View Full Version : The Spam-Machine, made in Germany 14 Sorc / 4 FvS / 2 Paladin

10-01-2013, 07:35 PM
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!!!! NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW changed Build in POST No.7 in this THREAD !!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi, as i just read a discussion about the split with 4 fvs lvl in it, i decided to post my actual Sorc build for u.

Zangesh qui Clades http://s14.directupload.net/images/131002/wdk8ydw9.jpg (http://www.directupload.net)

- a 14 Sorcerer / 4 FvS / 2 Paladin toon on lvl 28 on the sweet Server Wayfinder - yes we are still alive and having fun! :-)
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Race, Alignment & Classes
Human - lawful good - 14 Sorcerer / 4 FVS / 2 Paladin

(36 Point-Build) - Past-Lifes: 3 x Wizard
Starting Stats
Strength 8
Dexterity 10
Constitution 18
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 8
Charisma 18 - all lvl ups here
(+3 tomes for Dex/Con needed, for Int +4 if u wanna get some UMD too)

Spellcraft max
Concentration max
Diplomacy max
Tumble 1
Bluff 1

1 - Force of Personality
1 - Toughness
3 - Extend Spell
6 - Mental Toughness
9 - Maximize
12 - Improved Mental Toughness
15 - Dodge
18 - Mobility
21 - Epic Mental Toughness
24 - Epic Toughness
27 - Ruin

Destiny Feats
26 - Epic Spell Power Force
28 - Forced Escape ( i test it atm, but will change to Epic Spell Power Fire i think )

http://s14.directupload.net/images/131002/q9c2wbp2.jpg (http://www.directupload.net)
LVL - Name (fat ones are the important ones)
1 - Jump, Magic Missile, Nightshield, Protection from Evil
2 - Resist Energy, Knock, Scorching Ray, Gust of Wind
3 - Displacement, Chain Missiles, Haste, Rage (will change maybe Haste for Sleet Storm, but can cast that of Scrolls too)
4 - Dimension Door, Force Missiles, Enervation, Ice Storm
5 - Cloudkill, Niac's, Eladar's
6 - Acid Fog, Greater Heroism
7 - Otto's Sphere of Dancing (atm mostly for EH XP/Item farming runs - there it works well)

http://s1.directupload.net/images/131002/vhqeohm3.jpg (http://www.directupload.net)

Here i have to change when Server online again, 1 Charisma (got uneven atm) to something else, dont know yet what, maybe some in the Warpriest Tree

Human Race (5 AP)
Core - Human Versatility Spell Power Boost (1 AP), Human Adaptability +1 Charisma (2 AP)
Tier 1 - Improved Recovery (2 AP)

FvS - Angel of Vengeance ( 33 AP )
Core: Font of Power (1AP), Shield of Condemnation (1AP)
Tier 1 - Scourge 3/3 (3 AP), Smiting (2 AP), Animus 2/3 (2 AP)
Tier 2 - Just Rewarded 3/3 (3 AP), Smiting (2 AP), Spell Power Boost (3 AP)
Tier 3 - Smiting (2 AP), Charisma (2 AP), Spell Penetration (2 AP)
Tier 4 - Smiting (2 AP), Charisma (2 AP), Intense Faith 3/3 (6 AP)

Sorcerer - Fire Savant ( 34 AP )
Core: Fire Savant (1 AP), Fire Affinity (1 AP), Greater Fire Affinity (1 AP), Immolation (1 AP)
Tier 1 - Spell Crit Fire (2 AP), Conflagration 3/3 (3 AP)
Tier 2 - Spell Crit Fire (2 AP), Fanning the Flames 3/3 (3 AP), Efficient Maximize 3/3 (6 AP)
Tier 3 - Spell Crit Fire (2 AP), Charisma (2 AP), Spell Penetration (2 AP)
Tier 4 - Spell Crit Fire (2 AP), Charisma (2 AP)
Tier 5 - Awaken Elemental Weakness Fire (2 AP), Elemental Diversification Power of Force (2 AP)

FvS - Warpriest (8 AP)
Core - Smite Foe (1 AP)
Tier 1 - Toughness 3/3 (3 AP), Awareness 1/3 (1 AP)
Tier 2 - Wall of Steel 3/3 (3 AP)

Epci Destiny / Twists
Epic Destiny: Shiradi Champion
Twist of Fades: Cocoon, Unearthly Reactions, Energy Burst

Here are my Stats with actual Gear, Shipbuffs and Buffs i get from my Spells (no scrolls, wands or potions!)
Hit-Points: 863
Spellpoints: 3211
Constitution: 40
Charisma: 51 (will remove 1 in enhancements soon)
Saves: 69 / 68 / 76
Dodge: 20 %

and much more...

nearly endless Spellpoints with the Enhancements, Spell-Crits with the right gear Force/Fire ~30, selfheal with Cocoon high enough with good HealingAmp, can use all scrolls, good saves and and and... i like it

http://s7.directupload.net/images/131002/bf34tx5z.jpg (http://www.directupload.net)

10-02-2013, 08:47 AM
The Build posted has much of the gear but not yet all, so its not maxed at all...


Helm - Blue Dragon Helm (EH or EE) with Ins.Charisma +3, +40 HP, Globe of Imperial Blood

Armor - Flawless Blue Dragon Robe, Greater Spell Focus Enchentment

Cloak - Epci Cloak of Night

Trinket - Idol of Fortune, +250 SP

Necklace - Stolen Necklace with Spellcraft +19 (EE), +15 Concentration

Googles - Greensteel Googles HP or SP, it's up to u, i use the HP-Googles right now

Bracers - Sage's Cuffs / Convalescant Bracers of Parrying just what u need in the actual situation, but >95% it will be the Sage's Cuffs

Gloves - Purple Dragon Knight Gauntlets

Belt - Random Loot i wear one with Constitution +10, Dodge 10%

Boots - Halcyon Boots, +15 Diplomacy, +20 Vitality

Ring 1 - Guardian Ring, +15 Heal

Ring 2 - Ring of Stormreaver Prophecy (EE), Resistance +8, +15 Perform here i wait for a better Random Resistance Ring...

Weapons - Random Loot here u need two one-handed Weapons, best with +10 enhancement and max.Force-and Firespellpower on it, also Fire Spell Crit max and a Red Augment Slot for Devotion. With Luck u may get also a better Enchantment Focus on one with all others, that would be the best. Iam still searching for the right weapons, harder on a tiny Server, AH is dead ;-) Right now iam still using the Twilight + Planar Focus

01-11-2014, 08:06 AM
At what level do you take the Padin/FvS levels?

01-11-2014, 11:16 AM
Except how do you damage things like wizking or golem in VoN 5? Might consider dropping disco ball and grabbing disintegrate for some more versatility.

01-31-2014, 07:23 PM
Except how do you damage things like wizking or golem in VoN 5? Might consider dropping disco ball and grabbing disintegrate for some more versatility.

there are only really rare mobs which are a little problem to me - most time i have other ppl in my group who can help out then. Also i have at lvl28 now Ruin which works on nearly every enemy. But if u wanna drop disco ball, its ok for that.

Will post the next days my actual Bladeforged Build i use. Here u can solo easy EE - this week run all Quests for Saga on EE solo.

01-31-2014, 07:27 PM
At what level do you take the Padin/FvS levels?

never worried about that, cause i jumped with a XP-Stone, but it depends on the way u level. If u play much solo or leveling with others.

01-31-2014, 08:29 PM
Zangesh qui Clades http://s7.directupload.net/images/140201/lsslaalv.jpg (http://www.directupload.net)

14 Sorcerer / 4 FvS / 2 Paladin toon on lvl 28 on the sweet Server Wayfinder - yes we are still alive and having fun! :-)
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Race, Alignment & Classes
Bladeforged - lawful good - 14 Sorcerer / 4 FVS / 2 Paladin

(36 Point-Build) - Past-Lifes: 3 x Wizard, 1 x Sorcerer | Epic Past-Lifes: 3 x Color of the Queen, 3 x Energy Criticals, 1 x Brace, 1 x Skill Mastery
Starting Stats
Strength 8
Dexterity 6
Constitution 20
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 6
Charisma 18 - all lvl ups here
(+3 tomes for Con needed)

Spellcraft max
Concentration max
Diplomacy max
Tumble 1
Perform 1
Repair 1

1 - Toughness
3 - Extend Spell
6 - Mental Toughness
9 - Quicken
12 - Improved Mental Toughness
15 - Maximize
18 - Force of Personality
21 - Epic Mental Toughness
24 - Epic Toughness
27 - Ruin

Destiny Feats
26 - Epic Spell Power Fire
28 - Epic Spell Power Force

http://s7.directupload.net/images/140201/3d288wm9.jpg (http://www.directupload.net)
LVL - Name (fat ones are the important ones)
1 - Jump, Magic Missile, Shield, Protection from Evil
2 - Resist Energy, Knock, Scorching Ray, Gust of Wind
3 - Displacement, Chain Missiles, Sleet Storm, Rage
4 - Dimension Door, Ice Storm, Solid Fog, Force Missiles
5 - Cloudkill, Protection from Elements, Eladar's
6 - Reconstruct, Greater Heroism
7 - Otto's Sphere of Dancing (atm mostly for EH XP/Item farming runs - there it works well, but also for Procs on EE and also some dancing)

http://s1.directupload.net/images/140201/vxg7kn26.jpg (http://www.directupload.net)

Bladeforged Race (16 AP)
Core - Improved Fortification (1 AP), Warforged Constitution (2 AP), Improved Fortification (1 AP), Warforged Constitution (2 AP)
Tier 1 - Mechanist 1/3 (2 AP), Inscribed Armor 1/3 (1 AP)
Tier 2 - Communion of Scribing 3/3 (6 AP)
Tier 4 - Power of the Forge (1 AP)

FvS - Angel of Vengeance ( 30 AP )
Core: Font of Power (1AP), Shield of Condemnation (1AP)
Tier 1 - Scourge 3/3 (3 AP), Smiting (2 AP), Animus 1/3 (1 AP)
Tier 2 - Just Rewarded 3/3 (3 AP), Smiting (2 AP), Spell Power Boost (3 AP)
Tier 3 - Smiting (2 AP), Charisma (2 AP)
Tier 4 - Smiting (2 AP), Charisma (2 AP), Intense Faith 3/3 (6 AP)

Sorcerer - Fire Savant ( 34 AP )
Core: Fire Savant (1 AP), Fire Affinity (1 AP), Greater Fire Affinity (1 AP), Immolation (1 AP)
Tier 1 - Spell Crit Fire (2 AP), Conflagration 3/3 (3 AP)
Tier 2 - Spell Crit Fire (2 AP), Fanning the Flames 3/3 (3 AP), Efficient Quicken 3/3 (6 AP)
Tier 3 - Spell Crit Fire (2 AP), Charisma (2 AP), Spell Penetration (2 AP)
Tier 4 - Spell Crit Fire (2 AP), Charisma (2 AP)
Tier 5 - Awaken Elemental Weakness Fire (2 AP), Elemental Diversification Power of Force (2 AP)

Epic Destiny / Twists
Epic Destiny: Shiradi Champion
Twist of Fades: Boulder Toss (hits about ~2-8k for free), Unearthly Reactions, Energy Burst
http://s14.directupload.net/images/140201/nf7tsnwx.jpg (http://www.directupload.net)

Here are my Stats with actual Gear, Shipbuffs and Buffs i get from my Spells (no scrolls, wands or potions!)
Hit-Points: 867
Spellpoints: 3236
Constitution: 44
Charisma: 50
Saves: 73 / 65 / 78
Dodge: 17 %

and much more...

http://s1.directupload.net/images/140201/p4terp4z.jpg (http://www.directupload.net) http://s7.directupload.net/images/140201/d3rdl2a9.jpg (http://www.directupload.net)

02-01-2014, 08:40 AM
Hi Zang, thanks for posting, nice build.
I need to pike with you more often.


Edit: Questions:
1) Do you still need the reconstruct spell or is SLA enough?
2) Diplomacy. Why maxed? Are you using it also to shed aggro or only for the audience? Because for audience you get the best result at 40, increasing the skill any further does not help you. (AFAIK)

@thesnoman: OP's original human build was posted before your toaster, so it's hard to tell who copied what. Just saying.

02-04-2014, 04:28 PM
Edit: Questions:
1) Do you still need the reconstruct spell or is SLA enough?
2) Diplomacy. Why maxed? Are you using it also to shed aggro or only for the audience? Because for audience you get the best result at 40, increasing the skill any further does not help you. (AFAIK)

Hi Vimka :D

1.) In some cases, depending on my aggressiv playstyle, like grapping agro of 10-15 Mobs, then placing fogs and start killing them while jumping in/around them, its recommed to get both Reconstruct. Also its possible to fail one, so u have the "panic-Button" Reconstruct of the Sorc, which is with quicken instant cast, the SLA is a little bit slower.

2.) Jeah, i use it in special cases for losing agro on mobs, like in Raids (FOT if i get agro of a enemy i dont need/Want). Also its nice to use it in some optionals.
EDIT: AND i dont need it in other skills like UMD - have enough in endgame unbuffed for ressurection, or repair or anything else (Recon does about 650 HP and i dont want to recon too late at under 200 HP ;) ) Also its the better option to Bluff, which is still in some quest high enough to make bluff.rolls on optionals cause of the high cha-mod.

02-05-2014, 03:04 AM
I have been playing this build for about a week now, and so far its pretty cool, currently level 27 with it.
The only problem is evasion, the lack of is very annoying, would be able to go through any traps, but instead get half damage.

02-05-2014, 11:10 PM
I have been playing this build for about a week now, and so far its pretty cool, currently level 27 with it.
The only problem is evasion, the lack of is very annoying, would be able to go through any traps, but instead get half damage.

its nice to have evasion, thats right, but its just a click on recon and u are full of health again. In my opinion its better to have high saves with paladin and getting only half damage instead of low saves and evasion, cause in EE that wouldnt work any more.

02-06-2014, 11:02 AM
Cleaned up the thread. The argument over who came up with what first is not necessary. Everyone can post up their builds and call it whatever they want, no need to debate it.

02-06-2014, 11:25 AM
I apologize if I'm missing something really obvious but where is Empower Spell?

02-06-2014, 11:37 AM
I apologize if I'm missing something really obvious but where is Empower Spell?

Not taken, cause i dont really feel and believe that the damage of the procs are affected by empore/Maximize if gernal turned of for your casting spells, but turned on for all.
Tested a little bit only and dont feel its more dps if turned off or on.

Maximize is for me only for Ruin later.

But if u believe in the proc affecting empower/maximize u easily can change Force of Personality for Empower.

I will make some more tests the next weeks when i have more time.

02-06-2014, 05:05 PM
I can confirm that maximize and empower both effect Shiradi Procs. I posted test results elsewhere and can't seem to remember where, but here's how I conducted the test:

Claw of Vulkoor - Sobrien on EE

Using Stay Frosty and casting ONLY Scorching Ray, kill Sobrien and watch the purple numbers fly. (I tested with double rainbow and the random procs were too hard to follow - with Stay Frosty and Scorching Ray way you only see the damage from Procs since he is obviously immune to fire)

You will notice a significant difference between meta'd and un-meta'd procs.

I have run 4 Shiradi Sorc Lives and I never took Max/Emp until I LR'd my 3rd life - which is when I did this test. I was seriously kicking myself for not taking it before then.

There are several things I would change about the build overall, but it is a solid build and my choices reflect my play style vs Zotze's

02-06-2014, 08:48 PM
I can confirm that maximize and empower both effect Shiradi Procs. I posted test results elsewhere and can't seem to remember where, but here's how I conducted the test:

Claw of Vulkoor - Sobrien on EE

Using Stay Frosty and casting ONLY Scorching Ray, kill Sobrien and watch the purple numbers fly. (I tested with double rainbow and the random procs were too hard to follow - with Stay Frosty and Scorching Ray way you only see the damage from Procs since he is obviously immune to fire)

You will notice a significant difference between meta'd and un-meta'd procs.

I have run 4 Shiradi Sorc Lives and I never took Max/Emp until I LR'd my 3rd life - which is when I did this test. I was seriously kicking myself for not taking it before then.

There are several things I would change about the build overall, but it is a solid build and my choices reflect my play style vs Zotze's

You mean increased damage with metas on but disabled on the spell? I distinctly remember someone else saying that that wasn't the case.

02-07-2014, 06:40 AM
You mean increased damage with metas on but disabled on the spell? I distinctly remember someone else saying that that wasn't the case.

At one point I did not believe it was the case, nor did I believe it was worth it to take Max/Emp on a Shiradi. On certain Shiradi builds I still don't recommend it - Including 18/2 Pally (where you are primarily focused on defence and not so much on offense). After hearing it from multiple sources I finally took it upon myself to test it out because in regular play it was very difficult to really see the difference. I took some time to dig out my testing post and here it is:


Unless it has changed since November - which would require about 15 minutes of testing to find out - I will continue to suggest Max/Emp on any Sorc/FvS flavored Shiradi.

02-09-2014, 04:01 AM
[QUOTE=Zotze;5242266]Zangesh qui Clades http://s7.directupload.net/images/140201/lsslaalv.jpg (http://www.directupload.net)

14 Sorcerer / 4 FvS / 2 Paladin toon on lvl 28 on the sweet Server Wayfinder - yes we are still alive and having fun! :-)
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Race, Alignment & Classes
Bladeforged - lawful good - 14 Sorcerer / 4 FVS / 2 Paladin

(36 Point-Build) - Past-Lifes: 3 x Wizard, 1 x Sorcerer | Epic Past-Lifes: 3 x Color of the Queen, 3 x Energy Criticals, 1 x Brace, 1 x Skill Mastery
Starting Stats
Strength 8
Dexterity 6
Constitution 20
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 6
Charisma 18 - all lvl ups here
(+3 tomes for Con needed)

Constitution 18 all lvl ups here

u can get mor hp,cha lvl u,just get 87 sp

02-11-2014, 10:42 AM
u can get mor hp,cha lvl u,just get 87 sp

The LVL-Ups are not for Spellpoints. Spellpoints is the last this Build need - High Charisma = High Saves and High DC

03-25-2014, 07:15 PM
will come tomorrow with my new gear list, nearly have all ingame complete, only tier 3 of my weapon missing.

greetings to all you Shiradi-Sorcs out there ! :-)

03-25-2014, 08:25 PM
Zangesh qui Clades http://s7.directupload.net/images/140201/lsslaalv.jpg (http://www.directupload.net)

14 Sorcerer / 4 FvS / 2 Paladin toon on lvl 28 on the sweet Server Wayfinder - yes we are still alive and having fun! :-)

Can you please share what cosmetic armor you're using? That's an awesome look that I've been unable to track down for a WF...

03-29-2014, 02:54 AM
New Endgame Gear of Zangesh:


Helm - Blue Dragon Helm EE with Ins.Charisma +3, +40 HP, Globe of Imperial Blood

Armor - Flawless Blue Dragon Robe, Resistence +8

Cloak - Jeweled Cloak EE, Concentration +15, Feather Falling

Trinket - Idol of Fortune, +250 SP

Necklace - Necklace of Mystic Eidolons, Proof against Desease +10

Googles - Greensteel Googles HP or SP, it's up to u, i use the HP-Googles right now

Bracers - Dumathoin's Bracers, Constitution +8

Gloves - Gauntlets of Immortality, Blindness Immunity, Diplomaty +15

Belt - Skullduggery Kit, EE with Dodge +10 (possible also +50HP or Repair - then change the Gauntlets to whatever), Ins.Intelligence +2

Boots - Epic Rock Boots, Spellcraft +15, +20 Vitality

Ring 1 - Lantern Ring, Strength +8, Ins.Strength +2

Ring 2 - Ward Token, Golem's Heart, +15 Perform

Weapon - Thunder Forged Throwing Dagger, Impulse +138, Master's Gift, with Combustion +150, Spell Lore 17% to all spells, Evocation DC +6
Offhand Weapon - Libram of Silver Magic Orb, Meridian Fragment

For Augments you have maaaany Options, you have at all 20 Slots for use. ;-)

03-29-2014, 02:56 AM
Can you please share what cosmetic armor you're using? That's an awesome look that I've been unable to track down for a WF...

Jeah, it's the Shadowfell Regalia, listed at Outfits i think. Used it before with my Fleshy and was happy to see, that it also works on Warforged !

03-29-2014, 08:36 AM
Jeah, it's the Shadowfell Regalia, listed at Outfits i think. Used it before with my Fleshy and was happy to see, that it also works on Warforged !

Thanks - appreciate your letting me know!

04-03-2014, 05:57 PM
I have to say this is a really tight build---very efficient in its allocations. I've only got a few questions:
I see you've got efficient extend for 6 points on your fire elementalist line. This reduces your quicken costs by 4, knocking it down from 10 to 6.
In the same line on that tree you've got pierce fire resistance available, you could swap the efficient quicken for -15 to enemy fire resistance. Would this be a better deal, or is resistance to fire typically more binary insuring that you just use force damage against such targets?
Also, the spell penetration for 2 points, is there some critical threshold that motivates that choice? Obviously you're 6 levels down in spell penetration vs a pure sorc, but you have some past lives and other things bringing it back upwards.

04-04-2014, 02:52 AM
I have to say this is a really tight build---very efficient in its allocations. I've only got a few questions:
I see you've got efficient extend for 6 points on your fire elementalist line. This reduces your quicken costs by 4, knocking it down from 10 to 6.
In the same line on that tree you've got pierce fire resistance available, you could swap the efficient quicken for -15 to enemy fire resistance. Would this be a better deal, or is resistance to fire typically more binary insuring that you just use force damage against such targets?
Also, the spell penetration for 2 points, is there some critical threshold that motivates that choice? Obviously you're 6 levels down in spell penetration vs a pure sorc, but you have some past lives and other things bringing it back upwards.

-15 fire resistance is pretty useless. It basically allows your fire spells to do (up to) 15 additional damage per hit. Which is nothing in the grand scheme of things, considering you can do >1k per cast at higher levels.

04-08-2014, 02:58 AM
I have to say this is a really tight build---very efficient in its allocations. I've only got a few questions:
I see you've got efficient extend for 6 points on your fire elementalist line. This reduces your quicken costs by 4, knocking it down from 10 to 6.
In the same line on that tree you've got pierce fire resistance available, you could swap the efficient quicken for -15 to enemy fire resistance. Would this be a better deal, or is resistance to fire typically more binary insuring that you just use force damage against such targets?
Also, the spell penetration for 2 points, is there some critical threshold that motivates that choice? Obviously you're 6 levels down in spell penetration vs a pure sorc, but you have some past lives and other things bringing it back upwards.

Hi, the first question is already answered, i use simple force + procs and maybe ruin for those enemys. Also it saves me at the end many SP cause i use on EE my fogs often and i cast them all with quicken, like reconstruct and displacement too. (dont forget to quicken your energy burst, SLA reconstruct and such things for free :D )

For the Spell Penetration - i needed 2 more spend points in the tree for higher tiers. Also it is still usefull for Ottos Dancing Ball and maybe some other twist i have in my mind atm.
It seems the Tier 2 Soundburst of Exalted Angel could be nice in the future. Tested it yesterday and some enemys make a spell pen check on this, some none. will test it more next days.

06-02-2016, 07:41 AM
Last update was for gear in early 2014
Gear list was based upon u21
Is the build still valid and solid for EE - or have nerfs obsoleted the build (many threads have concluded many wizzy / sorc builds are no longer EE viable with recent updates).
This build was fun to run and have dusted off my fleshy version, but unsure if doing another TR to this build is going to be painful or fun, is only reason I ask...

03-09-2018, 09:12 AM
Last update was for gear in early 2014
Gear list was based upon u21
Is the build still valid and solid for EE - or have nerfs obsoleted the build (many threads have concluded many wizzy / sorc builds are no longer EE viable with recent updates).
This build was fun to run and have dusted off my fleshy version, but unsure if doing another TR to this build is going to be painful or fun, is only reason I ask...

Hello, would this build still be relevant as of March 2018 ?