View Full Version : Lazy Iconic Hagglebot

09-05-2013, 08:34 AM
After purchasing Shadowfell was wondering what to do with the extra character slots.

Thought would try and make a useable Lvl 15 hagglebot out of the an iconic.
This build is not meant to be playable, just for buying and selling.

Have made a small update with idea from Crazywist to add in the Harper Enhancements,
losing the haste and extra action boosts.

Have listed below only those feats, enhancements of importance.

Iconic Hero: Purple Dragon Knight

Fighter 1/Sorcerer 1/Rogue 13

Start Abilities
CHA 18 (then increase as leveling)
INT 18 (or at least enough to max haggle)

Max Haggle on each level except sorcerer

Skill Focus Haggle
Skill Mastery (Rogue lvl 10)
Skill Mastery (Rogue lvl 13)


Action Surge Charisma - 3 ranks
Human Adaptability Charisma
Negotiator - 3 ranks
Greater Heroism

Stalwart Defender
Greater Countenance - 3 Ranks

Fire Savant
Intensity - 3 Ranks

Thief Acrobat
Charming - 3 ranks

Skill Boost - 3 ranks

Harper Agent
Harper Training I - Charisma
Harper Training II - Charisma
Highly Skilled - 3 ranks

Base CHA 24 ;Haggle 50

+PDK Equipment CHA +7, Charisma 31 ; Haggle 53

+Greater Heroism, Skills+4; Haggle 57

+Mechanic Skill Boost, CHA+3, Skills+6; Haggle 65

+A Haggling+15 item I had spare; Haggle 80

+ Either a Standard Shadowfell Pre-purchase ticket - Tome of Haggle+1 ;Haggle 81
or a Collectors Shadowfell Pre-purchase ticket - Tome of Haggle+2; Haggle 82

For zero effort that is not bad, once get my crafting higher will add a flexible Good Luck shard.

09-05-2013, 08:40 AM
So is that something like +25% when you sell to vendors? And buy at about 75% of base value?

Not bad....

09-06-2013, 06:07 AM
Not bad.... on these forums that is actually a ringing endorsement.

Close enough, +28.5% when selling and 75.6% of base when buying to vendors with no rep.

09-06-2013, 10:02 AM
Nice, I might use this (or something similar) to replace my lvl 7 hagglebard on Sarlona. :) What's SF:UMD for? Did you just not have anything better to do with the feat slot?

09-06-2013, 10:32 AM
What's SF:UMD for? Did you just not have anything better to do with the feat slot?

I suspect it's for using race-restricted items, teleport scrolls, etc. I set up my haggle character the same way and have eked out a few more haggle points and get about quickly.

09-06-2013, 10:34 AM
Wouldn't a bard (instead of rogue) be able to squeeze out a few more points?

09-06-2013, 12:54 PM
Wouldn't a bard (instead of rogue) be able to squeeze out a few more points?
Acrobat provides Charming (+3 to Haggle); bards don't get any Haggle bonuses, bizarrely enough. You'd think that'd be their forte! Plus going mostly-rogue let him add Skill Mastery x2 for another +2. And now that humans can get Greater Heroism, he can skip that spell.

Bard would get Focusing Chant, but that's only +1; and Inspire Competence can't be used on one's self, unfortunately. He could also get +4 CHA from SS+WC trees; but that's only +2 Haggle for 44 APs - and then he wouldn't be able to afford GH clickie on lvl 15 char, I don't think.

09-06-2013, 08:04 PM
Yes, UMD was just if I had Charisma or Haggle items that were restricted.

Tried the build first with bard levels as that was the standard for max haggle but it couldn't compete with the Sorcerer Intensity (+6 haggle) enhancement and rogue mechanic skill boost (+3 CHA & +6 haggle).

And as said only missing out on Focusing Chant, would like to have gotten additional +CHA enhancements though but don't think that is possible without losing a better enhancement.

As I'm cheap and only bought the Standard Shadowfell pack, forgot that the Collector's edition gives you a +2 skill tome.
Have added that into the build which gives it a Haggle score of 75 with that option.

09-11-2013, 09:11 PM
You can get free +3 skill tome, also UMD focus chant scrolls, ship shrine for CHA... probably also have BTA +1 CHA trinket from madness quests... also spider cult mask for +1 profane

09-12-2013, 12:36 AM
Thaks for posting. I have been wondering what would be the best haggle bot I could do with an iconic was.

09-22-2013, 09:32 PM
Updated the build as had missed the PDK Negotiator enhancement which adds another 3 to haggle skills.
I think I left it out initially because I was going to use negotiator from another tree.

Working on a playable build version and will post that once complete.

09-22-2013, 11:24 PM
If you really want a Haggle character, you will need to push them into the middle Epic levels. IIRC Fatesinger has a lot of direct Haggle buffs and indirect ones too (through +Cha effects).

But the question really must be - why?

What value does platinum have in the game? What can an extra million platinum acquired over a month of playing actually buy you? After all, a million platinum sounds like a lot, but a million times 0 is still 0.

On occasion a foolish player (I'll call these people 'useful idiots') will loot an actually valuable item and make the mistake of putting it on the Auction House. You can rip them off enormously if you are the first person to place a bid of 2.1 million on the item. The useful idiots, however, will seldom get their hands on the actually rare tradeable items (mostly EE items from hard quests, where the EH version is far behind the EE in power).

At best, you will find the occasional useful idiot selling a +4 tome for platinum. While this is an opportunity to get something valuable (the tome) for nothing (platinum), it is still rare.

Really the only items of actual value that ever seem to swap hands for platinum are EH Tor helms with +3 to a useful stat, and Planar Focii with +3 stats.

09-23-2013, 03:41 PM
If you really want a Haggle character, you will need to push them into the middle Epic levels. IIRC Fatesinger has a lot of direct Haggle buffs and indirect ones too (through +Cha effects).

But the question really must be - why?

What value does platinum have in the game? What can an extra million platinum acquired over a month of playing actually buy you? After all, a million platinum sounds like a lot, but a million times 0 is still 0.

On occasion a foolish player (I'll call these people 'useful idiots') will loot an actually valuable item and make the mistake of putting it on the Auction House. You can rip them off enormously if you are the first person to place a bid of 2.1 million on the item. The useful idiots, however, will seldom get their hands on the actually rare tradeable items (mostly EE items from hard quests, where the EH version is far behind the EE in power).

At best, you will find the occasional useful idiot selling a +4 tome for platinum. While this is an opportunity to get something valuable (the tome) for nothing (platinum), it is still rare.

Really the only items of actual value that ever seem to swap hands for platinum are EH Tor helms with +3 to a useful stat, and Planar Focii with +3 stats.

Actually I'm the one in our guild who always updates our guild buffs, so it's kind of nice to have a hagglebot to help with some of the cost.

To the OP, thanks for posting this! I was meaning to sit down and figure out a better hagglebot after the EP. So this is great! I rolled up a temporary hagglebot based on your build and it's definitely better than my old one:)

09-23-2013, 04:27 PM
But the question really must be - why?
For me, a hagglebot like this is useful for establishing a "beachhead" on a new server; someone who can max out my plat income from trash loot while minimizing the cost of consumables. I mostly solo / PUG and have never joined a "real" guild; so I have to be self-sufficient whenever I hop servers. I don't enjoy the TR-n-loot grind nor do I have time to do a lot of raiding; for me what's fun is figuring out how to make do with limited resources. But I realize I'm the outlier among DDO vets: the "mad uncle" no one wants to look in the eye at family reunions. :cool:

09-24-2013, 08:05 AM
For me, a hagglebot like this is useful for establishing a "beachhead" on a new server; someone who can max out my plat income from trash loot while minimizing the cost of consumables. I mostly solo / PUG and have never joined a "real" guild; so I have to be self-sufficient whenever I hop servers. I don't enjoy the TR-n-loot grind nor do I have time to do a lot of raiding; for me what's fun is figuring out how to make do with limited resources. But I realize I'm the outlier among DDO vets: the "mad uncle" no one wants to look in the eye at family reunions. :cool:

A lot of folks are with you on this. I personally have never bothered with a hagglebot, but not for the reasons stated by the previous poster. More so a combination of laziness, and being an altoholic I barely have enough slots as it is (14) to keep one dedicated mule.

10-13-2013, 04:51 AM
If you really want a Haggle character, you will need to push them into the middle Epic levels. IIRC Fatesinger has a lot of direct Haggle buffs and indirect ones too (through +Cha effects).

But the question really must be - why?

What value does platinum have in the game? What can an extra million platinum acquired over a month of playing actually buy you? After all, a million platinum sounds like a lot, but a million times 0 is still 0.

On occasion a foolish player (I'll call these people 'useful idiots') will loot an actually valuable item and make the mistake of putting it on the Auction House. You can rip them off enormously if you are the first person to place a bid of 2.1 million on the item. The useful idiots, however, will seldom get their hands on the actually rare tradeable items (mostly EE items from hard quests, where the EH version is far behind the EE in power).

At best, you will find the occasional useful idiot selling a +4 tome for platinum. While this is an opportunity to get something valuable (the tome) for nothing (platinum), it is still rare.

Really the only items of actual value that ever seem to swap hands for platinum are EH Tor helms with +3 to a useful stat, and Planar Focii with +3 stats.

Really, Fatesinger has only one direct haggle buff and some indirect ones.

There is no need to push into epic levels if you really want a haggle character.
By all means grind into epic for the small increase but this build shows you can an effective haggle skill with no grind at all.

And why do the peasants want bread(platinum) when they should be having cake(astral shards?).

Well, for me apart from the examples you gave for buying useful items off the auction house, there are enhancement, feat and destiny resets which have a platinum option rather than astral shards.

Also I craft most of my items which doesn't give much platinum so I make the most from the items I do sell.

Maybe one day when I am leet like you I too will wonder why the peasants eat bread.

10-13-2013, 05:13 AM
But the question really must be - why?

While I agree hagglebot is not the best way to earn plat ( I mean too much hassle and in the time you spend moving junk you can run just more stuff, and most importantly inv management is total pita already ), there is still some value.
Bypasses, occasional heart on ah or in trade chat , augments. TP or xpac codes ( very rarely ).

10-13-2013, 06:03 AM
If you really want a Haggle character, you will need to push them into the middle Epic levels. IIRC Fatesinger has a lot of direct Haggle buffs and indirect ones too (through +Cha effects).

But the question really must be - why?

What value does platinum have in the game? What can an extra million platinum acquired over a month of playing actually buy you? After all, a million platinum sounds like a lot, but a million times 0 is still 0.

On occasion a foolish player (I'll call these people 'useful idiots') will loot an actually valuable item and make the mistake of putting it on the Auction House. You can rip them off enormously if you are the first person to place a bid of 2.1 million on the item. The useful idiots, however, will seldom get their hands on the actually rare tradeable items (mostly EE items from hard quests, where the EH version is far behind the EE in power).

At best, you will find the occasional useful idiot selling a +4 tome for platinum. While this is an opportunity to get something valuable (the tome) for nothing (platinum), it is still rare.

Really the only items of actual value that ever seem to swap hands for platinum are EH Tor helms with +3 to a useful stat, and Planar Focii with +3 stats.

Lots of useful stuff pop up on the AH all the time. I picked up a +13 perform augment yesterday and a +8 impulse/kinetic lore thaumaturgy staff. There are lots of +10/+9 "almost perfect" items frequently too.

Also, which items from "hard" EEs are you talking about? Afaik, there are no hard EEs. Things are only valuable because they are rare due to random mods (+3 dragon helms, various U19 loot). You can ransack quests for months and still not get the specific variation you're looking for.

05-24-2014, 02:50 PM
NECRO! -- Any updates on this? looking for a pastebin/planner load out need the rest of the feats/enhancements/level progression.

Going 2 use this to stock up on the old Guild buffs before U22 hits. Just need it to be able to get 150 Coin Lords & 150 House K favor reasonably fast/efficiently.

Asking nicely/politely/sincerely, it would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance! Cheers! :P! :)! :D!

08-07-2017, 02:06 PM
I followed this build as a guide, but changed and added few things.

1. I managed to get an extra +1 to skills and +1 CHA out of the harper tree, instead of getting haste boost out of thief tree. I took
Expeditious Retreat as a spell instead, although you have 25% spell failure, no biggie. Alternatives for more speed in public areas might be Chronoscope airship buff and/or Pendant of Time, haste pots etc.
2. I crafted a +16 haggle/+8 exceptional haggle helm, min lvl15.
3. +2 to all skills from Wild Grove airship buff
4. +2 haggle bonus from Throne Room airship buff
5. +6 haggle from Halgor d'Kundarak, cargo hold buff

Ended up with a haggle score of 92.5

I realize that DDO has changed a bunch since 2009. I dont think the harper tree was even available, and I know the airships have been upgraded, and crafting has changed. I was just messin around with this and thought I'd give a report.

Its been kinda nice having extra plat to throw around. I made 1m plat in 3 days and didn't even really try. I just grabbed the loot i normally leave behind.

03-05-2018, 06:19 PM
Still haven't killed anything with this toon but it's made me millions in plat. I ended up with a haggle 95.5 too, not 92.5

Have fun, enjoy :)

03-05-2018, 07:16 PM
Don't forget this, if you can squeeze it in:

o http://ddowiki.com/page/Item:Necklace_of_Glib_Tongue