View Full Version : BYoD(ps)

12-01-2013, 05:37 AM
No drama here btw, just something I saw earlier.

I decided to run an Elite Redwillows earlier on my Wiz - Id been mostly soloing up till then and thought I'll pop up an IP Lfm just for the company.

A monk joins - good stuff. I cant play Monk myself as I cant get used to all the finisher combos but I know their worth - Web, Wall, Haste and Rage with Monk in the middle knocking things on the head and ........well you know score.

About 3/4 way through the quest a Cleric joins and immediatley pops a melee hire.

Then while Im clearing the last of the jungle hes by Redwillow (possibly piking) and has the cheek to ask me if Im actually going to return with the items.

I run a couple of Clerics so Im not a hater and I understand the need to go full healbot sometimes, but this person was surely taking the p1ss by double piking i.e. not healing or dps'ing.

It actually made me laugh..

I can only blame myself for not putting "be self suff" in the LFM :-)

12-01-2013, 07:33 AM
The best way to ensure self sufficiency is to pike.

12-01-2013, 08:23 AM
The best way to ensure self sufficiency is to pike.Piking actually avoids the need of any kind of sufficiency... except being sufficient enough to enter the quest :D

12-01-2013, 09:43 AM
What IS the best way to address that kind of thing? On one hand, I feel like its pretty presumptuous to pop a hire in a quest without asking first. I almost always say yes when I'm asked, but I wan someone to give me the courtesy of asking if they can pop a hire. On the other hand, I would've explained to the cleric in the OP that what he did was rather rude and ask him to dismiss it. That doesn't seen very fair either.

12-01-2013, 09:50 AM
Piking actually avoids the need of any kind of sufficiency... except being sufficient enough to enter the quest :D

Ah, but you wont die, run out of mana or get any debuffs. While the rest of the party may get wiped.

12-01-2013, 10:03 AM
Ah, but you wont die, run out of mana or get any debuffs. While the rest of the party may get wiped.I agree 100%

...except if someone from the party aggroes lots of mobs and brings them to the piker, and then he gets invisible or something and runs away :D (i'm not sure now if/when you can do this though - i mean the bringing to the piker part)

12-01-2013, 10:22 AM
I must admit that I find the OP of this thread to be rather amusing :)

If it's a problem though you could:

1. Ignore it (not my thing)
2. Reform around the problem person.
3. Drag every mob you can find by attaining line of site aggro, bring them to the offender. Hit 'diplo'. Drink and invisibility pot or use a scroll/clickie and move away. Then watch the fireworks.

Probably best for server relations to go with #2.

12-01-2013, 11:09 AM
What IS the best way to address that kind of thing? On one hand, I feel like its pretty presumptuous to pop a hire in a quest without asking first. I almost always say yes when I'm asked, but I wan someone to give me the courtesy of asking if they can pop a hire. On the other hand, I would've explained to the cleric in the OP that what he did was rather rude and ask him to dismiss it. That doesn't seen very fair either.

If something bothers you, let the person know you prefer they don't do whatever it is. If they are agreeable, there's no further issue. If they tell you "that's how I play" or any variant thereof, or if they just keep doing it without saying anything, don't group with them again.

The most quests someone can ruin for you is one, unless you choose to let them ruin more.

12-01-2013, 12:22 PM
I agree 100%

...except if someone from the party aggroes lots of mobs and brings them to the piker, and then he gets invisible or something and runs away :D (i'm not sure now if/when you can do this though - i mean the bringing to the piker part)

Ah, but then you wouldnt be piking right.

12-01-2013, 12:42 PM
My favorites are the people who go AFK in quests where you have to gather the party in order to proceed. This game needs an "eject from quest" button. They could make it grief-resistant by giving it a minute-long timer and a message "the party leader has selected to eject you from the quest, click NO to cancel". That way if they actually come back they can cancel the eject. If they've decided to go write the next Great American Novel, it times out and they get booted so you can finish the dang quest.

Even if this only worked in quests with a "gather" mechanic, it'd be really nice to have.

12-01-2013, 01:00 PM
I might be reading this wrong, but based on the OP's post it sounds like they stepped in, saw that everything was already gathered and so rather than running all over the quest they waited for the items to be turned in to go to the final part. And they were confused as to why blue dots weren't heading back.

12-01-2013, 01:36 PM
This game needs an "eject from quest" button.

It really does not, trust me.

12-01-2013, 02:13 PM
It's a level 6 quest. There's still noobs running around at that level.

My guess is a noob joined your group. Most noobs don't realize that hires take up a party slot, and if they do they almost never understand scaling or basic game etiquette. That explains the melee hire.

As for him asking if you brought back the items yet, my guess is he talked to the NPCs and had some clue as to what he should be doing and wanted to see if you had already done it.

I always try and be patient with people like that. I find usually they are just new. Be thankful we have noobs. We need them. Without them this game will die. Maybe try to educate him a little next time?

The quests are so easy at that level anyway so even if he doesn't pull his weight in scaling it's a non-issue.

But yes I'd be cracking up as well :D

12-01-2013, 02:15 PM
Ah, but you wont die, run out of mana or get any debuffs. While the rest of the party may get wiped.

Try that in hold for reinforcements.

12-01-2013, 02:41 PM
No drama here btw, just something I saw earlier.

I decided to run an Elite Redwillows earlier on my Wiz - Id been mostly soloing up till then and thought I'll pop up an IP Lfm just for the company.

A monk joins - good stuff. I cant play Monk myself as I cant get used to all the finisher combos but I know their worth - Web, Wall, Haste and Rage with Monk in the middle knocking things on the head and ........well you know score.

About 3/4 way through the quest a Cleric joins and immediatley pops a melee hire.

Then while Im clearing the last of the jungle hes by Redwillow (possibly piking) and has the cheek to ask me if Im actually going to return with the items.

I run a couple of Clerics so Im not a hater and I understand the need to go full healbot sometimes, but this person was surely taking the p1ss by double piking i.e. not healing or dps'ing.

It actually made me laugh..

I can only blame myself for not putting "be self suff" in the LFM :-)

Before I judged this cleric I would ask for how he behaved in another quest. Redwillow Ruins is a special case. If you had already gathered all the items by the time he entered then going after you truly would be piking. He would spend the rest of the level collecting treasure bags (and any chests that were opened after he got in) and probably miss the entire end fight. Waiting for you to come back so he could help with the giants may indeed have been his best choice. It depends entirely on how far through the quest you were when he got in.

12-01-2013, 06:19 PM
About 3/4 way through the quest a Cleric joins and immediatley pops a melee hire.

I'll go with: he did it out of spite.

"Oh you think you melee types can just pop a cleric hire whenever you want to? Well watch THIS...!"

12-01-2013, 10:55 PM
Ah, but you wont die, run out of mana or get any debuffs. While the rest of the party may get wiped.

1 Step in quest,
2 Make sure Ghostbane is equipped
3 Pop useless hireling
4 Pike
5 If party wipes call them noobs exit quest and drop group
6 Win