View Full Version : Devs, please. Tsunami should be made better

11-28-2013, 08:10 PM
There's a spell named as Tsunami on Primal Avatar Epic Destiny, but It's gust of wind based spell, so this makes area spells gone. You can think Cyclonic Blast, It's same work. So, Being wind-based spell means that you can't use this spell well and This spell is useless when Arcane Casters are there. They should set Dancing Balls, Firewall or Ice Storm on enemies, but Casting Tsunami bursts them all.

Tsunami is a water wave, not wind gusting. So I don't think this should work as wind-based spells. There're more problems even. SP cost is really high(50). Spell projectile speed is really slow. Spell is thrown as Cyclonic Blast or Lightning Bolt. So even if you used this spell, You have a high fail chance to hit enemies because of slow speed and straight line launch, and results the loss of high SP.

There's Energy Burst on Draconic Incarnation Epic Destiny. Let's compare with. Energy Burst is easy(AoE on you, not targeting) to hit enemies than Tsunami with costing less SP(30) even and The damage is almost similar to Tsunami, but can make higher than. High costing SP(50) of Tsunami should have Its advantage and reward, but Tsunami hasn't them.

I'd like to suggest to make the spell to have a similar look of Quench, but bigger visual than and to extinguish only firewall(and incendiary cloud) such as Ice Storm do; This is considered that Tsunami is WATER wave.-
If you devs don't want change anything, please make wind-gusting effect gone. It's the big thing I want. I hate that.

11-29-2013, 08:16 AM
Tsunamis are very tall, very powerful waves. They can be 30 meters tall, or more. It actually makes sense that they would wipe out everything in their path.

11-29-2013, 05:05 PM
Area of effect is too small. 50sp is a large investment for a spell that does little in actuality. Good on paper, bad in practice. Needs to be improved.

11-29-2013, 05:24 PM
bigger issue, why does a gust of wind or wave of water wipe out an earthquake

11-30-2013, 06:13 AM
Tsunami: Active (50SP to activate) (7 sec cooldown) (SR: no) (Empower, Maximize, Quicken, Heighten, Enlarge) Sends forth a wave of water, knocking enemies down and dealing 30 cold damage plus 1d10 per character level and 30 bludgeoning damage plus 1d10 per character level. The cold damage and knockdown are negated on a successful Fortitude save vs. 10 + Wisdom modifier + Character level. Some monsters can resist Tsunami completely, such as Water Elementals and Oozes.

Let's sum up all the benefits for this one:
+ 35.5+35.5 = 71 base average damage per character level, two damage types, no save.

+ 10 + 22 + 28 = 60 Fort Save or knock down.

+ No SR

+ 7 sec cooldown

Energy Burst: Active Ability: (Cooldown 30 seconds, cost 20 sp, metamagic: quicken) A pulse of of [fire/ice/electricity/corrosion] emanate from your body dealing [1d10+10/1d12+12/1d15+15] [fire/cold/electric/acid] damage per character level (reflex save DC 20 + 1/2 character level + INT/CHA modifier for half damage).

Let's sum up all the benefits for this one:
- 23 base average damage per character level, save for half damage.

- 20 + 22 + 14 = 56 Reflex Save (this one is lower and reflex is harder to beat)

- SR(?)

+ You can choose what type of elemental damage you want to burst (once and then it's set)

I think I have the average damage per character level wrong.
Still the lower cooldown, no sr, no save against the damage (which is 3 times higher in it's base), higher to-save-against knockdown effect and two damage types is what makes the Tsunami way better then the Energy Burst, at it's base. So Tsunami has a higher potential.

I think you are comparing the different boosts to (spell elemental, etc) damage types from Prestige Enhancements and Epic Destinies.

11-30-2013, 01:29 PM
I think if you don't like Tsunami your doing it wrong I absolutely love the spell it is hard to get the targeting working but once you figure it out it's amazing.

If they wanted to make it better I'd be even happier with it.