View Full Version : My Druid Archer, the True Sylvan Warrior

09-21-2013, 01:55 PM
I love playing Druids and Archers, so of course I had to make a Druid Archer. I had a lot of fun with my 13 Druid Moncher, so I decided to make one with more casting and melee.

My character is a 36 point build with a few monk and ranger past lives. I have all +3 tomes with a couple +4 tomes. I am not going to list the breakdown of my stats, but with tomes and level ups I have 23 str for OW critical, 19 dex for IPS, and everything else into wisdom.

Once I finish leveling my destinies, I plan on twisting Prism, Double Rainbow, and Rejuvanative Coccoon.

I went with Elf, because well you know, Half Elves are fugly.

The character is Jyni on Thelanis, and I am currently banking level 16.

Here is the build:

Elf: 14 Levels: 17Druid, 2Monk, 1Ranger
• Elven Accuracy I 1
• Aerenal Weapon Training I 2 Heroic Feats:
• Elven Dexterity I 2 Power Attack (Monk)
• Elven Accuracy II 1 Cleave
• Aerenal Weapon Training II 2 Great Cleave
• Arcanum 2 Precision (Monk)
• Arcane Archer 4 Maximize Spell
Nature’s Warrior: 13 Point Blank Shot
• Nature’s Warrior 1 Rapid Shot
• Bestial Nature (x3) 3 Manyshot
• Athletic 1 Bow Strength (Ranger)
• AB: Double Strike (x2) 2 Precise Shot
• Vengeful Hunter (x2) 2
• Wisdom (x2) 4
Season’s Herald: 17 Epic Feats:
• Seasoned 1 Overwhelming Critical
• Beguile (x3) 3 Imp. Precise Shot
• Wand Heighten (x2) 2 IC: Ranged
• Wand and Scroll Mastery (x2) 2
• Efficient Maximize (x3) 3 Destiny Feats:
• Time 1 Holy Strike
• Tide 1 Doubleshot
• Wisdom (x2) 4
Arcane Archer: 36
• Arcane Archer 1
• Conjure Arrows 2
• Energy of the Wild (x2) 2
• Morphic Arrows 1
• Force Arrows (x3) 6
• Metalline Arrows 1
• Soul Magic 1
• Terror Arrows (x3) 6
• Smiting Arrows 1
• Banishing Arrows 1
• Paralyzing Arrows (x3) 3
• Aligned Arrows 1
• Wisdom (x2) 4
• Arrow of Slaying 2
• Runebow 2
• Moonbow 2

Originally, I planned on using Deepwood Sniper for the positive sp boost, but they are nerfing that. Grrrr....
At first I was very upset, but then I realized that I could get more wisdom, so ok.

One question I will answer ahead of time is why all the paralyzing? Enervation bow, and Icy Mantle for extra crowd control. I may change it, but I want to test it first.

Ok, bring on the insults...

09-21-2013, 01:59 PM
Sorry about the mess there, I had it broken down into two collumns. I love the new forums...

09-21-2013, 02:30 PM
I'm really trying to make sense out of that, I'm sure it works in a table, but as is I don't get it at all.

09-21-2013, 02:41 PM
Levels: 17Druid, 2Monk, 1Ranger

Elf: (14)
• Elven Accuracy I 1
• Aerenal Weapon Training I 2
• Elven Dexterity I 2
• Elven Accuracy II 1
• Aerenal Weapon Training II 2
• Arcanum 2
• Arcane Archer 4
Nature’s Warrior: (13)
• Nature’s Warrior 1
• Bestial Nature (x3) 3
• Athletic 1
• AB: Double Strike (x2) 2
• Vengeful Hunter (x2) 2
• Wisdom (x2) 4
Season’s Herald: (17)
• Seasoned 1
• Beguile (x3) 3
• Wand Heighten (x2) 2
• Wand and Scroll Mastery (x2) 2
• Efficient Maximize (x3) 3
• Time 1
• Tide 1
• Wisdom (x2) 4
Arcane Archer: (36)
• Arcane Archer 1
• Conjure Arrows 2
• Energy of the Wild (x2) 2
• Morphic Arrows 1
• Force Arrows (x3) 6
• Metalline Arrows 1
• Soul Magic 1
• Terror Arrows (x3) 6
• Smiting Arrows 1
• Banishing Arrows 1
• Paralyzing Arrows (x3) 3
• Aligned Arrows 1
• Wisdom (x2) 4
• Arrow of Slaying 2
• Runebow 2
• Moonbow 2

Heroic Feats:
• Power Attack (Monk)
• Cleave
• Great Cleave
• Precision (Monk)
• Maximize Spell
• Point Blank Shot
• Rapid Shot
• Manyshot
• Bow Strength (Ranger)
• Precise Shot

Epic Feats:
• Overwhelming Critical
• Imp. Precise Shot
• IC: Ranged

Destiny Feats:
• Holy Strike (I know it is broken, but just in case they fix it)
• Doubleshot

Ok, I hope this comes out better.

This is a furyshot build btw. It would also work well in Shiradi with +6 wisdom for earthquake.

09-21-2013, 05:30 PM
Do you actually melee at all; or is PA/CL/GC just to get OC? If so, what do you use?

09-22-2013, 12:30 AM
Do you actually melee at all; or is PA/CL/GC just to get OC? If so, what do you use?

I melee a lot actually.

Usually I use a carnifex while leveling against critable opponents, and have a plethora of good Impact (keen) staves.

I use a two hander and cleave multiple enemies, and use double strike action boost in wolf form when I melee single targets.

When I get back into epics, I will still have to melee trash mobs somewhat to produce adrenaline.

Of course I had to take Great Cleave and family for OW Critical, and I would love to have more feats, but we work with what we have right?

Unbongwah, look me up in game sometime. I know you play on Thelanis, and I was in that Aussie static group with ya a couple years back. I was the paladin. Jyni in the guild Kender.

Disclaimer: My builds don't always work for other people the way they do for me. I build around a playstyle that I want to use with the build more than 'theorycrafting'.

So anyway, I had some requests to post it, so I posted it. *shrugs*

Cya around the playground! :)