View Full Version : Dr.Willan or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Enhancement Pass

09-19-2013, 06:50 PM
Over the past month I have seen only a handful of builds that really take advantage of the new enhancement trees. Most of these builds revolve around 8 fighter as their core to stay centered while using an Epic Sword of Shadows. While these builds are great they are focused around one of the rarest items in the game and don't discuss starter sets that can be used in the meantime.

There is a lot of fluff thrown into posts with store pots, every buff under the sun, completionist and full +5 tomes to show the "top end stats" skewing the perception of what the build is capable of for most people in the game. I don't personally expect to keep ship buffs in a quest where lag can kill you at any time or even bother to use Yugoloth pots because of how tedious they are. I spend most of my time soloing so the only buffs I can count on are what I can cast and what I can scroll. Completionist builds with full +5 tomes are the Lamborghini's of DDO.. most of us don't have the time or money to put into one character.

The biggest oversight, though, is the lack of builds utilizing knife mastery in the assassin tree. Knife mastery give you access to the easiest level drainers in the game to farm; the Sacrificial Dagger out of Impossible Demands in Eveningstar. This dagger in the hands of a character with knife mastery becomes 15-20x3 AND drains 1d3 levels on crit. Did I mention that you don't have to farm a raid to get them unlike Nightmare, the Fallen Moon. While leveling there is a similarly amazing dagger, Guardian of the Liturgy. If you compare the Guardian to a Lit2 Dagger, both with knife specialization accounted for, Guardian of the Liturgy is always 2 damage ahead.

Quarterstaves are in a similar spot with 3 amazing named staffs coupled with Staff Specialization. The Theurgic Stave becomes 1.5[2d4] 15-20x3 at level 12 when you can first pick up staff specialization which is as good as the Sword of Shadows for leveling. Sireth, Spear of the Sky actually out parses the eSoS at 23 and the Stout Oak Walking Stick is even at 20.

Weapons aside, when I make a build I try to accomplish these goals :

* 60 reflex save with just GH and lithe twisted at 28
* Fury shot with bow strength and overwhelming critical
* High devotion and heal amp for cocoon use
* CC of some form
* Great critical profile weapons for level drainers
* Minimal tome use, +3/4 for Int and +3 Dex mostly
* Rogue skills if at all possible
* UMD for GH, Heal, Raise Dead, Tensor's Transformation

The CIA Operative
36 Point Human 15 Monk 4 Ranger 1 Fighter

17 STR
14 DEX
14 CON
16 WIS

Skills : Concentration 23, Hide 23, Move Silently 23, Heal 19, UMD 11, Jump 10, Tumble 1

This build was my first real project after the enhancement pass. The free +20 heart of wood did this character no good because he was already a three class split previously so I had to TR him and start from level 1. I had a blast leveling, stunning fist was always relevant and with legendary tactics and Epic Spare Hand at 20 it made EEs a joke.

This build accomplishes 4 of my major goals:

* 53 reflex save sitting in town buffless and without burning a twist, has improved evasion to fall back on
* pseudo fury shot with 10k stars and a high wisdom, bow strength, and overwhelming critical
* great healing amp from human and shintao enhancements and great devotion from deepwood stalker, shintao, and the heal skill
* amazing CC through stunning fist (67 DC) and quivering palm (60 DC), on the new content just wait for your level drain to proc first

The build as I have it set up "requires" a +5 strength tome but can be done with less, the goal is to hit 23 strength by level 24 for overwhelming critical. You want as much wisdom as you can possible get for quivering palm and stunning fist.

The main enhancements are :

* Empty Hand Mastery
* Meditation of War
* Ki Shout
* Shadow Veil
* Agility in Ninja Spy for reflex saves
* Energy of the Wild
* Empathy line in DWS
* Fighter Haste Boost
* Human Versatility : Damage
* Human Heal Amp 1 (2 if you want more)
* Multiple wisdom enhancements

Level & Class

1 Ranger

Power Attack, Human Bonus: Cleave

2 Monk

Monk Bonus: Stunning Fist

3 Ranger

Precision, PastLife: Monk while leveling

4 Monk
Monk Bonus: Zen Archery

5 Monk

6 Ranger

Great Cleave

7 Ranger

8 Monk

9 Monk

Quicken, Least Dragonmark of Orien while leveling

10 Monk

Monk Bonus: 10,000 Stars

11 Fighter

Fighter Bonus: iTWF

12 Monk
iCrit Blunt

13 Monk

14 Monk

15 Monk


16 Monk

17 Monk

18 Monk

iCrit Range

19 Monk

20 Monk

21 Epic

Vorpal Strikes

22 Epic

23 Epic

24 Epic
Overwhelming Critical

25 Epic

26 Epic

Epic Tactician

27 Epic

Epic Reflexes

28 Epic


Epic Mask of Comedy 150 SP Slotted
Helm of the Black Dragon Ins Con 3 35 HP & 7 Con Slotted

Wise of Resistance Random Loot Gen
Intricate Field Optics Ins Wis 3 Good Luck 2 & Globe of True Imperial Blood Slotted

Jorgundal's Collar
Alchemist's Pendant, Deadly of Accuracy Random Loot Gen

Spider-Spun Caparison Ins Wis 3
Black Dragonscale Robe 14 PRR Slotted

Adamantine Cloak of the Wolf
Wise 10 of Resistance 10 Random Loot Gen

Bracers of the Sunsoul, X of Seeker Random Loot Gen
Greater Convalescent of Superior Parrying Random Loot Gen

Epic Sparehand Heavy Fortification & Vitality Slotted
Epic Sparehand Heavy Fortification & Vitality Slotted

Purple Dragon Knight Gauntlets
Gauntlets of Immortality SP 200 & Concentration 15 Slotted

Treads of Falling Shadows
Goatskin Boots Dexterity 8 Ins Dex 2 & Open Green Slot

Seal of House Dun'Robar 10 Shatter
Seal of House Dun'Robar 10 Shatter Ins Str 2

Seal of House Dun'Robar 10 Stunning
Seal of House Dun'Robar 10 Stunning Str 7

Giantcraft Sibyris Compass Good Luck Slotted
Planar Focus of Prowess

Grave Wrappings, Bow of Sinew
Adamantine Wraps Good Slotted, Ivy Wraps, Pinion, Antipode, Cormyrian Handwraps with Life Stealing

The Exalted Blade
36 Point Human 9 Paladin 6 Ranger 5 Rogue

16 STR
14 DEX
15 CON
12 INT
15 CHA

Skills : Intimidate 23, Heal 23, UMD 23, Disable Device 21, Search 21, Open Lock 21, Jump 10, Balance 5, Spot 5, Tumble 4

This build is the most advanced with the multiple stat focuses, strict leveling order to max skills, and requires you to eat a +4 int tome before TRing. There is the option to do this as a 34 pt build by dropping con to 14 but you still need to eat a +4 int tome on your first life.

Balanced Attacks and Rejuvenation Cocoon twisted in from Primal Avatar, coupled with Adrenaline Smite knockdowns is what makes the build viable in EEs. While duel wielding, adrenaline uses come back at a very fast rate allowing them to be used for CC and not strictly damage.

This build accomplishes 7 of my major goals :
* 62 reflex save sitting in town buffless with lithe twisted
* fury shot with high strength, bow strength feat, and overwhelming crit
* great healing amp from stacking Greater Convalescent bracers, Paladin enhancements and Human enhancements as well as maxed devotion from deepwood stalker, the heal skill, and Empower Heal
* good CC through the use of Adrenaline Smite knockdowns and Balanced Attacks twisted in
* amazing critical profile of 15-20x3 for level draining with Sacrificial Daggers or Cormyrian challenge daggers
* full rogue skills for traps
* enough UMD to use any scroll in the game

The main enhancements are :

* Knife Specialization
* Killer
* Improved Reaction
* Tempest Haste Boost
* Tempest
* Divine Might
* Exalted Smite
* Paladin Heal Amp 1 & 2
* Extra Lay on Hands
* Empathy Line in DWS
* Energy of the Wild
* Human Versatility : Damage
* Human Heal Amp 1 & 2

Level & Class

1 Rogue

Power Attack, Human Bonus: Cleave

2 Paladin

3 Paladin


4 Rogue

5 Paladin

6 Paladin

Great Cleave

7 Rogue

8 Paladin

9 Paladin

Quicken, Least Dragonmark of Orien while leveling

10 Rogue

11 Ranger

12 Rogue
iCrit Pierce

13 Ranger

14 Paladin

15 Ranger

iCrit Range

16 Ranger

17 Ranger

18 Ranger


19 Paladin

20 Paladin

21 Epic

Overwhelming Critical

22 Epic

23 Epic

24 Epic
Empower Heal

25 Epic

26 Epic


27 Epic

Epic Reflexes

28 Epic
Elusive Target


Epic Mask of Comedy 150 SP Slotted
Helm of the White Dragon Ins Con 3 35 HP & 7 Con Slotted

Deadly of Resistance Random Loot Gen
Deadly 10 of Resistance 10 Random Loot Gen

Jorgundal's Collar
Jorgundal's Collar

White Dragonhide Armor
Flawless White Dragonhide Armor 14 PRR Slotted

Adamantine Cloak of the Wolf
Adamantine Cloak of the Wolf

Bracers of the Sunsoul, Smoke 2 Greensteel
Greater Convalescent of Superior Parrying

Epic Sparehand Good Luck 2 Slotted
Girdle of Giant's Brawn Good Luck 2 & 2 Ins Str Slotted

Purple Dragon Knight Gauntlets
Nether Grasps

Treads of Falling Shadows
Halycon Boots 200 SP & 7 Cha Slotted

Epic Ring of the Stalker 6 Wis Slotted
Seal of House Avithoul 7 Wis

Health of Dodge Random Loot Gen
Ring of Shadows Globe of True Imperial Blood Slotted

Giantcraft Sibyris Compass
Giantcraft Sibyris Compass, Planar Focus of Prowess

Sacrificial Daggerx2, Bow of Sinew
Cormyrian Daggers with Life Stealing x2, Agony, the Knife in the Dark x2, Pinion

The Hunter's Knife
34 Point Human 14 Ranger 5 Rogue 1 Fighter

18 STR
14 DEX
14 CON
14 INT

Skills : Disable Device 23, Search 23, Spot 23, Move Silently 23, Hide 23, Heal 23, Open Lock 23, UMD 23, Jump 10, Balance 10, Tumble 1

This build is the one I would recommend to new players since it can be done on 32 or 28 build points by just dropping dexterity. It also has the quickest EE starting route with only, Sacrificial Daggers, Epic Mask of Comedy, and Purple Dragon Knight Gauntlets required to be farmed out for gear and Primal Avatar maxed, which Ranger can start in. Primal Avatar is the destiny you want to start in because of Rejuvenation Cocoon and Balanced Attacks. Primal Avatar is also right next to Fury of the Wild.

Balanced Attacks is all a duel wielder needs for CC and does not get the attention it deserves. For the unaware it turns ALL vorpals into a 2 second knockdown that also causes monsters to be considered helpless. The largest strength is that this works on all monsters including undead and elementals as well as Orange Named mobs. The best part is that it is only a tier 3 twist allowing the use in any tree assuming you have the fate points.

This build accomplishes 7 of my major goals :

* 55 reflex save sitting in town buffless with lithe twisted
* fury shot with high strength, bow strength feat, and overwhelming crit
* great healing amp from stacking Convalescent bracers, Purple Dragon Knight Gauntlets, and Human enhancements as well as maxed devotion from deepwood stalker, the heal skill, and Empower Heal
* great CC through the use of Adrenaline knockdowns and Balanced Attacks twisted in
* amazing critical profile of 15-20x3 for level draining with Sacrificial Daggers or Cormyrian challenge daggers
* full rogue skills for traps
* enough UMD to use any scroll in the game

In order to get all the skills maxed I recommend eating a +4 Int tome before reincarnating.

The main enhancements are :

* Knife Specialization
* Killer
* Improved Reaction
* Improved Dodge
* Improved Mobility
* Tempest
* Deflect Arrows
* Empathy Line in DWS
* Energy of the Wild
* Fighter Haste Boost
* Human Versatility : Damage
* Human Heal Amp 1 & 2

Level & Class

1 Rogue

Power Attack, Human Bonus: Cleave

2 Ranger

3 Ranger


4 Rogue

5 Ranger

6 Ranger

Great Cleave

7 Rogue

8 Ranger

9 Ranger

Quicken, Least Dragonmark of Orien while leveling

10 Rogue

11 Fighter

Fighter Bonus: iCrit Pierce

12 Rogue
iCrit Range

13 Ranger

14 Ranger

15 Ranger


16 Ranger

17 Ranger

18 Ranger


19 Ranger

20 Ranger

21 Epic

Overwhelming Critical

22 Epic

23 Epic

24 Epic
Empower Heal

25 Epic

26 Epic


27 Epic

Epic Reflexes

28 Epic
Elusive Target


Epic Mask of Comedy 150 SP Slotted
Epic Mask of Comedy 200 SP Slotted

Deadly of Resistance Random Loot Gen
Deadly 10 of Resistance 10 Random Loot Gen

Jorgundal's Collar
Jorgundal's Collar

White Dragonhide Armor
Cormyrian Red Dragonhide Armor

Adamantine Cloak of the Wolf
Adamantine Cloak of the Wolf

Bracers of the Sunsoul, Smoke 2 Greensteel
Convalescent of Superior Parrying

Epic Sparehand Good Luck 2 Slotted
Epic Sparehand Good Luck 2 & 2 Ins Str Slotted

Purple Dragon Knight Gauntlets
Purple Dragon Knight Gauntlets

Treads of Falling Shadows
EE Treads of Falling Shadows

Epic Ring of the Stalker 6 Wis Slotted
Seal of House Avithoul 7 Wis

Health of Dodge Random Loot Gen
Skirmisher's Ring Globe of True Imperial Blood Slotted

Giantcraft Sibyris Compass
Giantcraft Sibyris Compass, Planar Focus of Prowess

Sacrificial Daggerx2, Bow of Sinew
Cormyrian Daggers with Life Stealing x2, Agony, the Knife in the Dark x2, Pinion

The Journeyman's Walking Stick
32 Point Human 13 Bard 5 Rogue 2 Fighter

18 STR
11 DEX
16 CON
11 INT

Skills : UMD 23, Perform 23, Intimidate 22, Search 21, Disable Device 21, Open Lock 15, Heal 11, Jump 10, Balance 4, Tumble 4

This build is still in the planning stages for me and I have not had the chance to level it to max yet. That being said the goal of the build was to provide a quick and easy way to do great two handed damage on a first life while still being able to contribute to an EE group. Bard was chosen as the basis because they can cast displacement greatly improving their survivability as a melee character without access to green steel displacement clickies.

The five rogue levels opens up the option to do traps as well as Staff Specialization. Rogue also gives 15% stacking haste when using quarterstaves. Staff Specialization turns a few named staffs into real damage powerhouses. Namely Theurgic Stave becomes 1.5[2d4] 15-20x3 from level 12 onward, Rahl's Might at 18 becomes 1[1d11] 17-20x4, Stout Oak Walking Stick becomes 2[2d6] 17-20x4, and Sireth becomes 2.5[1d10] 13-20x3. Basically Theurgic Stave out of the Threnal series becomes a SoS that you don't have to farm raids for while lvling, and at 23 Sireth outclasses the eSoS.

Two Fighter levels brings Fighter Haste Boost and Fighter tactics along with two free feats that allow the full two-handed fighting line. Without them we would have to sacrifice Stunning Blow and Empower Heal which would really cut into the builds survivability or i2HF and g2HF which cuts into the dps side of things.

I really wracked my brain trying to fit in Manyshot and Bow Strength but swapping out Ranger levels for fighter meant I would have to drop the entire two-handed fighting line and extend or empower heal. This would also leave my stunning blow DC lacking for EEs. The final nail in the coffin on this idea was the fact that the build would be better suited to run in Fatesinger with Momentum Swing and Lay Waste twisted instead of Fury of the Wild in a raid situation anyway.

I cannot state whether this build meats any of my build goals since I don't have one capped. My napkin math is showing around a 50 reflex save with lithe twisted and a 60ish stunning blow DC. This build will definitely mow threw everthing EE in GH and before but there might be a snag in the newest content.

The main enhancements are :

* Staff Specialization
* No Mercy
* Staff Training
* Thief Acrobatics
* Quick Strike
* Skaldic Rage
* Fighting Spirit
* Magical Studies
* Fighter Tactics
* Fighter Haste Boost
* Human Versatility : Damage
* Human Heal Amp 1 & 2

Level & Class

1 Rogue

Power Attack, Human Bonus: Cleave

2 Bard

3 Bard

Extend Spell

4 Rogue

5 Bard

6 Bard

Great Cleave

7 Rogue

8 Bard

9 Bard

Stunning Blow

10 Rogue

11 Fighter

Fighter Bonus: 2HF

12 Rogue
iCrit Blunt

13 Fighter

Fighter Bonus: i2HF

14 Bard

15 Bard


16 Bard

17 Bard

18 Bard


19 Bard

20 Bard

21 Epic

Overwhelming Critical

22 Epic

23 Epic

24 Epic
Empower Heal

25 Epic

26 Epic

Epic Tactician

27 Epic

Epic Reflexes

28 Epic


Epic Mask of Comedy 150 SP Slotted
Helm of the Black Dragon Ins Str 3 35 HP & Globe of True Imperial Blood Slotted

Deadly of Resistance Random Loot Gen
Deadly 10 of Resistance 10 Random Loot Gen

Jorgundal's Collar
10 Str 10 Seeker Random Loot Gen

White Dragonscale Robe
Flawless Black Dragonscale Robe 14 PRR Slotted

Adamantine Cloak of the Wolf
Adamantine Cloak of the Wolf

Bracers of the Sunsoul, Smoke 2 Greensteel
Greater Convalescent of Superior Parrying

Epic Sparehand Good Luck 2 Slotted
Epic Sparehand Good Luck 2 & Vitality Slotted

Purple Dragon Knight Gauntlets
Gauntlets of Immortality 200 SP + 7 Cha Slotted

Treads of Falling Shadows
Goatskin Boots 8 Dex Heavy Fortification + 2 Ins Dex Slotted

Epic Ring of the Stalker 6 Wis Slotted
Skirmisher's Ring Ins Cha 2 Slotted

Seal of House Dun'Robar Stunning 10
Seal of House Dun'Robar Stunning 10 Ins Con 2

Giantcraft Sibyris Compass
Giantcraft Sibyris Compass, Planar Focus of Prowess

Stout Oak Walking Stick
Sireth, Spear of the Sky

The Divine Staff
34 Point Human 9 Paladin 6 Monk 5 Rogue

17 STR
12 DEX
14 CON
13 INT
14 CHA

Skills : Heal 23, Concentration 23, UMD 22, Search 21, Disable Device 21, Open Lock 15, Jump 10, Balance 4, Tumble 4, Spot 4

This build is also still in the planning stages. It is very similar to the Bard but I'm using Paladin as the base to see what kind of Adrenaline Exalted Smite numbers it can pull out. The build requires a +3 int tome to be eaten before you TR. Paladin is a 2 skills per level class and to get enough skills to do traps requires the rigid leveling order and high int.

The build revolves around quarterstaves and Staff Specialization to stay centered while providing cheap alternatives to the eSoS. Depending on how much Rejuvenation Cocoon heals for once capped it might be feasible to swap Empower Heal for Master of Forms. There is also the option of swapping to a 9 Paladin 9 Monk 2 Rogue split. A great deal of skill points would be lost eliminating the possibility of doing traps but you would pick up Improved Evasion. On both versions I use Henshin Mystic's Staff Specialization so I can also grab Every Light Casts a Shadow for more Neg Lvls.

The main enhancements are :

* Staff Specialization
* Every Light Casts a Shadow
* Staff Training
* Thief Acrobatics
* Quick Strike
* Divine Might
* Exalted Smite
* Paladin Heal Amp 1 & 2
* Extra Lay on Hands 3
* Rogue Haste Boost
* Human Versatility : Damage
* Human Heal Amp 1 & 2

Level & Class

1 Rogue

Power Attack, Human Bonus: Cleave

2 Paladin

3 Paladin

Stunning Blow

4 Rogue

5 Paladin

6 Paladin

Great Cleave

7 Rogue

8 Paladin

9 Paladin

Quicken, Least Dragonmark of Orien while leveling

10 Rogue

11 Monk

Monk Bonus: 2HF

12 Rogue
iCrit Blunt

13 Monk

Monk Bonus: Dodge

14 Paladin

15 Monk


16 Monk

17 Monk

18 Paladin


19 Paladin

Monk Bonus: Precision or Mobility

21 Epic

Overwhelming Critical

22 Epic

23 Epic

24 Epic
Empower Heal

25 Epic

26 Epic

Epic Tactician

27 Epic

Epic Reflexes

28 Epic


Epic Mask of Comedy 150 SP Slotted
Helm of the Black Dragon Ins Str 3 35 HP & Globe of True Imperial Blood Slotted

Deadly of Resistance Random Loot Gen
Deadly 10 of Resistance 10 Random Loot Gen

Jorgundal's Collar
10 Str 10 Seeker Random Loot Gen

White Dragonscale Robe
Flawless Black Dragonscale Robe 14 PRR Slotted

Adamantine Cloak of the Wolf
Adamantine Cloak of the Wolf

Bracers of the Sunsoul, Smoke 2 Greensteel
Greater Convalescent of Superior Parrying

Epic Sparehand Good Luck 2 Slotted
Epic Sparehand Good Luck 2 & Vitality Slotted

Purple Dragon Knight Gauntlets
Gauntlets of Immortality 200 SP & 7 Cha Slotted

Treads of Falling Shadows
Goatskin Boots 8 Dex Heavy Fortification + 2 Ins Dex Slotted

Epic Ring of the Stalker 6 Wis Slotted
Skirmisher's Ring Ins Cha 2 Slotted

Seal of House Dun'Robar Stunning 10
Seal of House Dun'Robar Stunning 10 Ins Con 2

Giantcraft Sibyris Compass
Giantcraft Sibyris Compass, Planar Focus of Prowess

Stout Oak Walking Stick
Sireth, Spear of the Sky

Not the Healer You Were Looking For
32 Point Mourning Lord 13 Cleric 5 Favored Soul 2 Monk

14 DEX
14 CON
10 INT
18 WIS

Skills : Heal 23, Spellcraft 23, Jump 10, Tumble 1

This build is the one I am looking forward to playing the most. Sorcerer's and Wizards have become really one dimensional casters in EEs because they simply spam magic missile while in Shiradi. This character should put out phenomenal boss DPS in EEs with Divine Punishment stacked on top of Crown of Retribution increasing light damage. There is also nimbus of light and searing light for more no save light damage provided as SLAs. The final component is the ability to act as a raid healer while doing damage thanks to quickly charging Divine Wrath in Exalted Angel.

Lets not forget that with the monk levels you get Evasion and my napkin math shows a 60 reflex will be easily reached with Lithe and Unearthly Reactions twisted.

The main enhancements are :

* Zealous Faith
* Evocation Focus
* Intense Faith
* Crown of Retribution
* Smiting Line
* Just Reward
* Sunbolt SLA
* Sunbeam SLA
* Nimbus of Light SLA
* Searing Light SLA
* Holy Smite SLA
* Spell Critical : Light line
* Blessing of Amaunator
* Light of the Sun God
* Amaunator's Brilliance

Level & Class

1 Cleric

Maximize Spell

2 Monk

Monk Bonus: Toughness

3 Monk

Empower Spell, Monk Bonus: Dodge

4 Cleric

5 Cleric

6 Cleric

Quicken Spell

7 Cleric

8 Cleric

9 Cleric

Heighten Spell

10 Cleric

11 Cleric

12 Cleric
Spell Focus : Evocation

13 Cleric

14 Cleric

15 Favored Soul

Greater Spell Focus : Evocation

16 Favored Soul

17 Favored Soul

18 Favored Soul

Mental Toughness

19 Favored Soul

20 Cleric

21 Epic

Epic Spell Focus : Evocation

22 Epic

23 Epic

24 Epic
Improved Mental Toughness

25 Epic

26 Epic

Epic Spell Power : Light

27 Epic

Epic Mental Toughness

28 Epic
Epic Spell Power : Fire


Epic Mask of Comedy 150 SP Slotted
Helm of the Blue Dragon Ins Wis 3 35 HP & Globe of True Imperial Blood Slotted

Wise of Resistance Random Loot Gen
Shadowsight Good Luck 2 Slotted

Sage's Locket
Epic Sage's Locket

Spider-Spun Caparison Ins Wis 3
Blue Dragonscale Robe Heavy Fortification Slotted

Adamantine Cloak of the Dragon
Cha 10 of Resistance 10 Random Loot Gen

Bracers of the Sunsoul
Greater Convalescent of Superior Parrying Random Loot Gen

Heavy Fortification of Vitality Random Loot Gen
Health 10 of Dodge 10

Purple Dragon Knight Gauntlets
Gauntlets of Immortality SP 200 & Balance 15 Slotted

Treads of Falling Shadows
Halycon Boots Ins Dex 2 & Open Green Slot

Guardian's Ring
Epic Guardian's Ring

Health of Dodge Random Loot Gen
Ring of Shadows

Pale Lavender Ioun Stone, Holy Symbol of Lolth
Pale Lavender Ioun Stone, Holy Symbol of Lolth, Planar Focus of Erudition

Combustion Lore of Combustion Kama, Radiance Lore of Radiance Kama
Combustion Lore of Combustion Kama, Radiance Lore of Radiance Kama, Twilight, Element of Magic

TLDR; Use Knife Specialization(5 Rogue Required) with Sacrificial Daggers or Staff Specialization(5 Monk/Rogue Required) with Sireth/Stout Oak Walking Stick to broaden your build platforms.

09-19-2013, 07:58 PM
for someone opening a thread about loving the enhancement pass, sure seems funny you never mention them

09-19-2013, 08:05 PM
At this time I am still formatting the meat and potatoes of the original post so it is readable. While I do not plan on stating the exact enhancements selected for each build I will state what the overall goal of the build is and the more important enhancements such as Knife Specialization.

09-19-2013, 08:35 PM
Looking forward to your Major Kong build.


09-19-2013, 08:58 PM
Not The Healer You Were Looking For has Sunburst from Mourninglord.. That is about as close as I can get to riding a nuke. To really capture Major Kong take off your headset and close your chat window while you run around "nuking" mobs.

09-20-2013, 01:17 PM
Slowly editing in remarks for each build. Formatting took up most of my day yesterday.

09-20-2013, 08:15 PM
Alright finally done editing. Feel free to pick me apart or ask questions, propose changes to the builds I listed.

09-20-2013, 08:50 PM
I really like the exalted blade and the morninglord. Finally someone else sees how awesome the Sac Dagger is! Now I wish I hadn't spent the +20 heart on my blitz barb...cry.

09-21-2013, 04:21 AM
All the builds look pretty cool.

As for the sacrificial daggers thats encouraging me to go and make some sort of Shadarkai Hybrid.

09-21-2013, 04:24 PM
These are all extremely interesting builds, all but the last seemingly ideal for my intended next life's mission, to slowly solo every last quest (https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/117232-Request-a-Build-Get-a-Build?p=5108916#post5108916) in the game (often on normal) so I can properly learn them. Which might you recommend as your choice for my soloing?

I would intend to usually have a cleric hireling along for the ride. This would be my third life (so 36 build points) and I sprang for a +5 supreme stats tome. I do not yet have most of the equipment on your list, nor do I have much other than a couple tier one Unyielding Sentinel and Grandmaster of Flowers epics I could twist, though I could spend a bit more time unlocking Legendary Dreadnought, etc..

09-21-2013, 04:32 PM
The Exalted Blade build is the most durable with excellent overall saves and LoH for emergency heals while the Hunter's Knife is the most new player/solo friendly with access to Freedom of Movement and very easy gear requirements to get started in Epic. Both builds really thrive once you have Primal Avatar unlocked, in fact all fleshies should focus on getting to Primal Avatar ASAP because of rejuvenation cocoon.

09-21-2013, 05:50 PM
I am curious as to why you wait till level 11 before getting a single level of Ranger with the Exalted Blade? Would you for the most part be wielding whatever two hander you find till close to level 20 and simply not care about dual wielding until after level 18? I would be sorely tempted to pick up at least one or two levels of Ranger very early on, prior to level 6, so as to get the free ranged feats and then go for Manyshot asap. The best feats from Paladin it seems to me come in the first two levels with aura. In fact I might well also be tempted to space the Rogue levels out a bit more evenly so as to aid with skill development, which prioritizing Ranger would also help with (prior to tomes kicking in). My own leveling would probably be something like:

Rogue Power Attack, Human Bonus: Cleave
Ranger Least Dragonmark of Orien
Ranger Great Cleave
Ranger iCrit Pierce
Paladin gTWF
Rogue iCrit Range
Paladin Precision

09-21-2013, 06:35 PM
You need 5 levels of Rogue to open up Knife specialization so I split the levels with Paladin early to keep skills high while hitting the 5th level at 12 when you can use Guardian of the Liturgy and Knife Specialization. From 1-12, Carniflex with cleave and great cleave will clear out entire groups of mobs on Elite. It does hurt a bit to not pick up iTWF and gTWF untill 18 but the damage on Guardian of the Liturgy even with only 40% offhand is still amazing. So pretty much I would not deviate from the suggested build path.

09-22-2013, 12:04 AM
great post, tho i'm a bit worried to see a caster build from you
def will try out your morninglord
keep it up

09-22-2013, 11:01 AM
You need 5 levels of Rogue to open up Knife specialization so I split the levels with Paladin early to keep skills high while hitting the 5th level at 12 when you can use Guardian of the Liturgy and Knife Specialization. From 1-12, Carniflex with cleave and great cleave will clear out entire groups of mobs on Elite. It does hurt a bit to not pick up iTWF and gTWF untill 18 but the damage on Guardian of the Liturgy even with only 40% offhand is still amazing. So pretty much I would not deviate from the suggested build path.

This whole thread makes me want to cry out "I LOVE YOU MAN!". Great job. I have a buddy that likes to play builds off the beaten path, but isn't necessarily keen on melee builds (prefers support). He's looking to re-spec his bard, I'll have to see if I can interest him in anything from this thread (obviously The Journeyman's Walking Stick stands out here, especially since he seemed curious about a staff build).

09-23-2013, 01:03 AM
I've been taking a closer look at the enhancement options, and I am curious to know if there is a reason why you didn't go for a dex build here with the Exalted Blade, leveling dex with bonus stats. With very little spent in the assassin tree, one can use dex for both to hit and damage (with daggers and kukris) without buying finese. Of course that might not be the ideal weapon choice for early leveling but it would boost AC and the already great reflex save to ever greater heights of absurdity.

09-23-2013, 01:44 AM
You don't need a higher reflex save and Str allows for more stacking buffs to damage (primal scream, madstone ect) as well as Overwhelming Critical. Dex was viable before the last Enhancements Alpha update where they nerfed offhand stat contribution to half from full dex to damage. Pretty much dex to damage is a trap for the new players.

09-23-2013, 02:13 PM
I realize I am probably turning into a bit of a pest, and I am sorry about that. I am having a hard time with Exalted Blade getting everything in your enhancement list to add up without going 'way' over points. Would you be willing to post the exact expenditures you made/planned?

09-23-2013, 04:22 PM
32 Assassin

22 KoTC

5 Human


6 AA

9 Tempest

You may be able to drop a few points out of KoTC foregoing heal amp 22 there and it looks like I didn't take human amp 2. 20% haste boost is good enough though honestly.

10-08-2013, 09:10 AM
I just hit level 12 on my TR into Exalted Blade and the dps with the Guardian of the Liturgies is crazy! Can't wait to hit 20.

11-13-2013, 09:20 PM
Any advice on where you put points for enhancements on the morninglord build?

12-11-2013, 01:46 PM
You need 5 levels of Rogue to open up Knife specialization so I split the levels with Paladin early to keep skills high while hitting the 5th level at 12 when you can use Guardian of the Liturgy and Knife Specialization. From 1-12, Carniflex with cleave and great cleave will clear out entire groups of mobs on Elite. It does hurt a bit to not pick up iTWF and gTWF untill 18 but the damage on Guardian of the Liturgy even with only 40% offhand is still amazing. So pretty much I would not deviate from the suggested build path.

I am glad to see someone else recommending Knife Specialization as a splash; it is a great way to go DEX, especially for heroic TRs that do not need the STR based epic feats and for people who like Roguishness but do not want to invest in INT for Assassinate. I also recommend the Polycurse Dagger in the offhand (if you have the farmable sustaining symbiot to prevent the curse vector) since it debuffs and adds deception to the main hand as well. I went 12 Ranger for the 100% offhand, shield bonus to AC, and the option to use other light weapons (and scimitars) for dex damage given the situation. Great solo class combo! I love the enhancement pass. On level 18 I tossed in wiz for Eldritch Knight and got 1 sp 2 minute invisi, extend spell, lots of bonus HP from PM and ER, 10% boost to AC etc. as well as some utility spells. But I plan to TR so I cannot recommend it for epics.

12-11-2013, 04:57 PM
If your interested in interesting new build that utilizes things specific to the enhancement change I made a Hafling specializing in the use of Daggers


Updated Build

True Neutral Halfling Rogue14/Ranger6 (Mech/DWS)

Str 6
Dex 18 (+3 tome by level 21)
Con 12
Int 18 (Lvl ups here)
Wis 10
Cha 8

Skills: UMD, Search, DD, Spot, Hide, MS,Diplomacy,Balance,OL, Haggle, Jump,Tumble
Non-Rogue Lvls: Max in above order any class skills, than cross class...use rogue levels to catch up skills in order.

Lvl Order: Rogue 1-6, Ranger 7-12, Rogue 13 - 20


3 Quick Draw
6 Precision
Ra7 FE: Undead
Ra8 Rapid Shot, TWF
Ra9 Diehard
9 DM of Healing
Ra10 Precise Shot
Ra11 FE: Construct
Ra12 Manyshot, ITWF
12 Empowered Healing
15 IPS
Ro16 Improved Evasion (swap to opportunist at Lvl 25)
18 IC: Ranged
Ro19 Skill Mastery
ED Shadowdancer w/ Shiradi twists or vise versa.
21 Epic Sneak Attack
24 Combat Archery
25 Epic Reflexes
27 Blinding Speed
28 Doubleshot

I'm mostly using it for messing around with a Thrower but it works just fine as a TWF as well (SD is good for both weapon styles...Shiradi is better for ranged...its also quite easy to swap out a feat for GTWF)

01-11-2014, 11:18 PM
I'm in the process of swapping all my characters to Bladeforged. Will update the builds at a later date to reflect this.

01-12-2014, 08:13 AM
I was looking at your exalted blade...why 9 levels of paladin?
It seems that taking 4 and going higher in ranger for the feats or rogue even up to level 10 for imp evasion, would work and not really change the style of the build.
(I have not ran going to 10 in rogue through a char gen, that might significantly affect the feats.)

Anyway, great thread and suggestions for fun builds, thanks.

01-12-2014, 09:57 AM
for someone opening a thread about loving the enhancement pass, sure seems funny you never mention them
''I love the new enhancements now, I just leveled a melee based on Monk. And you can, too!''


/sry, had to poke the OP^^

01-12-2014, 10:20 PM
I was looking at your exalted blade...why 9 levels of paladin?
It seems that taking 4 and going higher in ranger for the feats or rogue even up to level 10 for imp evasion, would work and not really change the style of the build.
(I have not ran going to 10 in rogue through a char gen, that might significantly affect the feats.)

Anyway, great thread and suggestions for fun builds, thanks.

For the Paladin icon next to your name!

Really, divine favor caps out at +3 damage at lvl 9. You also gain higher damage on exalted smites and remove paralysis is useful with mobs spamming slow/ gust of wind.

02-18-2014, 10:04 PM
I came up with something similar to the Exalted Blade and am up to level 12 now. So far I'm quite pleased as its proven to be an absolute buzz-saw offensively. I guess I haven't been building the right characters previously because he brings more pain than any other character I've ever had.

However, there are a few things in the build as posted that I think could be tweaked with varying degrees of usefulness.

#1 - Why bother with Quicken? I know its only for higher levels, but what do you need it for at all? The best healing spell the class has access to is CLW which is hardly worth later on, and LoH and Cocoon are both insta-cast. I'd suggest going with Empowered Healing instead.

#2 - I'm not quite there yet so I'm not sure, but the planners say you can take GTWF on the same level you take Ranger 6. So if you take Ranger 6 at, say, 15, you can get 'em both then instead of taking GTWF at 18. That way you take IC: Pierce or IC: Ranged at 9 instead of Quicken (since you'll probably still be using Carniflex until 12, may as well take IC: Ranged). Then you take Emp Heal at 18.

#3 - Really, the only thing substantive Paladin 9 gets you is self-cast Resist 20. If you shift to Paladin7/Rogue7/Ranger6 instead, you still get to be a "Paladin" and you get a bunch of stuff. +1d6 SA damage, you can max out your rogue-ing skills, and you get better anti-trap saves and what-not. More than anything, it gives you a *lot* more flexibility in your leveling. I guess I could see this going either way, but the 7/7/6 build seems more versatile.

#4 - Why bother with Intimidation? This build shouldn't really be tanking anything. Putting those points into Balance would make more sense.

#5 - Enhancements are really open to interpretation, but I wouldn't bother with Exalted Smite and the Extra Smites. Critting a fully spec'ed Exalted Smite on a stunned mob is so glorious it almost requires a follow-up cigarette. But you just don't get that many of them. 6 per rest + 1 every 90 seconds just isn't that many. Div Sac feels underwhelming during Heroics, but in Epics it starts to shine and you can use it every 3 seconds (thanks to Cocoon) and you're better off going with it and saving the Smite enhancement points for elsewhere.

02-19-2014, 02:02 AM
1.) When you need to use Cacoon or Reconstruction in EEs you need it right THEN NOT in 3 seconds.

2.) The level order was made for maximum skill usage since maxing skills for EE is more important than killing a mob faster lvl 10-20.

3.) 9 Paladin maxes out your Divine Favor at +3, and gives you Remove Paralysis which cancels out slow without having to carry haste pots (it also casts faster with quicken than drinking a pot)

4.) 1k HPs, 25% Dodge + Uncanny Dodge, Displacement Clickies, 70ish Reflex save.... not sure what would make a better tank?

5.) New U21 Raid lets you make a weapon to give you back Exalted Smites even faster =). I like to hit for 7k.

02-19-2014, 10:31 AM
For your blade specialists, I recommend the Blade of the High Priestess (http://ddowiki.com/page/Item:Blade_of_the_High_Priestess). Its stat draining attributes buff its instakill and paralyzing ones. Great trash killer.

I did a stealth version of The Hunter's Knife in which I did one level of wizard instead of Fighter. It gave me the extend spell feat (very useful for my ranger buffs) and 2 minutes of 1sp invisibility (and a few cheap utility spells). Your version is stronger at melee. I also went Dex-based since I knew I would TR her, and wanted the invisi for stealth tactics. The Dex version nerfed the ranged combat, though, so it turned out to be a bad idea.

02-21-2014, 12:57 PM
I'm seriously considering the Not the Healer build (though I don't have access to Morninglord) or the Light Sabre build here, https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/435309

My question(s) is why so many levels of Evocation Focus? Is it for all the lights spells that have saving throws (ie Sunburst & Sunbolt)?

AP's seem a little tight to get all the enhancements that you've suggested... especially in the MLord tree.

Also, am I losing a lot by going human vs morninglord?

I'm currently playing a Shiradi Sorc as I grind out Colors of the Queen but plan to go back to a divine clonk like build which I am most familiar with (with the goal to provide some nuke DPS support in EE).

My toon is a 36 pt build, +4 tomes to all stat, +5 to Con. PL = Ftrx2, Clrx2, Palx3, Mnkx1, Wiz1, Sorx1.

02-24-2014, 01:53 AM
I'm in the process of swapping all my characters to Bladeforged. Will update the builds at a later date to reflect this.


The Exalted Blade and Hunter's Knife looks pretty solid builds. Did you converted any of those two to BF already? I've trying to decide my 3rd life (2x fvs) build, and I do have daggers in my vault and I would like to put them on good use. So it would be a much appreciate if you can share your stat and enhancement allocation in BF variant. Thanks in advance...

03-18-2014, 10:11 PM
Been using the planner with your Hunter's Knife build and cannot seem to get the skills to come out right. Getting:
23 Heal, 23 Hide, 23 Move Silent, 23 Spot, 23 Search, 23 Disable Device, 23 UMD, 20 Open Lock, 10 Balance, 6 Jump, 1 Tumble

This is with a +4 int tome.

Any suggestions as to how you achieved your 23's and 10's? Disable Device and Open Lock are the main ones I'm having trouble with.

Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 04.20.02
DDO Character Planner Home Page (http://www.rjcyberware.com/DDO)

Level 20 True Neutral Human Male
(1 Fighter \ 5 Rogue \ 14 Ranger)
Hit Points: 252
Spell Points: 213
BAB: 18\18\23\28\28
Fortitude: 15
Reflex: 16
Will: 6

Starting Feat/Enhancement
Abilities Base Stats Modified Stats
(36 Point) (Level 1) (Level 20)
Strength 18 25
Dexterity 14 16
Constitution 14 16
Intelligence 14 18
Wisdom 10 12
Charisma 8 10

Tomes Used
+1 Tome of Strength used at level 3
+1 Tome of Dexterity used at level 3
+1 Tome of Constitution used at level 3
+1 Tome of Intelligence used at level 3
+1 Tome of Wisdom used at level 3
+1 Tome of Charisma used at level 3
+2 Tome of Strength used at level 7
+2 Tome of Dexterity used at level 7
+2 Tome of Constitution used at level 7
+2 Tome of Intelligence used at level 7
+2 Tome of Wisdom used at level 7
+2 Tome of Charisma used at level 7
+3 Tome of Intelligence used at level 11
+4 Tome of Intelligence used at level 15

Starting Ending Feat/Enhancement
Base Skills Base Skills Modified Skills
Skills (Level 1) (Level 20) (Level 20)
Balance 6 13 15
Bluff -1 0 0
Concentration 2 3 3
Diplomacy -1 0 0
Disable Device 6 27 27
Haggle -1 0 0
Heal 2 24 24
Hide 6 26 26
Intimidate -1 0 0
Jump 8 13 13
Listen 0 1 1
Move Silently 6 26 26
Open Lock 6 23 23
Perform n/a n/a n/a
Repair 2 4 4
Search 6 27 27
Spellcraft 2 4 4
Spot 4 24 24
Swim 7 10 10
Tumble 3 4 4
Use Magic Device 3 23 23

Level 1 (Rogue)
Skill: Balance (+4)
Skill: Disable Device (+4)
Skill: Heal (+2)
Skill: Hide (+4)
Skill: Jump (+4)
Skill: Move Silently (+4)
Skill: Open Lock (+4)
Skill: Search (+4)
Skill: Spot (+4)
Skill: Swim (+3)
Skill: Tumble (+1)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+4)
Feat: (Human Bonus) Cleave
Feat: (Past Life) Past Life: Sorcerer
Feat: (Past Life) Past Life: Wizard
Feat: (Selected) Power Attack

Level 2 (Ranger)
Skill: Heal (+3)
Skill: Hide (+1)
Skill: Move Silently (+1)
Skill: Search (+1)
Skill: Spot (+1)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Feat: (Favored Enemy) Favored Enemy: Undead

Level 3 (Ranger)
Skill: Disable Device (+1)
Skill: Heal (+1)
Skill: Hide (+1)
Skill: Move Silently (+1)
Skill: Search (+1)
Skill: Spot (+1)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Feat: (Selected) Precision

Level 4 (Rogue)
Ability Raise: STR
Skill: Balance (+1)
Skill: Disable Device (+2)
Skill: Hide (+1)
Skill: Move Silently (+1)
Skill: Open Lock (+3)
Skill: Search (+1)
Skill: Spot (+1)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)

Level 5 (Ranger)
Skill: Heal (+2)
Skill: Hide (+1)
Skill: Jump (+1)
Skill: Move Silently (+1)
Skill: Search (+1)
Skill: Spot (+1)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)

Level 6 (Ranger)
Skill: Disable Device (+1)
Skill: Heal (+1)
Skill: Hide (+1)
Skill: Move Silently (+1)
Skill: Search (+1)
Skill: Spot (+1)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Feat: (Selected) Great Cleave

Level 7 (Rogue)
Skill: Balance (+1)
Skill: Disable Device (+2)
Skill: Hide (+1)
Skill: Move Silently (+1)
Skill: Open Lock (+3)
Skill: Search (+1)
Skill: Spot (+1)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)

Level 8 (Ranger)
Ability Raise: STR
Skill: Disable Device (+1)
Skill: Heal (+2)
Skill: Hide (+1)
Skill: Move Silently (+1)
Skill: Search (+1)
Skill: Spot (+1)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Feat: (Favored Enemy) Favored Enemy: Giant

Level 9 (Ranger)
Skill: Disable Device (+1)
Skill: Heal (+1)
Skill: Hide (+1)
Skill: Jump (+1)
Skill: Move Silently (+1)
Skill: Search (+1)
Skill: Spot (+1)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Feat: (Selected) Least Dragonmark of Passage

Level 10 (Rogue)
Skill: Balance (+3)
Skill: Disable Device (+1)
Skill: Hide (+1)
Skill: Move Silently (+1)
Skill: Open Lock (+3)
Skill: Search (+1)
Skill: Spot (+1)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)

Level 11 (Fighter)
Skill: Disable Device (+1)
Skill: Open Lock (+1)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Improved Critical: Piercing Weapons

Level 12 (Rogue)
Ability Raise: STR
Skill: Balance (+1)
Skill: Disable Device (+1)
Skill: Hide (+2)
Skill: Move Silently (+2)
Skill: Open Lock (+1)
Skill: Search (+2)
Skill: Spot (+2)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Feat: (Selected) Improved Critical: Ranged Weapons

Level 13 (Ranger)
Skill: Heal (+4)
Skill: Hide (+1)
Skill: Move Silently (+1)
Skill: Search (+1)
Skill: Spot (+1)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)

Level 14 (Ranger)
Skill: Disable Device (+1)
Skill: Heal (+1)
Skill: Hide (+1)
Skill: Move Silently (+1)
Skill: Open Lock (+0.5)
Skill: Search (+1)
Skill: Spot (+1)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)

Level 15 (Ranger)
Skill: Disable Device (+1)
Skill: Heal (+1)
Skill: Hide (+1)
Skill: Move Silently (+1)
Skill: Open Lock (+0.5)
Skill: Search (+1)
Skill: Spot (+1)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Feat: (Selected) Dodge

Level 16 (Ranger)
Ability Raise: STR
Skill: Disable Device (+2)
Skill: Heal (+1)
Skill: Hide (+1)
Skill: Move Silently (+1)
Skill: Search (+1)
Skill: Spot (+1)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Feat: (Favored Enemy) Favored Enemy: Evil Outsider

Level 17 (Ranger)
Skill: Disable Device (+1)
Skill: Heal (+1)
Skill: Hide (+1)
Skill: Move Silently (+1)
Skill: Open Lock (+1)
Skill: Search (+1)
Skill: Spot (+1)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)

Level 18 (Ranger)
Skill: Disable Device (+1)
Skill: Heal (+1)
Skill: Hide (+1)
Skill: Move Silently (+1)
Skill: Open Lock (+1)
Skill: Search (+1)
Skill: Spot (+1)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Feat: (Selected) Mobility

Level 19 (Ranger)
Skill: Disable Device (+1)
Skill: Heal (+1)
Skill: Hide (+1)
Skill: Move Silently (+1)
Skill: Open Lock (+1)
Skill: Search (+1)
Skill: Spot (+1)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)

Level 20 (Ranger)
Ability Raise: STR
Skill: Disable Device (+1)
Skill: Heal (+1)
Skill: Hide (+1)
Skill: Move Silently (+1)
Skill: Open Lock (+1)
Skill: Search (+1)
Skill: Spot (+1)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)

03-19-2014, 07:39 AM
The planner does not factor in that if you eat a +4 tome and then TR you get the tome increases for skill points at the level of the tome IE 3/7/11/15 instead of the level after.

03-19-2014, 10:10 PM
The planner does not factor in that if you eat a +4 tome and then TR you get the tome increases for skill points at the level of the tome IE 3/7/11/15 instead of the level after.
Aha, moved the tomes all one level earlier and got it sorted. Thank you.

05-05-2014, 08:41 PM
Well I made it to 28 as The Hunter's Knife. There were a couple of rough patches and was never really able to hang in EE content (just did a What Goes Up Run today and omg...), but it was a pretty fun journey. I remember levels 16-18 sticking out as the worst. Will be ER -> TR into the Exalted Blade today and the journey will begin anew! This time I'll have all the gear waiting for me along the way which should smooth things out.

Thanks for the builds!

12-28-2018, 06:00 PM
[QUOTE=Willan;5107002]Over the past month I have seen only a handful of builds that really take advantage of the new enhancement trees. Most of these builds revolve around 8 fighter as their core to stay centered while using an Epic Sword of Shadows. While these builds are great they are focused around one of the rarest items in the game and don't discuss starter sets that can be used in the meantime.

There is a lot of fluff thrown into posts with store pots, every buff under the sun, completionist and full +5 tomes to show the "top end stats" skewing the perception of what the build is capable of for most people in the game. I don't personally expect to keep ship buffs in a quest where lag can kill you at any time or even bother to use Yugoloth pots because of how tedious they are. I spend most of my time soloing so the only buffs I can count on are what I can cast and what I can scroll. Completionist builds with full +5 tomes are the Lamborghini's of DDO.. most of us don't have the time or money to put into one character.

The biggest oversight, though, is the lack of builds utilizing knife mastery in the assassin tree. Knife mastery give you access to the easiest level drainers in the game to farm; the Sacrificial Dagger out of Impossible Demands in Eveningstar. This dagger in the hands of a character with knife mastery becomes 15-20x3 AND drains 1d3 levels on crit. Did I mention that you don't have to farm a raid to get them unlike Nightmare, the Fallen Moon. While leveling there is a similarly amazing dagger, Guardian of the Liturgy. If you compare the Guardian to a Lit2 Dagger, both with knife specialization accounted for, Guardian of the Liturgy is always 2 damage ahead.

Quarterstaves are in a similar spot with 3 amazing named staffs coupled with Staff Specialization. The Theurgic Stave becomes 1.5[2d4] 15-20x3 at level 12 when you can first pick up staff specialization which is as good as the Sword of Shadows for leveling. Sireth, Spear of the Sky actually out parses the eSoS at 23 and the Stout Oak Walking Stick is even at 20.

Weapons aside, when I make a build I try to accomplish these goals :

* 60 reflex save with just GH and lithe twisted at 28
* Fury shot with bow strength and overwhelming critical
* High devotion and heal amp for cocoon use
* CC of some form
* Great critical profile weapons for level drainers
* Minimal tome use, +3/4 for Int and +3 Dex mostly
* Rogue skills if at all possible
* UMD for GH, Heal, Raise Dead, Tensor's Transformation

The Hunter's Knife
34 Point Human 14 Ranger 5 Rogue 1 Fighter

18 STR
14 DEX
14 CON
14 INT

Skills : Disable Device 23, Search 23, Spot 23, Move Silently 23, Hide 23, Heal 23, Open Lock 23, UMD 23, Jump 10, Balance 10, Tumble 1

This build is the one I would recommend to new players since it can be done on 32 or 28 build points by just dropping dexterity. It also has the quickest EE starting route with only, Sacrificial Daggers, Epic Mask of Comedy, and Purple Dragon Knight Gauntlets required to be farmed out for gear and Primal Avatar maxed, which Ranger can start in. Primal Avatar is the destiny you want to start in because of Rejuvenation Cocoon and Balanced Attacks. Primal Avatar is also right next to Fury of the Wild.

Balanced Attacks is all a duel wielder needs for CC and does not get the attention it deserves. For the unaware it turns ALL vorpals into a 2 second knockdown that also causes monsters to be considered helpless. The largest strength is that this works on all monsters including undead and elementals as well as Orange Named mobs. The best part is that it is only a tier 3 twist allowing the use in any tree assuming you have the fate points.

This build accomplishes 7 of my major goals :

* 55 reflex save sitting in town buffless with lithe twisted
* fury shot with high strength, bow strength feat, and overwhelming crit
* great healing amp from stacking Convalescent bracers, Purple Dragon Knight Gauntlets, and Human enhancements as well as maxed devotion from deepwood stalker, the heal skill, and Empower Heal
* great CC through the use of Adrenaline knockdowns and Balanced Attacks twisted in
* amazing critical profile of 15-20x3 for level draining with Sacrificial Daggers or Cormyrian challenge daggers
* full rogue skills for traps
* enough UMD to use any scroll in the game

In order to get all the skills maxed I recommend eating a +4 Int tome before reincarnating.

The main enhancements are :

* Knife Specialization
* Killer
* Improved Reaction
* Improved Dodge
* Improved Mobility
* Tempest
* Deflect Arrows
* Empathy Line in DWS
* Energy of the Wild
* Fighter Haste Boost
* Human Versatility : Damage
* Human Heal Amp 1 & 2

Level & Class

1 Rogue

Power Attack, Human Bonus: Cleave

2 Ranger

3 Ranger


4 Rogue

5 Ranger

6 Ranger

Great Cleave

7 Rogue

8 Ranger

9 Ranger

Quicken, Least Dragonmark of Orien while leveling

10 Rogue

11 Fighter

Fighter Bonus: iCrit Pierce

12 Rogue
iCrit Range

13 Ranger

14 Ranger

15 Ranger


16 Ranger

17 Ranger

18 Ranger


19 Ranger

20 Ranger

21 Epic

Overwhelming Critical

22 Epic

23 Epic

24 Epic
Empower Heal

25 Epic

26 Epic


27 Epic

Epic Reflexes

28 Epic
Elusive Target


Epic Mask of Comedy 150 SP Slotted
Epic Mask of Comedy 200 SP Slotted

Deadly of Resistance Random Loot Gen
Deadly 10 of Resistance 10 Random Loot Gen

Jorgundal's Collar
Jorgundal's Collar

White Dragonhide Armor
Cormyrian Red Dragonhide Armor

Adamantine Cloak of the Wolf
Adamantine Cloak of the Wolf

Bracers of the Sunsoul, Smoke 2 Greensteel
Convalescent of Superior Parrying

Epic Sparehand Good Luck 2 Slotted
Epic Sparehand Good Luck 2 & 2 Ins Str Slotted

Purple Dragon Knight Gauntlets
Purple Dragon Knight Gauntlets

Treads of Falling Shadows
EE Treads of Falling Shadows

Epic Ring of the Stalker 6 Wis Slotted
Seal of House Avithoul 7 Wis

Health of Dodge Random Loot Gen
Skirmisher's Ring Globe of True Imperial Blood Slotted

Giantcraft Sibyris Compass
Giantcraft Sibyris Compass, Planar Focus of Prowess

Sacrificial Daggerx2, Bow of Sinew
Cormyrian Daggers with Life Stealing x2, Agony, the Knife in the Dark x2, Pinion

I haven't played in a while and had previously used the Hunter's Blade build and enjoyed it does anyone know if this build is still playable or do I need to start over?