View Full Version : Lost epic heart and marilith chain

11-20-2013, 10:19 AM
Server cannith, character name Overvaan.

I collected 4200 commendations of valor and i farmed hard for them for a week.

Today as i used them and exchanged for epic heart of wood i was about to clear tr cache as on lammania my whole tr cache got wiped during epic tr.

While doing so, i have no idea how it happend but some item from tr cache overwrote my epic heart and i lost it.

Didnt trash, didnt drag, nothing it just disapeared on its own. Same thing happend with marilith chain couple weeks ago.

I beg you to restore heart at least as i have lost to much time to farm for it.

This is to demoralizing and i wont pay or play or budge if you dont restore it.

In case i dont get it back i dont think i can continue to play this game. As this is to demoralizing.

I havelinked 4200 com of valor several times to many people in a userchat so i have proof i had valor.

I beg you to restore it and send a gm to talk to me to restore it

Even if you dont restore could you please post here and at least say you cant restore it?
As this pointles ammount of wait is making me feel insecure about my will to further play this game


I assume the following happend:
While i was clearing tr cache i was in third invetory tab and i was draging to first one.
Usualy what that does when you are in different tab is that it puts the new item on first slot and sorts aka moves rest of items.
Somehow during that process my heart wasnt moved but instead either overwritten or detleted.
As i can remember exactly the same scenario happend with marilith chain.
So it might be a curent bug, but anyways pls tell me something here. Anything even if you cant help me as i am sick of waiting at gm to contact me, and my dozen tickets make me only more frustrated with every single one i make ..

11-20-2013, 10:45 AM
good luck, honestly.

11-20-2013, 10:57 AM
Is your inventory full? I have had things hidden due to overflow, where when I move something out, another appears where there would have been an empty space.

Also, there is a recent thread where someone's inventory was a bit scrambled, and it looked like they had lost things and couldn't add anything to what appeared to be empty spaces. After playing around with it, she (he?) discovered it was possible to move some items in the inv to the "empty" spaces, and uncovered the "missing" bits.

I don't know that this is the case with you, but it is something to check out.

I wish you well.

11-20-2013, 03:15 PM
Invetory is close to full, but not full. I thought item was marked as trashed, no not in buyback option. It happend last time i trd with my marilith chain.

Seems as when my inv is close to full and i pull last items from tr cache to my inv, it can kind overwrite items with autosort and lets say delete something.

When i reported about marilith chain all i got was to bug report and tha they cant help me..

I said meh not worth to bother as i need 2 druids 2 fsouls and 1 artie for triple completionist and wont need it with iconic tr.

With heart lost its a different story. This is so demoralizing to lose a week of farm for apsolutely nothing.

I mean i never felt more betrayed then now as im waiting for ticked for several hours alrdy with no response.

I had hopes posting here would help me, but sadly no luck so far.. I realy dont want to part ways with ddo because of 1 big disapointment as im usualy ok with support.. So devs pretty pls don make a customer sad and help him out by saying a gm to fix this for me.

Cant put in worst disapintment and despair i feel right now /:

11-20-2013, 03:17 PM
I havelinked 4200 com of valor several times to many people in a userchat so i have proof i had valor.

I can attest to this. Not only did he link his progress in guild chat multiple times, I did a bunch of the stuff with him. Over isn't trying to scam himself into a free heart, he's just trying to keep the fruits of his labor.

If anyone from Turbine could help him out, that would be great.

11-22-2013, 03:30 AM
I can attest to this as well. Overvaan works hard on his items and he should have the heart or at least these 4200 commendations back. Another reason to solve the issue and check what's the cause is that it might happen to another players as well and they can lose even more valuable stuff, such as whole ingredient bags what might discourage some people if items will start to disappear in bigger amounts.