View Full Version : DDO Chat - deleting first portion of long texts

12-02-2013, 01:12 PM
I recently came back from a one year break and noticed a huge difference when using the ingame chat.

It used to be, when you were writing long texts in the chat, that you just couldn't input any more letters. That's when you knew you reached the limit, post what you had written so far, and continue writing.
Now the chat ui lets you write indefinitely. But when you reach the threshold, it just removes the first portion of the text. This is somewhat annoying. I am someone who writes a lot, only to realize, that the first part of what I am writing has already been removed from the input line. This renders the remaining rest useless, because the beginning is missing.

Aren't other players annoyed by this? Is this by design?

Because as I said, it used to be different.....

12-02-2013, 01:31 PM
I recently came back from a one year break and noticed a huge difference when using the ingame chat.

It used to be, when you were writing long texts in the chat, that you just couldn't input any more letters. That's when you knew you reached the limit, post what you had written so far, and continue writing.
Now the chat ui lets you write indefinitely. But when you reach the threshold, it just removes the first portion of the text. This is somewhat annoying. I am someone who writes a lot, only to realize, that the first part of what I am writing has already been removed from the input line. This renders the remaining rest useless, because the beginning is missing.

Aren't other players annoyed by this? Is this by design?

Because as I said, it used to be different.....

This bites me in the butt quite a bit. Luckily I haven't personally typed anything embarrassing but by removing the first part of the message it makes the remainder of the message go out on the public general channel. I'm sure some people send tells that could be quite embarrassing if they ended up broadcast publicly.

12-03-2013, 06:04 AM
Or you could just send the message in smaller bits. Nobody wants to read a dissertation in a chat box. You know how people fail their saves against WallOfText on the forums? Yea, well, in game they suffer a -20 modifier to that save. I know the times I receive a wall of text in game, I don't even bother to attempt to read it. Takes too much time when there are other things going on.

12-03-2013, 07:05 AM
I recently came back from a one year break and noticed a huge difference when using the ingame chat.

It used to be, when you were writing long texts in the chat, that you just couldn't input any more letters. That's when you knew you reached the limit, post what you had written so far, and continue writing.
Now the chat ui lets you write indefinitely. But when you reach the threshold, it just removes the first portion of the text. This is somewhat annoying. I am someone who writes a lot, only to realize, that the first part of what I am writing has already been removed from the input line. This renders the remaining rest useless, because the beginning is missing.

Aren't other players annoyed by this? Is this by design?

Because as I said, it used to be different.....

it's annoying indeed, since the space is not a lot so some not-so-long messages are erased too :/

12-03-2013, 07:08 AM
Yup, annoying. XD I've done this quite a bit.

12-03-2013, 07:09 AM
I'm sure some people send tells that could be quite embarrassing if they ended up broadcast publicly.

i've seen some pretty good reads recently lol