View Full Version : Brand New VIP player looking for a good home, as well as many questions please!

09-15-2013, 02:42 PM
Hello my friends,

I grew up to pen and paper dungeons and dragons, I have played muds and many MMO's.
I just found this wonderful game but I am lost overwhelmed with where to start, there is so much for me to learn.

I am not sure what server to roll on make create a new character.
So I am looking for and excellent guild with good mature players to can help show me the basics.

I just subbed so I am a VIp but not sure what class and build to make for 1st character as well as which server, so if anyone can give me some advice as well as help me to know which server to go to etc.

thank you.

09-15-2013, 02:54 PM
Which class was your favorite in PnP. There will be differences in DDO, but it helps to start with something you really enjoy.

As for servers, I notice Khyber, Argo, and Thelanis have had lots of people on when I go in. If you are looking to join a guild, I have had best results when invited to join one after running quests with its members.

DDO Wiki (http://ddowiki.com/) is a good source of information, but beware of spoilers. Sometimes it is better to go in shiny new. ;)

People will tell you to stay away from pre-made paths for a character, but this can be a way to learn about DDO character creation in small bites. It will give you the options to get started faster, and you can examine your character and decide what you would rather it have. You can always delete it and create one custom after. :)

My personal experience has rogue to be easiest and most versatile to start with. Ymmv.

Most important, have fun. :D

09-15-2013, 02:57 PM
Almost forgot, when you log in to game, you can click Options -> Keymap to see a list of controls. You can use the predefined ones, or you can customize to your preference.