View Full Version : house cannith challanges

11-20-2013, 01:33 AM
hi i am Istha (LvL 20+2 Rogue),
i am trying to gather up people for challanges so that i can get artificer. Sadly i either do not get enough people or i have no idea what to do in individuall chalanges (it takes me 1 or 2 runs to grasp the goals well) resulting in catastropical failures (4 chalange tokens wasted yesternight and all i got out of it is 1*). Therby i turn to comunity in search for experienced players in these chalanges would you join me?
Due to some confusion i have to clarify: these challanges are NOT epic and serve only to rack up on stars and thusly favor. i do them once a week because i have only so many tokens anavible and need to restock alot.

current plan:
23.11. Saturday Night 22:00 C.E.T. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_European_Time) (that is +1hour G.M.T. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greenwich_Mean_Time)) untill i am tired
1.12. Sunday Night 22:00 C.E.T. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_European_Time) again untill i am tired

quest plan:
so far only Colosal Crystall, i was told that it can be done with minimall quest difficulity so i would try that. altho i still need a guide and at least 1 more to help explore.
rest of the run is up to party suggestions - i will eventually list my star completition so that we know what we can expect not to run.

12-18-2013, 11:03 AM