so? Or rather, what makes them better than a properly-specced Radiant Servant?

Mass rejuvunate is as mana efficient as mass heal, if note more mana eficient and it doesn't come with a 30 second cast time.

12-04-2013, 04:21 PM
Hush you people! You are ruining my canned line to avoid tells when doing divine past lives: 'This is not the battle cleric you are looking for..."


12-04-2013, 04:23 PM
I just go with Melee Cleric for my THF main usually.

Battle Cleric I would like to use more but it has a bad reputation and over time has incorrectly come to mean "cleric that melees and doesn't heal" even though in reality it means "cleric that can both melee and heal".

Anytime someone wonders if I'm going to heal and asks me if I'm a battle cleric before accepting I always say yes though. If they want to not accept me because of their stupidity that's fine, I will go heal elsewhere.

12-04-2013, 04:35 PM
War Priest, Battle Medic.

I rather like Battle Medic however War Priest is maybe too specific and can't really be used unless you're fully specced in said Prestige so as not to give people the wrong idea.

I think that I'll probably stick with Battle Cleric however as neither of the two terms above take into account the Huge Anti Undead Capabilities of a Cleric!

As for Druids vs Clerics as Party Healers Pilgrim 1 has put it far better than I ever could:

(1) Clerics, due to there passive healing and burst healing are great at healing themselves.
(2) In a ball of melee setting (similar to harry beat down) I would vastly prefer having mass regenerate over mass heal, it is so much much better. Mass vigor's and mass cures are kinda a wash but mass cure's are a bit better in my thoughts.
(3) For topping off random people (like in Fall of truth) your best off using cocoon and renewal. Both classes have heal.
(4) For keeping a Main tank up by focusing on them (like in ToD) druid is light years ahead of Cleric.

Clerics are great at self healing and of course also great Party Healers BUT Druids if specced for it will beat Clerics as Party Healers in my opinion.

The thing is that to too many people in DDO Heal is a Naughty word and so very few actually consider making a Druid Healer and the Onus is on how much DPS {Spell or Melee} you can get out of Druid instead!

I'm not a fan of Druid as is but I can say that IF I had a regular group to Heal I would choose to create a Druid over a Cleric to do so any day of the week {and I'm a Big fan of Clerics}.

12-04-2013, 04:46 PM
When I play my clerics I don't like being lumped into a category. You either take me as a cleric or move on your way. Clerics fight, buff, and heal. If you can't take me because you want a heal slave or because you think battle clerics are gimp that's your bag not mine. I am cleric hear me roar!!! lol

12-07-2013, 02:49 PM
When I play my clerics I don't like being lumped into a category. You either take me as a cleric or move on your way. Clerics fight, buff, and heal. If you can't take me because you want a heal slave or because you think battle clerics are gimp that's your bag not mine. I am cleric hear me roar!!! lol

Gotta agree with the above poster. Also, every cleric has his own vision of how a 'TWF cleric' or 'Battle Medic' should be build and played. So I don't think the title will say much until after your party sees you in action. Though some names/titles are cool.

"I am a Warpriest. Every battlefield is my church, my holy books are written with weapons. You will repent before the end of the sermon, but don't despair, I shall guide you to your absolution down the path of blunt force trauma".

12-07-2013, 03:12 PM
[QUOTE="I am a Warpriest. Every battlefield is my church, my holy books are written with weapons. You will repent before the end of the sermon, but don't despair, I shall guide you to your absolution down the path of blunt force trauma".[/QUOTE]

I have been on these boards for 4 years. I have finally found a signature. :D

12-10-2013, 03:44 PM
One of my clerics I like to think of as a mobile piker. Just turn the aura on, hug the wounded, pretend to hit mobs with my healing scepter, try not to actually cast a healing spell and collect thanks for heals at completion. Sure I have to run around a bit, but I like to try to get through a dungeon with a PuG, keep everyone healed and not cast any cures. I do keep a bucketload of buffs running on the party, so not really a piker and not really a healbot, just one way to play a cleric.

Another of my clerics IS a healbot and I find it odd that people think my build name is self-derogatory! My healbot is in a static party and is fun to play in that environment of gimps and flower sniffers. :)

My third and final cleric is a generalist, I think of him as a 'cleric' seeing as he can heal, melee and cast with equal flair!

When it comes to PuG party members asking what am I, I tell them I'm a cleric. That's it, they don't get anything else from me. If I ever managed to build a cleric that I didn't think could heal a party I'd say so, but otherwise they just have to accept me as a cleric, sans-labels.

12-10-2013, 05:29 PM
Do we need to have a dozen names for our clerics?

I just went with "hits stuff, maybe heals, has a habit of evading stuffs". I don't care if you can work out my split from that.

I honestly see nobody bothering to remember a dozen variants of cleric with their special names. As for taking offence, really? A hjealzbot can be considered derogatory, but you're paying for the game, play it how you like. Healing is just so easy, a melee cleric with only quicken/emp heal can raid heal if they want, or keep a party up while taking the kills. (That was my 5th life)

12-10-2013, 05:42 PM
Ok I got a few.

There is nothing derogatory about Healbot or Battle Cleric. I know plenty of folks that are very proud of their "healbot" and would never take offense. and Battle cleric is just a cleric that can fight as far as I;m concerned. Every cleric I've ever designed and played has proudly been some variant of a "Battle Cleric". Not once have I ever taken offense.

As for the "Vague" part, Nobody feels the need to "define" the role of any other class in DDO. Why should cleric be any different?

12-10-2013, 06:24 PM
There is nothing derogatory about Healbot or Battle Cleric. I know plenty of folks that are very proud of their "healbot" and would never take offense. and Battle cleric is just a cleric that can fight as far as I;m concerned. Every cleric I've ever designed and played has proudly been some variant of a "Battle Cleric". Not once have I ever taken offense.

As for the "Vague" part, Nobody feels the need to "define" the role of any other class in DDO. Why should cleric be any different?

I think the battle cleric hate comes from when the cap was 20 for a long time. You had a few things that caused it.

1) In order to survive in epics at the time you needed to have a GOOD party. You only had 6 or 12 slots. So you needed to make sure that every one in your group did there part. A BC in that setting could be a problem. With the damage spikes it was easy for a some one to get 90% of their HP knocked of in one hit. Even in good gear. So a BC that was busy hitting things might miss the heal by 1/2 a sec and you are down. Really the entire play style was very geared to specialization. BCs at the time where seen as too generalists. You needed a healer that was 100% focused on keeping the group up.

2) People still learning the game did not understand that they needed to watch their own health bar. This come from every other MMO out there. So when a BC joins a pug and tells the barb to not run into every mob right away, they get confused. This can lead some people to getting mad at the cleric for "not doing their job". The same thing happened with all of the low HP rogues we had. They would be confused when attacking broke stealth.

3) People still learning to play cleric. I have spent 4 years playing my main on and off. I am on my 3rd cleric life. My first life was a pure heal bot play style. As I got more comfortable with the game I started to branch out into BC builds. I made some BAD build mistakes. I tried to solo heal things I should not have. The reaction from players was to blame my build. Then me. Then my mother for ever letting me be born. They blamed the build FIRST though.

You put this all together and you have a recipe for every one getting ****ed. The cleric player is mad because the feel forced into a roll. The other players are mad because they feel like you should not have chosen to play a cleric if you did not want to sit in the back and heal. Things have changed enough now that this is no longer the case. There is still some left over from that time on the boards though.

12-10-2013, 07:00 PM
Pay no attention to the icon it does not mean what you think it means