View Full Version : feats for Evoker caster cleric

10-08-2013, 05:29 PM
Been reading some threads about the new enhancements and I think I want to respec my cleric to a Evoker light-based Divine Disciple+Radiant Servant. How does this look for feats? (character is human):

1. Empower
2. Maximize
3. Empower Healing
4. Quicken
5. Heighten
6. Dragonmark of Passage
7. Mental Toughness
8. Improved Mental Toughness

I figure the first 5 are no-brainers/must-haves. I've always wanted to mess around with the DD/Teleport dragonmarks so I'd like to keep that. Mental Toughness and Imp are negotiable.

For a cleric, more spell points is always a good thing and with SLA spam, the crit bonus is nice. Also opens up Epic Mental Toughness.

However, would I be better off with Spell Focus (Evocation) x2 or Spell Pen x2?


10-09-2013, 07:19 PM
There's nothing wrong with being a generalist caster instead of a school-specialized caster.

But if you're a generalist, there's no reason to call yourself an "Evoker".

What kind of content do you expect to or want to run? That will influence your feat choices.

10-10-2013, 10:52 AM
There's nothing wrong with being a generalist caster instead of a school-specialized caster.

But if you're a generalist, there's no reason to call yourself an "Evoker".

What kind of content do you expect to or want to run? That will influence your feat choices.

Very true. I probably should have written "evoker" instead of Evoker. By evoker, I meant focusing on nuking and direct damage as opposed to high DCs and Spell Pen. I'll certainly still use spells like Slay Living and Implosion but they won't be my focus.

That said, will I get more bang for the buck with Spell Focus in Evoc or Necro than the added spell points and crit % with Mental Toughness?

10-10-2013, 11:55 AM
Id take one evocation focus to unlock magister +3 evo dcs, this is just too good to pass up. BB and Implosion, your bread and butter spells as caster cleric, benefit a lot from this. Also get the +4 evo focus necklace from "friends in low places" as soon as possible.

10-12-2013, 08:28 AM
Id take one evocation focus to unlock magister +3 evo dcs, this is just too good to pass up. BB and Implosion, your bread and butter spells as caster cleric, benefit a lot from this.

Yes, and it's better than that: you can twist +3 from Magister, and also another +2 from Draconic. So that Evocation Focus feat gets you a total of +6 to your Implosion DC.

10-12-2013, 03:55 PM
Alternatively, take SF:Necro and SF:Evo; twist in Necro Specialist from Magister and Precise Casting:Evo from Draconic for +4 Necro/+3 Evo DCs. This works nicely if you go dark DD + Evo spells; basically depends on whether you want to minmax for one school or open your options a bit more.

10-14-2013, 09:45 PM
Necro is fun and all but it's a horrible SP sink, yeah if you've got a deep pockets for the pots be my guest, but if you don't get sunburst from the Light tree, you're severely missing out a great AOE blind and really cheap AOE enhancements (holy smite also blinds, and flamestrike is fun :P)

go HARD into DC's with all the trash getting evasion/improved evasion, BB stands for Bread and Butter, some people think it stands for blade barrier... you NEED the high DC's on that.

10-15-2013, 01:07 PM
I wouldnt go necro on a cleric, evo all the way... you save feat, gear, and twist slots. My cleric is a clonk so I also need to watch my stun DC and my melee damage output, no space at all for improving necro DCs. Still using 2 feats (evo focus and wiz PL), a twist slot (evo mastery from magister) and a gear slot (sage necklace from Wheelon) to get my evo stuff to a decent level since I got high wis anyway.

10-15-2013, 01:34 PM
I went :
Empower heal
Wizzy past ife
Evo focus
Greater evo focus
Epic evo focus
Great wisdom x 2
Guardian angel
Forced Escape

But you can get necro to 60 + too. Recently talked to a friend about enchantment as it might be the most effective thing these days, wish we had more spell variety :)

10-16-2013, 04:08 AM
Recently talked to a friend about enchantment as it might be the most effective thing these days, wish we had more spell variety

Easier for a Wizard, with dance ball and mass hold monster.

Enchantment for a divine? Not much out there:

- Single-target Hold Person (NOT Monster): I can just lead with an Energy Drain in the few cases this is a good choice; no need to spec heavily for it
- Symbol of Persuasion: with no Dismiss Charm, you'll just tick off your party giving things pink hats
- Symbol of Stunning: I admit I've never used this much. Is 6-20 seconds of stun that great?
- Greater Command: This spell is the best of the bunch...but is it enough to go Enchantment-spec on a divine? I don't think so. And for many mobs, Will saves are quite a bit lower than Fortitude anyway, so this will land sometimes even if you are Necro- or Evoc-specced.