View Full Version : 5000 Favor Reward

10-02-2013, 10:23 PM
A previous favor thread got me to thinking. With update 20 and level 30 on the horizon, it should be possible to reach 5000 total favor soon.

What should the reward be to achieve this epic accomplishment?

I think it should be a BTA +5 supreme tome of ability and skill (+5 to all).

10-02-2013, 10:30 PM
A previous favor thread got me to thinking. With update 20 and level 30 on the horizon, it should be possible to reach 5000 total favor soon.

What should the reward be to achieve this epic accomplishment?

I think it should be a BTA +5 supreme tome of ability and skill (+5 to all).

Lol no

A reward would be good but that is so ridiculously OP..

10-02-2013, 10:34 PM
Every person that earns 5000 favor will have a bug of their choice fixed in their name*.

*Only 4990 favor is achievable through questing; additional favor is available in the DDO Store at 595 TP each. Content created after 4999 favor becomes the cap will no longer provide favor; instead they will give Turbine Tokens which provide bonus TP whenever the owner purchases Turbine Points through the Store or Market.

10-02-2013, 10:42 PM
I was going to say that's a bit over the top as a reward but Turbine's tendency to obliverate loot mechanisms at an increasingly quick pace has me saying... maybe? I mean +5 Mabar tomes right around the corner, and saga skill tome rewards is about 1/3 an update old (considering how often its been closed...)

So why not? Drive the final nail into raids and kill sagas cuz, you know, they're popular.

10-02-2013, 11:37 PM
What should the reward be to achieve this epic accomplishment?

Considering that there's only 3 ways to achieve this, those being:
•VIP that bought both expansions
•Premium that bought all content
•Some combination of content ownership and store bought guest passes

The reward should be suitable to the investment of both the time and finical resources required to obtain it. I was also thinking it should not be quickly obviated like the +2 Tome, or race/class unlocks. As our replaying content is a stated goal of Turbine ("the end-game potential of TRing...") the top favor reward should be desirable to earn on every character and re-earn on every life. It should appeal to as many "player types" as possible, from casual 2-4 Hr/weekers to serial TRers to cosmetic lovers.

So with ^that^ criteria in mind, I've thought a tasty 5000 favor reward should be a choice of any one of the following:

•Choice of Epic, Iconic or True Heart of Wood.
•Any one +4 or +4 to 5 upgrade tome.
•Recieve a store coupon for any one cosmetic armor.
•Recieve a store coupon for any one cosmetic pet.

I think having ^those^ as options would be enticing without being "over the top."

10-02-2013, 11:43 PM
BtC +4=>+5 tome of Strenght
BtC +4=>+5 tome of Dexterity
BtC +4=>+5 tome of Constitution
BtC +4=>+5 tome of Intelligence
BtC +4=>+5 tome of Wisdom
BtC +4=>+5 tome of Charisma
BtC +4 tome of any skill
BtC +4=>+5 tome of any skill upgrade
Autoconsumed 100,000 guild renown.
Autogranted 250 TP
50 best mana potions in game (BtA)
BtC 1,000,000 XP token.

Everytime you reach 5k favor on any character, big bad ass reward window pops.
Pick one and go.

10-04-2013, 11:24 AM
Gnome unlock.

10-04-2013, 12:59 PM
The thing to remember about total favour rewards is that, while they can be quite difficult to attain for a while, they get easier and easier to get to as more content is added.

Look at PDK favor. When MotU first came out, you needed all the quests on elite, the raid and the challenges done to unlock the (very useful, and made more useful as time went on) vendor. Now it's fairly easy to get over 500, and the reward for that is.. oh, wait.

5000 Favor should be a decent extra TP reward.

10-04-2013, 06:52 PM
My vote is 100 TP and unlock the hall of heroes.

10-04-2013, 07:08 PM
My vote is 100 TP and unlock the hall of heroes.That looks about right. That's 100 TP's on top of 100 first time/server I hope. Else it's just another one time threshold.

10-04-2013, 08:09 PM
That looks about right. That's 100 TP's on top of 100 first time/server I hope. Else it's just another one time threshold.Oh, yes, I meant repeatable. Maybe change the amount to 125 to make it obviously different than the first-time award.

This would make the first time you hit 5000 worth 250, which feels about right. (100 first time to 5000, 25 for an even 100, 125 for the 5000 reward.) Each additional time would be 150.

If that's too much, 75 would work too. (200 first time you hit 5000, 100 each subsequent time.)

10-05-2013, 05:28 AM
Considering that there's only 3 ways to achieve this, those being:
•VIP that bought both expansions
•Premium that bought all content
•Some combination of content ownership and store bought guest passes

The reward should be suitable to the investment of both the time and finical resources required to obtain it. I was also thinking it should not be quickly obviated like the +2 Tome, or race/class unlocks. As our replaying content is a stated goal of Turbine ("the end-game potential of TRing...") the top favor reward should be desirable to earn on every character and re-earn on every life. It should appeal to as many "player types" as possible, from casual 2-4 Hr/weekers to serial TRers to cosmetic lovers.

So with ^that^ criteria in mind, I've thought a tasty 5000 favor reward should be a choice of any one of the following:

•Choice of Epic, Iconic or True Heart of Wood.
•Any one +4 or +4 to 5 upgrade tome.
•Recieve a store coupon for any one cosmetic armor.
•Recieve a store coupon for any one cosmetic pet.

I think having ^those^ as options would be enticing without being "over the top."

That's not a bad list for such an accomplishment and pretty much gives someone a choice they can make for each time they do it unlike our current list for 1750

10-05-2013, 05:29 AM
BtC +4=>+5 tome of Strenght
BtC +4=>+5 tome of Dexterity
BtC +4=>+5 tome of Constitution
BtC +4=>+5 tome of Intelligence
BtC +4=>+5 tome of Wisdom
BtC +4=>+5 tome of Charisma
BtC +4 tome of any skill
BtC +4=>+5 tome of any skill upgrade
Autoconsumed 100,000 guild renown.
Autogranted 250 TP
50 best mana potions in game (BtA)
BtC 1,000,000 XP token.

Everytime you reach 5k favor on any character, big bad ass reward window pops.
Pick one and go.

Some of those are way to OP

10-05-2013, 07:43 AM
My vote is 100 TP and unlock the hall of heroes.

Hall of heroes is fail.

Log out to teleport and suffer increased stacking memory leaks? No, thank you.

10-05-2013, 08:59 AM
This ^!

Logging out to teleport is unorthodox for our computer hardware indeed.

I personally do not use this feature. I have the K to The C and use Guild airship beacons and this is the best solution to entering both Realms imo.

A 3rd access, yet convenient for characters without the K to The C, that requires a (log-out)* in order to be used is not god for our computer memory when it comes to disconnecting from our in Game Character. Completely losing our spot in a fantasy world just to re-enter to circumvent in game barricades to access actual in game content, so to speak, is a squeaky back door solution. It confuses our consoles into actually re-configure and cause a 10 to 60 second time out, depending on that persons computer. What can also cause a lot of grief is we may forget to put our Power Attack back on and/or our Profane bonuses from Gear. This is also another step created and not fun to be forced to do.

A better solution to the Hall of Heroes might be in game Plane Callers That must be bought in the Store as a Service or 5000 favor unlock. The Planes caller teleports the character to the Hall of Heroes.

But there is one way the current feature would work very well is a person playing multiple accounts on different computers he or she can quickly gather a party much faster in a Realm. How many folks do this? Quite a few I think.

We need an in-game access that does not require a log-out for those of us who only have one account for the H of H.

How about a new Race unlock. Gnomes is my vote, What is yours?

* Log-out: Jargon in the online gaming community this term means. To go back to the 'User' (From the Movie Tron: Walt Disney Pioneered this phrase) World breaks immersion and Severs/ Cuts the connection to that Program (Our Character).

10-05-2013, 04:37 PM
How about a feat of your choice, possibly from a limited selection. A single extra feat is useful for everyone, and I wouldn't consider it to be overpowered especially if the feat was taken from the heroic list or even from a small selection of new feats. After all you can get a feat for Argonnessen favour, shouldn't be that hard to create a system to allow you to choose.

10-05-2013, 06:30 PM
Now I have an idea.
Its probably over powered, but what the hell.

For 5,000 favor, once per character (note, not once per account, not once per life, once per character) you get a permanent +1 skill point per level (+4 at level one).

Also, once per life a free +0 lesser heart of wood.

10-05-2013, 09:25 PM
How about a feat of your choice, possibly from a limited selection. A single extra feat is useful for everyone, and I wouldn't consider it to be overpowered especially if the feat was taken from the heroic list or even from a small selection of new feats. After all you can get a feat for Argonnessen favour, shouldn't be that hard to create a system to allow you to choose.

I kind of like this too. Good call!

10-05-2013, 09:35 PM
I'd like to see some of the "missing" favour rewards dealt with at the same time.

250 Twelve favour = +10 Tokens of the Twelve, Huge Soul Gem Bag (BTC)
500 PDK favour = +10 Heroic Commendations, Platinum Key to the City - can be used at will and acts as a bracelet of friends to summon others to Eveningstar
5000 Total favour = Choice of: +4 Ability Tome, +2 Fate Tome, +5 Skill Tome, +500 TP, +50k Guild Renown, +250k XP

5000 Total favour = Unlock additional level 1 feat for all characters created or reincarnated on that server

10-05-2013, 11:42 PM
I would like access to a new feat that blocks all Doom threads from showing up on my screen.

10-06-2013, 02:27 AM
I would like access to a new feat that blocks all Doom threads from showing up on my screen.

Then you'd have nothing to do in game, and at the forums!

10-06-2013, 11:45 AM
I would like access to a new feat that blocks all Doom threads from showing up on my screen.

oh that would have be epic level feat at least, and of course it would be bugged initially so that the only threads you saw were actually Doom threads. Then once it was fixed it would have to be nerfed so that it only hid some Doom threads and not them all ;)

10-06-2013, 11:58 AM
Thinking of how the silver flame pots were annoying to get for barbs but so essential for making them a viable solo toon... How about for 5000 favor they let you buy new potions of heal CL:20. It would be a lolworthy solution to byoh barb problems.

10-06-2013, 07:40 PM
Gnome unlock.

That would be anti-climatic for a lot of people

10-07-2013, 02:45 AM
5,000 Favor Reward: Congratulations! Your Completionist feat is now auto granted instead of having to take up one of your existing feats!

Above is a joke... kinda.

A feat that acts as both toughness and mental toughness at 5,000 favor would be cool. Have the description say something about how you are now a seasoned and well traveled adventurer and that your experiences have made you tougher and junk.

It would be useful and not be over powered. Everyone can use more hp and sp after all.

10-09-2013, 02:10 PM
How about a feat of your choice, possibly from a limited selection. A single extra feat is useful for everyone, and I wouldn't consider it to be overpowered especially if the feat was taken from the heroic list or even from a small selection of new feats. After all you can get a feat for Argonnessen favour, shouldn't be that hard to create a system to allow you to choose.

you get a specific feat for agro favor a feat of your choice is the most OP idea listed yet

10-09-2013, 02:11 PM
Now I have an idea.
Its probably over powered, but what the hell.

For 5,000 favor, once per character (note, not once per account, not once per life, once per character) you get a permanent +1 skill point per level (+4 at level one).

Also, once per life a free +0 lesser heart of wood.

that actually isn't to bad an idea in fact it might be under powered

10-09-2013, 02:15 PM
a Free TR and an XP stone worth 4.378 million XP.

10-09-2013, 02:55 PM
you get a specific feat for agro favor a feat of your choice is the most OP idea listed yet

I know its a specific feat, and somehow I doubt +1 to a specific spell school or weapon focus or a long list of heroic feats are in any way overpowered compared to the power on off through either enhancements or epic destinies. These days the majority of heroic feats pale in comparison to other sources of additional power.

10-09-2013, 04:49 PM
While we are at it, can we please add a selection of +1 or +2 skill tomes to the 1750 favor reward for those TR characters who really don't need another +2 stat tome.

10-09-2013, 06:11 PM
If you have become beloved of all, an exemplar of civic service, I don't think the people would chip in and offer a free service to kill yourself at the tree of life. You're a proven hero, they want you around. I'd propose free drinks!

The little guy:
When you go to buy food or drink at a Tavern, someone always buys for you and the barkeep always gives you the best.
[This would have to be a new BTC 'meal' that restores a character to full health and power at a speedy rate]

The merchants:
Since the caravans get through, since there is always a steady stream of stock and since the cities are safe, they are living like kings, business is good and they recognise that it is you that brought it about. +30% stacking on buy/sell percentages [which normally cap at about 50%, so now the merchants would 'only' be taking 20% - they're still merchants!]

The Sovereign Host:
Whether by choice or not you have served the Sovereign Host well and now even the gods recognise your efforts! While in a public place, regenerate 8HP + 16SP per 6 seconds. [Double the silver flame regen]

...no new stat or skill tomes, no TR, LR or XP stones, nothing particularly overpowered, just the small rewards that come from fame and friends.

10-09-2013, 06:36 PM
While we are at it, can we please add a selection of +1 or +2 skill tomes to the 1750 favor reward for those TR characters who really don't need another +2 stat tome.

This is a much needed change for sure.

As for the 5000 favor point, I too like the idea of +4 tomes and +4 to +5 upgrade tomes (of both stats and skills) and want to point out that whatever the reward is needs to be something that you keep when you TR. If the benefit only lasts until you TR then there is little motivation to bother getting to 5000 favor for most active characters. By the time you get 5000 favor you have done every quest and challenge and are probably level capped. At that point it is time to TR or put the character on the shelf because he is done.

10-09-2013, 08:04 PM
i would want to see something that immediately screams "I hit 5000 Favor" the moment anyone see you.

to that effect: a totally unique Cosmetic Armor

10-10-2013, 01:35 AM
i would want to see something that immediately screams "I hit 5000 Favor" the moment anyone see you.

to that effect: a totally unique Cosmetic Armor

The best idea yet.

10-11-2013, 02:55 PM
The Lamannia release notes for Update 20 are out today and the reward for 5000 favor is a +5 ability tome of your choice. This does not guarantee it will make it to live but this is definitely great news for those that were looking for 5000 favor to have a meaningful reward.

10-11-2013, 03:14 PM
It does take a fair bit to earn the 5k favor and being a BTC reward...

With DDO store offering +5 tomes regularly, and random drop +5 tomes being available to find throught the realms...

I think the 5000 favor would have been the place to introduce the +6 tome (not a upgrade tome .. a straight out +6 tome...) of your choice from the list... and possibly add other goodies to the list as mentioned in previous posts..

This would encourage players and TR's to run all the content for favor instead of zerg specific rinse/repeat quests for xp.

and ultimatey isnt in the best interest of the game to have everyone wanting to run all the quests all the time instead of a few select quests that are easier/worth more XP for quick completions.

10-11-2013, 07:29 PM
It does take a fair bit to earn the 5k favor and being a BTC reward...

With DDO store offering +5 tomes regularly, and random drop +5 tomes being available to find throught the realms...

I think the 5000 favor would have been the place to introduce the +6 tome (not a upgrade tome .. a straight out +6 tome...) of your choice from the list... and possibly add other goodies to the list as mentioned in previous posts..

This would encourage players and TR's to run all the content for favor instead of zerg specific rinse/repeat quests for xp.

and ultimatey isnt in the best interest of the game to have everyone wanting to run all the quests all the time instead of a few select quests that are easier/worth more XP for quick completions.

While I would certainly have preferred +6 tomes instead I think the plan is to do much the same thing as the +2 tomes did for 1750 favor. It allows everyone that does not have their +5's already to catch up. We are now all 5 epic TR's away from having all our +5 tomes (can get one from Mabar too). And just like 1750 favor was when the +2 tomes came out, 5000 favor will get easier and easier to accomplish with each new expansion and quest pack until even those that cannot do any epic elite quests will be able to get the tome each life.

10-11-2013, 08:11 PM
While I would certainly have preferred +6 tomes instead I think the plan is to do much the same thing as the +2 tomes did for 1750 favor. It allows everyone that does not have their +5's already to catch up. We are now all 5 epic TR's away from having all our +5 tomes (can get one from Mabar too). And just like 1750 favor was when the +2 tomes came out, 5000 favor will get easier and easier to accomplish with each new expansion and quest pack until even those that cannot do any epic elite quests will be able to get the tome each life.

I don't have an issue with that.

Earning the 5k favor is a grind in itself and to do it each life essentially means no quests get skipped over the course of the character life as this would be great incentive to finish the life with every quest or at least enough to hit the 5k mark.
(currently you can't hit 5k, next update you would still have to run every quest and challenge Elite to hit the 5k mark.)
In the meantime tomes will drop or be purchased to be capped out at the end of each 5k favor life, I have already filled my main and an alt with +5's across the board as I am sure many others have as well.

As time goes on you will begin to be able to skip quests and still hit the 5k mark but by this point the bar will be raised anyway and we will be running level 60 stuff and be 5 years older.

10-11-2013, 08:16 PM
•Choice of Epic, Iconic or True Heart of Wood.
•Any one +4 or +4 to 5 upgrade tome.
•Recieve a store coupon for any one cosmetic armor.
•Recieve a store coupon for any one cosmetic pet.

I think having ^those^ as options would be enticing without being "over the top."

I like it!
A lot better than a straight up +5 tome, anyway.
Even with it, I'd love to see an actual list with variety, especially when it comes to Hearts- lets say you have the grit to stick to farming 5000 for 6 lives (or 5 lives + Mabar, or some other combination), then what use of farming it after? It's the same issue as +2 tomes at 1750, but even more painful.
Actually, what I'd like to see is:
•+5 Tome -> For those in their early TR lives
•Choice of any Heart -> For those in their later lives
•Special Feat, ala Draconic Vitality (via consumable item), disappears on TR -> for those on their end-life

Covering all the bases, as it were :)

(likewise, 1750 should offer XP tokens in its list~)

10-11-2013, 08:35 PM
It does take a fair bit to earn the 5k favor and being a BTC reward...

With DDO store offering +5 tomes regularly, and random drop +5 tomes being available to find throught the realms...

I think the 5000 favor would have been the place to introduce the +6 tome (not a upgrade tome .. a straight out +6 tome...) of your choice from the list... and possibly add other goodies to the list as mentioned in previous posts..

This would encourage players and TR's to run all the content for favor instead of zerg specific rinse/repeat quests for xp.

and ultimatey isnt in the best interest of the game to have everyone wanting to run all the quests all the time instead of a few select quests that are easier/worth more XP for quick completions.Gotta save something for 6000 favor.

10-11-2013, 11:48 PM
This is where the +6 tome should've went, I'm glad they removed it from mabar.

+5 tome is too weak of a reward given its ddo store availability. If this was a +6, imagine how much content will be done by how many people? No brainer, yet turbine chose not to.

Oh well


I guess jot beat me to it heh

10-13-2013, 09:29 AM
From the Lamannia release notes:

On reaching 5,000 total favor, a character now can speak with Nyx in the harbor to receive a +5 Ability Tome of their choosing.

Sounds great.

Until you're on your 7th life maybe. Or unless you've taken advantage of the store offers and purchased your +5 tomes already.

Can we please learn from 1,750 Favor Reward and make this reward relevant in the long term? Take a leaf from the Saga's and offer an XP or Guild Renown option in with the reward list. Then revise the 1,750 Favor Reward List to do the same. And can we change both Tomes to be BTA rather than BTC? Or go one step further and make them unbound.

As it stands right now, this reward will do nothing for my main.

10-13-2013, 09:45 AM
Tr Veteran - True reincarnations on this character only will now start at level 4

10-13-2013, 09:56 AM
its already been stated in the release notes from u 20 on lamaland that its a choice of a +5 tome from nyx

10-13-2013, 10:02 AM
Can we please learn from 1,750 Favor Reward and make this reward relevant in the long term? Take a leaf from the Saga's and offer an XP or Guild Renown option in with the reward list. Then revise the 1,750 Favor Reward List to do the same. And can we change both Tomes to be BTA rather than BTC? Or go one step further and make them unbound.

this would be good and has my vote

your friend sil :)

10-13-2013, 12:01 PM
Until you're on your 7th life maybe. Or unless you've taken advantage of the store offers and purchased your +5 tomes already.

Can we please learn from 1,750 Favor Reward and make this reward relevant in the long term? Take a leaf from the Saga's and offer an XP or Guild Renown option in with the reward list. Then revise the 1,750 Favor Reward List to do the same. And can we change both Tomes to be BTA rather than BTC? Or go one step further and make them unbound.

As it stands right now, this reward will do nothing for my main.


Make the tomes BTA. Add XP & Renown. Add skill tomes, too, maybe.

10-13-2013, 01:03 PM
From the Lamannia release notes:

Sounds great.

Until you're on your 7th life maybe. Or unless you've taken advantage of the store offers and purchased your +5 tomes already.

Can we please learn from 1,750 Favor Reward and make this reward relevant in the long term? Take a leaf from the Saga's and offer an XP or Guild Renown option in with the reward list. Then revise the 1,750 Favor Reward List to do the same. And can we change both Tomes to be BTA rather than BTC? Or go one step further and make them unbound.

As it stands right now, this reward will do nothing for my main.

I still get annoyed when I go to Nyx and get a choice of Useless Tomes just because I actually spent MONEY in the DDOStore!

And no Purified Ebs are NOT a Valid reason for keeping these as the ONLY reward option {Who needs more than a handful of Purified Ebs anyhow?}.

1750 Favour should give BtAccount +2 Tome of choice!
3000 Favour should give BtAccount +2-3 Upgrade Tome of Choice
4000 Favour should give BtAccount +3-4 Upgrade Tome of Choice
5000 Favour {Currently not even possible!} should give +4-5 BtAccount Upgrade Tome of Choice OR 250,000 Guild Renown {Non Boostable by any means!}.

Let's face it - Anyone getting to 5000 Renown in the Next 2-3 years is going to have done the Vast Majority of the quests in DDO on Elite {incl Epic Elites!} - Let's make absolutely certain the Rewards are Future Proof!

Oh and please stop asking for them to become Unbound - All this does is lessen the chances of EVER getting the Devs to Change their status to BtAccount!

Unbound would be Wrong - If you want your Shadow Crypt Opener to have +2 to every stat then buy the tomes!

And finally - If we ever do get 6K Favour possible just add in the +5-6 BtAccount Upgrade Tomes OR 500k Unboostable Guild Renown

10-13-2013, 10:30 PM
Favor rewards should remain BTC.

10-14-2013, 12:01 AM
Really happy with what has been announced.

It's something worth getting 3-4 times on a character.

10-14-2013, 12:41 AM
Really happy with what has been announced.

It's something worth getting 3-4 times on a character.

+5's are pointless. Anyone that has played at cap much for the last year+ since Motu, has +5 tomes in relevant stats, this is a worthless reward for getting 5000 favor.

10-14-2013, 01:26 AM
+5's are pointless. Anyone that has played at cap much for the last year+ since Motu, has +5 tomes in relevant stats, this is a worthless reward for getting 5000 favor.

Oh how I wish that were true for everybody (well ok, by everybody I mean me!). However yes, for those whom it isn't true for now, it will be eventually (fingers crossed!).

The +2 @ the 1750 mark was awesome when introduced, because tomes didn't roll over with TRs; you had to nomm-nomm new ones every life. Now though, there deffinately does need to be an alternative carrot in addition to the tomes for those that already have them. /signed on that.

10-14-2013, 01:26 AM
at first I did like the 5000 favor reward, but than I remembered the 1750 favor. theres still a lot of people who don't have +5 tomes, I don't have any. so for awhile it will be good for the majority of players, but eventually we will run into the same problem with +2 tomes. I haven't picked up that favor in probably 2 years on any of my characters. I think additional options along with the +5 tomes would be a better idea. for 5000 favor, I would want the options to be worth it if I didn't need any tomes.

10-14-2013, 09:17 AM
Hmmmm I don't feel that bad for those people complaining that they already used +5s across the board. You made a choice to buy those tomes with real money, or grind for them (probably the former, not the latter) and now people have the option to get them through playing the game. Tough *******. Anyone that says something as uber-elitist-attention-seeking as "+5s are worthless" is not a high enough % of the player base to matter.

But there should be something else other than tomes as well, as in the distant future hitting 5k favor will be routine, and having +5s already WILL become commonplace.

Considering guild renown is worthless to many hardcore players, XP when you are capped/EDs done/karma completed (or whatever) is worthless, many players don't care about cosmetics or pets, plat is worthless to many as well....it's hard finding a carrot for those who have already chomped +5 tomes.

I don't see them giving a large amount of TP for it, either...

-Maybe some BTA (possibly unbound) +X heart of wood?
-A stone of 20-->28?
-Select one of the following, toggled buffs (lasts through TRs): haste, displacement, deathward, greater heroism, jump. :D

10-14-2013, 09:30 AM
Maybe add a pseudo-birthday box item that gives you your choice of skill tome. It will be a LONG time before someone maxes all their skill tomes. (Though admittedly far shorter before they max all the skill tomes relevant to their build.)

10-14-2013, 09:35 AM
+5 Tome is fine

give us some other options as well... There should always be options

10-14-2013, 10:05 AM
Really happy with what has been announced.

It's something worth getting 3-4 times on a character.

What? I think we play very different games...

I'm at best neutral about it, let alone "really happy..."

These are widely available in the store for AND mabar event, let alone chance of dropping in chests for the past...like half a year?

10-14-2013, 11:53 AM
These are widely available in the store for AND mabar event, let alone chance of dropping in chests for the past...like half a year?Not everybody is willing (let alone able) to purchase all the tomes they want for every character they have, Mabar is hard capped @ one tome per character, and in game drop chances are ****; Accross all my characters I have zero +5s and only two +4s. So for those of us without deep pockets (and/or the willingness to use them) and/or without good loot luck it's nice to have a reliable ingame mechanic for acquisition. That said it would obviously be wise of Turbine to include an incentive for the already thoroughly Tomed.

I have to say, I'm really disappointed in the seeming prevalence of the "They're in the store, why don't you have them already?!" mindset...

10-14-2013, 01:26 PM
•On reaching 5,000 total favor, a character now can speak with Nyx in the harbor to receive a +5 Ability Tome of their choosing.

Doing my little happy dance to have something decent (albeit limited to a few times around). Seriously, how many people out there are going to hit 5k favor with update 20? I am guessing not many. Currently, you can't reach it. And if you think that many people are willing to run nearly ever quest on elite, then you don't know the difficulty in getting groups for a few quests out there (at least on Sarlona).

Also, you have to run the challenges to 5/6 stars to get this as well. I can tell you those REALLY don't get run.

I haven't seen an elite pre-titan, Titan, or CITW in ages. I don't know of many completing FOT on elite these days either for that matter. LOB and MA are not easy and run either.

I will be very happy if this reward starts allowing me to fill LFMs for elite difficulties for ANY quest.

10-14-2013, 01:30 PM
•On reaching 5,000 total favor, a character now can speak with Nyx in the harbor to receive a +5 Ability Tome of their choosing.

Doing my little happy dance to have something decent (albeit limited to a few times around). Seriously, how many people out there are going to hit 5k favor with update 20? I am guessing not many. Currently, you can't reach it. And if you think that many people are willing to run nearly ever quest on elite, then you don't know the difficulty in getting groups for a few quests out there (at least on Sarlona).

Also, you have to run the challenges to 5/6 stars to get this as well. I can tell you those REALLY don't get run.

I haven't seen an elite pre-titan, Titan, or CITW in ages. I don't know of many completing FOT on elite these days either for that matter. LOB and MA are not easy and run either.

I will be very happy if this reward starts allowing me to fill LFMs for elite difficulties for ANY quest.

Really? You have to run challenges as of right now to get 5k favor? Bleh. Count me out. I assume eventually more quests will be added down the line so challenges won't be required.

10-14-2013, 01:45 PM
Really? You have to run challenges as of right now to get 5k favor? Bleh. Count me out. I assume eventually more quests will be added down the line so challenges won't be required.

Your sentiments are not uncommon; hence, this will be limited to a very few players at first. I agree that once there are enough quests, this could be more common, but I still think it will be rare. Not that many players, even with all of the incentives out there (BB, saga, various favor rewards, etc.) still take the time to grind out this much favor before TRing.

10-14-2013, 01:47 PM
Not everybody is willing (let alone able) to purchase all the tomes they want for every character they have, Mabar is hard capped @ one tome per character, and in game drop chances are ****; Accross all my characters I have zero +5s and only two +4s. So for those of us without deep pockets (and/or the willingness to use them) and/or without good loot luck it's nice to have a reliable ingame mechanic for acquisition. That said it would obviously be wise of Turbine to include an incentive for the already thoroughly Tomed.

I have to say, I'm really disappointed in the seeming prevalence of the "They're in the store, why don't you have them already?!" mindset...

I would agree the in game chances are **** now. U19 appears to have not only nerfed the drop rate of tomes but has also raised the min level to get the tomes, and then the skill tomes have probably also watered down the chance of getting a stat tome. More than likely this was done to increase sales of tomes from the store.

But I still want more options than a +5 tome for the 5000 favor reward. 5000 favor is not going to be hit by many people for a long time, it is not going to be farmed every TR, it will be a long grueling process, until about 3 years from now when there is enough favor that people can skip things like 6 starring the challenges and getting a group to do Titan (current reports are that it is bugged anyways). I suspect that 5000 favor will not be reachable in U20, current max is 4928 and 2 quests will unlikely bring that to 5000.

I have pulled 1 +5 tome and about 7 +4 to +5 upgrades, this is in casual play since MOTU released. Most of these were pulled during +2 loot weekends too. I don't need any more +5 tomes currently, having something worthwhile when I get to 5000 favor would be nice though.

10-14-2013, 07:03 PM
I would agree the in game chances are **** now. U19 appears to have not only nerfed the drop rate of tomes but has also raised the min level to get the tomes, and then the skill tomes have probably also watered down the chance of getting a stat tome. More than likely this was done to increase sales of tomes from the store.

But I still want more options than a +5 tome for the 5000 favor reward. 5000 favor is not going to be hit by many people for a long time, it is not going to be farmed every TR, it will be a long grueling process, until about 3 years from now when there is enough favor that people can skip things like 6 starring the challenges and getting a group to do Titan (current reports are that it is bugged anyways). I suspect that 5000 favor will not be reachable in U20, current max is 4928 and 2 quests will unlikely bring that to 5000.

I have pulled 1 +5 tome and about 7 +4 to +5 upgrades, this is in casual play since MOTU released. Most of these were pulled during +2 loot weekends too. I don't need any more +5 tomes currently, having something worthwhile when I get to 5000 favor would be nice though.

when a premium player can buy a +5 supreme tome for a fraction of the cost of buying enough packs to earn this much favor it doesn't seam very shiny.

10-14-2013, 07:37 PM
I don't see them giving a large amount of TP for it, either...

-Maybe some BTA (possibly unbound) +X heart of wood?
-A stone of 20-->28?
-Select one of the following, toggled buffs (lasts through TRs): haste, displacement, deathward, greater heroism, jump. :D

I do like the sound of the permanent buffs that last through TRing that you mention at the end (gotta collect them all). :D

Also, they could put all of the +5 skill tomes in there. Eventually players would have all of those just like the ability tomes, but it would take significantly longer for those to be unneeded by the masses.

10-14-2013, 08:05 PM
I would agree the in game chances are **** now. U19 appears to have not only nerfed the drop rate of tomes but has also raised the min level to get the tomes, and then the skill tomes have probably also watered down the chance of getting a stat tome. More than likely this was done to increase sales of tomes from the store.

But I still want more options than a +5 tome for the 5000 favor reward. 5000 favor is not going to be hit by many people for a long time, it is not going to be farmed every TR, it will be a long grueling process, until about 3 years from now when there is enough favor that people can skip things like 6 starring the challenges and getting a group to do Titan (current reports are that it is bugged anyways). I suspect that 5000 favor will not be reachable in U20, current max is 4928 and 2 quests will unlikely bring that to 5000.

I have pulled 1 +5 tome and about 7 +4 to +5 upgrades, this is in casual play since MOTU released. Most of these were pulled during +2 loot weekends too. I don't need any more +5 tomes currently, having something worthwhile when I get to 5000 favor would be nice though.

Somethin like, say... half a stack of whatever MacGuffin is required for an ETR?

10-14-2013, 08:33 PM
Somethin like, say... half a stack of whatever MacGuffin is required for an ETR?

Probably a full stack. 5000 favor is never going to be easy to get, especially since you probably need to wait until U20 to even reach 5000, and they release maybe 300-400 favor a year in quests, so after about 3 years there will be 6000 favor available which allows you to skip 1000 of the worst favor (challenges, elite old raids, like titan/hound/vod) then it will actually be do-able on a semi-regular basis, until then it will be done by only the OCD.

Getting 5000 favor right now already gets you:

Enough tokens of the twelve and ingredients to get a true heart of wood.
1250TP free.

It needs to better than both of those and useful to someone that has been there 6 times.

10-15-2013, 07:32 AM
-Maybe some BTA (possibly unbound) +X heart of wood?
-A stone of 20-->28?
-Select one of the following, toggled buffs (lasts through TRs): haste, displacement, deathward, greater heroism, jump. :D

I agree with this
Maybe add an extra featslot, a large guildbonus and the +5 tomes for some or such...

but indeed a list similar to this.