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10-19-2013, 06:10 PM
its time to shut this silly thread down.

>Confirmed undercover Turbine employee

10-19-2013, 06:12 PM
I am sure you will try to equate that with me being stupid, but what you are going to do is upset a lot of Army vets.

Oh not at all.. I would never think to do that.. However...

So you think all military personnel are well versed in military and political history?

This does make you look ill informed and ignorant.

And you think I am not a vet?

I am sure you are a vet, and I am sure that the people who gave their life for the freedom or speech and self expression are embarrassed at the display you are putting on now.

This is a peaceful assembly. No one is being harmed (after all, it is a video game, we can't actually harm anyone doing this), of players showing their support and solidarity for each other and the belief that this abuse of the players needs to stop.

To many posters who in the past made claims, that players would say they are not going to pay Turbine a single cent, and then alt-tab back into the game like always, or that they will spend money the second something they want shows up in the store.

I do hope you are looking at this topic and I sincerely hope that such phantasm that you been clinging to, like the belief that Turbine can do anything they want and the players will keep playing as always is being shattered for you by this event. This is proof that we will in fact not do that, Turbine does not own us.

I hope that message is being sent by this gathering.

10-19-2013, 06:13 PM
I've asked on Wayfinder in the marketplace for a manifesto for the protest and got nothing out of it. Perhaps someone in this thread can provide such since the in game protesters cannot?

10-19-2013, 06:14 PM
its ok that you don't know me. I forgive you. BTW, I am with a bunch of friends on a bridge in the MP on Wayfinder protesting the TR changes. what was that? I don't care about the community?

oh yeah, im also a vet too. USS Nimitz CVN 68 stationed in Bremerton, WA and retired in 1996. I was in Operation Desert Storm. what does that have to do with DDO?

No wonder you are so miserable, I would be mad too, if I were in the NAVY.
^^ This is a JOKE, and involves rivalry between the branches, nothing more^^

BTW, sailor, those folks are not your friends, nor are they "the community".

They are strangers in an online game.
The community is playing the game and enjoying it.

10-19-2013, 06:16 PM
18 hours and no common sense in sight :)

http://s7.directupload.net/images/131020/4kjjf75y.jpg (http://www.directupload.net)


10-19-2013, 06:18 PM

can you list what server, and what characters you play, because you're pretty bold for an anon-forum troll.

10-19-2013, 06:18 PM
@uncleblue Making claims as to what you do or have done in real life is kind of silly on the internet, because unless you are actually offering proof, no one ever believes those things. So leave your vet status out if this please. More people than most realize are vets, and you do not know how many of them are on the opposite side as you on this so it is really an irrelevant point.

Yes turbine has a right to make decisions about their product, but remember this: Rulers rule by consent of the ruled. That is a universal truth. We give turbine the right to make decisions about their product by supporting it, and when we cease supporting it, turbine will no longer have that right, because they will not have the product.

You claim the right to your own opinion, and at the same time have repeatedly attacked others for having a different one, so you are nothing but a hypocrite. If you really are a soldier, I find it disgusting that you would decry the show of solidarity that is being displayed here, and find you reprehensible.

As to your test scores: every soldier in the army scored 99. Every single one makes that claim. I don't believe many of them, and the blatant ignorance you have displayed in this thread does not lend to your credibility.

10-19-2013, 06:20 PM
I've asked on Wayfinder in the marketplace for a manifesto for the protest and got nothing out of it. Perhaps someone in this thread can provide such since the in game protesters cannot?

There is not one. At this point, players are showing nothing more then that we can and will 'stop' playing, consider this a final, real warning that next time, we will not be sitting at a bridge in Wayfinder, but at the loading screen of another game.

10-19-2013, 06:20 PM
I've asked on Wayfinder in the marketplace for a manifesto for the protest and got nothing out of it. Perhaps someone in this thread can provide such since the in game protesters cannot?

It may be found here. :D

10-19-2013, 06:20 PM
@uncleblue making claims as to what you do or have done in real life is kind of silly on the internet, because unless you are actually offering proof, no one ever believes those things. So leave your vet status out if this please. More people than most realize are vets, and you do not know how many of them are on the opposite side as you on this so it is really an irrelevant point.

Yes turbine has a right to make decisions about their product, but remember this: Rulers rule by consent of the ruled. That is a universal truth. We give turbine the right to make decisions about their product by supporting it, and when we cease supporting it, turbine will no longer have that right, because they will not have the product.

You claim the right to your own opinion, and at the same time have repeatedly attacked others for having a different one, so you are nothing but a hypocrite. If you really are a soldier, i find it disgusting that you would decry the show of solidarity that is being displayed here, and find you reprehensible.

As to your test scores: Every soldier in the army scored 99. Every single one makes that claim. I don't believe many of them, and the blatant ignorance you have displayed in this thread does not lend to your credibility.


10-19-2013, 06:21 PM
18 hours and no end in sight :)

http://s7.directupload.net/images/131020/4kjjf75y.jpg (http://www.directupload.net)

:D I see myself. im the paladin (hint, hint) on the left, Saynoto.

10-19-2013, 06:23 PM
@uncleblue Making claims as to what you do or have done in real life is kind of silly on the internet, because unless you are actually offering proof, no one ever believes those things. So leave your vet status out if this please. More people than most realize are vets, and you do not know how many of them are on the opposite side as you on this so it is really an irrelevant point.

Yes turbine has a right to make decisions about their product, but remember this: Rulers rule by consent of the ruled. That is a universal truth. We give turbine the right to make decisions about their product by supporting it, and when we cease supporting it, turbine will no longer have that right, because they will not have the product.

You claim the right to your own opinion, and at the same time have repeatedly attacked others for having a different one, so you are nothing but a hypocrite. If you really are a soldier, I find it disgusting that you would decry the show of solidarity that is being displayed here, and find you reprehensible.

As to your test scores: every soldier in the army scored 99. Every single one makes that claim. I don't believe many of them, and the blatant ignorance you have displayed in this thread does not lend to your credibility.

Reminds me of the infamous "gorilla warfare" meme. If you're curious, google "Navy Seal Copypasta" and click the first link.

10-19-2013, 06:23 PM
There is not one. At this point, players are showing nothing more then that we can and will 'stop' playing, consider this a final, real warning that next time, we will not be sitting at a bridge in Wayfinder, but at the loading screen of another game.

Blah, blah blah. Despite all your blather and childish protest over a VIDEO GAME, you and your 5,000 posts will be scampering around Korthos on a TR no matter what Turbine does. Enjoy the Ringleader farm.

10-19-2013, 06:24 PM
can you list what server, and what characters you play, because you're pretty bold for an anon-forum troll.

yeah, tell us who you are so we can abuse you in game as well you coward!!!

How dare you hide from the protest! We will find you!!!


10-19-2013, 06:25 PM
Blah, blah blah. Despite all your blather and childish protest over a VIDEO GAME, you and your 5,000 posts will be scampering around Korthos on a TR no matter what Turbine does. Enjoy the Ringleader farm.

Welcome back


10-19-2013, 06:25 PM
Reminds me of the infamous "gorilla warfare" meme. If you're curious, google "Navy Seal Copypasta" and click the first link.


10-19-2013, 06:26 PM
yeah, tell us who you are so we can abuse you in game as well you coward!!!

How dare you hide from the protest! We will find you!!!


Yes, I am immediately going to give some personal information about myself because someone who thinks standing on a virtual bridge, in a virtual world, with virtual "friends" makes him Rosa Parks.

10-19-2013, 06:26 PM
Reminds me of the infamous "gorilla warfare" meme. If you're curious, google "Navy Seal Copypasta" and click the first link.

Haha, I never knew that was considered a meme, and certainly didn't know it had a name lol. Thanks, you learn something new every day.

10-19-2013, 06:28 PM


Also, everyone needs to start replying to all of YOUR posts with this very same comment. So...


10-19-2013, 06:29 PM
I was trying to frame the ACTUAL "big picture".

ALL video games could disappear tomorrow, and it would not be important.

Be thankful that your life is so full of serenity and peace (you are welcome) that you can come whine on this forum.

That's a fallacy. We're on a video game forum talking about a video game. You are on a video game forum talking about a video game.

I'm not throwing my own veteran card into the ring because I think that was asinine of you to do in the first place most especially when you follow it with a snide "you are welcome". I can't explicitly tell you where to stick that attitude. You disgrace us all with that kind of rhetoric, so, thanks!

10-19-2013, 06:33 PM
Reminds me of the infamous "gorilla warfare" meme. If you're curious, google "Navy Seal Copypasta" and click the first link.

That is comedy gold right there ladies and gents.


10-19-2013, 06:35 PM
i started playing in 2009. i paid for a VIP subscription for 3 years straight and bought points besides in $50 bundles so i could splurge on all the little incidentals. after i dropped VIP i bought enough points to purchase every pack in existence at the time, character slots, shared bank, races, classes, and more. when MotUD rolled around i bought the limited edition collector's edition for $80 because i wanted the pets and the big panther. since then i have purchased several packs of points of various sizes. i've bought multiple armor kits, a supreme +2 tome when +2 was a big thing, many lesser hearts of wood, a true heart of wood when the only 20th character i had was my first, and utterly gimp. i dropped the points for a +4 supreme tome. i've bought nearly every cosmetic pet that i didn't think was ugly... splurged and sank nearly 2K points into a shadowfell regalia for my rogue.

now double that amount, because my husband and i both play, and we both spent about the same.

between us we have spent LOTS of money supporting Turbine... and we are all for telling freeloaders to pony up and spend a little cash to support the game. without cash inflow, the game dies.

now... i have 10 characters on one account and 2 on another, both VIP accounts. a total of 5 of those characters are 20+, one of them has been solo-ing epic elites lately on a quest to gain 375 PDK favor, 2 of those characters have both TRed twice. a third is now on life 4 on an intended completionist journey, and i'm not kidding when i say journey. i don't use XP pots except in the rare occurrence that my TR partner gets a bit ahead of me, i don't spam-repeat the same few tired "ideal XP-farm" quests. i do every quest in the game. on elite. methodically starting at 1st level. (i'll admit, last life we skipped a few of the more odious ones... but...) there are very few quests i hate to the point that i will only do under duress, and i have no issue with doing Eberron or Forgotten Realms. i LIKE the sagas.


going from being able to do 20-40 runs of any epic quest i feel like (oh hey, my whim and whimsey says i want to get another eElyd's Edge for one of my other bards, let me go run Sentinels!.. oh, hey, my AA completionist project wants an eKronzek's Cruelty for giggles, let me run stuff from Carnival!... screwit i want a fast token and a good intense fight to get my blood pumping - Devil Assault it is!) to needing to run the same narrow little band of quests literally HUNDREDS OF TIMES is just ludicrous no matter HOW you slice it. and adding to the crazy is the fact that these new ingredients (NEW INGREDIENTS OMG) are bound to CHARACTER. i can't run EE saga on my bard who's trying to get the dang thing done anyway for favor and pass them to my TR project like i can now.

so no. this is bad. really.. REALLY... bad for the enjoyment of the game.

10-19-2013, 06:36 PM
It may be found here. :D

Oo thanks for the link !

10-19-2013, 06:37 PM
Reminds me of the infamous "gorilla warfare" meme. If you're curious, google "Navy Seal Copypasta" and click the first link.

Hahahaha. I was wondering what that whole thing came from. Thanks for letting me know!

10-19-2013, 06:39 PM
yeah, tell us who you are so we can abuse you in game as well you coward!!!

How dare you hide from the protest! We will find you!!!


i think the fact that Ungood's sig says "ungood on every server" and my sig contains all but 2 of my characters speaks for itself.

your move, troll.

10-19-2013, 06:40 PM
i think the fact that Ungood's sig says "ungood on every server" and my sig contains all but 2 of my characters speaks for itself.

your move, troll.

Well, he admits he Coward, hence why he's scared of a few geeks on a virtual bridge, LOL. Some army vet!

10-19-2013, 06:46 PM
Well, he admits he Coward, hence why he's scared of a few geeks on a virtual bridge, LOL. Some army vet!


10-19-2013, 06:55 PM
Well, he admits he Coward, hence why he's scared of a few geeks on a virtual bridge, LOL. Some army vet!

Perhaps someday, all of us can be brave enough to stand against evil on a virtual bridge. You guys are really making a difference.

10-19-2013, 06:57 PM
Perhaps someday, all of us can be brave enough to stand against evil on a virtual bridge. You guys are really making a difference.

this is serious business and he means it! now everyone get off the bridge and go spend your money on DDO like good little sheep! :)

10-19-2013, 06:59 PM
perhaps someday, all of us can be brave enough to stand against evil on a virtual bridge. You guys are really making a difference.


10-19-2013, 07:01 PM
I'm wondering how many images of this scene might get submitted for screenshot of the week.

10-19-2013, 07:02 PM
I had a reaaaal good one with everyone wearing pumpkin head. But I swear people will just pass it off as a Halloween movement then... :p

10-19-2013, 07:03 PM
I'm wondering how many images of this scene might get submitted for screenshot of the week.


10-19-2013, 07:05 PM
There is not one. At this point, players are showing nothing more then that we can and will 'stop' playing, consider this a final, real warning that next time, we will not be sitting at a bridge in Wayfinder, but at the loading screen of another game.

It may be found here. :D

Ok, mildly confusing reports but thats easy to excuse. So is Kierg10 the leader/one of the leaders of the protest? Their post is the official manifesto of the protesters?

10-19-2013, 07:08 PM
Ok, mildly confusing reports but thats easy to excuse. So is Kierg10 the leader/one of the leaders of the protest? Their post is the official manifesto of the protesters?

I don't know that there is an official leader. We basically do not want Heroic TR changed from what it is, and that includes making it much harder to earn a Heart vs. buying one.

10-19-2013, 07:10 PM
this is serious business and he means it! now everyone get off the bridge and go spend your money on DDO like good little sheep! :)

Ironic statement since I'm willing to bet you have spent more (time and money) on this game than I have. But you misunderstand, I agree with you. Turbine should not charge for anything. The entire game should be free. Their workers and developers should toil for the players enjoyment only with no thought of being paid for their work. Your grasp of how goods and services play a part in an economy is astounding so who am I to disagree. I wish you luck on your climb to 5,000 posts.

10-19-2013, 07:11 PM
Ok, mildly confusing reports but thats easy to excuse. So is Kierg10 the leader/one of the leaders of the protest? Their post is the official manifesto of the protesters?

No. there exists no leader of the sit-in. There was an initiator (sure because it must have started with at least one player one time), but never was a "leader". The linked thread is just one of the many you'll find in the Lamannia Discussion forum.

10-19-2013, 07:12 PM
I'd love to call out the idiots in this thread by name. It'd be worth the infraction.

Unfortunately, it'd also get the thread shut down.
I don't know if it's still going on, but I'd be willing to make a toon over there to protest. These new changes are ridiculous.

10-19-2013, 07:13 PM
I'd love to call out the idiots in this thread by name. It'd be worth the infraction.

Unfortunately, it'd also get the thread shut down.
I don't know if it's still going on, but I'd be willing to make a toon over there to protest. These new changes are ridiculous.

Still going on. Welcome. :D

10-19-2013, 07:15 PM
The protest is still going strong on Wayfinder

I'd love to call out the idiots in this thread by name. It'd be worth the infraction.

Unfortunately, it'd also get the thread shut down.
I don't know if it's still going on, but I'd be willing to make a toon over there to protest. These new changes are ridiculous.

10-19-2013, 07:17 PM
I'd love to call out the idiots in this thread by name. It'd be worth the infraction.

Unfortunately, it'd also get the thread shut down.
I don't know if it's still going on, but I'd be willing to make a toon over there to protest. These new changes are ridiculous.

Indeed, some of them just really want to sit around and insult while the other is just really adamant on that we should just accept this change without blinking an eye.
However, pay them no mind and they will go back to doing their own things. XD XD

I am still gobsmacked that these changes are even put on consideration. It is clear that TR is one of the most popular options for a character that hit level 20 -- smacking such a popular option without offering something of equal mechanism is just a really bad idea.

10-19-2013, 07:18 PM
Ironic statement since I'm willing to bet you have spent more (time and money) on this game than I have. But you misunderstand, I agree with you. Turbine should not charge for anything. The entire game should be free. Their workers and developers should toil for the players enjoyment only with no thought of being paid for their work. Your grasp of how goods and services play a part in an economy is astounding so who am I to disagree. I wish you luck on your climb to 5,000 posts.

There's a difference between charging for something and basically forcing people to pay for something they USED TO be able to obtain for free in-game, with a moderate amount of effort.

I've probably spent close to $800 on this game, most of that coming in the last few months. I don't object to paying for things like Boxes or exp potions. They provide optional benefits that enhance your gameplay, but are not necessary to progress.

Hearts ARE necessary to TR. You MUST have them to TR. And they are changing it from requiring around 10 hours of work (a high estimate) to requiring over 100 hours of work (probably a low estimate, for the Epic Hearts), with the only alternative being to spend $15 in the DDO store. Do you not see what's wrong with that?

10-19-2013, 07:19 PM
Ironic statement since I'm willing to bet you have spent more (time and money) on this game than I have. But you misunderstand, I agree with you. Turbine should not charge for anything. The entire game should be free. Their workers and developers should toil for the players enjoyment only with no thought of being paid for their work. Your grasp of how goods and services play a part in an economy is astounding so who am I to disagree. I wish you luck on your climb to 5,000 posts.

yet another potential alt account disagreeing to disagree and be obnoxious. nothing to see here, move along

10-19-2013, 07:32 PM
Well, I'm on Wayfinder. Some people have been here protesting for 13+ hours. If you disagree with the changes, come join us.

10-19-2013, 07:38 PM
Hearts ARE necessary to TR. You MUST have them to TR. And they are changing it from requiring around 10 hours of work (a high estimate) to requiring over 100 hours of work (probably a low estimate, for the Epic Hearts), with the only alternative being to spend $15 in the DDO store. Do you not see what's wrong with that?

Serious post here. I agree the change in hearts is unfair. That said, Turbine has to balance making money with keeping the player base satisfied otherwise the game ceases to exist. The problem is it seems a large majority (or a very vocal minority) seems to think the game exists to just provide them free stuff and gets up in arms anytime Turbine dares to try and make some money. I thoroughly enjoy/enjoyed the game. I find it boring now because the end game is tedious and I am done Tring. I was never an altaholic and basically just ran 2 toons. Have always been VIP, but other than the monthly $9.99, I never purchased anything else from Turbine. The 500 Tp a month along with the points I earned every TR life allowed me to buy most of what I wanted from the DDO store. I had no problem with the monthly subscription because I enjoyed playing. My problem with the game now is more about the boring endgame and terrible loot system.

My posts ridiculing the moronic protest are simply directed at those who are acting all serious while standing on a virtual bridge with virtual toons as if they are Rosa Parks. If their time is so trivial they can stand on a fake bridge with a fake toon doing nothing all day I truly pity them.

10-19-2013, 07:45 PM
Serious post here. I agree the change in hearts is unfair. That said, Turbine has to balance making money with keeping the player base satisfied otherwise the game ceases to exist. The problem is it seems a large majority (or a very vocal minority) seems to think the game exists to just provide them free stuff and gets up in arms anytime Turbine dares to try and make some money. I thoroughly enjoy/enjoyed the game. I find it boring now because the end game is tedious and I am done Tring. I was never an altaholic and basically just ran 2 toons. Have always been VIP, but other than the monthly $9.99, I never purchased anything else from Turbine. The 500 Tp a month along with the points I earned every TR life allowed me to buy most of what I wanted from the DDO store. I had no problem with the monthly subscription because I enjoyed playing. My problem with the game now is more about the boring endgame and terrible loot system.

My posts ridiculing the moronic protest are simply directed at those who are acting all serious while standing on a virtual bridge with virtual toons as if they are Rosa Parks. If their time is so trivial they can stand on a fake bridge with a fake toon doing nothing all day I truly pity them.


I created a toon to stand there to show support, but I just minimized the game and am doing other things. Instead of protesting, most of the people who are ticked about this update will simply go to a different game after it goes live. Simple as that. The people who are "protesting" are doing so in last attempt to get through to Turbine, to keep them from ruining a hobby so many people enjoy.

10-19-2013, 07:47 PM
Serious post here. I agree the change in hearts is unfair. That said, Turbine has to balance making money with keeping the player base satisfied otherwise the game ceases to exist. The problem is it seems a large majority (or a very vocal minority) seems to think the game exists to just provide them free stuff and gets up in arms anytime Turbine dares to try and make some money. I thoroughly enjoy/enjoyed the game. I find it boring now because the end game is tedious and I am done Tring. I was never an altaholic and basically just ran 2 toons. Have always been VIP, but other than the monthly $9.99, I never purchased anything else from Turbine. The 500 Tp a month along with the points I earned every TR life allowed me to buy most of what I wanted from the DDO store. I had no problem with the monthly subscription because I enjoyed playing. My problem with the game now is more about the boring endgame and terrible loot system.

My posts ridiculing the moronic protest are simply directed at those who are acting all serious while standing on a virtual bridge with virtual toons as if they are Rosa Parks. If their time is so trivial they can stand on a fake bridge with a fake toon doing nothing all day I truly pity them.

I think most of us understand that Turbine needs to make money. Most of us merely question the need to invalidate what has come before to further finance the continued stagnation of the game's content. They are not asking us to pay for new things only. They want us to pay to redo what we have already done.

To me that's just going a bit too far.

10-19-2013, 07:50 PM
My posts ridiculing the moronic protest are simply directed at those who are acting all serious while standing on a virtual bridge with virtual toons as if they are Rosa Parks. If their time is so trivial they can stand on a fake bridge with a fake toon doing nothing all day I truly pity them.

I would note that hitting escape to bring up the exit menu, then minimizing stops the auto-logout-from-afk process, so I actually doubt there are quite so many folks there actively interacting with a toon that's doing nothing but standing in place.

10-19-2013, 07:54 PM
Ok, mildly confusing reports but thats easy to excuse. So is Kierg10 the leader/one of the leaders of the protest? Their post is the official manifesto of the protesters?

Hello! I'd like to clear a couple things if I can for you.

I started the Guild "Update Twenty Is Killing Me".
I started this Guild about 9am Central time.
As far as I know this was started with 3 people at 3am Central (?) time.
Right now the Guild now has more than 75+ people.


10-19-2013, 07:54 PM
I think most of us understand that Turbine needs to make money. Most of us merely question the need to invalidate what has come before to further finance the continued stagnation of the game's content. They are not asking us to pay for new things only. They want us to pay to redo what we have already done.

To me that's just going a bit too far.

Agreed. Monetizing new things is expected. Changing existing systems, making the in game free options less viable and promoting store sales is uncool.

This would be like removing all spell components from plat vendors and chests and forcing players to run 100 quests for a stack of bound to character components that previously could be bought unbound for plat. Or they can just buy omnispell components in the store. It's not that they are trying to make money off of omnispell components. This has been the case since they were introduced. The issue is that they are tinkering with the in game way to get them, almost forcing people to pay cash for spell components where plat did the job before.

10-19-2013, 08:08 PM
Serious post here. I agree the change in hearts is unfair. That said, Turbine has to balance making money with keeping the player base satisfied otherwise the game ceases to exist. The problem is it seems a large majority (or a very vocal minority) seems to think the game exists to just provide them free stuff and gets up in arms anytime Turbine dares to try and make some money. I thoroughly enjoy/enjoyed the game. I find it boring now because the end game is tedious and I am done Tring. I was never an altaholic and basically just ran 2 toons. Have always been VIP, but other than the monthly $9.99, I never purchased anything else from Turbine. The 500 Tp a month along with the points I earned every TR life allowed me to buy most of what I wanted from the DDO store. I had no problem with the monthly subscription because I enjoyed playing. My problem with the game now is more about the boring endgame and terrible loot system.

My posts ridiculing the moronic protest are simply directed at those who are acting all serious while standing on a virtual bridge with virtual toons as if they are Rosa Parks. If their time is so trivial they can stand on a fake bridge with a fake toon doing nothing all day I truly pity them.

The only one talking about Civil Right movement or Rosa Parks is you. I have seen no one else trying to equate the two.

10-19-2013, 08:31 PM
Lookout Wayfinder. I'm in.

10-19-2013, 08:37 PM
I think the dissention here is just part of a long line of things Turbine has done with DDO.

Starting with the "Vast and Mysterious" era in which no updates were done for a year. Yes it was caused by the court battle between Turbine and Atari, but to have a game that you love thats stagnates for that long takes its toll.

Then bring on the add wall offering Turbine points for going to web sites. But the security on it was challenged from the beginning. at least it was removed.

Add in the artificer fiasco, where the class was started to be available in the store or by favor in game. The problem was the favor would not be present until the FOLLOWING update.

Challenge xp getting nerfed.

Releasing the last expansion without a raid and BTCoE loot .

The Enhancement pass that was going to break amny characters. It did get fixed somewhat before going live.

Planning to have reincarnation reset epic destinies. Dropped due to massive complaints.

And now making TRing more difficult in game requiring you to run sagas.

Turbine talks about its games being powered by the players, yet it seems they are less interested in what we have to say with each update.

A little respect and honesty towards the players could go a long ways.

10-19-2013, 08:46 PM
To be fair, Tolero indicates that there are lots of changes to come. Maybe that includes better adjustments to the earning of Hearts. *crosses fingers*

10-19-2013, 08:48 PM
I would note that hitting escape to bring up the exit menu, then minimizing stops the auto-logout-from-afk process, so I actually doubt there are quite so many folks there actively interacting with a toon that's doing nothing but standing in place.

Tested this. Fail.


10-19-2013, 08:48 PM
You must be skipping over a good many posts then. Some of these people are serious as a heart attack. No problem, small people often need to try and feel like they are part of something big.

It's not any thing serious so what? There's little as peaceful as a video game protest. The worst that can fly around is a few bad words I suppose. Hardly the beginnings of a real mob.

Why am I not there? Because I've got other things occupying my time. I'm glad people care enough about a game that they would want to make some kind of statement.

I like the gameplay. I'm just not sure how I think of all the changes. They change the very concepts behind why I play. Since this is an entertaining game that was once a hobby of sorts I like to keep in touch with it and see if I still like the feel of it. I don't much care for a system that says that what I've played for before is going to be essentially considered defunct. I'm basically asked to turn epic tokens into Hearts of Woods that occupy BtC space so that I don't lose a functionality of it. Otherwise those Tokens will eventually have far less use so that an already existing mechanic can be invalidated and a new one be put in it's place.

Or I can pay to bypass the play of an aspect of the game that was working fine before but now considered a new way to draw in money. I realize people cheated, but does everyone have to be punished too? Truth be told, I'm not even sure it is a backlash against the exploiters or if it really was in the pipeline already as a good way to generate new revenue. They wanted to make more off of stuff they were already providing us. New "reasons" to play stuff that they've already done and now create a "new experience" to sell to us. New reasons to buy old content with new trophies to shoot for.

I think they're kind of stretching the idea of what we should pay for. I guess we'll see what happens next.

I fully believe that at this point many many things are still up in the air.

10-19-2013, 08:59 PM
Tested this. Fail.


Odd. Use that all the time when I get interrupted by a client or sub-contractor... could be I play windowed, and meant alt-tab, or they might have finally gotten around to 'fixing' that recently. Have been more than a little busy of late.

10-19-2013, 09:00 PM
Home from work, and Memnir the Dancing Bear is back on the Bridge. :)
With lots and lots of friends.


I'll be AFK off 'n on, but the Bear shall dance for a good long time tonight. Come on by, say hi, pull up a nice piece of bridge, and stay a while.

10-19-2013, 09:07 PM
Two years ago almost on the nail, there was a thread where I stated that due to the mass support of paid convenience it wont be long before they start designing the entire game around it, and soon as the current level of paid convenience is saturated into the part of the community that is willing to pay for it, they will have to start designing new irritation into the game to entice us to pay to circumvent it. While furiously denied by the vast majority of the forumites at the time, here we are in that not too distant future, and what I explained would happen, has happened - multiple times over now.

Here is another fine example. But wait, it crosses yet another line, because you see, each time the players show the current mechanic is not irritating enough to make them just /sigh and pay the money, they make it more irritating. Remember the token drop nerf? Yeap.

Now theres still some hangers oners who still cling dearly to the excuse that Turbine needs the money so they have to do this stuff. What the enablers don't understand, is the very fact that their support of these p2w antics is what prompted Turbine to untether the profit generation from the quality of the game itself in the first place. Now that profit generation has nothing to do with game quality, and everything to do with store sales, the expectation that the quality of the game will improve is a direct contradiction in logic, as there is no financial incentive to make that the focus.

Apparently the first token drop nerf wasn't enough irritation to convince people to pay more often than not, so to the enablers I say to thee, well played, congrats on your second token nerf. You earned it.

10-19-2013, 09:11 PM
To be fair, Tolero indicates that there are lots of changes to come. Maybe that includes better adjustments to the earning of Hearts. *crosses fingers*

The "lots and lots of changes" is part of the form when they post Release Notes on Lama. It's on every single version of them as they get "updated". It's been that way from at least eGH. I can't remember further back.

So don't read too much into that. I wish we could. :/

Tested this. Fail.


If you hit ESC, pull up the menu, then click logout but don't confirm YES (and leave the two small screens up) you can ALT-Tab out and not be auto logged-off. I do it all the time.

10-19-2013, 09:21 PM
Joined...Don't think I've seen this many people in one place in DDO in years.

10-19-2013, 09:23 PM
The "lots and lots of changes" is part of the form when they post Release Notes on Lama. It's on every single version of them as they get "updated". It's been that way from at least eGH. I can't remember further back.

So don't read too much into that. I wish we could. :/

If you hit ESC, pull up the menu, then click logout but don't confirm YES (and leave the two small screens up) you can ALT-Tab out and not be auto logged-off. I do it all the time.

Will test. Thank you. :)

10-19-2013, 09:28 PM
My posts ridiculing the moronic protest are simply directed at those who are acting all serious while standing on a virtual bridge with virtual toons as if they are Rosa Parks. If their time is so trivial they can stand on a fake bridge with a fake toon doing nothing all day I truly pity them.

You mean second PC logged onto brand new account on a level 1 toon standing on a bridge, while farming the shinola out of tokens to get hearts before the change happens on their main server, then yes, they are "standing on a fake bridge with a fake toon".

In other news, daddy needs a new midnight greetings, so come one come all and help me farm it in house D epics, ill pass you my tokens. :p

10-19-2013, 10:13 PM
"Rain or Shine we Stand Strong until a result is drawn. We Will Not Waiver!"

http://s11.postimg.org/ovc1ipv8z/Untitled5_2.png (http://postimg.org/image/z5eghyl4f/full/)
pc screenshot (http://postimage.org/app.php)

Expecting to last to Monday so come join Us!

10-19-2013, 10:37 PM
One day longer, One day stronger!


Memnir the Bear will be joining the protest whenever I'm able. Probably AFK - but I'll be there.
Hell, I don't even like to TR myself - and I can see that this change is one of the worst bad policy in a long line of bad policies.

Glad to see you there. I see you caught me with your screenshot.

I did turn around and see my wife dancing with you though ;> Kinda of funny watching a bear and wolf tango.

Several of us from Cannith were on that end. (Though I do belong to a Wayfinder guild in my spare time.)

Edit: Saw you leveling up and told my wife, well Memnir is inbound.

10-19-2013, 10:45 PM
We don't mind you visiting, but you cannot stay. You all must leave by the time your visa expires. :cool:

Hey, some of us have long term visas/dual citizenship (Cannith/Wayfinder). This might not be our main server, but we have joined guilds (before today) and help out when we can.

Mind if we stick around after the protest winds down?

10-19-2013, 10:52 PM
Hey, some of us have long term visas/dual citizenship (Cannith/Wayfinder). This might not be our main server, but we have joined guilds (before today) and help out when we can.

Mind if we stick around after the protest winds down?

Perhaps. If your papers are in order. ;)

10-19-2013, 11:31 PM
You do not have to pay ONE PENNY MORE to TR after this change.

Run the Sagas.

This protest is because people that are NOT VIP do not want to have to buy content to TR.

You can be cheap or you can be lazy, but you can no longer be both.

I think it is a great idea.

Alright, I've tried to be unbiased while reading this thread, but I just can't hold back any more. Here's my issue, and I'm a VIP AND a f2p player btw, I created the f2p account for bragging rights. After all, being able to sit back and say "Yeah, I earned every pack, every race, and every class without putting a dollar into the game" is something I would thoroughly enjoy (particularly because of some of my nay-saying friends). However, this is going to have a dramatic effect on my VIP account as well. Sure, I get 500 TP every month, but that was all spent between helping my guild, buying guest passes, and essentially trying to entice the new players to buy certain content. Now, with this, I'm going to have to hoard those TP just so I can get the full benefit of the game. I won't say that this is becoming a pay to play game, but it is definitely becoming a pay to advance one, which in recent articles I have read, are usually a bust. For example, Facebook games. I'm not going to say that I'll quit playing-3 years working on my toons, helping my guild, and farming for items is too much of an investment to walk away from-but I will definitely not be putting any MORE money than the 100 dollars a year I spend, if I do indeed keep my VIP.
Now, as for your "This protest is because people that are NOT VIP do not want to have to buy content to TR" falsehood, I have already shot that down. I AM a VIP, and I still buy every expansion. What will I not buy? Hearts of wood. Why? Because there's a reason they were made earnable by the original developers, and should be kept that way. This new system is DDO trying to pull a Facebook game move. Here's the problem with that: Not everyone here wants to pay to advance...

10-19-2013, 11:39 PM
I will be impressed with anyone who is capable of crawling while having their head between their legs!


I could never master such a feat so I shall not try. Maybe we can read the future?

10-20-2013, 12:13 AM
I will come back (if they fix this), but I think I will opt to have someone else's head between my legs.

10-20-2013, 12:15 AM
Alright, I've tried to be unbiased while reading this thread, but I just can't hold back any more. Here's my issue, and I'm a VIP AND a f2p player btw, I created the f2p account for bragging rights. After all, being able to sit back and say "Yeah, I earned every pack, every race, and every class without putting a dollar into the game" is something I would thoroughly enjoy (particularly because of some of my nay-saying friends). However, this is going to have a dramatic effect on my VIP account as well. Sure, I get 500 TP every month, but that was all spent between helping my guild, buying guest passes, and essentially trying to entice the new players to buy certain content. Now, with this, I'm going to have to hoard those TP just so I can get the full benefit of the game. I won't say that this is becoming a pay to play game, but it is definitely becoming a pay to advance one, which in recent articles I have read, are usually a bust. For example, Facebook games. I'm not going to say that I'll quit playing-3 years working on my toons, helping my guild, and farming for items is too much of an investment to walk away from-but I will definitely not be putting any MORE money than the 100 dollars a year I spend, if I do indeed keep my VIP.
Now, as for your "This protest is because people that are NOT VIP do not want to have to buy content to TR" falsehood, I have already shot that down. I AM a VIP, and I still buy every expansion. What will I not buy? Hearts of wood. Why? Because there's a reason they were made earnable by the original developers, and should be kept that way. This new system is DDO trying to pull a Facebook game move. Here's the problem with that: Not everyone here wants to pay to advance...

+1 Well said.

10-20-2013, 12:18 AM
You mean second PC logged onto brand new account on a level 1 toon standing on a bridge, while farming the shinola out of tokens to get hearts before the change happens on their main server, then yes, they are "standing on a fake bridge with a fake toon".

In other news, daddy needs a new midnight greetings, so come one come all and help me farm it in house D epics, ill pass you my tokens. :p

Why farm for tokens on a game you will all be quitting? Now I'm really confused.

10-20-2013, 12:21 AM
It lasts already more than 24 hours.

http://s14.directupload.net/images/131020/qvjfxtzv.jpg (http://www.directupload.net)

Join us on Wayfinder, Marketplace 1, on the Bridge of Resistance.

10-20-2013, 12:25 AM
Why farm for tokens on a game you will all be quitting? Now I'm really confused.

Chai never posted in this thread that he would quit. But then trolls like you aren't really big on facts are you?

10-20-2013, 12:29 AM
if the changes to TR do go live, there wont be that many coming back.

Less ppl, less lag. Game is too easy for the need to make full parties. Even raids can be short manned. Therefore, the more that leaves the game permanently, the better it is for me.

10-20-2013, 12:46 AM
All will be back including you. Every update the same clowns threaten to leave. Every next update those same clowns are posting again about leaving. Four years from now you will be at 20,000 posts threatening to leave because Turbine dares to try and make money with update 32.

I wouldn't be on a bridge not playing the game if I was planning to come back after U20 goes live. ive threatened in the past and came close even a couple times. this will be my last straw unless they change these Commendations to BTA and either increase the amount these sagas give you for completion significantly or reduce the cost of hearts of wood significantly.

10-20-2013, 12:48 AM
Less ppl, less lag. Game is too easy for the need to make full parties. Even raids can be short manned. Therefore, the more that leaves the game permanently, the better it is for me.

hope you got the money to keep the servers up.

10-20-2013, 12:51 AM
Do us all a favour and just leave the game.

you mean do the 3 of you a favor and just leave right?

10-20-2013, 12:52 AM
you mean do the 3 of you a favor and just leave right?


10-20-2013, 12:53 AM
Actually, I compared MrMecha to Benedict Arnold. My apologies if my sarcasm was too abstract for you. :rolleyes:

Nice try but unconvincing. Your post made no mention of Arnold and was clearly comparing this nonsense to the Revolution. You obviously feel shame in retrospect and are trying to weasel your way out of it which is understandable.

The Benedict Arnold redirection was a nice try, however he was never a British sympathizer and in fact served well and honorably in the Colonial Army until he betrayed the Colonials due to being passed over for promotions. So you see, he would never have made such comments to the Colonials during the protest phase of the Revolution. I apologize if history is too abstract for you. Continue on comparing your video game to important/real life events if it brings you joy.

10-20-2013, 12:59 AM
No problem, small people often need to try and feel like they are part of something big.

I suppose that explains why you and MrRoboto are constantly posting here.

10-20-2013, 12:59 AM
Nice try but unconvincing. Your post made no mention of Arnold and was clearly comparing this nonsense to the Revolution. You obviously feel shame in retrospect and are trying to weasel your way out of it which is understandable.

The Benedict Arnold redirection was a nice try, however he was never a British sympathizer and in fact served well and honorably in the Colonial Army until he betrayed the Colonials due to being passed over for promotions. So you see, he would never have made such comments to the Colonials during the protest phase of the Revolution. I apologize if history is too abstract for you. Continue on comparing your video game to important/real life events if it brings you joy.


And boring.

But thank for your assistance in keeping this thread at the top of the New Posts listing. You are clearly one of our greatest supporters. :D

10-20-2013, 01:08 AM
Facts are often boring to those frothing at the mouth over something as silly as a video game. Run along to your virtual bridge, school is out now.

actually it shows how much the players really care about playing the game and expressing how they feel about the changes. I think its great the community has come together like this to show how much they care and want to see the game continue.

10-20-2013, 01:11 AM
Facts are often boring to those frothing at the mouth over something as silly as a video game.

Better than being willing to bend over every time Turbine asks for it.

10-20-2013, 01:14 AM
No frothing at the mouth, unless it's from laughing at you while drinking a carbonated beverage. :D

I've come pretty close to that a few times today. At this point the forums are little more than a drama festival. I feel sorry for the moderators.

10-20-2013, 01:44 AM
Not 8 AM for me ( thus the botched screeny ), whatever time for the other side of the pond :


10-20-2013, 01:49 AM
Not 8 AM for me ( thus the botched screeny ), whatever time for the other side of the pond :


Nice. I can see my alt. :)

10-20-2013, 01:54 AM
Joining the protest.

I have supported Turbine in good times and bad. But, this change is just a blatant FU to the players. Personally, I have no issue spending money to support turbine (I own all the packs, expansions, pay for 3 VIPs, and spend a decent amount on TP). However, this change will drive paying customers away in droves. Fewer players, makes for a much less interesting MMO (you would be missing the massively and multi-player aspects).

As such I am happy to join the protest


10-20-2013, 02:02 AM
First off, let's not feed the trolls or justify the haters' responses with so much as even acknowledgement of their existence.

They don't matter.

Second off, glad to see we're in Day 2 of this. The protest guild is over 110 strong, there are Wayfinder natives standing with us, this is all good. The mix of people goes all the way from forum-famous to brand new and concerned. We're getting the attention of a diverse audience, all standing united for one goal.

See you on the bridge.

10-20-2013, 02:06 AM
This is a fun rally. It is nice to see so many players come together to ask for this problem to be fixed. :D

10-20-2013, 02:24 AM
Thinking about coming up with some Trivia Questions to shout out to the Occupiers tomorrow, Sunday the 20th. If I can, I'll try to brew up some questions that cover pop-culture, gaming, movies/TV stuff, D&D + DDO trivia - etc.

I work at 2:30pm PST, so this would be kinda on the early-side. I'm thinking around noon PST (3pm EST).

I have no prizes to give out - but I think it'd be fun none the less. Bragging rights are the best prize, right? :cool:

10-20-2013, 02:39 AM
All will be back including you. Every update the same clowns threaten to leave. Every next update those same clowns are posting again about leaving. Four years from now you will be at 20,000 posts threatening to leave because Turbine dares to try and make money with update 32.

Actually if you were even slightly informed you would know that the game has lost nearly 50% of player login activity it had in summer 2012, in the past year.

10-20-2013, 03:43 AM
Just my thoughts on this whole switch to coms.
First I remember when DDO first switched over to F2P and we used to have to use Tokens to advance in level. Which this is very similar to this age of the game.
The outcome was new players came had a taste and left. Veterans started doing full time TP runs and in turn passed that knowledge onto the new player base as a normal.
My current history in this game is I never made it passed lvl 14 years back because of the cap then and we didn't have hirelings. I came back a few months ago because the sole reason that TR interested me.
I invested into outright purchasing the Legendary Shadowdell xp and I also picked up Catacombs and MoTU all basically the same time. Now my character is in the epic lvls and has the tokens to do my first TR ever.
But then Epic TR gets announced ok so this is even better for me. I'll wait and kill 2 birds with 1 stone only thing is now.
But the main issue now is I can no longer play a varity of characters to achieve the goals to advance my main character within normal game time. I would expect and respect a BTC Epic TR type of token acquiring it should be somewhat of a chore but the current move is more like a carrot on a stick. No casual player will ever achieve this and with that why even waste the time trying at all.
The outcome for me is only 1 option TP farming it will provide me any hearts on whatever character and it will be faster than farming sagas on the same character over and over again. How does this effect the game.
Once the ball starts rolling people won't buy TP when there are more daily and constant groups out there farming. Especially with Iconics now you even gave an even faster way and more choices to choose when farming for quick TP..

My advice and opinion leave Herioc TR alone with Epic Tokens. I wouldn't even mind having Iconic TR being gained with tokens. Epic TR ok yea you can tie them into Sagas and I can live with that but maybe something like the range of a max of needing to complete and choose 10 Epic saga completions on Hard max 15. Anything more than this you just force the player base to no longer play the content as intended and just Zerg through it. Doing your latest quests sagas 15 times in a row is going to get highly boring and only cause people to complain more about not having content etc... Not to mention they are also stuck being tied to only advancing that character which takes out the concept of having alts to fill character slots that a group needs.

10-20-2013, 03:50 AM
Just my thoughts on this whole switch to coms.
First I remember when DDO first switched over to F2P and we used to have to use Tokens to advance in level. Which this is very similar to this age of the game.
The outcome was new players came had a taste and left. Veterans started doing full time TP runs and in turn passed that knowledge onto the new player base as a normal.
My current history in this game is I never made it passed lvl 14 years back because of the cap then and we didn't have hirelings. I came back a few months ago because the sole reason that TR interested me.
I invested into outright purchasing the Legendary Shadowdell xp and I also picked up Catacombs and MoTU all basically the same time. Now my character is in the epic lvls and has the tokens to do my first TR ever.
But then Epic TR gets announced ok so this is even better for me. I'll wait and kill 2 birds with 1 stone only thing is now.
But the main issue now is I can no longer play a varity of characters to achieve the goals to advance my main character within normal game time. I would expect and respect a BTC Epic TR type of token acquiring it should be somewhat of a chore but the current move is more like a carrot on a stick. No casual player will ever achieve this and with that why even waste the time trying at all.
The outcome for me is only 1 option TP farming it will provide me any hearts on whatever character and it will be faster than farming sagas on the same character over and over again. How does this effect the game.
Once the ball starts rolling people won't buy TP when there are more daily and constant groups out there farming. Especially with Iconics now you even gave an even faster way and more choices to choose when farming for quick TP..

My advice and opinion leave Herioc TR alone with Epic Tokens. I wouldn't even mind having Iconic TR being gained with tokens. Epic TR ok yea you can tie them into Sagas and I can live with that but maybe something like the range of a max of needing to complete and choose 10 Epic saga completions on Hard max 15. Anything more than this you just force the player base to no longer play the content as intended and just Zerg through it. Doing your latest quests sagas 15 times in a row is going to get highly boring and only cause people to complain more about not having content etc... Not to mention they are also stuck being tied to only advancing that character which takes out the concept of having alts to fill character slots that a group needs.

Nicely said. :)

10-20-2013, 04:26 AM
Yes change the subject when you have no evidence. Pls start pulling numbers out of your ass.

T'es démode,
et t'es pas vraiment anonyme.

10-20-2013, 06:00 AM
30 hours now. Pretty impressive!

http://s1.directupload.net/images/131020/y2zr8fnf.jpg (http://www.directupload.net)

http://s1.directupload.net/images/131020/cejnmfp8.jpg (http://www.directupload.net)

10-20-2013, 06:03 AM
30 hours now. Pretty impressive!

http://s1.directupload.net/images/131020/y2zr8fnf.jpg (http://www.directupload.net)

Need to keep this up into Monday in Boston. :)

10-20-2013, 06:16 AM
Yes change the subject when you have no evidence. Pls start pulling numbers out of your ass.

http://ddoracle.com/Traffic.html Click on "Menace of the Underdark-one year later". Peaks of in excess of 30k logins down to present peaks of circa 17k logins.

10-20-2013, 06:18 AM
T'es démode,
et t'es pas vraiment anonyme.

Comme si on pouvait être anonyme sur Internet.
Encore une légende urbaine, on est tellement pisté, suivit, traqué que l'anonymat n'existe que dans la tête de ceux qui y croient.

Back on topic, Don't feed the two wannabe trolls we have on the thread.

10-20-2013, 06:18 AM
You guys heard about Occupation Wall Street? It didn't work so well.

10-20-2013, 06:34 AM
Need to keep this up into Monday in Boston. :)

We've already done something unprecedented.

About 150 players have said "no" in this way, going by U20KM membership and by Wayfinder natives not in said guild who started this struggle. (Kudos to Haus Feuerfuchs and others for getting the ball rolling!) We may not all be on the bridge at once, but they have spoken up nonetheless.

We could have started desperately farming to get our TRs in before crunch time, hoping we could manage to scrape up the resources to stock up ahead of the changes. We could have ignored what's coming entirely and went on our way doing whatever we were already doing. We could have resigned ourselves to a more tedious grind.

Instead, we have been staying in one spot, pointedly not playing, protesting these changes in the best way we know, having fun along the way and forging new bonds. And we can keep it going another 30 hours if we have to.

We have been heard, but we're not done talking until action follows.

Settle in, guys and girls. The long haul awaits. I believe we will make it.

10-20-2013, 06:42 AM
You guys heard about Occupation Wall Street? It didn't work so well.

It worked quite well in sending the message that needed to be sent. Yeah, people got arrested and such, but that happens in many protests which start off peaceful in nature.

10-20-2013, 06:45 AM
You guys heard about Occupation Wall Street? It didn't work so well.


Actually this is the only thing we can manage: that the Devs hear about it and rethink their decisions. If this happens, the bridge protest was a success. And it already is a success regarding playerbase solidarity.

10-20-2013, 07:07 AM
http://s1.directupload.net/images/131020/y2zr8fnf.jpg (http://www.directupload.net)

Upper left hand corner.
Sitting down, on the bridge in a red and brown medium armor.

10-20-2013, 07:08 AM
Ironic statement since I'm willing to bet you have spent more (time and money) on this game than I have.

I bet I have spent a ton more time and real dollars on this game then you and I bet if they played their cards right, they could get me to spend a ton more, so losing me to gain you is bad business move by Turbine. Just saying.

And since I am on the bridge, and you're not, well, just goes to show where their real dollars are sitting right now.. LOL.

10-20-2013, 07:20 AM
ok, does no-one know how to Ignore someone on the forums?

its easy: click his name, click view profile, click add ignore, click yes, DONE

i say we all just do ^THAT and get on with our lives

10-20-2013, 07:21 AM
Back in on Protesting. Awesome to see so many people there! If nothing else, this event has really made me appreciate just how great a community we have. Keep up the good work everyone :)

10-20-2013, 07:24 AM
I sat there for a while yesterday. To explain my take on the subject:

I've been here since the beginning. I own everything there is to purchase. I took about one month off one time, when they stole the Lucky Hat graphic, otherwise I play pretty much every day for almost 8 years now. I play one character who just reached cap on his "final" life, and I was looking forward to another multi-year journey of epic TRs.

The reason I'm upset is because the in-game earned hearts are essentially as useful as the Shroud collectibles. While going from 20 - 28 this life I did all of the sagas once each. The current values mean doing something like 1k sagas per epic life. Since I'm all done with heroic TRs, and epic TRing being effectively out of reach, I am facing the possibility of having to find a new game for the first time in years. I don't mind spending money on the game, but I'm not going to buy all content AND a heart every month or so. All I'm looking for is a reasonable way of earning epic hearts, and I'll stick around. But with no endgame and no way to reasonably epic TR, I'll be off to something else.

10-20-2013, 07:44 AM
I don't mind spending money on the game, but I'm not going to buy all content AND a heart every month or so. All I'm looking for is a reasonable way of earning epic hearts, and I'll stick around. But with no endgame and no way to reasonably epic TR, I'll be off to something else.

I think I will face a similar decision. I have 6 lives left on my completionist wannabe and at least 6 HTRs planned on my other toons. I can afford to buy store hearts, but it would double the cost of the game for me. With other problems ingame, I just don't have the desire to pay more. My son & I are vips, but he's been playing other games alot more lately and ignoring DDO. I hope they don't make this change. I know several peeps that can't afford the proposed TR train.

10-20-2013, 08:05 AM
Nice, headed back to the protest myself after a bit of rest and work.

10-20-2013, 09:10 AM
And the protest still continues!!! About 50 players online on the bridge. Come, join us!

10-20-2013, 09:14 AM
And the protest still continues!!! About 50 players online on the bridge. Come, join us!

It's cool to see so many people there :) Let's keep it going, guys and gals!

10-20-2013, 09:20 AM
Thinking about coming up with some Trivia Questions to shout out to the Occupiers tomorrow, Sunday the 20th. If I can, I'll try to brew up some questions that cover pop-culture, gaming, movies/TV stuff, D&D + DDO trivia - etc.

I work at 2:30pm PST, so this would be kinda on the early-side. I'm thinking around noon PST (3pm EST).

I have no prizes to give out - but I think it'd be fun none the less. Bragging rights are the best prize, right? :cool:

way to go Mem


Hunters of wayfinder

10-20-2013, 09:26 AM

10-20-2013, 09:29 AM

Welcome to the party :)

10-20-2013, 09:38 AM
Very nice to see the crowd grow. Been trying to spread the word among guildies as well as on other servers.

The Update Twenty Killed Me guild is now 130 member strong. Way to go! I don't think this could have happened in any other game - I don't know one with a community this good and strong, and with developers ignoring it this hard. These will be the days to remember even after DDO is gone.

Meanwhile, here are some screenshots, front and back!



10-20-2013, 09:40 AM
I'd love to call out the idiots in this thread by name. It'd be worth the infraction.

Unfortunately, it'd also get the thread shut down.
I don't know if it's still going on, but I'd be willing to make a toon over there to protest. These new changes are ridiculous.

the idiots are obvious. You can tell as they really have no idea what the protest is about.

10-20-2013, 09:40 AM
Awesome pics :) Thanks for coming everyone, hope we'll keep it going :)

10-20-2013, 09:53 AM


off to work!

10-20-2013, 09:58 AM
off to work!

Work well, and see you at Wayfinder later :)

10-20-2013, 10:00 AM
I've been thinking, it would be nice to prepare a short but sweet press-release from the game's community. That way, if the devs decide to gloss over the issue or misrepresent it, we will have a response ready. What does everyone think?

10-20-2013, 10:01 AM
If you only own Gianthold, that might be valid, but there is more than one saga out there, and they all have both an Epic AND heroic version, so you can actually split the comm farming between the two.

Far too many people got spoiled abusing the short completion times of Epic Carnival.

You can still enjoy the entire game, again and again, you just have to do it less like a bull charging red cape.

According to the wiki, there are currently 6 epic sagas. I believe the necessary comms only drop from the epic ones. That means repeating entire sagas more than 8 times each to get a single true heart. Seems like they're also BtC, so you can't even vary the play experience by running them on various alts in order to TR one toon. All of the runs have to be on that one toon.

You can cast all of the aspersions you want to, I suppose. At this point, I'm just assuming you're a troll trying to keep everyone worked up.

Speaking for myself, I wouldn't really have an issue with needing to run each of the sagas once in order to TR. By doing that, I would have experienced pretty much all of the post-level-20 content on the toon. Requiring so much repetition, however, seems punitive to me.

10-20-2013, 10:07 AM
Speaking for myself, I wouldn't really have an issue with needing to run each of the sagas once in order to TR. By doing that, I would have experienced pretty much all of the post-level-20 content on the toon. Requiring so much repetition, however, seems punitive to me.

Another problem with this is that you have to buy the content to do that, even if the numbers were cut down to what you're saying. For example, I have no desire to spend money on Shadowfell, as I've heard nothing but bad things about it.

10-20-2013, 10:10 AM
Ironic statement since I'm willing to bet you have spent more (time and money) on this game than I have. But you misunderstand, I agree with you. Turbine should not charge for anything. The entire game should be free. Their workers and developers should toil for the players enjoyment only with no thought of being paid for their work. Your grasp of how goods and services play a part in an economy is astounding so who am I to disagree. I wish you luck on your climb to 5,000 posts.

you obviously do not understand why we are protesting.

We are not against Turbine making money. far from it. Most people i talked with on the bridge were VIP. what we are protesting against is the change in the way we are able to grind out heroic true hearts of wood. This change will mean that not only will you have to be either VIP or own expansion packs/quest packs released post update 14 to even be able to do it, but will also increase the grind approximately by the power of 10 if not more. That and the fact that to most people their tokens will, over night, become worthless.

The actual process of TRing i myself have no issue with. This is also because we, the players, voiced our opinions and Turbine heard us. As they also did with the enhancement pass.


hunters of wayfinder.

10-20-2013, 10:11 AM
Why isn't there a rebel leader?

10-20-2013, 10:13 AM
Yup, I totally missed that one word in a massive Release notes post. Burn me at the stake.

Sounds like allowing for comms in Heroic saga completions lists would go a long way towards making things right.

If this thread were asking for that, I would fully support it. It doesn't. It encourages what amounts to trying to crash the server.

We are also forgetting that there will be more sagas in the future, for even more quest diversity.

According to the wiki, there are only three (3) heroic sagas. It wouldn't make that much difference. You'd have to complete all of them 6+ times instead of 8+ times. And this isn't even considering the idea that people might occasionally like to have one of the other rewards for a saga completion.

10-20-2013, 10:13 AM
Why isn't there a rebel leader?

His name is Quatto, and we haven't found him yet.

10-20-2013, 10:13 AM
Why isn't there a rebel leader?

Dear temporary Turbine employee,

You belong under the bridge, not on it. Also, are you getting above minimum wage?

10-20-2013, 10:26 AM
The original plan for Epic Reincarnation included wiping ED's. The protest against that burned far longer than the weekend, and Turbine noticed. They changed the plan.

Moral: Our opinion does matter, when it is clearly reflected by the majority.

And there was a lot less stink about that than this.

I don't remember seeing any in game protests.

10-20-2013, 10:31 AM
And there was a lot less stink about that than this.

I don't remember seeing any in game protests.

Not only ingame protests. But a nerdrage all over multiple channels. I can´t remember having ingame protests, forum wars and going to the media on one single topic. This time they simply crossed a line.

Personally, there was some anger brewing within the player base for quite a while. The whole SC fiasco, the missing endgame, the all-too-open money grabbing. And now it had to errupt. They simply over-extended our nerfs.

Getting too greedy too fast never is good business.

10-20-2013, 10:37 AM
I've been thinking, it would be nice to prepare a short but sweet press-release from the game's community. That way, if the devs decide to gloss over the issue or misrepresent it, we will have a response ready. What does everyone think?
holy foresight batman! seriously, good idea :)

10-20-2013, 10:38 AM
Not only ingame protests. But a nerdrage all over multiple channels. I can´t remember having ingame protests, forum wars and going to the media on one single topic. This time they simply crossed a line.

Personally, there was some anger brewing within the player base for quite a while. The whole SC fiasco, the missing endgame, the all-too-open money grabbing. And now it had to errupt. They simply over-extended our nerfs.

Getting too greedy too fast never is good business.


this is what happens when Turbine picks and chooses when they listen to the players. I mean there was a thread about asking for more character bank space and we were told more shared bank space was in the plans. they need to pay more attention to what we as players want, not necessarily give us everything we want, but listen and make a compromise without making everything into an obvious cash grab. I said it many times before, as well as others, the in your face money grab schemes is not what people want to experience when they log onto their entertainment to have fun.

10-20-2013, 10:40 AM
Had to log for a bit, sadly. See you all later on Wayfinder for more protesting :)

10-20-2013, 10:46 AM
ok, does no-one know how to Ignore someone on the forums?

its easy: click his name, click view profile, click add ignore, click yes, DONE

i say we all just do ^THAT and get on with our lives

Done, him and both his flunkies.
And back at the bridge.

Red Orm

10-20-2013, 10:48 AM
I've joined up in the movement for the lulz.

10-20-2013, 10:52 AM
Had to log off for now, but wishing everyone strength and dedication.

Here's a final screenshot. The protest guild is now 140 strong.


10-20-2013, 11:03 AM
Just a morning screen shot (1st person view) of we merry few.

http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u148/creampuf_photo/ScreenShot00064_zps8069f15a.jpg (http://s167.photobucket.com/user/creampuf_photo/media/ScreenShot00064_zps8069f15a.jpg.html)

A few words:

This day is call’d the feast of Occupy Stormreach.
He that outlives this day, and comes safe home,
Will stand a tip-toe when this day is nam’d,
And rouse him at the name of Occupy Stormreach.
He that shall live this day, and see old age,
Will yearly on the vigil feast his neighbours,
And say “To-morrow is Occupy Stormreach.”
Then will he strip his sleeve and show his scars,
And say “These wounds I had on Occupy Stormreach.”
Old men forget; yet all shall be forgot,
But he’ll remember, with advantages,
What feats he did that day. Then shall our names,
Familiar in his mouth as household words-
Harry the King, Bedford and Exeter,
Warwick and Talbot, Salisbury and Gloucester-
Be in their flowing cups freshly rememb’red.
This story shall the good man teach his son;
And Occupy Stormreach shall ne’er go by,
From this day to the ending of the world,
But we in it shall be remembered-
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne’er so vile,
This day shall gentle his condition;
And gentlemen in Wayfinder now-a-bed
Shall think themselves accurs’d they were not here,
And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
That fought with us upon Occupy Stormreach.

10-20-2013, 11:05 AM
There's a second crowd forming in Marketplace 2. Plenty of free space atm. <if you want to change this, come to Wayfinder and join us on the bridge of resistance either in Marketplace 1 or 2 :)

10-20-2013, 11:19 AM
A few words:

This day is call’d the feast of Occupy Stormreach.
He that outlives this day, and comes safe home,
Will stand a tip-toe when this day is nam’d,
And rouse him at the name of Occupy Stormreach.
He that shall live this day, and see old age,
Will yearly on the vigil feast his neighbours,
And say “To-morrow is Occupy Stormreach.”
Then will he strip his sleeve and show his scars,
And say “These wounds I had on Occupy Stormreach.”
Old men forget; yet all shall be forgot,
But he’ll remember, with advantages,
What feats he did that day. Then shall our names,
Familiar in his mouth as household words-
Harry the King, Bedford and Exeter,
Warwick and Talbot, Salisbury and Gloucester-
Be in their flowing cups freshly rememb’red.
This story shall the good man teach his son;
And Occupy Stormreach shall ne’er go by,
From this day to the ending of the world,
But we in it shall be remembered-
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne’er so vile,
This day shall gentle his condition;
And gentlemen in Wayfinder now-a-bed
Shall think themselves accurs’d they were not here,
And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
That fought with us upon Occupy Stormreach.

Reading this gives me goosebumps. If he'd ever been on the bridge together with us, this might have been Shakespear's finest.

10-20-2013, 11:26 AM
You seem to forget that some people actually enjoy the advancement of a character. Maybe someone that carries a pair of binoculars can see the carrot on the end of a 5 mile treadmill but it's enough to have most sane people say &%#$ it. My guess is you already have several completionists and love the idea locking out any new player from attaining and that idea gets you off.

Just do what I did put him on ignore he either doesn't have a clue and never will or he just enjoys baiting people way to much.

10-20-2013, 11:40 AM
Good morning, Bridge. :)


Trivia Event in a few hours! Look for Memnir the Dancing Bear at noon EST!

10-20-2013, 11:43 AM
Good morning, Bridge. :)


Trivia Event in a few hours! Look for Memnir the Dancing Bear at noon EST!

Cool; I vote this one for screenshot of the week!

Red Orm

10-20-2013, 11:54 AM
(...)Trivia Event in a few hours! Look for Memnir the Dancing Bear at noon EST!

Just to make sure, Memnir, the new time is 12.00 a.m.= noon EST?

Please all, adjust your alarm clocks or you will miss out at this.

10-20-2013, 12:01 PM
Man, Wayfinder must be small. I see this many people in the marketplace on Argonnessen every day...

10-20-2013, 12:05 PM
Just to make sure, Memnir, the new time is 12.00 a.m.= noon EST?Time hasn't changed... it's still going to be at 12pm EST. In about three hours from the time of this post. :)

12:00am would be midnight - though maybe a Nigh Owl Trivia edition could be arranged if this first one is popular. :)

10-20-2013, 12:06 PM
36 hours of non-stop occupy. I guess this is unique in MMO history? Even the Trolls can't stand being not part of it ingame :D

http://s1.directupload.net/images/131020/esfeqqve.jpg (http://www.directupload.net)

http://s1.directupload.net/images/131020/xy82wtit.jpg (http://www.directupload.net)

10-20-2013, 12:16 PM
Okay, the time has changed. Because I am a goof, who cannot do math when tired. :(
The event will be at 1pm EST. I got the time-zone conversions wrong in my head.


10-20-2013, 12:42 PM
Stand for what you believe in, but I have yet to see why we are "Occupying Stormreach"? Can someone enlighten me?

10-20-2013, 12:44 PM
Stand for what you believe in, but I have yet to see why we are "Occupying Stormreach"? Can someone enlighten me?

Reading is hard, yo

10-20-2013, 12:48 PM
Stand for what you believe in, but I have yet to see why we are "Occupying Stormreach"? Can someone enlighten me?

It's a protest against Turbine's plan to remove the true heart of wood (for heroic TRs) from the Twelve. Instead they want you to collect commendations of valor from completing saga's.
1 heroic heart will cost 900 valor. 1 completed saga (!) will earn you 16-17 valor...
So instead of running 20-30 quests from a wide variety of choices you will now have to run over 50 sagas, each consisting of over 10 quests. Enjoy the grind....
Plus, the valors will be btc, and of course any tokens you may have are now essentially worthless as all you can buy with them are pretty lame augments.

Red Orm

10-20-2013, 12:50 PM
Stand for what you believe in, but I have yet to see why we are "Occupying Stormreach"? Can someone enlighten me?

turbine intends to change the way hearts of wood are gained.
this change infuriates the player base, hence the protest.

10-20-2013, 12:51 PM
Stand for what you believe in, but I have yet to see why we are "Occupying Stormreach"? Can someone enlighten me?

"CSI Lamannia" would have been also viable I guess^^ - but the analogy to Occupy is proper too because of a few concordances. There are no Leaders, players are just there, they do not quest/raid, they do not buy/sell on both AHs, they do not spend real money in the shop, they don't do what they're expected to do in a MMO, except standing united and showing solidarity. The simply fact of plain existance of this protest is a much more weighty statement to the Devs, as any ****storm on forums due to threads being closed, deleted, aso. Just like it was with occupy events.

Edit: the ash cloud of statistic money loss is lasting longer and longer.

10-20-2013, 01:05 PM
I honestly figured this thread would have been locked or moved by now.

*squints eyes*

Turbine's up to something.

10-20-2013, 01:07 PM
btw the rumor goes, that Turbine actually is preparing a statement related to the TR changes, which shall be published on Tuesday. So the bridge event will last at least until this statement goes live on forums. Never mind working days, just hit main menue - log out - let the yes/no window stay on your screen - alt+tab and you'll never be logged out automatically.

10-20-2013, 01:23 PM
I honestly figured this thread would have been locked or moved by now.

*squints eyes*

Turbine's up to something.

I doubt this. Better shut down entire forums if they are really up to. The last months being here on the forums and enjoing DDO I never had the feeling that Turbine fears critics. In fact they are one of the most liberal game companies I had and have the privilege to playing games from. Closing this thread would make no sense.

10-20-2013, 01:24 PM
DEVS PLEASE turn on the old market attack for wayfinder !!
Let the devils at them!
surprise attack! they are all dancing!
storm the occupiers with devil armies !!.. and crush them!! Bring Lollth! and abbot! and all the dragons!
also record the event and chat so the rest us can enjoy the bloodbath. as wayfinder gets decimated!

I think u will make adjustments....i mean u have too...
i am OK with sagas and hearts really just adjust the Cost or amount of valor to do so..AN Increase is FINE just make it fair..

.as stated earlier the OPPORTUNITY to TR has been ONE major factor in bringing in new players and equaling the playing field for the rich or poor that love this game.

Side thought:
But i do know every tr resets favor so FREE TP is to be had..to buy a heart or whatever.
.is favor being reset on EPIC TR? Iconic TR? MY barbarian will not like having to get Silver flame over and over..

10-20-2013, 01:27 PM
DEVS PLEASE turn on the old market attack for wayfinder !!
Let the devils at them!
surprise attack! they are all dancing!
storm the occupiers with devil armies !!.. and crush them!! Bring Lollth! and abbot! and all the dragons!
also record the event and chat so the rest us can enjoy the bloodbath. as wayfinder gets decimated!

just like it happened to the occupiers in real life?^^

10-20-2013, 01:27 PM
I doubt this. Better shut down entire forums if they are really up to. The last months being here on the forums and enjoing DDO I never had the feeling that Turbine fears critics. In fact they are one of the most liberal game companies I had and have the privilege to playing games from. Closing this thread would make no sense.

Apologies, it was a poor attempt at sarcasm.

10-20-2013, 01:30 PM
Apologies, it was a poor attempt at sarcasm.

Maybe not, because I'm no English native speaker. My apologies for not appropriate understanding :)

10-20-2013, 01:32 PM
Reply to lanhelin^+2
well kinda, (this is a game)
would rather see them have a battle on wayfinder
have some fun with players and devs,
and then find a solution that all are happy with.

10-20-2013, 01:33 PM
btw the rumor goes, that Turbine actually is preparing a statement related to the TR changes, which shall be published on Tuesday. So the bridge event will last at least until this statement goes live on forums. Never mind working days, just hit main menue - log out - let the yes/no window stay on your screen - alt+tab and you'll never be logged out automatically.

Good to know, will try this tomorrow.

I'd emphasize that a statement itself will probably be not enough to stop the protest. It has to be a statement properly addressing all of our concerns.

10-20-2013, 01:33 PM
just hit main menue - log out - let the yes/no window stay on your screen - alt+tab and you'll never be logged out automatically.

sssshhhh... this might be considered an exploit! ;)

10-20-2013, 01:33 PM
Maybe not, because I'm no English native speaker. My apologies for not appropriate understanding :)

No worries. :D

10-20-2013, 01:50 PM
During Memnir's Event right now.

http://s7.directupload.net/images/131020/isn87ciu.jpg (http://www.directupload.net)

http://s7.directupload.net/images/131020/7mlvflvn.jpg (http://www.directupload.net)

Upwards left
http://s7.directupload.net/images/131020/8n2s3ncp.jpg (http://www.directupload.net)

Upwards right
http://s14.directupload.net/images/131020/7zuexuxn.jpg (http://www.directupload.net)

If you are not there, you are not there.

10-20-2013, 01:59 PM
Slightly off topic;
Ummm if everyone is supposed to be occupying the bridge in protest how did the guild gain 2 levels already?

10-20-2013, 01:59 PM
I see me looking for broccoli :)

@Shammie Some people got confused. Even protesting can be tricky :P

Red Orm

10-20-2013, 02:00 PM
Slightly off topic;
Ummm if everyone is supposed to be occupying the bridge in protest how did the guild gain 2 levels already?

not pointing fingers but I saw people questing when I looked at the guild roster :)

10-20-2013, 02:03 PM
Slightly off topic;
Ummm if everyone is supposed to be occupying the bridge in protest how did the guild gain 2 levels already?

SOMEONE has to come up with some plat to pay for snacks.

10-20-2013, 02:03 PM
Ummm if everyone is supposed to be occupying the bridge in protest how did the guild gain 2 levels already?

Some players had to visit bathrooms u know, afk bio and so on - it already lasts 38 hours - but since there are no public bathrooms in Stormreach they were polite enough to go to the sewers.

10-20-2013, 02:13 PM
SOMEONE has to come up with some plat to pay for snacks.

And beer for tonight ;)

10-20-2013, 02:15 PM
Some players had to visit bathrooms u know, afk bio and so on - it already lasts 38 hours - but since there are no public bathrooms in Stormreach they were polite enough to go to the sewers.

Partycrashers, but its a pain to get there with all the traps and mobs.

10-20-2013, 02:16 PM
Partycrashers, but its a pain to get there with all the traps and mobs.

Indeed lmao

10-20-2013, 02:47 PM
btw the rumor goes, that Turbine actually is preparing a statement related to the TR changes, which shall be published on Tuesday. So the bridge event will last at least until this statement goes live on forums.

They'll just start Mabar on Tuesday in an attempt to break up the group. :eek:

10-20-2013, 03:04 PM
They'll just start Mabar on Tuesday in an attempt to break up the group. :eek:

I was thinking that it was about time to start Mabar, anyway. I believe the point will have been made by then. :)

10-20-2013, 03:06 PM
They'll just start Mabar on Tuesday in an attempt to break up the group. :eek:

Let´s play "Occupy Delera´s" then, no problem.

10-20-2013, 03:09 PM
Some players had to visit bathrooms u know, afk bio and so on - it already lasts 38 hours - but since there are no public bathrooms in Stormreach they were polite enough to go to the sewers.

Well, some definitively went to the outhouses for Warforged on "Under the big Top"... Got somewhat swampy there with all the oil spilled ^^.

10-20-2013, 03:10 PM
Well, some definitively went to the outhouses for Warforged on "Under the big Top"... Got somewhat swampy there with all the oil spilled ^^.

or sap?

10-20-2013, 03:12 PM
Two hours of Trivia Awesomeness. :)


Today's Winners are:
Tintifax 9, Eishand 1, Ytteri 7, Underwire 7, Moonunit 5, Mollymillion 1, Keepthe 1, Stridsvagn 1, Shmetterling 1, Memnir: 2

Thanks for joining me, folks. :) It was indeed an amazing experience, and one I count amongst the top 10 best things I've done in this game.

10-20-2013, 03:12 PM
Let´s play "Occupy Delera´s" then, no problem.
don't say that, now i need to get a horc wiz with zombie shroud so i can (almost) do the thriller dance!

10-20-2013, 03:15 PM
My big thanks for the great time we had with the trivia quiz he did. He really had us there!

I am looking forward for your next round, then!

10-20-2013, 03:16 PM
Tinti, you successfully defended the honor of Wayfinder natives :D Congratz! This was really awesome. And the occupy event is still giong on. Feel free to join us on Wayfinder, Marketplace #1 on the bridge of resistance!

10-20-2013, 03:16 PM
Well, some definitively went to the outhouses for Warforged on "Under the big Top"... Got somewhat swampy there with all the oil spilled ^^.

Always wondered about that.... they have "Men" "Women" and "Warforged" outhouses, yet I seem to remember being able to choose between male and female warforged at character creation...

10-20-2013, 03:20 PM
Always wondered about that.... they have "Men" "Women" and "Warforged" outhouses, yet I seem to remember being able to choose between male and female warforged at character creation...

Me too, until a fellow guildie ment that even Warforged need to put repair oil on their weaponry... Well, other would name this cosmetics... Actually, i would guess warforged to use such a silent place for getting back into shape after crancking and cloncking teir way all along a carneval.

10-20-2013, 03:36 PM

strike picture in 4k ultra hd !!!

10-20-2013, 03:52 PM
strike picture in 4k ultra hd !!!

Send in for the picture-of-the-week contest, please!

10-20-2013, 04:00 PM
Two hours of Trivia Awesomeness. :)


Today's Winners are:
Tintifax 9, Eishand 1, Ytteri 7, Underwire 7, Moonunit 5, Mollymillion 1, Keepthe 1, Stridsvagn 1, Shmetterling 1, Memnir: 2

Thanks for joining me, folks. :) It was indeed an amazing experience, and one I count amongst the top 10 best things I've done in this game.

Awesome work, Memnir - thanks for making the rally an even better experience!

10-20-2013, 05:02 PM

strike picture in 4k ultra hd !!!

Ooo, I see me in that picture, the dancing bear.

I found out about this a few hours ago, logged on to see if it was still going on and it's still going strong

10-20-2013, 05:06 PM
You guys had your fun, time to go home.

All this is going to accomplish is: Wayfinder will the shutdown end of the year.

10-20-2013, 05:23 PM
Slightly off topic;
Ummm if everyone is supposed to be occupying the bridge in protest how did the guild gain 2 levels already?
There was talk of doing the new server 100 favor dash - I'm guessing a few did that.

10-20-2013, 05:30 PM
There was talk of doing the new server 100 favor dash - I'm guessing a few did that.

Yah, was wondering the same thing, but, Occupying some free TP's.. I can go along with that too.

10-20-2013, 06:07 PM
Protest over a game, lol.

I always grin when people jump to the predictable defense that its just a game so its never a big deal regardless of what happens. DDO is more like a community, with the interface of a game wrapped around it. If it was a game, and only a game, Id play it once or twice from beginning to end each year, then shelve it for some other game or hobby.

Its very easy to belittle something that means a lot to someone else when it doesn't mean much to you at all. It takes a lot more effort, understanding, and time invested to be able to relate to what is actually happening here. For instance, did you know that Turbine has a case history of reversing decisions when they learned those decisions were unpopular with the player base? Probably not, because not only were you not here during that time, you aren't making any effort to learn what is actually happening here, as indicated by posting that its nothing more than a game.

Please do continue though, each time you post your disagreement on the forums while oversimplifying the issue, or log in and troll the protesters, youre actually drawing more notice to the issue. Thank you for the help. Youll be glad you played your part when Turbine reverses their decision and allows us to purchase hearts at a more reasonable in game cost.

10-20-2013, 06:10 PM
I always grin when people jump to the predictable defense that its just a game so its never a big deal regardless of what happens. DDO is more like a community, with the interface of a game wrapped around it. If it was a game, and only a game, Id play it once or twice from beginning to end each year, then shelve it for some other game or hobby.

Its very easy to belittle something that means a lot to someone else when it doesn't mean much to you at all. It takes a lot more effort, understanding, and time invested to be able to relate to what is actually happening here. For instance, did you know that Turbine has a case history of reversing decisions when they learned those decisions were unpopular with the player base? Probably not, because not only were you not here during that time, you aren't making any effort to learn what is actually happening here, as indicated by posting that its nothing more than a game.

Please do continue though, each time you post your disagreement on the forums while oversimplifying the issue, or log in and troll the protesters, youre actually drawing more notice to the issue. Thank you for the help. Youll be glad you played your part when Turbine reverses their decision and allows us to purchase hearts at a more reasonable in game cost.


10-20-2013, 06:16 PM
Bridge Protest Trivia Madness Round 2 - Tomorrow!!!!

Monday the 21st, at 8:00pm EST - I will be hosting Trivia Round 2 on the Bridge. Details can be found here (https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/428476-Bridge-Trivia-Event-ROUND-TWO!?p=5140330&styleid=-1)!

Hope to see everyone there. :)

10-20-2013, 08:34 PM

Looks like it starting to hit some of the gaming media, can't hurt get soem attention from Turbine. Not convinced it will help but it sure cant' hurt.

10-20-2013, 08:43 PM
Bridge Protest Trivia Madness Round 2 - Tomorrow!!!!

Monday the 21st, at 8:00pm EST - I will be hosting Trivia Round 2 on the Bridge. Details can be found here (https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/428476-Bridge-Trivia-Event-ROUND-TWO!?p=5140330&styleid=-1)!

Hope to see everyone there. :)

Thanks, logged in just as you left.

10-20-2013, 08:52 PM

Looks like it starting to hit some of the gaming media, can't hurt get soem attention from Turbine. Not convinced it will help but it sure cant' hurt.

any attention is better than no attention. 2 more days to see if this will do any good.

10-20-2013, 08:57 PM
Slightly off topic;
Ummm if everyone is supposed to be occupying the bridge in protest how did the guild gain 2 levels already?

In every protest there always seem to be a few that feel that they need to break some windows, or kobold skulls in this case.

10-20-2013, 09:07 PM
love it

10-20-2013, 09:23 PM

Looks like it starting to hit some of the gaming media, can't hurt get soem attention from Turbine. Not convinced it will help but it sure cant' hurt.

Hmm. I don't recall our last major protest grabbing media attention. Didn't our devs just game with those guys?

10-20-2013, 09:40 PM
Didn't our devs just game with those guys?

Yes and that makes the article rather amusing. Hopefully this new article will drown out the old one which was little more than an advertisement for their game.

10-20-2013, 11:06 PM

Looks like it starting to hit some of the gaming media, can't hurt get soem attention from Turbine. Not convinced it will help but it sure cant' hurt.

I love how everyone's packed shoulder to shoulder in the pic except for the 3 foot radius around me.

10-20-2013, 11:13 PM
I love how everyone's packed shoulder to shoulder in the pic except for the 3 foot radius around me.

Must be your aftershave

10-20-2013, 11:14 PM
I love how everyone's packed shoulder to shoulder in the pic except for the 3 foot radius around me.

It's like you have an aroma... erm... aura. :D

10-21-2013, 12:02 AM
The occupy now lasts 48 hours. Thank you so much for your staying power and welcome to day 3 :)

http://s14.directupload.net/images/131021/gq3ii6od.jpg (http://www.directupload.net)

http://s7.directupload.net/images/131021/6kkmrzbc.jpg (http://www.directupload.net)

Join us on Wayfinder, Marketplace #1, Bridge of Resistance!

10-21-2013, 12:10 AM

10-21-2013, 12:33 AM
Well, it looks like there are 3 times as many protestors from when I was on last. About 8 hours ago.
It's picking up steam.

10-21-2013, 12:45 AM
Well, it looks like there are 3 times as many protestors from when I was on last. About 8 hours ago.
It's picking up steam.

Wonder if we can get other servers involved.

I know Wayfinder is the ideal place to limit the impact of this on other players. But we would get the word out to more players if we could get up some resistance on the other market place bridges.

10-21-2013, 01:01 AM
Wonder if we can get other servers involved.

I know Wayfinder is the ideal place to limit the impact of this on other players. But we would get the word out to more players if we could get up some resistance on the other market place bridges.

I think we should stick to Wayfinder, if we start spreading out to other servers and jam it up, then that would not be cool IMHO.

10-21-2013, 01:06 AM
Well, it looks like there are 3 times as many protestors from when I was on last. About 8 hours ago.
It's picking up steam.

Yeah, it's still growing. "Doing nothing" takes quite a time to get noticed by the busy :D But little strokes fell big oaks. The united staying power is amazing and once more shows the quality of the DDO community. And thanks to the article on massively our protest already starts to get spread around a bit outside in the gaming world. It will also take some more time to get more attention out there, but it certainly is good for us and especially good for the game.

10-21-2013, 01:08 AM
2 days standing on a bridge and no withdrawals. someone should start crafting some anniversary coins lol.

10-21-2013, 01:15 AM
I have school tomorrow... er, today. I leave my character to stand the watch with all of you. :)

10-21-2013, 01:43 AM
Gah made a new char on wayfinder just to go have a looksy

10-21-2013, 01:46 AM
Erm ........................I don't want to be a joy kill but.................any chance that the powers that be might misconstrue this? Hey this game is still going well, look at all the new log in's on wayfinder!!!!!

Anyway wish i could join in, be nice to protest in the marketplace in my starter rags :D.

10-21-2013, 01:49 AM
Erm ........................I don't want to be a joy kill but.................any chance that the powers that be might misconstrue this? Hey this game is still going well, look at all the new log in's on wayfinder!!!!!

Anyway wish i could join in, be nice to protest in the marketplace in my starter rags :D.

They do read the forums. I believe they know whats going on but cant say, as much as some might want to.

Also the article at massively is going to draw their attention to it.


10-21-2013, 02:06 AM
Just wanted to get word out there that you need to be careful advertising occupy in game.

Rumor is there are bans, possibly perma-bans being handed out for advertising the movement in the Marketplace.

Figured we should make sure that this gets out. Having said that this is not firsthand knowledge, it's second hand as is I heard if from someone who says they knew someone.

Honestly I would NOT be all that surprised to hear that they were using the Trade channel or something and that was violating the terms of service, and it could easily be BS but on the off chance it's true I figured a heads up was worth it.

10-21-2013, 02:12 AM
Just wanted to get word out there that you need to be careful advertising occupy in game.

Rumor is there are bans, possibly perma-bans being handed out for advertising the movement in the Marketplace.

Figured we should make sure that this gets out. Having said that this is not firsthand knowledge, it's second hand as is I heard if from someone who says they knew someone.

Honestly I would NOT be all that surprised to hear that they were using the Trade channel or something and that was violating the terms of service, and it could easily be BS but on the off chance it's true I figured a heads up was worth it.

Oh nice. so now i can be persecuted for having an opinion.

Hmm. reminds me of a war i once heard about. One that was against persecution.

10-21-2013, 02:18 AM
Oh nice. so now i can be persecuted for having an opinion.

Hmm. reminds me of a war i once heard about. One that was against persecution.

Well, one person was booted from the game for having an LFM and refusing to take it down when prompted by GM.
At first they thought it was a ban and logged in on an alt to complain, but later it turned out they could log in on their proper account right away (or it was a 5 minute ban).

10-21-2013, 02:25 AM
The one I heard about didn't use LFM panel, they were basically in the Marketplace letting everyone know thought the channel. More or less acting like a street crier.

Looks like the GM's are all over the place on this, probably because their business overlords aren't in until tomorrow so they don't have a clear direction on how to handle the situation.

10-21-2013, 02:40 AM
The one I heard about didn't use LFM panel, they were basically in the Marketplace letting everyone know thought the channel. More or less acting like a street crier.

Looks like the GM's are all over the place on this, probably because their business overlords aren't in until tomorrow so they don't have a clear direction on how to handle the situation.

Well I play on Thelanis and I went over to Wayfinder to join their guild. I will stay logged in from now till I wake up and if I get a ban (even 5 minutes) I will uninstall and go straight to get a copy of GTA 5. Not trying to make threats or sound hard, but this would be crazy to ban people who are doing nothing but standing up for what they think is right.

10-21-2013, 02:41 AM
Awsome job!!!
I wish i was on this weekend to see it myself, i'll check in after work!

10-21-2013, 02:44 AM
Good morning, Bridge! Good to see so many there still, and the guild is now over 200 accounts :)

10-21-2013, 02:51 AM
The one I heard about didn't use LFM panel, they were basically in the Marketplace letting everyone know thought the channel. More or less acting like a street crier.

Looks like the GM's are all over the place on this, probably because their business overlords aren't in until tomorrow so they don't have a clear direction on how to handle the situation.

Any publicity is good publicity. Knowing Turbine they will just readjust the number of commendations needed for heart or up the commendation rate. In the following wave of relief and feelgood the fact that epic tokens will be phased it out is completely forgotten. Afterwards, there will be a heartwarming article on Massively praising ******** for their open ears and attentiveness.

While I support those protesting on Wayfinder, I'm too cynical to join in. This screams of Turbine sneaking in unpopular policies by first scaling it too far.

You think Turbine was never going to change the commendation rate/turn-in?
You think Turbine actually cares about player opinion? Just look at the lack of dev response on lamania.

If they actually introduced a fair token to commendation mechanic or another use for dungeon tokens I will eat my words gladly.

10-21-2013, 02:55 AM
G'night Bridge Folks. :)

Great to see more of us now, at the end of the day, then there were at the start of it.


And don't forget - Trivia on the Bridge: Round 2 (https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/428476-Bridge-Trivia-Event-ROUND-TWO!) tomorrow night at 8:00pm EST! :)

10-21-2013, 02:56 AM
Any publicity is good publicity. Knowing Turbine they will just readjust the number of commendations needed for heart or up the commendation rate. In the following wave of relief and feelgood the fact that epic tokens will be phased it out is completely forgotten. Afterwards, there will be a heartwarming article on Massively praising ******** for their open ears and attentiveness.

While I support those protesting on Wayfinder, I'm too cynical to join in. This screams of Turbine sneaking in unpopular policies by first scaling it too far.

You think Turbine was never going to change the commendation rate/turn-in?
You think Turbine actually cares about player opinion? Just look at the lack of dev response on lamania.

If they actually introduced a fair token to commendation mechanic or another use for dungeon tokens I will eat my words gladly.
Wouldn't matter how much they adjusted comm turn-ins if the comms remain BtC.

People would still be enraged. It's not just about numbers.

10-21-2013, 03:03 AM
I apologise for not actually rolling a toon in Wayfinder and participating in this RALLY over the weekend

I would like to express my thanks to all that did and want to say I would add my voice and subscription to the voice of the masses

Turbine please provide an official release at your earliest convenience


10-21-2013, 03:04 AM
@Kazeikan: I very much fear you are right. But I'm still standing on the bridge, so they can't say they stick to their course because nobody objected. At least we'll have tried.

Red Orm

10-21-2013, 03:09 AM
G'night Bridge Folks. :)

Great to see more of us now, at the end of the day, then there were at the start of it.


And don't forget - Trivia on the Bridge: Round 2 (https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/428476-Bridge-Trivia-Event-ROUND-TWO!) tomorrow night at 8:00pm EST! :)

hey theres me. nosagas to get a heart

10-21-2013, 03:12 AM
At work now - bah wish I could join yas!

Power to the People!!!! ... and elves and dwarves and half orcs and drow and half elves and BEARS!!!

10-21-2013, 03:16 AM
Why? Because there's a reason they were made earnable by the original developers, and should be kept that way.

Please state this reason oh wise one. Maybe provide a quote.

10-21-2013, 03:21 AM

Looks like it starting to hit some of the gaming media, can't hurt get soem attention from Turbine. Not convinced it will help but it sure cant' hurt.

Grats to the players on good thinking for contacting the media before I even had that idea :D Brief article but very to the point - and heck, if we don't get a good response, I'll be trying to get others to feature Occupy Stormreach as well.

Yeah, it's still growing. "Doing nothing" takes quite a time to get noticed by the busy :D But little strokes fell big oaks. The united staying power is amazing and once more shows the quality of the DDO community. And thanks to the article on massively our protest already starts to get spread around a bit outside in the gaming world. It will also take some more time to get more attention out there, but it certainly is good for us and especially good for the game.
Actually, surprisingly, many people still don't know about the issue (or didn't as of yesterday). Many also know about the issue but not about the Wayfinder sit-in.

That's why it's useful to go to populated common areas like Marketplace or Eveningstar on other servers and spread the information in /advice or general zone chat. 5 minutes to explain the issue and promote the sit-in could gain a few more supporters.

10-21-2013, 03:22 AM
That's a fallacy. We're on a video game forum talking about a video game. You are on a video game forum talking about a video game.

I'm not throwing my own veteran card into the ring because I think that was asinine of you to do in the first place most especially when you follow it with a snide "you are welcome". I can't explicitly tell you where to stick that attitude. You disgrace us all with that kind of rhetoric, so, thanks!

Yes, instead you should be very proud of yourself, YOU ARE IN A MOVEMENT!

Really making a difference, you go girl!

10-21-2013, 03:28 AM
i started playing in 2009. i paid for a VIP subscription for 3 years straight and bought points besides in $50 bundles so i could splurge on all the little incidentals. after i dropped VIP i bought enough points to purchase every pack in existence at the time, character slots, shared bank, races, classes, and more. when MotUD rolled around i bought the limited edition collector's edition for $80 because i wanted the pets and the big panther. since then i have purchased several packs of points of various sizes. i've bought multiple armor kits, a supreme +2 tome when +2 was a big thing, many lesser hearts of wood, a true heart of wood when the only 20th character i had was my first, and utterly gimp. i dropped the points for a +4 supreme tome. i've bought nearly every cosmetic pet that i didn't think was ugly... splurged and sank nearly 2K points into a shadowfell regalia for my rogue.

now double that amount, because my husband and i both play, and we both spent about the same.

between us we have spent LOTS of money supporting Turbine... and we are all for telling freeloaders to pony up and spend a little cash to support the game. without cash inflow, the game dies.

now... i have 10 characters on one account and 2 on another, both VIP accounts. a total of 5 of those characters are 20+, one of them has been solo-ing epic elites lately on a quest to gain 375 PDK favor, 2 of those characters have both TRed twice. a third is now on life 4 on an intended completionist journey, and i'm not kidding when i say journey. i don't use XP pots except in the rare occurrence that my TR partner gets a bit ahead of me, i don't spam-repeat the same few tired "ideal XP-farm" quests. i do every quest in the game. on elite. methodically starting at 1st level. (i'll admit, last life we skipped a few of the more odious ones... but...) there are very few quests i hate to the point that i will only do under duress, and i have no issue with doing Eberron or Forgotten Realms. i LIKE the sagas.


going from being able to do 20-40 runs of any epic quest i feel like (oh hey, my whim and whimsey says i want to get another eElyd's Edge for one of my other bards, let me go run Sentinels!.. oh, hey, my AA completionist project wants an eKronzek's Cruelty for giggles, let me run stuff from Carnival!... screwit i want a fast token and a good intense fight to get my blood pumping - Devil Assault it is!) to needing to run the same narrow little band of quests literally HUNDREDS OF TIMES is just ludicrous no matter HOW you slice it. and adding to the crazy is the fact that these new ingredients (NEW INGREDIENTS OMG) are bound to CHARACTER. i can't run EE saga on my bard who's trying to get the dang thing done anyway for favor and pass them to my TR project like i can now.

so no. this is bad. really.. REALLY... bad for the enjoyment of the game.

You get 500 TP per month with VIP.
Buy a heart and move on. Doesn't cost anything extra.

10-21-2013, 03:30 AM
Actually, surprisingly, many people still don't know about the issue (or didn't as of yesterday). Many also know about the issue but not about the Wayfinder sit-in.

I have seen plenty of people in your protest asking what the protest is about.

It's hilarious.

10-21-2013, 03:33 AM
I have seen plenty of people in your protest asking what the protest is about.

It's hilarious.

Nope, it's normal. Educating, really. Too bad you were there to see it, and learned nothing.

You laughed when I said the rabble-rousers were looking for media attention.

Citation needed.

10-21-2013, 03:35 AM
Oh nice. so now i can be persecuted for having an opinion.

Hmm. reminds me of a war i once heard about. One that was against persecution.

It's not persecution, you are in violation of the EULA.

Comparing this to war is asinine.

10-21-2013, 03:39 AM
Any publicity is good publicity. Knowing Turbine they will just readjust the number of commendations needed for heart or up the commendation rate.

Pretty much what I have been saying all along.

10-21-2013, 03:41 AM
50 people online in the guild, you're an awesome crowd :)

10-21-2013, 03:53 AM
It's not persecution, you are in violation of the EULA.

Citation needed.

10-21-2013, 03:56 AM
What people like you fail to realize is that the damage to the community that things like this do is far more likely to have long-term, happy players leave for a nicer community. COMMUNITY, not MOB. God forbid there is a write-up about this in trade publications. This is what the real trouble makers want. Permanent damage. I see you as a dupe, who fell for their plot, and bought the propaganda.


10-21-2013, 04:05 AM

Citing yourself does what again?

10-21-2013, 04:10 AM
Citation needed.

Dungeons and Dragons Online
Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct (COC) that governs player behavior while playing Dungeons&Dragons® Online and participating on the Dungeons&Dragons Online Website.

The Code of Conduct is designed to make everyone's game experience as enjoyable as possible. Failure to follow the Code of Conduct may result in the suspension or termination of your Dungeons&Dragons Online account without refund.

While participating in Dungeons&Dragons Online, you must respect the rights of others to play and enjoy the game world as intended by Turbine, Inc.

While playing the game or participating in the Dungeons&Dragons Online service, you may not exhibit or partake in generally disruptive behavior causing grief or alarm to other players or degrade the Dungeons&Dragons Online service performance or other players' client software (for example, deliberately using game bugs or loopholes to disrupt the game).

You may not spam or flood with multiple posts the game chat or the official Web features.

My bad, not the EULA, but the CoC.
Relevant Citations.

10-21-2013, 04:12 AM
None of the above took place. Next?

10-21-2013, 04:14 AM
Generally disruptive behavior, forums and in-game.

10-21-2013, 04:23 AM
You asked me to cite where I said the rabble-rousers sought media attention to create trouble for the game.

No I asked you to cite where people laughed maliciously. IIRC, most pointed out that this will actually be beneficial for the game - IF Turbine responds well to the complaints.

Call me a troll all you want, but you are the ones hanging out at the bridge.

Lagging up the place, peeing in the Waterworks....

At least we're on it, not under...

We picked Wayfinder for a reason, you know.

10-21-2013, 04:37 AM
It's not persecution, you are in violation of the EULA.

Comparing this to war is asinine.


and i wasn't comparing anything to a war. i was stating that being persecuted for having an opinion reminded me of something.

Also, dont u live in some Forgoten Cavern.


10-21-2013, 04:40 AM
No I asked you to cite where people laughed maliciously. IIRC, most pointed out that this will actually be beneficial for the game - IF Turbine responds well to the complaints.

At least we're on it, not under...

We picked Wayfinder for a reason, you know.

So are you the founder and leader of this movement?

10-21-2013, 04:45 AM
So are you the founder and leader of this movement?

Gosh, are you guys reading off a script? This is a rally of players in solidarity with each other over the same issue, not a political campaign. Everyone is there because and as long as they want to be, we NEED no leadership.

On that note, who are you the leader of? :)

Also, dont u live in some Forgoten Cavern.


Nope, he lives in a certain secret laboratory being run by agents of the Emerald Claw under House Phiarlan :)

10-21-2013, 04:46 AM
It's better not to feed the trolls.

10-21-2013, 05:23 AM
It's better not to feed the trolls.

Why not. When they are big and juicy they taste better.

I eat trolls.

They yummy.

10-21-2013, 05:26 AM
The protest is a lot less disruptive than the PvP in harbor, and since that is allowed, the protest surely is just fine.

In any case:

We shall not, we shall not be moved
We shall not, we shall not be moved
The bridge is below us
We shall not be moved