View Full Version : Partial Monkish.. Question - Need some advice.

11-21-2013, 03:43 AM
I'm thinking of creating a 12 Wizard/6 Monk/2 Fighter - AP in: Eldritch Knight (focus), Palemaster (wraith + self healing) Kensai (extra action boosts + haste boost) and Henshin Mystic (monk abilities)... I'll be wearing Robes/Outfit, and using either Short Swords, Long Swords, Kama, Quarterstaffs, or other monk based weapons (if any are higher dps)

I'm not sure as to what race just yet, it all depends on the weapons and enhancements. Anyways, the reason why my question is placed within this forum, is so I can get advice from monks, since that'll be partially how the build will be done, using monk abilities/weapons.

What I am looking for with the character:

High melee dps, moderate-high spell dps, survivability, buffs, and self heals.

I can get the melee dps + survivability from Monk/Fighter + Feats, Survivability from Wraith/Monk Dodge/Evasion, Self Healing from Wraith + Death Auras/Neg Burst... and I'm not sure how well the spell dps would be, I'd have to look into it based on the rest of the build.

Anyways, my question is, what monk weapon might provide the best dps for my setup?

I can go with Longswords [1d8] Slash but it requires 2 extra feats, or I could go with Shortswords [1d6] Pierce, (dex based 6 in Ninja) or I could go with Quarterstaff's [1d6] Bludgeon (thf str based) or Unarmed (handwraps) Although I think I might prefer the weapons, for general theme.. since I see this character as a "Spellsword" or "Swordmage"

I've not yet looked over all the details just yet, which I will be doing tomorrow.

On this character, if I go with spells and melee, it requires I have a few key spell and melee feats, but, in addition to that, some dodge/defensive feats:

Quicken, Empower, Mental Toughness, Spell Penetration.
Power Attack, Cleave, Great Cleave, Two Handed Fighting (Chain) OR Two Weapon Fighting (Chain), Improved Critical
Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, Insightful Reflexes (if staff)

The idea is, a character who can use spells to buff and cast from afar, or added aoe damage. One who can survive in EE, solo (non-trapped) or group (if trapped) and be beneficial to the group via buffs/high dps. Also wanting to create a hybrid, both spell and melee damage. ..

Anyways, I'm just wondering which of those 3, or other monk weapons might be best dps for what I am after.

As a lvl 6 Monk, I don't get all of it's unique abilities, such as high boosted AC via Wis, but I do get 2 AC bonus.. and in addition to that, I can add in the 2 spells Mage Armor and Shield, and Epic Mage Armor at 21/24..

Since would be trying to focus on melee and spellcasting, the gear would be a little tricky, but I'll deal with it.... just... what'd be the better weapon selection?

11-21-2013, 05:12 AM
If you are planning on EE then go thf, get sireth. In the hands of a henshin it crits on a 13 and does x3. It's close to what a kensai with esos does. the stout oak isnt a bad weapon until you get sireth.

11-21-2013, 11:13 AM
If you are planning on EE then go thf, get sireth. In the hands of a henshin it crits on a 13 and does x3. It's close to what a kensai with esos does. the stout oak isnt a bad weapon until you get sireth.

Thats for a full henshin though, my character wouldn't be using the full tree, so I dont know how much it'd be of a difference..