View Full Version : Racial past lives?

10-02-2013, 01:13 PM
Currently suffering massive ddo withdrawl while sitting on a beach..... lifes tough sometimes....

a thought has occurred to me though,

past life feats are an accepted and dare I say crucial part of the game, after all, tr is the new endgame or so some would have us believe anyway.

what about racial past life feats? Makes as much sense as class past lives.......

something like every halfing life gives you a + 1% movement? a drow life +1 SR or +1 char skills (including umd). dwarves +1 con skills etc

you get the idea, but might be a method to inject some love into races, and streamline them into specific classes.

given that tr's actuallly get small rewards for their grind this has to be a winner.

discuss, ignore, destroy, or comment.

10-02-2013, 01:18 PM
People have asked for racial past lives occasionally, but for longer than I have been playing.

10-02-2013, 01:47 PM
If they did it when they implemented it it might have made sense but now I think it would be problematic.

Do you give race or class past life?

Does this increase power creep to far?

How does this effect completionist?

Could it create bugs/people not getting credit for class tr's? (The 300 voice) THIS IS TURBINE

All of these questions would have to have answers and a plan to deal with and I don't see the payout being all that large for all of that work.

10-02-2013, 01:51 PM
If they did it when they implemented it it might have made sense but now I think it would be problematic.

Do you give race or class past life?

Does this increase power creep to far?

How does this effect completionist?

Could it create bugs/people not getting credit for class tr's? (The 300 voice) THIS IS TURBINE

All of these questions would have to have answers and a plan to deal with and I don't see the payout being all that large for all of that work.
I would have them pick class or race on TR. Racial TR should be a seperate TR track from class. Maybe use a different kind of heart to signify which you are doing. I would have a different racial completionist feat (in addition, make both completionists an autogranted feat).

This is turbine, yes it will create bugs. Probably of a type unimaginable to us right now.

10-02-2013, 02:02 PM
I am all for this as long as the game has the ability to remember what our past life race(s) was.

For example: I am on my 10th life, does the game remember what my past 9 lives was? If the answer is yes then thumbs up! If it is no, then what do I get?

1 as a Human

2 as a Dwarf

6 as a Half-orc

What should they be? My half-orc family tree is the strongest. Most of my Ancestors were half orcs. I should get a bonus based on the one most prevalent.

If the game does not remember what they were then give me some kind of reward for 9 lives so I don't feel alienated.
-Vouchers for what the rewards might be?
- Family tree heirlooms? (something cool that can be placed on gear to signify honor and also adds some sort of buff)
-Turbine points (500 per life?)
-choice of One Flawless Red Dragon scale per life or One Flawless Green Dragon scale per life?

Some folks in this game have characters with many many more than I, so the past lives need to not be game breaking.

Just brainstorming as I type. Throwing out some ideas.

I like the idea.