View Full Version : Nothing but SAVE!

10-28-2013, 07:12 PM
I just made a Drow Sorceror specializing in water. It's only lvl 3. I just did the Catacombs adventure thread and the undead in there would save versus my cold ray at least 50% of the time. The skeletons were completely immune, but the wights and zombies still took damage, but they saved regularly. Did I do something wrong in making this character? Or will this problem eventually go away as I level?

Thanks for your advice.

10-28-2013, 07:30 PM
Skellies in general are immune to cold. Try acid, fire (especially fire) or electric on them instead. At the low levels most people get good results playing a fire sorc with acid secondary, or other combinations that don't leave you shooting at stuff you can't kill.

Most people running sorcs that I've partied with were fire/acid until about 16th level then swapped over to Ice/air or air/ice. Later, above lvl 20 you may want to swap again as the mobs change a bit as far as immunities go.

10-28-2013, 07:42 PM
I just made a Drow Sorceror specializing in water. It's only lvl 3. I just did the Catacombs adventure thread and the undead in there would save versus my cold ray at least 50% of the time. The skeletons were completely immune, but the wights and zombies still took damage, but they saved regularly. Did I do something wrong in making this character? Or will this problem eventually go away as I level?

Thanks for your advice.

yes and no.

2 big problems with niacs cold ray

1 if they pass their save they take no damage, compared to a spell like burning hands where they will take half damage on a passed save and you can hit 3 or 4 mobs at once.

2 its conjuration, sorcs are usually evocation focused, since most damage spells are evocation.

also as said above, cold doesnt work well in undead quests, and there are lots of undead quests at low levels, actually all the way up til necro4, and thats about level 17/18 when you leave there.

anyways, its important on a caster to know what your target is vulnerable to, lots of things are immune to this or that spell or one element or another. like spiders being immune to web, and scorpions immune to dancing ball. skellys immune to ice etc

Its also helpful to know what your targets weak point is as far as saves, you might find that your hold person lands well on hobgoblin archers but hardly ever lands on hobgoblin clerics, thats because clerics have good will saves but they will probably get stuck in your web because their reflex save is weak.

10-28-2013, 07:59 PM
I just made a Drow Sorceror specializing in water. It's only lvl 3. I just did the Catacombs adventure thread and the undead in there would save versus my cold ray at least 50% of the time. The skeletons were completely immune, but the wights and zombies still took damage, but they saved regularly. Did I do something wrong in making this character? Or will this problem eventually go away as I level?

Thanks for your advice.

Think of Niac's as a low lvl Finger of Death - don't use it on undead.. ;)

And at lvl 3 the max DC you could have as a drow with max CHA and spell focus conjuration is 16 (10 base, 5 from 20 CHA, 1 from feat) so saves are expected.

10-28-2013, 08:14 PM
Think of Niac's as a low lvl Finger of Death - don't use it on undead.. ;)

And at lvl 3 the max DC you could have as a drow with max CHA and spell focus conjuration is 16 (10 base, 5 from 20 CHA, 1 from feat) so saves are expected.

You forgotten about cleric/wizard past lifes and crafted foucs item (I think u can have it with masterful craftin at lvl3).

10-28-2013, 08:49 PM
You forgotten about cleric/wizard past lifes and crafted foucs item (I think u can have it with masterful craftin at lvl3).

Maybe on a mastercraft item, but the OP said he just made a drow sorc so I don't think he has any past lives.

10-29-2013, 03:06 PM
I just made a Drow Sorceror specializing in water. It's only lvl 3. I just did the Catacombs adventure thread and the undead in there would save versus my cold ray at least 50% of the time. The skeletons were completely immune, but the wights and zombies still took damage, but they saved regularly. Did I do something wrong in making this character? Or will this problem eventually go away as I level?

Thanks for your advice.

Buy haste pots and a maul, cast master touch and go to town :) (great axe for non undead)

I level up like that until I get fireball.

10-30-2013, 09:10 AM
Always go with some sort of off-primary damage spell. Acid is a good, solid 2nd choice for water savants. Take the first SLA from the earth tree; use that when the Niac's doesn't work (also on some oozes).

11-19-2013, 03:36 PM
Think of Niac's as a low lvl Finger of Death - don't use it on undead.. ;)

And at lvl 3 the max DC you could have as a drow with max CHA and spell focus conjuration is 16 (10 base, 5 from 20 CHA, 1 from feat) so saves are expected.

20 cha
+1 tome
+2 item (mastercraft shard and u can use a +3, eagle's splendor potion/spell/scroll and that's +4)
+1 enhancement
+2 ship (just to add something else)
that's a 15-19 without feats, u won't see many saves...