View Full Version : Monks their weapons and ki generation
09-01-2013, 11:37 AM
Ok so I for some reason was under the impression that as a monk if you were using say a quarter staff that you would build ki. Am I just off my rocker or did I miss something in the enhancement tree? Because I am not building ki as I fight.
Thanks for the help.
09-01-2013, 01:54 PM
Ok so I for some reason was under the impression that as a monk if you were using say a quarter staff that you would build ki. Am I just off my rocker or did I miss something in the enhancement tree? Because I am not building ki as I fight.
Thanks for the help.
Are you centered?
09-01-2013, 01:58 PM
Ok so I for some reason was under the impression that as a monk if you were using say a quarter staff that you would build ki. Am I just off my rocker or did I miss something in the enhancement tree? Because I am not building ki as I fight.
Thanks for the help.
I'm currently using a qstaff on my monk on her way to a great axe kensai build, and I'm building ki just fine. You're probably not center. Make sure you're wearing cloth and aren't burdened.
09-01-2013, 02:06 PM
I've experienced this as well. I created a new monk the other day and for the first few levels I built ki just fine. But eventually I didn't build ki except with fire stance and passive ki generation from enhancements.
09-01-2013, 02:08 PM
I've experienced this as well. I created a new monk the other day and for the first few levels I built ki just fine. But eventually I didn't build ki except with fire stance and passive ki generation from enhancements.
This is very odd. Are you sure you were centered? Well if this is happening, I would bug report it. Seems very odd, especially with the million centered kensais running around, think you'd hear more about it.
09-01-2013, 02:21 PM
As far as I know I couldn't use a monk stance if I weren't centered.
09-01-2013, 02:23 PM
As far as I know I couldn't use a monk stance if I weren't centered.
This is true. Sometimes you get burdened though and don't even notice it making you uncentered while using a weapon.
09-01-2013, 02:36 PM
Ok so I for some reason was under the impression that as a monk if you were using say a quarter staff that you would build ki. Am I just off my rocker or did I miss something in the enhancement tree? Because I am not building ki as I fight.
Thanks for the help.
Lighting the candle?
32px Lighting the Candle: Cooldown: 3 seconds Weapon Stance: While you are centered, you enhance your attacks with Ki flame. Two handed weapons gain On Hit: 1d4 Fire damage and On Critical: 1d10 Force damage. One handed weapons and handwraps gain On Hit: 1d2 Fire damage and On Critical: 1d6 Force damage. Your Ki generation on hit is reduced by 1.
09-01-2013, 07:44 PM
Lighting the candle?
32px Lighting the Candle: Cooldown: 3 seconds Weapon Stance: While you are centered, you enhance your attacks with Ki flame. Two handed weapons gain On Hit: 1d4 Fire damage and On Critical: 1d10 Force damage. One handed weapons and handwraps gain On Hit: 1d2 Fire damage and On Critical: 1d6 Force damage. Your Ki generation on hit is reduced by 1.
I bet that is it. It isn't that I am not generating ki I am just bleeding Ki from getting hit. Need more AC!
09-01-2013, 07:49 PM
I bet that is it. It isn't that I am not generating ki I am just bleeding Ki from getting hit. Need more AC!
You are misunderstanding.
When you hit something (and break DR) you generate 1 ki.
Lighting the candle reduces your ki generation when you strike something by 1.
Hence you are not generating ki when you hit.
09-07-2013, 09:01 AM
Hi, my question is not about Ki generation but weapon W. This thread is good place to ask.
If i have Ki weapon, dwarwen axe (one with the blade -kensei T5 enh) im centered and in stance, does xW bonus from Dance of Flowers works with it?
As far as I know I couldn't use a monk stance if I weren't centered.I'm definitely centered on my guy I generate ki with DAxes no problem, but I switch to bow with zen archery i'm still centered but generate no ki....where is my bow ki
09-07-2013, 11:39 AM
I'm definitely centered on my guy I generate ki with DAxes no problem, but I switch to bow with zen archery i'm still centered but generate no ki....where is my bow ki
AFAIK bows have never generated ki when used even w Zen. All that Zen does is keep you from bleeding ki when you equip the bow.
I could be wrong, but that is how it seemed to me the few times I've used it on a character.
09-07-2013, 11:41 AM
Hi, my question is not about Ki generation but weapon W. This thread is good place to ask.
If i have Ki weapon, dwarwen axe (one with the blade -kensei T5 enh) im centered and in stance, does xW bonus from Dance of Flowers works with it?
It should. The note about DoF is that it does not work with bows. It should work with all melee weapons.
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