View Full Version : Question regarding elven clerics

11-04-2013, 07:33 AM
Hey all. I'm considering creating an elven cleric, and I'd like for her to concentrate on the Warpriest enhancement line for decent to good damaging ability. My main question is: Will Righteous Weapons stack with the Elf racial Elven Weapon Training enhancements, or do they give the same bonuses (meaning you take one or the other but not both)? If they don't stack, what would you recommend regarding adding in a level or two of Fighter (concentrating on Kensei tree)? I'm going with the elf race so I get the free longsword/longbow/etc without needing to take a feat, plus the access to all the other goodies in the elf racial enhancement tree.

11-04-2013, 09:30 AM
Hey all. I'm considering creating an elven cleric, and I'd like for her to concentrate on the Warpriest enhancement line for decent to good damaging ability. My main question is: Will Righteous Weapons stack with the Elf racial Elven Weapon Training enhancements, or do they give the same bonuses (meaning you take one or the other but not both)? If they don't stack, what would you recommend regarding adding in a level or two of Fighter (concentrating on Kensei tree)? I'm going with the elf race so I get the free longsword/longbow/etc without needing to take a feat, plus the access to all the other goodies in the elf racial enhancement tree.

Yes, the weapon enhancements stack.

And you'll definitely want to splash. I'd recommend splashing 3 levels since level 17 is all you need for mass heal and energy drain. There's not much to be gained by an 18th, 19th and 20th cleric level for a melee cleric. Since you don't want to go the clonk route I think your best bet is either 17 cleric/ 2 paladin / 1 fighter or 17 cleric / 2 fighter / or 1 wizard. The pally/fighter splash gives better saves and an extra feat in addition to the kensei tree goodies, like haste boost. The fighter/wiz splash will give you 3 extra feats, fighter goodies and lvl 1 arcane wands but won't give you as good of saves. If you want something unique like a trapping cleric or ranged cleric you could also splash rogue or ranger.

Here's two threads about the first two builds I mentioned -



good luck, have fun :D

11-08-2013, 03:41 PM
I've considered Ranger3/Cleric 17 for a war priest. Rangers at level 3 in the tempest line get scimitars as light weapons, and the scimitar is your holy weapon if you go undying court. You also get the free ranger feats at 2nd level and the +10% chance to proc an offhand attack.
On the downside, the 18th level cleric goodie in warpriest is having Haste on your spell list. That's a really nice spell, especially if you like to run challenges and the like.

11-09-2013, 10:16 AM
I've considered Ranger3/Cleric 17 for a war priest. Rangers at level 3 in the tempest line get scimitars as light weapons, and the scimitar is your holy weapon if you go undying court. You also get the free ranger feats at 2nd level and the +10% chance to proc an offhand attack.
On the downside, the 18th level cleric goodie in warpriest is having Haste on your spell list. That's a really nice spell, especially if you like to run challenges and the like.

Yeah, the Tempest enhancements for third level are pretty sweet in that regard, and it would suck to lose out on the Haste in the Warpriest line. You could chug Haste pots and take the Tempest Haste boost instead, but that's two fixes for one - not quite as awesome.

If I were to take two levels of Ranger, I'd definitely get Tempest enhancements, especially the additional bonuses for hit and damage when dual-wielding. I think, though, that I'd also want Deepwood Stalker enhancements for the Favored Enemy bonuses and take Undead, Aberrations or Outsiders, stuff like that. Hmm. Maybe a level of Paladin and go Knight of the Chalice for Slayer of Evil enhancement, though I'd have to take a close look at the net gain versus the loss.