View Full Version : Tank build and some questions

11-19-2013, 02:24 PM
Human: 12 paladin 6 fighter 2 monk

str: 14
dex: 10 (at least +3 tome)
con: 16 (+5 tome)
int: 10 (at least +3 tome)
wis: 8
cha: 18 (+)

1-12 paladin, 13-14 monk, 15-20 fighter.

exotic weapon proficiency: bastard sword
dragonmark of finding (or mark of sentinel)
shield mastery
improved shield mastery
improved shield bash
spring attack
deflect arrows
combat expertise
whirlwind attack
shield deflection
blwark of dfense
epic toughness
epic skill focus: Intimidate
blinding speed
elusive target

human 20 (dragon marks, amp, fight style)
sacred defender 56 (not pointing: redemption,saves boost, instinctive defense,defense boost, charisma or constitution, spellshield aura.)
stalwart defender 4 (threatening countenance)

unyielding sentinel

T1: 3 shield prowess, 2 brace for impact, 1 endless turning
T2: 3 legendary shield mastery
T3: 1 intolerant blows, 3 endless lay on hands
T5: 3 hardened, 3 ward against evil
T6: 1undying vanguard

Twists: 4,2,1

4: volcano's edge
2: improved combat expertise
1: rejuvenation cocoon

good saves, ac, and prr. 7% dodge (11%with ee daggertooth's belt)
good aggro
10charges lay on hands

better loot if dragon mark of fining, better vs spells if mark of sentinel

this build is much better than it looks like
and it works well with ring of shadow

my questions:
Divine Righteousness: Channel Divinity: You gain temporary hit points equal your Charisma score and a 100% Sacred bonus to threat generation for 60 seconds.
Inciting Defense: When in Sacred Defense, you gain 25%/50%/75% Sacred bonus to melee threat generation.
Intolerant Blows: Active Ability: (Cooldown 20 seconds) Expend one Smile Evil: For twelve seconds you gain +1000% Sacred bonus to threat generation and deal +1[W] damage.

they all sacred bonus, do they stack? if not, ima go try use stalwart defense with divine righteousness

Inciting Defense: While in Stalwart Defense, you gain a 25%/50%/75% Competence bonus to melee threat generation.
Threatening Countenance: +1/+2/+3 Haggle, Intimidate, and +5%/+10%/+15% melee threat generation.
Fabricator's Bracers - increases melee hate by 20%

do they stack?

11-20-2013, 01:13 PM
I prefer pal 6 / ftr 12 combos: if you'd not going for Zeal (pal lvl 14+), there's not much incentive going past pal lvl 6. Whereas 3 extra feats + Power Surge are both pretty good reasons for going for 6 more ftr lvls.

Sacred bonuses do not stack with each other, which makes Divine Righteousness more useful to a Stalwart Defender than a Sacred Defender, bizarrely enough.

I think you invested too much into defense and not enough into offense; all the threat amp in the world isn't enough to hold aggro if your DPS sucks. No cleaves, no improved / overwhelming crit, no THF feats, not even power atk? Zero DPS bonuses from Kensei or KotC? Level-ups into CHA instead of STR?

this build is much better than it looks like
That seems...unlikely.

11-20-2013, 02:07 PM
OP, I'm a bit confused by your post (other than your questions at the end). Are you posting your build for others to see as a recommendation, or are you asking for advice on your build?

11-20-2013, 08:03 PM
I wonder if you can kill casters of En von 3 with this build (should also plan a better dps mode with LD or Fury destiny) , also quicken + empower healing for self heal with cocoon with no interrumpt seems better than deflect arrows, shield bash and other defensive feats, another option could be investing heavy on reflex save and taking epic reflex if 70+ saves for no fail on a 1+ evasion = no damage from evade spells

11-20-2013, 10:34 PM
I wonder if you can kill casters of En von 3 with this build (should also plan a better dps mode with LD or Fury destiny) , also quicken + empower healing for self heal with cocoon with no interrumpt seems better than deflect arrows, shield bash and other defensive feats, another option could be investing heavy on reflex save and taking epic reflex if 70+ saves for no fail on a 1+ evasion = no damage from evade spells
ya. this build deal low dmg , i have been using this build to solo eh ttt for about a month, it was hard to kill stuff but mobs cant even hurt me =.=

deflect arrows is just in case, i thought there may or will have a ranged boss with high dmg, but this feat isnt necessary.

i like to have shield bash because it gives the ability of auto shield bash while using block mode (i always put a lock on shift while im tanking T1, and it works very well)

for reflex, my think is if there is a strong caster or some where we must have reflex,(like ee tor blue dragon), ima take off my heavy arrmor and shield. use wrap as a monk. so the evade feat will be acctive.

ty for your suggestion

11-20-2013, 10:39 PM
OP, I'm a bit confused by your post (other than your questions at the end). Are you posting your build for others to see as a recommendation, or are you asking for advice on your build?

i was trying to share my build and try to improve it. but question part is important for me because I was surprised to find almost all threat generation bonus are "sacred". i asked myself, if they do not stack, it that worth to spend ap on it? or should i use fighter's tank enhancement and take divine righteousness?
