View Full Version : Challenge Farmer
08-23-2013, 08:19 PM
Updated August 18th, 2017 (Original version from before the enhancement pass can be found here (
This is a first life 32pt human monk with a +2 dex tome required for ITWF and GTWF. You can get the dex tome from the 1750 favor reward as you level. Other tomes are helpful but not required or assumed.
The role of this monk, who stays level 16 forever, is to run heroic cannith challenges, be a crucible swimmer to help out guildmates, and also be a storage mule.
Race should be human to allow the dragonmark of passage. DDoor is a key element for challenges. We also use the expeditious retreat clicky from the dragonmark for run speed. (Ideal would be an upgraded quiver of alacrity (, but the dragonmark clicky works fine.)
Challenge Farmer
Monk 16
Lawful Neutral Human
. . . . . . . .32pt . . Tome . . Level Up
. . . . . . . .---- . . ---- . . --------
Strength. . . . 15. . . . . . . . 4: WIS
Dexterity . . . 15. . . .+2. . . .8: WIS
Constitution. . 15. . . . . . . .12: WIS
Intelligence. . .8. . . . . . . .16: WIS
Wisdom. . . . . 15
Charisma. . . . .8. . . . . . . .
. . . . . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
. . . . .------------------------------------------------
Concent . 4. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 19
Jump. . . 4. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 19
Swim. . . 4. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 19
Balance . 3. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 18
Tumble. . 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
. . . . .------------------------------------------------
. . . . .16. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4
.1. . . . : Cleave
.1 Human. : Least Dragonmark: Passage
.1 Monk . : Power Attack
.2 Monk . : Two Weapon Fighting
.3. . . . : Dodge OR Past Life: Monk
.3 Monk . : Path of Harmonious Balance
.6. . . . : Great Cleave
.6 Monk . : Stunning Fist
.9. . . . : Improved Two Weapon Fighting
12. . . . : Improved Critical: Bludgeoning
15. . . . : Greater Two Weapon Fighting
Enhancements (64 of 64 AP)
Shintao (33 AP) Bastion of Purity, Protection from Tainted Creatures, Iron Hand, Argent Fist Difficulty at the Beginning, Deft Strikes III, Ki Shout
Lifting the Veil, Smite Tainted Creature, Iron Skin III, Unbalancing Strike, Conditioning III
Restoring the Balance, Jade Strike, Dismissing Strike, Constitution
The Receptive Earth, Constitution
Empty Hand Mastery
Human (19 AP) Damage Boost, Dexterity, Saves Boost Dragonmark Focus: Orien III, Improved Recovery
Lesser Dragonmark: Dimension Door
Improved Recovery, Heroism
Improved Recovery, Greater Heroism
Henshin Mystic (11 AP) Riddle of Fire, Ki Bolt, Sounding Staff Negotiator III, Way of the: Patient Tortoise
Contemplation III
Ninja Spy (1 AP) Basic Ninja Training
You would benefit slightly from the second ninja spy core, which gives dex to damage. (Your dex will be up to 6 points higher than your strength.) That +3 damage would be nice but is by no means required. The build does spend the final 1 AP on the first core to at least give dex for to-hit. (And I couldn't find anything good to spend that last point on.)
If you're getting the dex tome from 1750 favor, you probably won't reach 1750 favor until level 14 or so. In that case, take a dummy feat at 9 (Mobility?) and then when you reach 1750 favor, use the free feat exchange to swap in ITWF. You can't take level 15 until you get the dex tome and make the swap for ITWF.
If you use more tomes, you can switch around stat points taken from enhancements to even them out as necessary.
I originally just wanted a bank mule, but decided to squeeze as much utility out of the character slot as I could.
Farming heroic challenges will give you a huge penalty when you bring in your epic characters due to the severe overlevel penalty on mats awarded. Some non-epic challenges have a level range of 4-15, others have 15-20, meaning level 15 is the ideal level to farm them all. However, there are many solid reasons to take this monk to level 16, so the build is written for 16. The overlevel penalty on the 4-15 challenges is only 10%, and the recipes that call for those mats only ask for 400 (as opposed to 600) so this minor penalty is acceptable.
For challenges (and crystal cove in particular) you'll want fast movement and ddoor, so I went with a dragonmarked monk for the high run speed and five ddoors per rest. During challenges you generally want to be soloing your particular task without a hire, so this build is a light monk for survivability.
08-23-2013, 08:20 PM
For a heroic challenge farmer, the cannith crafting pass rendered most alternate gear obsolete. Instead of a list of choices, the gear is
now pretty much one size fits all.
Head: Cove Hat ( (Superior False Life of Concentration +15)
Eyes: ML16 Wisdom 8 Goggles of True Seeing w/Ins. Wisdom 3
Neck: ML16 Spell Saves 6 Necklace of Devotion 97 w/Ins. PRR 9 (Natural Armor +5)
Back: Cloak of Invisibility ( (Heavy Fort) see farming video here (
Wrist: Bracers of Wind ( (Resistance +5)
Hand: ML16 Strength 8 Gloves of Deadly 6 w/Ins. Strength 3
Waist: Arkat's Cord ( (Deathblock)
Feet: ML16 Dexterity 8 Boots of Parrying 3 w/Ins. Dexterity 3 (Jump +9)
Ring: ML16 Constitution 8 Ring of Sheltering 20 w/Ins. Constitution 3 (Blindness Immunity)
Ring: Ring of the Stalker ( (Good Luck +1)
Trinket: ML16 Doublestrike 9 Trinket of Stunning 9 w/Ins. Stunning 4
Body: Frozen Tunic ( (Protection +5)
The design is to allow situational swaps with minimal impact, as well as easiest availability of augment slot base items for crafting. The natural armor can go anywhere; it doesn't have to be necklace. Whatever green slot base item you find, put it there. (Goggles, necklace, gloves, or even boots.)
For the augments themselves: The Jump +9 augment for the boots essentially doesn't exist; craft on colorless slot boots and just wait for the augment. You can optionally carry jump potions if you like, but it's not really needed.
Protection, natural armor, and good luck can be bought in gianthold for relics (dirt cheap)
Deathblock is a store purchase, costing 95 TP
Blindness ward and heavy fort can either be purchased in the store (75 TP each) or from collectable vendors (12 astrals each)
Swaps and Clickies
Standard buffs: Visor of the Flesh Render Guards ( x 4
Crucible Swim: Cannith Crafted: ML16 Belt of Swim 16 w/Ins. Swim 8 (Underwater Action)
Infused Chaosrobe ( w/+10 reflex
Beholders: Silver Flame Necklace ( (fully upgraded)
Feather Falling and/or Jumping: Cannith Crafted: ML16 Feather Fall Boots of Jump 16
Feather Falling is for lava caves when you want to jump from the first bridge down to the western bridge. It's also kind of nice to soften the blow at the end of the long fall down the stairwell to the mother spider in rushmore's mansion. Really any feather fall swap in any slot will do the trick. A jump swap is unnecessary, but it seemed like a flavorful thing to include. (The build has 33 Jump without any augment or item.)
For weapons there are actual choices. See this post ( for analysis of the various weapons.
For dps augments, your choices are between a vampire slayer augment from Mabar, or a cheapo acid augment from gianthold. Yugoloths in extraplanar palace are immune to acid, and some of the demons and devils in various challenges are resistant to acid, so vampire slayer is preferred. But until Mabar rolls around, acid is fine.
For your main trash beater: Cannith Crafted (Good of Bludgeon w/iDeadly and a red slot) <=== best dps
Scraps of Enlightenment (
Adamantine Knuckles ( (slot Good Bypass in one of the augments)
My guy on live uses Scraps of Enlightenment with a vampire slayer augment and force damage ritual, but any of the above are outstanding choices. Vampiric stonedust wraps ( can be nice if you need vampirism to survive a tough boss fight. Note that Lit2 wraps are pretty far behind the curve compared to the above choices.
For undead: Greensteel triple positive <=== best dps
Cannith Crafted (Light of Unnatural Bane w/iDeadly and a red slot)
ML16 Mabar wraps (
My guy on live used Mabar wraps for years, then switched to triple positive when they added greensteel handwraps. The cannith crafted version is very strong, with much more on-hit damage than the others but no auto-kill on a 20 feature.
For the archon on Kobold Island: Cannith Crafted (Evil of Chaotic Outsider Bane w/iDeadly and a red slot for acid augment)
The archon is immune to electricity and resistant to cold and fire, so acid is the clear choice for the augment.
08-23-2013, 08:20 PM
. . .Base .Lvl. Item. .Ins. Tome. Ship. AP. Stance. Total .Mod
Str . 15. . . . . 8 . . 3 . . . . . 2 . . . . . . . . 28. . .9
Dex . 15. . . . . 8 . . 3 . . 2 . . 2 . .1. . .3. . . 34. . 12
Con . 15. . . . . 8 . . 3 . . . . . 2 . .2. . -2. . . 28. . .9
Int . .8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . . . 10. . .0
Wis . 15. . 4 . . 8 . . 3 . . . . . 2 . . . . . . . . 32. . 11
Cha . .8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . . . 10. . .0
Hit Points
45 Heroic Durability (autogrant)
128 Monk
144 Constitution
20 Way of the Patient Tortoise
15 Conditioning III
40 Superior False Life (cove hat)
20 Vitality (arkat's cord)
10 Draconic Vitality (agents of argo favor)
20 ship buffs (Hag Apothecary)
442 hit points
6 flurry of blows
9 bracers of wind
3 dodge (feat)
18 dodge
20 iron skin III
9 henshin cores
20 sheltering (ring)
9 insightful PRR (necklace)
58 PRR (20 MRR)
10 base
12 monk level 15 (centered bonus)
12 dexterity mod
11 wisdom mod
2 shintao cores
7 frozen tunic
5 protection (augment)
5 natural armor (augment)
3 parrying (boots)
4 ship buffs (Armory)
71 AC
Reflex Save
10 monk levels
12 dex
5 resistance (augment)
3 parrying (boots)
1 luck (augment)
4 greater heroism (dragonmark)
2 shintao cores
2 ship buffs (Chronoscope)
39 reflex save
Stunning Fist
10 base
8 half character levels
11 wisdom mod
13 item (trinket)
1 ship buffs (Grandmaster's Dojo)
43 stunning fist dc
You need to roll a total of 40 to save vs elite crucible traps, which means 39 reflex + 1 roll will do it if you're under the effects of saves boost, where 1 is no longer an auto-fail. Without boost you only need 38 reflex since a 1 fails anyway. These numbers are for elite; reaper will require higher saves. Figure aim for mid-to-high 40s for reaper, but that's just a guess.
The current is pretty strong if you don't have someone turning the valve. Figure high 40s / low 50s swim as a reasonable target.
39 reflex save (see above)
5 infused chaos robe
4 saves boost
48 reflex during crucible swim
19 ranks
9 strength mod
24 item (crafted belt swap)
1 luck
4 greater heroism
57 swim
08-23-2013, 08:21 PM
Here are my notes for soloing crucible:
Bring larafay to deal with the maze casters
1) Talk to, in order:
- Daggertooth (Gnoll) diplo
- Vrall (Hobgoblin) diplo
- Gorn (Orc) intim
- Jorgundal (Giant) twice to begin
2) Maze
- Turn auto-targeting OFF (press G)
- With hire on I valve, get two crests above and below I
- Head back toward entrance, leave I door near start closed
- With hire on K valve, get K crest
- Slot crest near K valve
- Head toward H, leave K door open from start to H
- With hire on H, slot two remaining crests
- Grab horn and beat feet
3) Maze, upper level
- Pull lever at start to reset wheels
- Kill every gnoll
- Pull far lever and run to set all 3 wheels
- Color shows in nth position; flip wheels n-1 times
4) Swim
- Be sure to open gate with lever right next to swim start
- Heroism, Parrying, Underwater Action, Swim
- After killing gnolls
- Get horn
- Do NOT touch treasure pile
- DDoor back to start, head through maze and climb ladder
(May need to have hire pull H for you)
08-24-2013, 08:44 AM
Thanks for the posting the new version of this Ellis :) it is very much appreciated :)
08-24-2013, 11:13 AM
This is subject to revision, almost certainly including a pair of damage goggles. Meaning I'll need to move my min2 gs goggles. *cries*
I've found deadly/accuracy items on Helms, Cloaks, and rings (got one with green slot too) as well so possible to slot it in either of those items and still keep goggles. Granted, the affix tend to show on goggles much more frequently.
08-24-2013, 08:00 PM
Any chance u can do this up as 1 of the Iconics? I'll let u figure it out :D :P! :)! If not thanks anyways! Cheers! Keep up the great work! :D!
08-25-2013, 03:43 AM
Any chance u can do this up as 1 of the Iconics? I'll let u figure it out :D :P! :)! If not thanks anyways! Cheers! Keep up the great work! :D!
Last time Ellis tried to build a iconic challenge farmer, I told him/her to wait until the enhancement pass, so we would have 4 options of iconic races, and the enhancement pass.
The major issue with the plan is still that "optimally", you would like to roll an iconic, jump into challenge farming, transfer mats to shared bank, and delete. I mean optimally, because this way you don't need to farm or craft for gear, and could just remake the build every time you need challenge mats. This means, we need to work with the iconic initial gear (That includes 30 nice healing potions)
If you want to keep the iconic around, and gear him up, and keep them there for anytime you need, I doubt any iconic will be better than this monk runner. I might be wrong.
08-25-2013, 01:47 PM
Last time Ellis tried to build a iconic challenge farmer, I told him/her to wait until the enhancement pass, so we would have 4 options of iconic races, and the enhancement pass.
The major issue with the plan is still that "optimally", you would like to roll an iconic, jump into challenge farming, transfer mats to shared bank, and delete. I mean optimally, because this way you don't need to farm or craft for gear, and could just remake the build every time you need challenge mats. This means, we need to work with the iconic initial gear (That includes 30 nice healing potions)
If you want to keep the iconic around, and gear him up, and keep them there for anytime you need, I doubt any iconic will be better than this monk runner. I might be wrong.
Very true, I agree with you. BUT then I gotta "work" on getting it from 7 to 16! :P! :P! :D! Lolz! >><<! Good advice though regardless. I was looking for a "shortcut" :D! :D!
08-25-2013, 03:15 PM
Because DDoor is such an essential element of challenge farming the only viable iconic build I see is a bladeforged with sorc levels.
The downside to sorc is that animated armors are highly resistant to energy damage, which results in quickly draining a level 13 or 14 sorc's mana in any of the extraplanar challenges.
In the end, what we're looking for is some kind of arcane casting combined with sustainable non-energy dps for animated armors and high burst dps for bosses. The various bosses have immunities to cold, electricty and fire, so focusing on an energy to the detriment of other energies may be problematic. If you get 2, I think cold + electricty is still probably the best bet since no one boss is immune to both and both offer effective dots.
This is starting to sound like a wizard to me, since wizard can more easily fit in haste, displace, rage, master's touch, tenser's transformation, etc... in order to have a viable melee option for animated armors while still maintaining enough varied casting power.
I'll keep thinking about the ideal split, because a "disposable" iconic really is the dream for this. No way will it be as effective as this monk build, but it can still be highly effective for almost no work. I'm convinced of it.
08-29-2013, 01:16 AM
Because DDoor is such an essential element of challenge farming the only viable iconic build I see is a bladeforged with sorc levels.
This is starting to sound like a wizard to me, since wizard can more easily fit in haste, displace, rage, master's touch, tenser's transformation, etc... in order to have a viable melee option for animated armors while still maintaining enough varied casting power.
While making and demaking toons for the wiki update, I think you should stop looking at the bladeforged and notice the sun-elf morninglord. It have +int instead of +dex, some serious light racial SLA, and can fit 11 wizard levels easily for Tenser and Ddoor. And two extra feats from wizard for metamagics.
Mayube something like Cleric 1/Wizard 12/Rogue 2?
08-29-2013, 01:19 AM
And bring a hire for heals?
08-29-2013, 01:28 AM
All iconics receive 30 of the new healing potions on creation (the ones with a HoT effect). But if those do not suffice, we can just turn him into a vampire or wraith.
08-29-2013, 02:21 AM
Oh good point; I was so focused on sorc I forgot that wizard comes with its own healing.
Yeah, that has definite potential.
08-29-2013, 11:22 PM
ok, my first try on the Morninglord iconic. Cleric 1/Rogue 1/Wizard 12/Rogue 2. Skills: Max Spellcraft, Heal, and Concentration. Spare points into jump and balance. (We will use spells for doors and locks)
Starting stats: Str 14, Dex 8, Con 14, Int 20, Wis 8, Cha 8.
With starting gear, Fire spellpower is not all that bad (this is without undead form):
Feats: 9 (6 general, 3 Wizard)
Maximize, Empower, Insightful Reflex, Extend, Heighten, Spell Pen, Greater Spell Pen, Two more (I'm pending towards Augment Summon if we use the skelly, and Power Attack)
Spell-wise, we will have one slot of level 2 or 3 permanently open because we can't learn 5 spells of one of those levels, and since the concept is to create and destroy, inscribing is off the table. I picked placeholders, but we can start thinking of stuff to place there:
Level 1: 5 slots
Level 2: 5 slots
Level 3: 5 slots
Level 4: 4 slots
Level 5: 4 slots
Level 6: 3 slots
I'm working on enhancements, but we have enough AP to get Vampire form and Enervation SLA (or Wraith form and Chain Missile SLA).
The major drawback is that even with elven armored spellcasting, we will stay with a 15% spell failure. But since we might mostly melee, this is reasonable, since it will affect mostly buffing and the ocasional attack spell. SLAs are not affected by spell failure.
08-29-2013, 11:46 PM
This is an elf, right? Can't we just grab any old robe or even go naked?
I think maybe focus more on the melee side with the feats. Kick starting str up to 16 (sacrifice int), take power attack, cleave, great cleave, improved critical, two more regular and then maximize, empower and extend with the 3 bonus feats.
For spells maybe:
Level 1: nightshield, feather fall, master's touch, sonic blast, exp retreat
Level 2: blur, invis, knock, scorching ray, web?
Level 3: haste, rage, displace, magic circle vs evil, chain missiles
Level 4: ddoor, death aura, firewall, acid rain
Level 5: niac's, eladar's, ?, ?
Level 6: tenser's, GH, true seeing
The idea being going with displacement, tenser's, GH and aura while in undead form cleaving away with whatever THF you find in the AH surrounded by firewall + acid rain plus dots if it's a named.
08-30-2013, 12:07 AM
This is an elf, right? Can't we just grab any old robe or even go naked?
Possibly, yes. But the armor have 16% fire crit on it.
I think maybe focus more on the melee side with the feats. Kick starting str up to 16 (sacrifice int), take power attack, cleave, great cleave, improved critical, two more regular and then maximize, empower and extend with the 3 bonus feats.
This build don't qualify for Improved Critical (requires BAB +8). Otherwise, that is my idea too. Melee focus and stuff. I took the feats more as placeholders to check how high spellpower would go.
Using the starting weapon is not too shabby either. The orb have +78 fire spellpower (same as random gen ML 16), and the mace have Solar III (3d4 light damage) on it. Of course, weapon type benefits a two-hander, but if you can't find a good one for cheap on the AH, the basic weapon set is not bad.
08-30-2013, 06:01 PM
Keep the brainstorming going guys! Great work! You can do it!!11 :P! :)! Very interested in that Iconic build! :D! Cheers!
08-30-2013, 10:30 PM
How about a melee based bladeforged wizard?
11 Wiz / 2 Pal / 2 Ftr
Take SLA reconstruct from Bladeforged tree for self healing.
This will give a BAB of 9, so ICrit: slashing can be taken at 15 for use with the greatsword.
6 base feats, 2 fighter, 3 wiz
PA, Cleave, GC, ICrit, Dodge, THF (str 15), iTHF (BAB 6, str 17), WF: Slashing
Wiz Feats: Extend, Eschew Materials, Quicken
Fighter Bonus Feats: iTHF, Improved Crit: Slashing (lvl 13, 14)
Feats by level: PA, Cleave, GC, Dodge, THF, WF: Slashing
Take Pld 2, Wiz 10, ftr 2, wiz 1 (to finish skills)
Repair - 18 ranks + 13 (goggles) + 2 (int) = 33 Repair spell power
Jump (to 10)
Enhancements: (56 points)
Bladeforged: 23
(1) Improved Fort (core)
(1) Inscribed Armor
(6) Mechanist 3 - 20% Improved healing from repair, +3 repair
(6) Communion of Scribing 3 - 25 SP Reconstruct, 6s cooldown
(6) Improved Power Attack 3
(1) Weapon Attachment - +.5[W]
(1) Communion of Handling - Racial Seeker 2 and grants Adamantine
(1) Power of the forge - Action boost
Kensai: 23
(1) Core I - Focus Greatswords
(6) Extra Action Boost III
(4) Weapon Spec: GS - II
(3) Haste Boost III
(6) Improved Dodge III
(3) Reed in the wind III
48 Points Spent, 8 left undecided
-- Can grab some Archmage SLAs maybe though very low spellpower / dcs
Reconstruct will heal for 150 * 1.2 (enhancement) * 1.1 (item) * ~2.05 (72 repair item, 33 skill)
~405 healing / 25 SP / 6s - unsure if this is doubled from Tenser's
-- probably overkill, can work on enhancements more later
Stats: With default gear:
Str: 14 (6) +3 lvls +5 gear = 22
Dex: 13 (8) +4 gear = 17
Con: 16 (6) + 5 gear = 21
Int: 12 (4) = 12
Wis: 6 +4 gear = 10
Cha: 15 (8) +5 gear = 20
lvl ups in Str - 17 Str to qualify for THF line
uneven con, can shift points some
3/0/0 - Paladin lvls
3/0/0 - Fighter lvls
3/3/7 - Wiz lvls
5/5/5 - Divine Grace
4/4/4 - Greater Heroism
2/2/2 - parrying gear
4/4/4 - resistance gear
7/0/0 - con (w/tensers)
0/3/0 - dex
2/2/2 - paladin aura
33 / 24 / 24
HP: (w/tensers)
-- 84 base + 105 con + 43 feat + 50 enchanted
= 282 HP
Spell points: 691
1.5[2d6] + 3, Bloodletter IV, True law
+.5[W] from
Str - 17 + 5 (item) + 4 (tensers) = 26
Dmg/swing: 1.5[2d6] + .5[2d6] = 14 + 12 (str) + 16 (power attack) + 3 (enhancement) + 3 (kensai II)
= 48 avg dmg per regular hit
Crit: 17-20x2, with seeker 2
8 Haste boots + 8 power of the forge boosts, which may be stacking, along with melee alacrity and a lot of glancing blow dmg + cleaves
Overall, should be a fine Melee fighter, decent saves, great self-healing, doesn't need an initial set of components for wiz spells. No Monk run speed or wings, but can't have everything.
As above, except take fox's cunning as a lvl 2 spell to be able to cast lvl 6 spells
I don't have a slot free to roll this up yet, so I don't know HP / SP totals. Will try to update later tonight.
goggles: +13 spot, 13 repair
head: +75% fortification, +72 repair spell power
neck: deathblock, wis +4
trinket: Cha +5, repair 10%
back: Prot +4, Greater False life
Waist: str +5, dex +4
finger 1: con +5, concentration +13
hands: melee alacrity 10%, attack bonus +2
feet: striding 25%, dodge 2%
finger 2: Parrying IV, intim +13
bracers: resistance +4, doublestrike 3%
docent: +4, vit +20, greater thorn guard
08-30-2013, 11:40 PM
I like where you're going with that. I do have a free slot to roll one up and try it out.
My only concern do you get bladeforged now? Was it only available via preorder? If a brand new player joined today, went VIP and bought both expansion standard editions, would they have bladeforged?
08-30-2013, 11:45 PM
I like where you're going with that. I do have a free slot to roll one up and try it out.
My only concern do you get bladeforged now? Was it only available via preorder? If a brand new player joined today, went VIP and bought both expansion standard editions, would they have bladeforged?
Can I get Iconics without purchasing the expansion? Can I buy them after the Expansion launches?
You must purchase one of the Shadowfell Conspiracy expansion bundles to gain access to Iconics when the expansion launches. Iconics will also be available for purchase in the DDO Store in Update 20 - each Iconic type will cost 1295 Turbine Points.
*I* don't want another BF challenge farmer though I already made one >< I *do* need another challenge farmer/bank toon though still! :P! :)!
I liked the morning lord wizzy/cleric one that nibel & Ellis were brainstorming on. Nothing wrong with razor's build at all though, just not my cup of tea at this moment.
Keep the great builds/ideas coming folks! Cheers! :P! :)!
08-31-2013, 12:04 AM
I think it's currently unavailable, but will be released in update 20. So a new player couldn't make use of this for the new few months, after which it should be in the store.
08-31-2013, 12:17 AM the second link:
What are Iconics?
Jump into the action of DDO with these new prestige characters that start in Forgotten Realms at level 15 and feature unique looks and skills. Each of these classic D&D heroes is a paragon of their race and class and features custom iconic gear, appearance options and new abilities to enhance their power. For pre-purchasing the Expansion, you will also receive immediate access to an Eberron "Bladeforged" version of Iconics. Bladeforged is only available to players who pre-purchase (it will arrive in the Store to purchase separately after Update 20). To learn more about Iconics, check out our dev diary by clicking here (!
According to the DDO Market (, if a new player today spent $50 on the Shadowfell collector's edition and even went so far as to spring for the legendary upgrade, they would not get access to Bladeforged Paladins. What I'm wondering is if Bladeforged will ever get to the store, or if it's a true "pre-order only" feature like the panther was with MotU.
08-31-2013, 12:53 AM
How about a melee based bladeforged wizard?
My major problem with Bladeforged wizard is the lack of spell power gear on their starter gear (only cover repair). That's why I started thinkering with the morninglord. His initial orb havr fire spellpower, and only the fire giant warlock on Lava Caves and devils in Shortcuts is immune to fire on the challenge maps.
Or maybe we are also looking at the wrong angle. If the intention of the Iconic runner is to create, run, and delete... maybe we might get more bang for our buck if we create specific map runners instead of a general all-around (for this we have the monk build).
Oh, and I just noticed a BIG drawback on other iconics besides Bladeforged: They start out in Whelon, and must make the long walk to Cannith.
08-31-2013, 12:58 AM
My major problem with Bladeforged wizard is the lack of spell power gear on their starter gear (only cover repair). That's why I started thinkering with the morninglord. His initial orb havr fire spellpower, and only the fire giant warlock on Lava Caves and devils in Shortcuts is immune to fire on the challenge maps.
The bladeforged wizard hybrid I rolled up only uses buffs and repair, so the lack of spellpower didn't matter. Basically, an all melee toon with a lot of nice self buffs and more healing than it should ever need.
Or maybe we are also looking at the wrong angle. If the intention of the Iconic runner is to create, run, and delete... maybe we might get more bang for our buck if we create specific map runners instead of a general all-around (for this we have the monk build).
This is a very interesting idea.
Oh, and I just noticed a BIG drawback on other iconics besides Bladeforged: They start out in Whelon, and must make the long walk to Cannith.
All iconics get the "start in eberron/start in forgotten realms" button for free. So after you create the char, exit to loading screen and you can warp straight to the hall of heroes.
08-31-2013, 01:28 AM
The bladeforged wizard hybrid I rolled up only uses buffs and repair, so the lack of spellpower didn't matter. Basically, an all melee toon with a lot of nice self buffs and more healing than it should ever need.
For that, we can stop at Wizard 7 for DDoor. Adds more melee power. Bladeforgeds get Reconstruct on their racial tree, so we don't need level 6 spells.
All iconics get the "start in eberron/start in forgotten realms" button for free. So after you create the char, exit to loading screen and you can warp straight to the hall of heroes.
Didn't knew that. This helps a lot.
08-31-2013, 01:32 AM
*I* don't want another BF challenge farmer though I already made one >< I *do* need another challenge farmer/bank toon though still! :P! :)!
Keep the great builds/ideas coming folks! Cheers! :P! :)!
Alright, next Iconic Challenge Farmer Idea (less fleshed out)
PDK - Bard 10+ / Ftr 1+ / Ranger 1
-- bard 13 gets 5th level spells, 10 gets 2 4th level spells
lvl 1: detect secret door, sonic blast, focusing chant
lvl 2: heroism, rage, blur, invis,
lvl 3: Displacement, Good Hope, Haste,
lvl 4: Freedom of Movement, Cure Critical, Dimension Door
lvl 5: greater heroism, mass suggestion, shadow walk
eyes: spot +13, blindness immunity
head: fort +100%, intim +13
neck: con +5, prot +5
trin: exc cha +1, healing amp 10%
back: res +5, greater fire res
belt: Vit +20, exc con +1
fin1: Deathblock, proof against disease +6
hand: Str +5, att +2
feet: Speed V, Dex +4, FF
fin2: Cha +6, proof against poison +6
arms: doublestrike 3%, exc str +1
body: +5 (armor 19), dr 3/-
Knight's Blade (longsword) - 2[1d8] +3, Flaming II, Vorpal
Blockade (large shield) - +4 (shield 9), Bashing IV, Riposte IV
Armor is unfortunately heavy, and arcane failure from shield isn't nice either, so drop both of those.
Str: 14 (6)
Dex: 8
Con: 14 (6)
Int: 8
Wis: 8
Cha: 18 (16) + all level ups
-- 4 points for skill or to improve saves or whatever
Power Attack
Great Cleave
Improved Crit: Slashing
WF: Slash
WS: Slash
Empower Healing
Option: Take some ranged feats instead
PDK: 12
(1) Core I - USP Boost
(2) Core II - Cha +1
(1) Core III - Dmg Boost
(2) Knight Training (Charisma for modifier)
(2) Action Surge: Charisma (2)
(4) Improved Recovery II
Deepwood Stalker: 6
(1) Core I - Far Shot
(3) Increased Empathy - 45 pos spell power
(2) Versatile Empathy - 20 pos spell power
Kensai: ???
Bard: ???
- Sprint Boost in warchanter
With enhancements, can get haste boost and extra dmg in kensai,
sprint boost in warchanter, extra SP, echoes and magical training in spell singer.
Depending on the spells desired and level split taken between bard and fighter,
various enhancement options.
Grabbing a greatsword off the AH instead of the default longsword would be
a bit of a boost as well.
Healing: ~100 pos spell power
Cure Critical (20 sp): 4d6+8+10 = ~32 base
32 * 2 * 1.2 (human amp) * 1.1 (trinket)
= ~84 avg heal
Empower healing will bump that to about 106
I think it's a bit weaker overall than the bladeforged option, but sprint boost is awesome and it should work fairly well overall.
08-31-2013, 01:33 AM
For that, we can stop at Wizard 7 for DDoor. Adds more melee power. Bladeforgeds get Reconstruct on their racial tree, so we don't need level 6 spells. Well, tenser's helps for melee. And dots (level 5 spells) have no save.
08-31-2013, 01:37 AM
For that, we can stop at Wizard 7 for DDoor. Adds more melee power. Bladeforgeds get Reconstruct on their racial tree, so we don't need level 6 spells.
I thought about that, but Wiz 11 gets you tenser's transformation for the full BAB, and extra Str/Con/Dex plus greater heroism. The extra 4 fighter lvls (assuming wiz 7, pal 2, ftr 6) gets you 2 feats, more HP, and some dmg enhancements. Still not enough fighter levels to get tier 5 kensai expanded crit threat range though.
08-31-2013, 01:47 AM
Well, tenser's helps for melee. And dots (level 5 spells) have no save.
Dots without spellpower to boost them take too long to kill stuff. Since the changes to savants to also REDUCE spellpower on opposite elements, my earth savant had to drop Eladar because even with a +128 eletric scepter, it was dealing less damage triple stacked than an single unboosted BDB. If we go Bladeforged, the smart move is to keep him as pure melee as possible, and only use his SP for buffs and Recon.
I thought about that, but Wiz 11 gets you tenser's transformation for the full BAB, and extra Str/Con/Dex plus greater heroism. The extra 4 fighter lvls (assuming wiz 7, pal 2, ftr 6) gets you 2 feats, more HP, and some dmg enhancements. Still not enough fighter levels to get tier 5 kensai expanded crit threat range though.
Fighter 6 give us the stalwart stance. +6 Str/Con, that equals rage + tenser. We can avoid the incite enhancements, and get only the PRR/save and stats.
Dimension Door don't have somatic components, so for that, arcane spell failure don't bother. For the other buff spells it does.
The major problem with the iconic runner is this point of trying to work out with the initial gear. This means if we go PDK/Sun Elf we must consider the heavy armor, if we go shadar-kai must consider the light armor and dual daggers, etc.
08-31-2013, 01:50 AM
Anyway, to help the brainstorm, a lot of enhancement trees are up to date on the wiki right now. I think the only ones missing the update are Arcanotechnician (Artificer), cleric, wiz, druid and fvs. Everything else is updated.
08-31-2013, 02:16 AM
Dots without spellpower to boost them take too long to kill stuff.Surely triple-stacking a pair of dots while also meleeing would be more dps than just meleeing, no?
Fighter 6 give us the stalwart stance. +6 Str/Con, that equals rage + tenser. We can avoid the incite enhancements, and get only the PRR/save and stats.The +6 str/con from stance will be a net dps loss because you have to equip a shield to get the +6 str/con. THF would be better dps regardless.
08-31-2013, 01:05 PM
Surely triple-stacking a pair of dots while also meleeing would be more dps than just meleeing, no?
And would we have enough SP/concentration to keep it up with max/emp while beating a boss? Rushmore's elementals hit hard on a non-evasion toon.
The +6 str/con from stance will be a net dps loss because you have to equip a shield to get the +6 str/con. THF would be better dps regardless.
I quoted wrong. I was talking about the PDK plan. Going with stalwart stance would save us the problem of hoping to find a two-hander on the AH.
09-03-2013, 06:44 PM
Just like the palemaster topic, I wantd to inform that Monk enhancements on wiki are up to date.
And that I found two pearls for our challenge runner: Fists of Iron (Tier 2 of any tree) is an attack with +3[W] and +1 crit threat and multiplier, and can be easily spammed (3 seconds cooldown, cost 5 ki); and Rise of the Phoenix (Tier 5 Shintao), a 1/rest self-raise. Since we are considering Empty Hand Mastery, this is another reason to get T5 enhancements on Shintao. The drawback is that the requisites are kinda useless, since you get 4 toggles to buff the healing ki finisher, and those 8 AP are expensive.
09-03-2013, 07:29 PM
Fists of Iron (Tier 2 of any tree) is an attack with +3[W] and +1 crit threat and multiplier, and can be easily spammed (3 seconds cooldown, cost 5 ki)I opted for Unbalancing Strike instead. Fists of Iron -- which I think of as unlimited exalted smite -- was very tempting, but I think unbalancing gives more dps. It's a +1[W] attack every 3 seconds that makes the mob susceptible to sneak attack for up to a minute with ongoing saves. A friend who also has one of these builds and I tested it on the horned devils in short cuts 20 and the horned devils shook it off after ~30 seconds, typically.
Being able to get sneak attack on what amounts to every single hit every single fight is more dps than the +3[W] attack, I think. Unless you meant to take them both? Which, if we can, will cause me hotkey issues but may be worth it.
09-03-2013, 07:47 PM
You can't take them both on the same tree, but every monk tree have this enhancement at tier 2, so you can get up to 3 elemental strikes.
I'm thinking more about Rise of the Phoenix, because on Beta it costed 100 Ki to work, but the live description make no mention of required ki, only that it have a 15 minute cooldown, and can be used once per rest. Having a self-raise on the sleeve for those times you make a mistake is great.
09-03-2013, 07:50 PM
Does your challenge farmer ever die?
09-03-2013, 08:07 PM
Sometimes, mostly on Rushmore (not the map, the mage). Combination of air elemental trips + earth elemental grab + losing evasion while grabbed, and three mobs throwing reflex-based spells on you. Usually, if I roll a 1 in an earthgrab on that fight, I die before the grab ends, or get ridiculously low on HP.
Thinking about it now, Saves Boost might remove this problem for my farmer.
09-28-2013, 04:52 AM
How well do you think this will perform in Mabar m8, I really need to get my bum in gear and get mine leveled up pronto in time for the event.
09-28-2013, 10:22 PM
How well do you think this will perform in Mabar m8, I really need to get my bum in gear and get mine leveled up pronto in time for the event.My experience with it last Halloween was that it rocked the house.
10-04-2013, 06:15 PM
Thanks buddy! I just need to learn to how play it properly and of course get him leveled up :)
10-15-2013, 09:03 PM
Since Toughness is only worth 18 HPs @ lvl 16, I would recommend Imp Sunder instead as lvl 6 monk feat; the Fortitude debuff always procs regardless of save (unless U19 nerfed it), so it can soften tougher targets for S.Fist etc.
10-16-2013, 05:46 AM
Since Toughness is only worth 18 HPs @ lvl 16, I would recommend Imp Sunder instead as lvl 6 monk feat; the Fortitude debuff always procs regardless of save (unless U19 nerfed it), so it can soften tougher targets for S.Fist etc.Solid choice, and leaves you with 410 HP so it's not like you fall back to the 300s with the riff raff. hehheh. Improved Sunder is probably better, but for me personally I just can't fit in any more combat hotkeys. I should add a note to the build. Besides which if I can slot a stunning item I'll likely no-fail stun pretty much everything without any debuffs needed.
I've been experimenting with cormyrian weapons lately, and I think I might try to farm up a pair of +4 Screaming wraps of stunning +10 w/disintegrate or lightning strike, ML16. It'll likely take a (very) long while to get that perfect combo, but it's pretty cheap and reasonably easy to farm up the mats to try. Figure it costs around 55/30/55 mats for each try when you count the mats you get back deconning the failed attempts. That's like 50 tries for a large bagful (2500) of golden lions.
The actual experiment was for my level 18 fighter who was getting a little restless with Whirlwind. He's now using a +4 screaming cormyrian greatsword of paralyzing w/corrosive salt, which is less dps compared to Whirlwind but paralyzing is incredibly satisfying.
EDIT: Note that the cormyrian wraps require a sunset ritual ingredient, which I can't even imagine farming on this monk. I'm currently theorycrafting an epic challenge farmer (drow pure wizard, level 21 using draconic) for farming epic cannith and regular eveningstar mats now that the eveningstar ones are finally bta instead of btc.
10-17-2013, 10:16 AM
Well just did a first test of this build with a guildie and we ran through Dr Rushmore's Mansion - Behind The Door. We are both level 8 at the moment and we managed to pull 921 mats in one run along with 10K in XP :) I freaking love this build!
10-18-2013, 07:11 AM high can the reflex save be pushed for an iconic swimmer?
15 rogue levels, the +3 save v. traps from mechanic, 18 dex base...
lightning reflexes?
max swim, hide/ms?
Needs to be able to manage the swim and get the horn, obviously.
10-18-2013, 10:09 AM high can the reflex save be pushed for an iconic swimmer?
15 rogue levels, the +3 save v. traps from mechanic, 18 dex base...
lightning reflexes?
max swim, hide/ms?
Needs to be able to manage the swim and get the horn, obviously.It's no doubt easily possible, but appears to be off topic for this thread. Maybe start a new one?
10-18-2013, 10:44 AM
It's no doubt easily possible, but appears to be off topic for this thread. Maybe start a new one?
...sure, though this is the updated version of your challenge farmer/crucible swimmer build, right?
ETA: was also wondering of 1 rogue/14 monk would be better for this specific application.
ETA2: pure rogue with stock gear: standing 25 reflex save, +5 v. traps from rogue, +3 v. traps from mechanic (assuming those stack)..33, 37 w/GH...+1 from ship buff...UMD is 19 so can't hit a 40, right, to scroll GH? (5% chance w/skill boost, 15% w/ship buffs?)...there's the 20 second uncanny dodge which hits 39 w/o GH. Could use other gear, I guess, but then wouldn't be FoTB.
10-18-2013, 11:53 PM
...sure, though this is the updated version of your challenge farmer/crucible swimmer build, right?It is. Both of which are monks, not rogues. If you'd like to build a rogue challenge farmer, I would encourage you to start a thread for it.
I chose monk over rogue for the run speed, abundant step and bonus feats. Also, there are undead challenges, which may be problematic for a rogue. Abundant step is extremely helpful, but the run speed is the real key. Rogues are slow.
10-19-2013, 09:39 AM
It is. Both of which are monks, not rogues. If you'd like to build a rogue challenge farmer, I would encourage you to start a thread for it.
I chose monk over rogue for the run speed, abundant step and bonus feats. Also, there are undead challenges, which may be problematic for a rogue. Abundant step is extremely helpful, but the run speed is the real key. Rogues are slow.
Hence why I was also asking if you thought the iconic with the 1 rogue/14 monk could be workable. Losing DD is a definite negative but being able to take a second account (or on another server) and generate a lvl 15 toon that could come close is a heck of a lot faster than leveling & equipping a toon from 1, 4 or even 7. I don't know monks, so I don't know if the reflex save goal can be met as readily as it can for the pure rogue for the swimmer part of the equation when starting out shadar kai.
10-19-2013, 09:58 AM
Hence why I was also asking if you thought the iconic with the 1 rogue/14 monk could be workable. Losing DD is a definite negative but being able to take a second account (or on another server) and generate a lvl 15 toon that could come close is a heck of a lot faster than leveling & equipping a toon from 1, 4 or even 7. I don't know monks, so I don't know if the reflex save goal can be met as readily as it can for the pure rogue for the swimmer part of the equation when starting out shadar kai.Monks and rogues have the same reflex save.
Losing DDoor hurts quite a bit, making all of Lava Caves problematic. If I were going to make an iconic challenge farmer I'd probably go with a 13/2 bladeforged sorc. Such a build gets everything you need for a good challenge farmer, but may run into mana problems in extraplanar palace.
Another option is a 14/1 sun elf wizard.
10-19-2013, 10:04 AM
Monks and rogues have the same reflex save...
Base save, yes, but do monks get the 1/3 lvl save v. traps boost, too, or something similar?
Splitting the functions via iconics sounds fine, though, yeah, mana limitations. maybe the new EK for sorc/wizard will help there, especially for the bladeforged.
ETA: Yes, monks can. Way of the Monkey adds +3 v traps by lvl +2 off-the-rack
Agility from ninja-spy adds +3, that matches the +5 from pure rogue levels.
(If I'm figuring this correctly.)
Though w/o level-ups in dex (started at 17) only appear to be hitting 32 v. traps counting the +3 from mechanic and +2 from monkey. (27 standing, that was with lightning reflexes as well, the agility should be counted in the 27, right?)
ETA1: Ah, yes, don't know monks, water stance, +4, standing 31 reflex save, so 36 v. traps...GH caps that off nicely as for swimming won't be going there alone, anyway.
I think I like this monk approach, thanks again!
10-19-2013, 03:13 PM
Base save, yes, but do monks get the 1/3 lvl save v. traps boost, too, or something similar?
Splitting the functions via iconics sounds fine, though, yeah, mana limitations. maybe the new EK for sorc/wizard will help there, especially for the bladeforged.
ETA: Yes, monks can. Way of the Monkey adds +3 v traps by lvl +2 off-the-rack
Agility from ninja-spy adds +3, that matches the +5 from pure rogue levels.
(If I'm figuring this correctly.)
Though w/o level-ups in dex (started at 17) only appear to be hitting 32 v. traps counting the +3 from mechanic and +2 from monkey. (27 standing, that was with lightning reflexes as well, the agility should be counted in the 27, right?)
ETA1: Ah, yes, don't know monks, water stance, +4, standing 31 reflex save, so 36 v. traps...GH caps that off nicely as for swimming won't be going there alone, anyway.
I think I like this monk approach, thanks again!I'm not entirely sure where you're going with this. Elite crucible traps have a DC of 40, which means you need 38 reflex to attain "fail only on a 1" status. The breakdown of how this build hits 38 reflex save vs traps is detailed in post #2 of the thread. (Way of the Monkey is not part of it.)
10-19-2013, 03:49 PM
I'm not entirely sure where you're going with this. Elite crucible traps have a DC of 40, which means you need 38 reflex to attain "fail only on a 1" status. The breakdown of how this build hits 38 reflex save vs traps is detailed in post #2 of the thread. (Way of the Monkey is not part of it.)
An off-the-rack iconic monk that can do I mentioned a few posts back in this thread.
You included:
10 infused chaosrobe
2 luck (trinket)
to reach that goal.
Using your build as a guide with just a couple of alterations can give a shardar-kai that can hit that without any additional gear. Might be nice to throw a robe/outfit and an underwater action item in there, but can run then right to gianthold on any server fresh out of the garrett and make the swim.
Yeah, yeah, make my own thread.
10-19-2013, 03:57 PM
Yeah, yeah, make my own thread.I actually started a brainstorming thread to make an out of the box iconic challenge farmer back in August. In the end, the only real choices are bladeforged sorc or sun elf wizard in order to get DDoor for lava caves and decent enough run speed (via haste) in mansion and kobold island.
I mean, sure, you can make a rogue to run challenges, but you can make anything to run challenges. It won't be as effective but it will work. No need to worry about traps at all; simply skip that one hall in mansion and your trap worries go away. All four pure iconics can run challenges right out of the box.
This isn't really a theorycrafting thread, though.
10-19-2013, 04:16 PM
I actually started a brainstorming thread to make an out of the box iconic challenge farmer back in August. In the end, the only real choices are bladeforged sorc or sun elf wizard in order to get DDoor for lava caves and decent enough run speed (via haste) in mansion and kobold island.
I mean, sure, you can make a rogue to run challenges, but you can make anything to run challenges. It won't be as effective but it will work. No need to worry about traps at all; simply skip that one hall in mansion and your trap worries go away. All four pure iconics can run challenges right out of the box.
This isn't really a theorycrafting thread, though.
My apologies: PDK bard? 13 bard 2 rogue 1 fighter? The 1 posted earlier up in the thread, I thought had *some* merit!
Anywhoo, back to your regularly scheduled thread, keep up the great work Ellis! :P! :)! :D!
10-19-2013, 04:46 PM
Any chance u can do this up as 1 of the Iconics? I'll let u figure it out :D :P! :)! If not thanks anyways! Cheers! Keep up the great work! :D!
Could probably make a serviceable Bladeforged Punk or Spunk (Sor/Pal/Monk) to run challenges. Fast, self healing, decent melee damage (decent enough for challenges).
10-19-2013, 04:49 PM
I mean, sure, you can make a rogue to run challenges, but you can make anything to run challenges. It won't be as effective but it will work. No need to worry about traps at all; simply skip that one hall in mansion and your trap worries go away. All four pure iconics can run challenges right out of the box.
This isn't really a theorycrafting thread, though.
I did already write that your monk approach for a swimmer appears better than the rogue approach. I've tested the rogue and it worked for the crucible, I've not tested the 1 rogue/14 monk that I rolled based on your build, but looks solid.
10-20-2013, 04:39 AM
I'm rather interested in this discussion, and would love to delve into it in more detail over in this thread:
Help me craft an Iconic Challenge Farmer (
EDIT: And yeah, a PDK bard has definite potential. Native DDoor and Haste? That's almost all the way there!
I would really, really like to be able to post a full iconic challenge farmer build thread that people could easily follow to roll up a brand new iconic who is ready to farm challenges with his default gear. As in, you decide you need challenge mats, quickly roll it up to farm the mats, then delete it. Repeat as necessary. That's definitely the dream.
But again, please, in the linked thread.
10-20-2013, 09:29 PM
Tier 2: Elemental Ki Strike: Unbalancing StrikeThis is the greatest thing since sliced bread.
I have a crafted pair of handwraps for devashta: +3 holy of vampirism. (Can now be +4 with the ML change on crafted weapons.) But thanks to unbalancing strike they're no longer needed. I don't even need lesser vampirism soloing level 20 buying time. I just go to town with my +5 holy of evil outsider bane with nothing but healing touch.
It turns out that unbalancing strike is almost 100% effective in turning devashta around. She turns around for around a half a second. It takes her a half second to turn around, she's turned for half a second, then another half second to turn back. This greatly disrupts her attack sequence, for another half second. What this means is that 2 out of every 3 seconds she is wholly unable to attack, since unbalancing strike has a 3 second cooldown. Plus it lets you do sneak attack on her so she dies faster.
Unbalancing strike is so good for this challenge farmer I can't stand it.
NOTE: It turns around mobs who aren't even attacking you. If a mob is beating on a kobold and you hit it with unbalancing, it turns around from the kobold. Same deal for extractors. Full of win.
10-25-2013, 12:16 PM
If you were going to run this a bit in mabar and happened to get a +5 tome which stat would you use it on and would that change anything about your build or starting stats? Currently I'm sitting at level 21 on my challenge farmer grabbing extra epic tokens and hearts of wood.
10-25-2013, 12:57 PM
If you were going to run this a bit in mabar and happened to get a +5 tome which stat would you use it on and would that change anything about your build or starting stats? Currently I'm sitting at level 21 on my challenge farmer grabbing extra epic tokens and hearts of wood.I'm going another way for an epic challenge farmer. The monk detailed in this thread will be for heroic cannith challenges, crucible, and an extra level choice during events. (It's of course fantastic at both cove and mabar.)
For an epic challenge farmer I'm planning on a level 21 drow pure wizard pale master with the entire skeleton pet line to leave the pet guarding center for kobold torch line challenges. The pale master will be able to farm epic tokens, epic cannith challenge mats, and also be better suited than a monk for farming eveningstar challenge mats.
10-25-2013, 03:48 PM
I'm going another way for an epic challenge farmer. The monk detailed in this thread will be for heroic cannith challenges, crucible, and an extra level choice during events. (It's of course fantastic at both cove and mabar.)
For an epic challenge farmer I'm planning on a level 21 drow pure wizard pale master with the entire skeleton pet line to leave the pet guarding center for kobold torch line challenges. The pale master will be able to farm epic tokens, epic cannith challenge mats, and also be better suited than a monk for farming eveningstar challenge mats.
Actually this is my heroic challenge farmer based on your monk build, after the enhancement pass hit he was required to level to 18 (due to tons of xp from challenges). I've been getting ready to tr him but hes kinda fun to play at epic levels and of course destroys the challenges. I'll TR him pretty soon though.
Your build sounds pretty fun, I'm doing a cha based toon for epic challenges with Chest blessing, undecided on bard, or sorc though. Prefer if its viable on EE content.
Why leave it at level 21?
10-25-2013, 07:51 PM
Why leave it at level 21?To get the maximum underlevel parts bonus from running cannith challenges at 25.
To that end, I respecced my pale trapper (18/2 wizard/rogue, currently level 25) to take the full pet line to test. With 18 wizard levels and 5 epic levels his pet was CR23, compared to a level 21 pure wizard's CR21 pet. Not a perfect test, but close enough.
So I went into colossal crystal on 25 (max) and parked the skeleton in the circle at the start. (Not a circle of power; that first intersection just forward from the foreman.) Then I hung back and watched him deal with incomings by himself. He did quite well, easily handling the first 2 incomings and then absolutely owning the giant mage who showed up next. It was a thing of beauty. It took him ages to kill the mage since they're a boated sack of hp, but the mage almost couldn't hurt the pet at all.
The idea will be to still go back for incomings, but only when it's a convenient time for you as opposed to the second the foreman whines "Hjeal meh!" Top off your pet with neg energy burst and then get back to what you were doing.
10-26-2013, 06:35 AM
I'm going another way for an epic challenge farmer. The monk detailed in this thread will be for heroic cannith challenges, crucible, and an extra level choice during events. (It's of course fantastic at both cove and mabar.)
For an epic challenge farmer I'm planning on a level 21 drow pure wizard pale master with the entire skeleton pet line to leave the pet guarding center for kobold torch line challenges. The pale master will be able to farm epic tokens, epic cannith challenge mats, and also be better suited than a monk for farming eveningstar challenge mats.
Sounds like fun m8, I had thought about another Monk build very similar to yours and using ED's for extra oomph (looking at you EiN) but using a Wizard is going to be like using a nuclear bomb to swat a fly! Looking forward to you posting it up though not looking forward to finding room in my stable for yet another build :(
10-31-2013, 11:12 PM
I went through and redid my weapons based on the new ML formula for weapons and armor: 2(x-1) instead of 2x-1. Keep in mind that my guy is Lawful Good to allow use of Pure Good, which I'm now super happy about:
Trash: +5 Screaming of Pure Good w/red: Greater Acid (crafted)
Heals: +3 Screaming Flametouch Threaded of Vampirism (crafted)
Undead: ML16 Wraps of Endless Light
Outsiders: +5 Holy of of Greater Evil Outsider Bane (crafted)
Giants: +4 Acid of Greater Giant Bane w/red: Greater Acid (crafted)
Archon: +5 Unholy of Greater Chaotic Outsider Bane (crafted)
Construct: +2 Smiting (lootgen)
The ML16 augments do 1d6 elemental damage, and acid seems to be the least resisted for general purpose use. That means the trash beaters are +5 paragon wraps with 3d6 procs per swing on pretty much everything, and they break almost all dr in the game thanks to shintao and taking level 16. (Good, silver, cold iron, byeshk and adamantine.) Just them alone would be sufficient for pretty much everything. The "heals" wraps also break all the same dr thanks to being flametouch threaded.
Now that greater banes have come down from +4 to +3 enchantment level I was able to kick those up a notch for my boss beaters. I threw in the archon killer for the heck of it.
The irony is that my weakest weapon is now the mabar wraps. Those smiters are also a little suspect; if I get unlucky on vorpals the trash beaters do the same damage to constructs. But of course the vorpal effect puts them over the top so I kept them.
11-02-2013, 04:33 AM
With my new computer I can capture video. New toy! Shiny!
Now I'm putting together a cannith challenge tutorial thread. It's still under construction, but the videos are up. Check them out here (
11-02-2013, 01:21 PM
With my new computer I can capture video. New toy! Shiny!
Now I'm putting together a cannith challenge tutorial thread. It's still under construction, but the videos are up. Check them out here (
Great job buddy! Will be checking these out soon!
11-03-2013, 03:19 AM
Spent this morning trying to come up with a gear set for this guy since you said that you were revising it, so far I have been struggling to juggle everything to get everything in! However, one thing I keep coming back to is the Garments of Equilibrium (, I know Frozen Tunic is good for the procs and Ki generation but a flat out full die step up on damage is seriously good imo. These would free up Heavy Fort from the GS item so could go with 45HP/Smoke (2 Displacement clickies for boss fights :D) which in turn would free up bracers (though that means losing out on Dodge 6%) and all this is just for 2 slots! Then just when I think things can't get more complicated I remember Jidz-Tet'ka ( from House D!
I think I'm going to go lie down now or something my head hurts from all these numbers :cool:
11-03-2013, 05:02 AM
The only problem with the garments is that they're super fragile. I wouldn't be surprised if they flat-out broke during mansion runs. Apart from that, losing the ki regeneration from the tunic is a dealbreaker. Not to mention that freezing ice procs all the time.
I'm actually thinking of centering the gearset around Arkat's Cord (, because you're definitely right about reinforced fists.
Key dps gear:
Arkat's Cord
Brawling Gloves (+6 strength, 1d4 piercing damage every hit, +6 sneak attack damage)
Deadly goggles or necklace
Frozen tunic
Ring of the Stalker (manslayer procs enough to notice)
Key survivability gear:
Bracers of Wind
Cloak of Invisibility
Regarding greensteel, I'm starting to think +45 hp concordant op might be a viable choice if only as an underhanded way to slot +6 wisdom without having to use up a crafted accessory slot for wisdom. Not as good as stoneskin or displacement, but occasional temp hit points is something, at least.
I'm also thinking I'd like to try and cram in 30% striders if possible.
EDIT: And the cove hat is a clear winner if only for kobold haste. That it also gives superior false life and +15 concentration is crazy good. Hmmm, that's most of the gear. Let's see what that basis looks like:
Head: Cove Hat
Eyes: Deadly (lootgen)
Back: Cloak of Invisibility w/Resistance +5
Wrist: Bracers of Wind
Hand: Brawling Gloves
Waist: Arkat's Cord
Feet: Striding 30% (lootgen)
Ring: Ring of the Stalker
Mainhand: +5 Screaming of Pure Good w/Greater Acid
Let's see, we still need:
Wisdom, at least +6
Constitution, at least +6 (can we get +8 from Shadowfell? skirmisher's ring? wiki is unclear...)
Greensteel HP (is this really needed if we can hit 400+ without it?)
Heavy Fortification
Deathblock (can be slotted in Arkat's Cord)
DR (ring of the djinn? kaelth's touch? the old plan had no dr)
PRR? (old plan had no prr)
Good luck?
True Seeing?
That's an awful lot to try and cram into 3 slots.
11-03-2013, 06:09 AM
Let's see, we still need:
Wisdom, at least +6
Constitution, at least +6 (can we get +8 from Shadowfell? skirmisher's ring? wiki is unclear...)
Greensteel HP (is this really needed if we can hit 400+ without it?)
Heavy Fortification
Deathblock (can be slotted in Arkat's Cord)
DR (ring of the djinn? kaelth's touch? the old plan had no dr)
PRR? (old plan had no prr)
Good luck?
True Seeing?
That's an awful lot to try and cram into 3 slots.
30% striding can be had from the Quiver of Alacrity though I understand it's a right PITA to get hold of but it is an option at least. Cannith Jet Boots are lvl 18 so unless we take an extra 2 levels I can't see how to fit in Jump however, there is always Jump pots for +10 and they are dirt cheap so that might be something there? Good Luck is +2 to saves? With having Saves Boost and Greater Heroism that is +8 to saves do we really need the extra +2? Heavy Fort we have got to fit in somewhere, my initial thought was maybe a Blue Augment but that would/could mess things up for everything else. I am fairly sure +8 Con can be had from Shadowfell I just can't recall what it is on (will have a look later). So that leaves us with Wisdom and Devotion left, I think trinket is good for Devotion maybe even as a hotswap if push really came to shove.
As far DR and PRR, the old build didn't include any so I don't us losing out really if we keep it that way. There is just to much to slot in with everything else :(. True Seeing is certainly handy but maybe this could also be a hotswap somewhere? I can't think of any challenge where True Seeing would be really handy/needed apart from casters who cast Blur/Displace on themselves but that is about it.
I can feel this headache coming back *sigh*
The Thrill of the Hunt ( has CON +8 gloves but there is nothing else on them which seems a bit of a waste of the slot to be honest.
11-03-2013, 03:29 PM
I agree with a lot of what you're saying there.
Currently on live, my challenge farmer hotswaps true seeing as needed. It's actually worse than that; he hotswaps a crafted pair of Detect Secret Doors goggles. He no longer has any true seeing at all, and I haven't noticed any problems. So true seeing is nice but not needed.
I do keep +2 luck on at all times, and IMO it's very much worth it. I'd really like to keep it slotted. Trinket is the natural fit for it.
Heavy fort could actually go in the cloak, moving resistance to somewhere else. I say this because it's easy to craft resistance anywhere you like, but heavy fort is both hard to craft and even harder to craft in different slots. Or, just keep a min2 hp item? I do use stoneskin a lot...
Speaking of heavy fort, a guildie who has the same build picked up a pair of deadly goggles with a green slot. That would be a nice way to get heavy fort taken care of for free.
Crud, I totally forget dex. Hmmm. That means we need to figure out how to slot wis, con and dex. Now I remember why I didn't slot striding boots into the old gearset.
11-03-2013, 05:10 PM
Madstone Boots look like a winner. +6 dex and 30% striding.
The rage effect prevents laying torches, but it wouldn't be too bad to just use defensive stance to cancel it assuming that's how it works.
11-03-2013, 07:07 PM
OK so we have to find 3 main stats (assuming going with the Madstone Boots) and have how many slots left if any? I am starting to think that trying to fit in the Deadly googles is causing more issues with gear than they are worth, assuming we could find a pair with a Green slot on it that would use up +3 enchantment before anything else is on it so we probably/possibly would not get that much in the way of Deadly anyway. Add to this at the moment does your guy lack for DPS mine certainly doesn't and that is at level 10 with some basic gear (+6 stat items etc).
Hmm maybe we are looking at this from the wrong angle slightly, rather than trying to slot absolutely everything we could possibly want lets just start off with the "absolute must haves not going to be changed in a million years" so with that in mind I think we are so far at:
Body: ML15/16 Tier 3 Frozen Tunic (Lesser Freezing Ice, Fire Shield (Cold), Enhanced Ki +1, Craftable +3).
Waist: Elite Arkat's Cord (Vitality +20, Reinforced Fists, Yellow Augment Slot w/ Deathblock)
Gloves: ML16 Tier 3 Brawling Gloves (Strength +6, Spike Studded, Glass Jaw Strike, Sneak Attack Bonus +4)
Head: Cove Hat (Superior False Life +40, Kobold Haste and Concentration +15).
Wrists: ML15/16 Tier 3 Bracers of Wind (Blurry, Dodge Bonus 3%, Air Guard, Craftable +3)
Ring: ML15/16 Ring of the Stalker (Exceptional Sneak Attack Bonus +2, Seeker +4, Manslayer, Ethereal, Craftable +3).
Trinket: Devotion +48 & Good Luck 2
Eyes: Green Steel 45HP ConOp (+6 Wisdom).
Neck: Constitution +6 of Resistance +X (crafted).
Back: <empty at the moment>
Ring: Dexterity +6 of <something>
That would leave 4 slots for other things, Heavy Fort isn't included in the above set up but we could go back to the GS option for that. With the above in place we still need CON, DEX and WIS and these I think are the absolute must haves otherwise the build is going to be totally different, like I said trying to fit in the Deadly goggles just messes everything up imo. GS ConOp +6 WIS is a distinct possibility though that is a fair amount of grinding for such an important stat, another thing that has occured to me is that due to stances and tomes (+4 at level 15) etc there could well be odd numbered stats now I know we have to have WIS as high as possible for Stunning Fist DC's but if there is no difference between using a +6 or a +5 then go with the +5 and see if that means we can get something else in it's place (crafted maybe?).
There is also the Eldritch Ritual for Force which could be added to the various sets of wraps for an extra +1 damage per hit. The other thing I thought of is if we go with GS ConOp Goggles for WIS +6 we could go the whole hog and make the Displacement clickie anyway and hotswap between the two, having 3 minutes worth of Displacement is just so full of win.
Added in a few options which I think has everything covered and leaves the cloak slot free at the moment, anyway have a look and see if I have missed anything that we need. The main problem I have here is that the crafting levels needed are fairly high compared to the original final gear set so it would be harder for folks to make stuff.
11-03-2013, 08:09 PM
The main problem I have here is that the crafting levels needed are fairly high compared to the original final gear set so it would be harder for folks to make stuff.That's a fair point that I very much take into consideration.
Off to finish watching football; will mull over the possibilities. You forgot cloak of invisibility, btw.
11-03-2013, 08:31 PM
You forgot cloak of invisibility, btw.
Doh! I knew I would forget something somewhere.
11-04-2013, 01:20 PM
Anyone figure out some options for farming challenges with any of the new iconics?
11-04-2013, 06:12 PM
Anyone figure out some options for farming challenges with any of the new iconics?There are several nice ideas posted later on in this thread (
11-12-2013, 06:18 PM
Got a question:
Have you considered a lvl 4 challenge farmer? I know the lvl 15 one has several advantages, including crucible swimmer (big advantage!), but the lvl 4 could be easier to equip and take advantage of the challenges being easier at low levels.
My thoughts:
1.) You can get the dimension door enhancement even at lvl 4.
2.) The best AE breaker seems like either cleave/gcleave or khybers fury with master craftsmanship. Run speed is key, so I lean towards cleave/gcleave.
3.) Greater cleave would require bab 4 meaning all melee type classes with fighter taken at lvl 4. The obvious choices are barb (run speed/rage) or pally (divine might) splash.
4.) Cure serious potions would cover healing just fine at lvl 4
5.) There are several good weapon options such as Carnifex or something of icy burst laceration.
Something like human 2 fighter/2 barb
dragon mark/power attack/cleave/great cleave/stunning blow (toughness doesn't seem worth much at lvl 4)
You have spent a lot of time fine tuning your challenge runner, and I would be very curious to hear what you think when you apply that knowledge to a lvl 4 version.
11-12-2013, 06:24 PM
Something like human 2 fighter/2 barb
dragon mark/power attack/cleave/great cleave/stunning blow (toughness doesn't seem worth much at lvl 4)I like this concept a lot, though I suspect the regular ol' Trip (you likely wouldn't be able to manage improved trip) would be more effective than stunning blow, if only because there's a fair amount of unstunnable mobs like undead and animated armor. You get trip for free, of course, so that's just a random thought.
A level 4 alt can only enter Kobold Chaos, Behind the Door and Circles of Power. You're physically prevented from entering any other challenge due to being below the lowest level of the challenge.
For those three challenges it might be able to outperform my level 16 for parts:minute by running them at level 8 (or higher), but it might be tough to outperform it significantly enough to merit the effort. Especially since those parts aren't used by much.
Here's what my level 16 can (did) get from those three challenges:
Behind the Door: 741 parts in 33 minutes
Circles of Power: 518 parts in 20 minutes
Kobold Chaos: 647 parts in 15 minutes
Those figures are from the videos in the tutorial thread.
11-12-2013, 06:39 PM
Got a question:
Have you considered a lvl 4 challenge farmer? I know the lvl 15 one has several advantages, including crucible swimmer (big advantage!), but the lvl 4 could be easier to equip and take advantage of the challenges being easier at low levels.
My thoughts:
1.) You can get the dimension door enhancement even at lvl 4.
2.) The best AE breaker seems like either cleave/gcleave or khybers fury with master craftsmanship. Run speed is key, so I lean towards cleave/gcleave.
3.) Greater cleave would require bab 4 meaning all melee type classes with fighter taken at lvl 4. The obvious choices are barb (run speed/rage) or pally (divine might) splash.
4.) Cure serious potions would cover healing just fine at lvl 4
5.) There are several good weapon options such as Carnifex or something of icy burst laceration.
Something like human 2 fighter/2 barb
dragon mark/power attack/cleave/great cleave/stunning blow (toughness doesn't seem worth much at lvl 4)
You have spent a lot of time fine tuning your challenge runner, and I would be very curious to hear what you think when you apply that knowledge to a lvl 4 version.
While I certainly love the ease with which I can run these lower challenges, there honestly is not enough gear that use the ingredients that the only 4 that you can run drop that would make this worthwhile for me.
I created a level 15 iconic farmer that is working awesome.
The interesting side effect is that I have my lvl 8 monk farmer that I was leveling up, kind of left in limbo. But he is still viable and can run 4 additional challenges, so he still might have use.
I would suggest if you are looking for a super low level farmer, to take advantage of the ease of challenges at that level, then a lvl 8 toon would be more optimal than a lvl 4 toon just simply for the number of effective challenges that you can run.
11-12-2013, 06:44 PM
I would suggest if you are looking for a super low level farmer, to take advantage of the ease of challenges at that level, then a lvl 8 toon would be more optimal than a lvl 4 toon just simply for the number of effective challenges that you can run.Agreed, and it's pretty painless to roll one up if you have vet2 and can start at level 7.
I was surprised to learn in researching my response that a level 4 cannot enter any extraplanar palace challenge.
11-12-2013, 06:52 PM
I would suggest if you are looking for a super low level farmer, to take advantage of the ease of challenges at that level, then a lvl 8 toon would be more optimal than a lvl 4 toon just simply for the number of effective challenges that you can run.
Unless the level 8 is far far easier to equip... the level 15 is probably a better overall package. EllisDee37 has done a great job of min/maxing this to the nth degree!
11-12-2013, 09:47 PM
Still looking in to gear but so far can't find anything better than what is posted in post #73:
Body: ML15/16 Tier 3 Frozen Tunic (Lesser Freezing Ice, Fire Shield (Cold), Enhanced Ki +1, Craftable +3).
Waist: Elite Arkat's Cord (Vitality +20, Reinforced Fists, Yellow Augment Slot w/ Deathblock)
Gloves: ML16 Tier 3 Brawling Gloves (Strength +6, Spike Studded, Glass Jaw Strike, Sneak Attack Bonus +4)
Head: Cove Hat (Superior False Life +40, Kobold Haste and Concentration +15).
Wrists: ML15/16 Tier 3 Bracers of Wind (Blurry, Dodge Bonus 3%, Air Guard, Craftable +3)
Ring: ML15/16 Ring of the Stalker (Exceptional Sneak Attack Bonus +2, Seeker +4, Manslayer, Ethereal, Craftable +3).
Trinket: Devotion +48 & Good Luck 2
Eyes: Green Steel 45HP ConOp (+6 Wisdom).
Neck: Constitution +6 of Resistance +X (crafted).
Back: Cloak of Invisibility w/ Heavy Fort slotted.
Ring: Dexterity +6 of <something>
11-13-2013, 12:35 AM
Oh, one flaw in this build is the complete lack of umd. Even 1 single rank is sufficient, but stealing up to 6 ranks from balance and swim is desirable. (Keep concentration and jump maxed, though.)
Knock scrolls are 24 UMD. Assuming a +6 cha of persuasion ring swap with a +2 cha tome:
1 rank
4 GH
2 luck
3 persuasion
4 cha mod
4 skills boost (replaces human vers: saves, which I never use)
18 umd = 75% success with 1 rank
I've been told that the locks in mansion (in the trap hall guarding a treasure trove of crests) have a DC of 1, so scrolling knock should be no-fail if you can hit the umd. It also looks like 6 ranks in UMD gives 100% knock scrolls, so 6 ranks is the goal.
This finally gives me incentive to go up to 20 and TR my guy.
EDIT: Actually it's damage boost, not saves boost, and I use damage boost all the time. Still, the concept is there.
11-13-2013, 12:41 AM
Do you know what is DC of secret door in rushmore's mansion?
I had an alt used to farm challenges, and now I need to craft a new item, but previously used secret door detection wands are not enough anymore.
11-13-2013, 01:09 AM
Do you know what is DC of secret door in rushmore's mansion?
I had an alt used to farm challenges, and now I need to craft a new item, but previously used secret door detection wands are not enough anymore.Running level 20 mansion on my 16, a crafted pair of secret door detection goggles is sufficient.
I do not know about epic, though.
11-13-2013, 01:30 AM
Running level 20 mansion on my 16, a crafted pair of secret door detection goggles is sufficient.
I do not know about epic, though.
On epic, Tharne's Goggles are enough, just like any TS.
But I probably shouldn've said that, probably DC bump is coming ;p
11-14-2013, 10:34 AM
I have a HElf Monk 16 left over from the free Stone of Experience period that I am considering TRing into this. HElf isn't what it used to be, and I find I actually enjoy the challenges so dedicating a slot makes sense. I figured I might drop Toughness in favor of the PL:Monk feat for the extra +0.5d6 unarmed damage, which requires some shuffling of feats. I would shift Stunning Fist down to 6M in place of Toughness, which lets me take TWF as a Monk feat and thus frees up a non-Martial Arts feat slot for the PL feat. I can't see the extra 18 HP mattering much once you are geared as much as you are, but would you disagree?
And I will probably drop the extra build points into INT 10 to get UMD, as suggested more recently.
(... Although the odds of me getting the character leveled, TR'd, and re-leveled, and geared is so laughably close to nil that this is mostly a thought exercise.)
11-14-2013, 10:45 AM
I have a HElf Monk 16 left over from the free Stone of Experience period that I am considering TRing into this. HElf isn't what it used to be, and I find I actually enjoy the challenges so dedicating a slot makes sense. I figured I might drop Toughness in favor of the PL:Monk feat for the extra +0.5d6 unarmed damage, which requires some shuffling of feats. I would shift Stunning Fist down to 6M in place of Toughness, which lets me take TWF as a Monk feat and thus frees up a non-Martial Arts feat slot for the PL feat. I can't see the extra 18 HP mattering much once you are geared as much as you are, but would you disagree?
And I will probably drop the extra build points into INT 10 to get UMD, as suggested more recently.Agreed on all of that.
12-01-2013, 07:18 PM
I have a HElf Monk 16 left over from the free Stone of Experience period that I am considering TRing into this. HElf isn't what it used to be, and I find I actually enjoy the challenges so dedicating a slot makes sense. I figured I might drop Toughness in favor of the PL:Monk feat for the extra +0.5d6 unarmed damage, which requires some shuffling of feats. I would shift Stunning Fist down to 6M in place of Toughness, which lets me take TWF as a Monk feat and thus frees up a non-Martial Arts feat slot for the PL feat.I'm about to buy a month of VIP for the free hearts and a couple weeks left of the 15% xp bonus, so I sat down to hammer out the TR feat list since the main project during the month of VIP will be getting my challenge farmers in order. It actually requires a little more shuffling than you describe but it's still workable:
1 Cleave
1M Power Attack
1H Dragonmark
3 Past Life
6 Great Cleave
6M Stunning Fist
12 Improved Crit
12-02-2013, 09:02 AM
I didn't read the whole thread intensively. Just wanted to put in some brainstorming here. If you want a lvl 16 character did anyone check if a Bladeforged 14 Sorc/2 FvS endless SP build with Firesorc SLAs would work for this?
- SLAs: Reconstruct, Burning Hands, Scorch, Fireball, Heat Death and maybe Improved Mage Armor and Improved Shield from EK
- all SLAs boosted by metamagics for free (except Heat Death)
- all fire spells boosted with DOT by the Immolation Core ability
- all fire spells have double chance to proc temporary spellpoints through Fanning the Flames (Sorc) and Just Reward (FvS)
- all fire spells have double chance to gain temporary fire spellpower through Conflagration (Sorc) and Scourge (FvS)
- all fire spells have higher crit range through Spell Critical Fire (Sorc) and Smiting (FvS)
- all force spells have enhanced crit range and can proc temporary spellpoints through FvS enhancements
- Combined with a GS Conc Opp item (+10 HP, +150 SP) and a Torc you might never run out of SP
- Frost/Electric DOTs and Force spells vs. Fire Immune Mobs
Well geared a single delayed blast fireball is usually a room cleaner with a fire sorc.
Also the heroic Wheloon and Stormhorn Chains have a lot of easy to get great gear for ML 15 in their end rewards to consider.
12-02-2013, 09:26 AM
That does sound solid. What would you use for Devashta?
12-02-2013, 11:55 AM
That does sound solid. What would you use for Devashta?
Devashtha is not immune to fire spells. Only resistant. I didn't try if the Immolation DOTs go past the resistance but with the high building temporary spellpower the fire spells surely will. Also you can use force spells (Magic Missile/Force Missile for enhanced crits and temporary spellpoints) and the Niac's Biting Cold DOT. Perhaps you have even a slot for Ice Storm in your arsenal.
I didn't make a build for challenges yet. I only tested it in normal quests and was quite surprised and satisfied with the power and sheer endless spellpoints. For higher levels you would go 16 Sorc/2 FvS/2 Paladin and Shiradi ED
12-02-2013, 05:20 PM
Devashtha is not immune to fire spells. Only resistant. I didn't try if the Immolation DOTs go past the resistance but with the high building temporary spellpower the fire spells surely will. Also you can use force spells (Magic Missile/Force Missile for enhanced crits and temporary spellpoints) and the Niac's Biting Cold DOT. Perhaps you have even a slot for Ice Storm in your arsenal.With weakened cold spells (niac's, polar ray) it's not really a mana issue but more of a time thing. It may end up taking forever and a day to kill her with fire simply by virtue of fire spells being slower dps on meatbag bosses like Devashta.
You essentially don't get dots due to weakened cold spells and her natural immunity to electricity.
12-02-2013, 06:40 PM
With weakened cold spells (niac's, polar ray) it's not really a mana issue but more of a time thing. It may end up taking forever and a day to kill her with fire simply by virtue of fire spells being slower dps on meatbag bosses like Devashta.
You essentially don't get dots due to weakened cold spells and her natural immunity to electricity.
Like i said i haven't done a build or completely thought of what spells you would need to throw in to be able to solo all the challenges or how fast the DPS with maybe only force spells and ice storm is (or what damage the boosted fire spells really do on Devashtha). I just wanted to throw in an idea of a powerful build with high spellpoint resources and easy self-healing that fulfills the requirements of having DD, Haste, Rage, Displacement, AOE and some other good things needed for challenges. And on top of it it's an iconic so you can start it at level 15 right away.
I'm not sure if ice storm is affected by Just Reward, Smiting and Scourge since it has a physical damage component and is affected by force spellpower but i guess it should.
If it can be built good enough to be great in challenges is for you to decide. The only challenges i run are the eveningstar ones and i mostly don't solo these so i'm not an expert for house C. Fire giants might have the same issues that might or might not come up with Devashtha. Most of it depends on the choice of spells and spellpower gear i would say but this build might be a good basis.
12-02-2013, 06:51 PM
The only challenges i run are the eveningstar onesI would think cold-specced would be better for eveningstar due to Ring of Fire being all fire mobs.
12-02-2013, 09:15 PM
I would think cold-specced would be better for eveningstar due to Ring of Fire being all fire mobs.
I run Eveningstar Challenges in Shiradi so i do force damage all the time anyway. And since i'm farming for spelltouched shuriken i don't need the ingredients of Ring of Fire. I run it only for XP once a life.
12-02-2013, 11:35 PM
I run Eveningstar Challenges in Shiradi so i do force damage all the time anyway. And since i'm farming for spelltouched shuriken i don't need the ingredients of Ring of Fire. I run it only for XP once a life.For epic challenges I'd rather be in Draconic for the insta-kill via DPS that is energy burst and dragon's breath. There is nothing in any epic challenge that even approaches epic elite.
I was confused, though, because I thought you were talking about a heroic bladeforged farmer.
12-03-2013, 12:10 AM
For epic challenges I'd rather be in Draconic for the insta-kill via DPS that is energy burst and dragon's breath. There is nothing in any epic challenge that even approaches epic elite.
I was confused, though, because I thought you were talking about a heroic bladeforged farmer.
The suggestion i made is for a heroic bladeforged farmer. I just said that i'm not an expert with house C challenges and that i did neither test the build there nor did i do a whole thought out build but just a suggestion that might (or might not) work pretty well.
The builds i use for getting Eveningstar ingredients are the ones i use for normal questing. They work just fine there and no special built challenge farmer is needed. And as i said i usually don't solo them anyway.
12-03-2013, 11:06 AM
Sorry to stick my nose in but...
I have run a fair number of Heroic Cannith Challenges on a BF Sorc that was spec'd as Air primary and Fire secondary. I found that my augmented Fire abilities were somewhat effective on Devashta but that she went down fairly slowly with just Fire. It will be faster with Fire as a primary focus but I am a little concerned that it still will be a bit slow.
Rather than using a weakened Niac's DoT or Ice Storm against her Cold resistances, maybe it would be easier to invest a little into Earth and use Acid spells instead?
When dealing with Devashta as Air-specced, she has no resistance to Sonic damage and Air gives boosts to that as well as Lightning so the tactic I settled on was putting her in a FW and then spamming Sonic Blast and Racial SLA Reconstructing as necessary. The stronger sonic spells tend to remove persistent AoEs so they do not mix well with FW, but in my testing it seemed like the time to kill her with better sonic spells was no better than FW & the weak one and it cost me more SP to use the bigger casts. This is a bit slower than meleeing her down on a melee-specced character, but not terrible.
12-03-2013, 05:32 PM
in my testing it seemed like the time to kill her with better sonic spells was no better than FW & the weak one and it cost me more SP to use the bigger casts. This is a bit slower than meleeing her down on a melee-specced character, but not terrible.It takes my level 16 monk around 20 seconds to kill Devashta on CR20 runs. In the video attached to my turorial thread I engage her proper at 3:40 and she dies at 3:58, for a total of 18 seconds start to finish. (Youtube link here ( Roughly how long did your guy take with fire spells? It may be easy to estimate based on the number of times you refreshed firewall.
It takes my level 15 acid sorc bladeforged about 5 seconds. Hard to beat acid for a cannith challenge runner.
12-03-2013, 07:53 PM
It takes my level 15 acid sorc bladeforged about 5 seconds. Hard to beat acid for a cannith challenge runner.Which spells? (And yeah, acid is great for challenges.)
EDIT: Just did some testing, CR20 Devashta has 5,000 HP even. I'm skeptical your level 15 Bladeforged sorc has 1000 DPS. Could you grab screenshots at the start and end of the fight? Preferably with the XP window open showing the challenge level.
12-04-2013, 05:23 AM
I wouldn't really stress speed to kill Devashta as being particularly important anyway to be honest.
Provided it's under a minute or so, setup your torches for a room or two in advance, be ready when she comes (always at quota) and don't kite her over the kobold line.
I'd take some convincing to buy that any sort of blue bar was the right answer for a generalized heroic challenge runner since in everything but mansion and lava caves SP conservation is huge factor. Oh, and in Buying Time specifically I suppose it doesn't matter too.
Aren't the yugoloth things immune to acid? They annoy me more than her, but that may be a pet hate. If we're specifically talking just a Buying Time farmer I can appreciate the import of kill speed on her.
12-04-2013, 07:18 AM
I wouldn't really stress speed to kill Devashta as being particularly important anyway to be honest. Yeah, if it's like 35-40 seconds that's workable, even in Buying Time. But if it's more like a minute then I wouldn't want to go that route. I do like his point about relying heavily on SLAs for mana conservation, though. The question is can you kill Devashta with just the fire SLAs in any reasonable amount of time? In Dragon's Hoarde you're left with 15 minutes (and two more bosses to kill) after the Devashta fight with no shrines, so mana dumping for bosses may be problematic.
I flat-out don't believe cdr's boast. It stinks of epeen.
12-04-2013, 08:47 AM
Yeah, if it's like 35-40 seconds that's workable, even in Buying Time. But if it's more like a minute then I wouldn't want to go that route. I do like his point about relying heavily on SLAs for mana conservation, though. The question is can you kill Devashta with just the fire SLAs in any reasonable amount of time? In Dragon's Hoarde you're left with 15 minutes (and two more bosses to kill) after the Devashta fight with no shrines, so mana dumping for bosses may be problematic.
I flat-out don't believe cdr's boast. It stinks of epeen.
The idea of the build was to adress specifically the problem with spellpoints in longer challenges. Through the 2 levels of FvS fire and force spells produce temporary spellpoints on a critical as well as boosting the critical range so if you also boost spell criticals with items you might pay next to no spellpoints for SLA's and force spells. As i said i haven't tested such a build in house c challenges or even thought about optimal AP distribution and spell selection (it might be beneficial to invest some in earth savant and acid spells for such cases). The answer to killing her fast might be a combination of fire spells and spamming Magic Missile and Force Missiles which will all have a chance to produce temporary spellpoints.
I'm sure since spell selection and AP distribution can be varied someone can come up with a satisfiable solution to the problem. I just wanted to point to a build with a combination of an iconic and a spellcaster with less worry about spellpoint management and high DPS.
I can't test it though since at the moment i don't have a free character slot to make a bladeforged and i don't run House C challenges much right now.
12-04-2013, 11:19 PM
What is your current gear list for this now Ellis? I just reached level 14 so moving over to Arkat's Cord so was just wondering what you had where and if you had had any further thoughts on the final gear list.
12-05-2013, 04:11 AM
What is your current gear list for this now Ellis? I just reached level 14 so moving over to Arkat's Cord so was just wondering what you had where and if you had had any further thoughts on the final gear list.
Stoner81.Right now my general thought is the same as the old gearset, replacing the greensteel goggles with lootgen Deadly V or better w/green slot for heavy fort.
Which spells? (And yeah, acid is great for challenges.)
EDIT: Just did some testing, CR20 Devashta has 5,000 HP even. I'm skeptical your level 15 Bladeforged sorc has 1000 DPS. Could you grab screenshots at the start and end of the fight? Preferably with the XP window open showing the challenge level.
Sorry, I completely missed the CR20. 5 seconds is CR15. I'll give CR20 a run here at some point, but some hardware failures the past couple of days have been affecting my playing time.
12-05-2013, 10:34 AM
Interesting, I have already equipped Arkat's Cord now so will have a play around and see what I end up with eventually :) Any further thoughts on the Epic Challenge Farmer yet and is there a thread about it yet?
12-07-2013, 01:52 AM
Hey m8 can you take a look at this gear list and see if there is something I have missed or messed up, on the face of things it looks like it fits everything in... somehow.
Body: Frozen Tunic.
Waist: Elite Arkcat's Cord.
Head: Cove Hat.
Wrists: Bracers Of Wind.
Ring: Ring Of The Stalker.
Gloves: Brawling Gloves (STR +6).
Cloak: Cloak Of Invisibility w/ Heavy Fort slotted.
Trinket: Devotion 48 & Good Luck 2 (crafted).
Neck: CON +6 w/ Resistance +5 slotted (Green slot) (crafted).
Ring: WIS +6 w/ Natural Armor +5 slotted (Green slot) (crafted).
Boots: Upgraded Madstone Boots (DEX +6 & Striding 30%).
Eyes: Deadly Goggles and/or Greensteel hotswaps etc.
As far as I can tell that covers all the needed stats (CON, STR, WIS & DEX) it also has 30% striding in along with all the other goodies. It does lose out on Protection +5 if you change the Min2 GS goggles but if you go with those for heavy fort then slot Resistance +4 in to the cloak and use a different suffix on the WIS ring. I'm going to do a LR on my farmer since having thought about it I never do Crucible (I hate it) so I figure all those points in to swim can go in to UMD for the Scrolls of Knock.
12-07-2013, 03:26 AM
Hey m8 can you take a look at this gear list and see if there is something I have missed or messed up, on the face of things it looks like it fits everything in... somehow.It all looks good, though I'd rather see resistance +5 instead of 3 or 4. If you grab a green-slot ring to craft wisdom +6 you can slot resistance +5 (or heavy fort) there. Ditto if you can manage deadly goggles with a green. You can live without deathblock; that's just a nicety for when the DW from visors get dispelled. Pretty sure nothing in challenges dispels. (Quests are another thing altogether.)
And yeah, if you don't want a crucible swimmer move those points from swim to UMD, for sure.
As for the epic farmer, I picked up a month VIP for the free epic hearts and am taking advantage of elite open to try and get him as much favor as possible this month. So far he's level 14; I'll post a thread once I finish him and verify he works well. One thing I can say is that I'm really digging the pet.
12-07-2013, 05:25 AM
It all looks good, though I'd rather see resistance +5 instead of 3 or 4. If you grab a green-slot ring to craft wisdom +6 you can slot resistance +5 (or heavy fort) there. Ditto if you can manage deadly goggles with a green. You can live without deathblock; that's just a nicety for when the DW from visors get dispelled. Pretty sure nothing in challenges dispels. (Quests are another thing altogether.)
In your original final gear set you only have Resistance +4 so that's why I went with that but will look in to seeing about getting a ring with a green slot on it. Heavy Fort will be slotted in to the cloak so that would leave goggles completely free for anything be it lootgen Deadly/Accuracy or the Green Steel item. To be honest I am thinking Green Steel would be the best way to go and get Min2 goggles and then remove Heavy Fort from the cloak and slot in something else (CHA maybe for UMD).
I have just started on making new weapons for him to since you redid yours and there is a big difference in DPS already! The only problem I see with the new weapons is that they need really high crafting levels in order to work but at this point I would say you could add the gear lists to the extra post you saved, move over the original sets from the old version and then add in the new stuff with say a Ultimate Set to maybe include my suggestion above for final kit (if you like it enough of course) and your crafted weapons.
Just some ideas, really gotten in to this build for some reason but hey ho.
Stoner81 :)
12-07-2013, 11:08 AM
Body: Frozen Tunic.
Waist: Elite Arkcat's Cord.
Head: Cove Hat.
Wrists: Bracers Of Wind.
Ring: Ring Of The Stalker.
Gloves: Brawling Gloves (STR +6).
Cloak: Cloak Of Invisibility w/ Heavy Fort slotted.
Trinket: Devotion 48 & Good Luck 2 (crafted).
Neck: CON +6 of Natural Armor +3 (crafted).
Ring: WIS +6 of Resistance 3 or 4 (crafted).
Boots: Upgraded Madstone Boots (DEX +6 & Striding 30%).
Eyes: Deadly Goggles and/or Greensteel hotswaps etc.
Body: Frozen Tunic
Waist: Spare Hand (Arkat's Cord)
Head: Cove Hat
Wrist: Bracers of Wind
Ring: Ring of the Stalker
Hand: Brawling Gloves
Back: Cloak of Invisibility w/Resistance +4 (heavy fort)
Trinket: Devotion +48 of Good Luck +2
Neck: Health +6 of Natural Armor +3
Ring: Wise +6 of Balance +3 w/yellow augment: Deathblock (resistance 3or4)
Feet: Dexterity +6 of Jump +7 w/guild augment: HP (striding)
Eyes: Min2 w/eldritch ritual: Saves (deadly)
Your gear list doesn't look much different from the challenge farmer pre-enhancement pass.
You took out Spare Hand (combat mastery, riposte, staggering) for Arkat (fist and vitality).
Resistance and Heavy Fort just got moved around.
Madstone is nice, since guild slotted items are very rare now (but you lose jump)
Min2 goggles give HP, Prot, skills, and saves +1, vs deadly (is that really that impactful?)
For me, the original gear set looks to be good still.
If one can't find the guild boots, try a regular colorless boot, reduce jump to +5, and slot Vitality +20 into it.
For striding, there is the quiver from Abbot.
The two choices to make are:
old gear set: spare hand, new gear set: reinforced fist (I think spare hand wins, since we can slot Vitality into colorless)
old gear set: Min2, new gear set: deadly (again, not sure how much dps impact this is to give up HP, Prot, Skills and Saves)
12-07-2013, 12:18 PM
Imho Jump isn't a big deal since you can drink pots for that which give +10 to Jump which pretty much maxes out the skill anyway. The thing I am trying to fit in somewhere is Stunning since I have now lost it on from the Vampiric Stonedust Handwraps but I don't think it will fit in anywhere that I can see.
As for Spare Hand I don't agree, I believe that Arkat's Cord is better. All you get really from Spare Hand is the Combat Mastery (which is nice for the Sunning Fist DC boost), Riposte is an occasional proc and Staggering Blow has a very low DC so I doubt it will trigger that much especially once you are lvl 16 running challenges at lvl 20. Arkat's Cord on the other hand grants your a perma half die step in DPS all the time which to me is a no brainer.
PS - Yeah I think the GS goggles are probably still the best bet by far, in which case can slot something else in the cloak such as PRR or something.
12-07-2013, 05:42 PM
You know, my stunning Fist isn't all THAT great on CR 20 challenges even with Spare Hand. If you watch my tutorial videos, how much am I actually stunning, really? Arkat's Cord is clearly more DPS, so is looking quite attractive to me at the moment.
This is also why I'm leaning toward deadly goggles. Heavy Fort can be slotted in any green, and with or without greensteel HP I'll still be over 400 but under 500. Any variation with the same leftmost digit is a big fat meh to me. Deadly goggles is a real DPS boost, though; up to Deadly VI is fairly easily obtainable, albeit without a green slot. +6 damage with reinforced fists is sounding pretty good to me.
The original challenge farmer stopped at level 15, so could only slot +4 resistance. That's one of the listed advantages of taking level 16: slotting +5 resistance in a green.
12-07-2013, 06:14 PM
The original challenge farmer stopped at level 15, so could only slot +4 resistance. That's one of the listed advantages of taking level 16: slotting +5 resistance in a green.
But doesn't running the lvl15 max challenges with a lvl 16 character hurt the mat rate? Is that worth an extra +1 resistance item?
12-07-2013, 07:58 PM
But doesn't running the lvl15 max challenges with a lvl 16 character hurt the mat rate? Is that worth an extra +1 resistance item?The advantages of level 16 over 15 are:
plus one die step
bypass DR/adamantine
ML16 brawling gloves
ML16 mabar wraps
ML16 challenge items, tier 1 (masterful doesn't lower my ML16s to ML14 anymore, either)
+2 wisdom (levelup plus an enhancement)
+5 resistance vs +4 in a green slot
+5 vs +4 crafted wraps
ML16 acid augment vs ML12 for crafted wraps
The disadvantage is -10% mats on the lowest level challenges, which make the fewest items of interest and which also cost the fewest mats per item.
The reason I took 16 at all is because when U19 went live I couldn't equip any of my challenge gear. Don't know if masterful is working on them again, but even if it does, it's not unreasonable to think it may stop working again at some point. Being level 16 means I no longer need to worry about it.
I stayed at 15 for a very long time based on the low level challenges, but now that I'm 16 I don't regret it.
12-07-2013, 09:18 PM
Yes, but if we're already completing timed challenges with time to spare, what use it to kill faster? My BF 13sor/2pal challenge farmer could certainly take 16 and add 1ftr to the mix, but why bother? I'd rather have the 10% extra mats than the extra 30 seconds of running out the clock, no?
12-07-2013, 09:51 PM
Yes, but if we're already completing timed challenges with time to spare, what use it to kill faster? My BF 13sor/2pal challenge farmer could certainly take 16 and add 1ftr to the mix, but why bother? I'd rather have the 10% extra mats than the extra 30 seconds of running out the clock, no?The vast majority of challenge runs are 20. Running the three that cap out at 15 is pretty rare.
More dps helps significantly in mansion as well as extraplanar and lava caves. Boss beatdowns are often a delay, where you'd rather be setting up the line. Killing faster helps to get back to the line more quickly.
Plus kobold island, particularly the disruptor, more dps makes the runs nicer.
12-08-2013, 01:27 AM
You know, my stunning Fist isn't all THAT great on CR 20 challenges even with Spare Hand. If you watch my tutorial videos, how much am I actually stunning, really? Arkat's Cord is clearly more DPS, so is looking quite attractive to me at the moment.
I have noticed the same thing, when I was using the Stonedust Wraps stuff wasn't being stunned that often so a perma DPS boost has to be a good thing in this case, questing wise though it would be nice to have still especially if running stuff like Gianthold on Elite.
This is also why I'm leaning toward deadly goggles. Heavy Fort can be slotted in any green, and with or without greensteel HP I'll still be over 400 but under 500. Any variation with the same leftmost digit is a big fat meh to me. Deadly goggles is a real DPS boost, though; up to Deadly VI is fairly easily obtainable, albeit without a green slot. +6 damage with reinforced fists is sounding pretty good to me.
How are you getting over 400 HP m8? Right now I have pretty much everything I can have except the 10HP from favor and guild augments... hmm kinda answered my own question there so nevermind, also note that you have an extra 2 from Natural Armor in my kit list though how much benefit that is at these levels probably isn't much. Not going with the Green Steel does make kitting him up much easier for folks, though I am still tempted to make a couple of Displace clickies for boss fights.
Been playing again :D
Body: Frozen Tunic.
Waist: Elite Arkcat's Cord w/ Deathblock slotted (Yellow slot) (could replace Deathblock with Feather Fall or Blindness Immunity depending on what you want).
Head: Cove Hat.
Wrists: Bracers Of Wind.
Ring: Ring Of The Stalker.
Gloves: Brawling Gloves (STR +6).
Cloak: Cloak Of Invisibility w/ Heavy Fort slotted.
Trinket: Devotion +48 & Good Luck 2 (crafted).
Neck: CON +6 w/ Resistance +5 slotted (Green slot) (crafted).
Ring: WIS +6 w/ Natural Armor +5 slotted (Green slot) (crafted).
Boots: Upgraded Madstone Boots (DEX +6 & Striding 30%).
Eyes: Deadly VI w/ Protection +5 slotted (Green slot) (lootgen if you are lucky enough). / True Seeing or Detect Secret Doors (crafted or lootgen) / GS Min2 (Stoneskin clickie) / GS Smoke (Displace clickie).
The goggles would always be the Deadly goggles for the DPS boost and the GS stuff just use as hotswaps for the the clickies during boss fights as/when/if needed and the True Seeing ones for Mansion.
The reason I took 16 at all is because when U19 went live I couldn't equip any of my challenge gear. Don't know if masterful is working on them again, but even if it does, it's not unreasonable to think it may stop working again at some point. Being level 16 means I no longer need to worry about it.
Afaik this has now been fixed, either way though as you said taking lvl 16 just has so many extras it's worth taking the 10% hit on mats.
12-08-2013, 03:17 AM
Imho Jump isn't a big deal since you can drink pots for that which give +10 to Jump which pretty much maxes out the skill anyway.
Are the Jump +10 available from vendors?
12-08-2013, 03:35 AM
Are the Jump +10 available from vendors?Yep, sold in the harbor at the magic shop next to the hammer & chain, and also from the pot vendor in the market. The only pot vendor who doesn't sell them is the guild vendor, pretty much.
12-08-2013, 03:38 AM
Are the Jump +10 available from vendors?
Sure are, the Marketplace tent has them for like 5pp each. They only last 5 minutes each which is a bummer but it only takes seconds to drink one so not that much of an issue really.
12-08-2013, 11:09 PM
Thanks for the tips, Stoner and Ellis
Did they use to be Jump +5 (caster level 1)?
12-09-2013, 01:14 AM
Did they use to be Jump +5 (caster level 1)?The Jump spell gives +10 at caster level 1, +20 at 5 and +30 at 9. Looking at the wiki history page, caster level 1 jump spell gave +10 as far back as February 2006.
12-09-2013, 01:26 AM
Thanks for the tips, Stoner and Ellis
Did they use to be Jump +5 (caster level 1)?
No worries :) and as for your question not a clue on that, I have only been playing about 2 years and things like you describe haven't changed in that time.
12-11-2013, 07:06 AM
Finally hit level 20 a few hours ago, as well as topped off my favor at 1802 (free +2 cha tome with an extra 25 TP for that last 50 favor) and was about to TR him when I realized that I might want to make another greensteel item first. After finding an elite arkat's cord in the ah for 6k buyout (?!) and an ML15 pair of Deadly V goggles with a green slot for 60k buyout (?!) here's what I'm thinking for a final gearset:
Head: Cove Hat (Superior False Life of Concentration +15 w/Kobold Haste)
Eyes: Deadly V w/green: Heavy Fort
Neck: Health +6 of Natural Armor +3
Back: Cloak of Invisibility w/green: Resistance +5
Wrist: Greensteel: +45 HP of Smoke
Hand: ML16 Brawling Gloves, Tier 3
Waist: Arkat's Cord w/yellow: Deathblock
Feet: Madstone Boots (upgraded)
Ring: ML15 Ring of the Stalker, Tier 2
Ring: Wise +6 of Balance +7
Trinket: Feat: Mobility of Good Luck +2
Body: ML16 Frozen Tunic, Tier 2
Wraps: +5 Screaming of Pure Good w/red: Greater Acid
The big downside here is that there isn't a single bonus to stunning fist from gear. The natural (and seemless) variations:
Min2 goggles and bracers of wind instead of deadly goggles and smoke bracers to get +6 concentration and +6% dodge at the expense of 5 damage per hit
Spare Hand instead of Arkat's Cord to get +5 to stunning first at the expense of 0.5[1d8] base damage and 20 HP
Adamantine Knuckles instead of crafted wraps, both of which are roughly equivalent dps (crafted is slightly ahead)
Craft the necklace on a yellow+colorless slot blank to slot in deathblock and vitality (for using spare hand); drops natural armor altogether. Can also be done with the wisdom ring instead, dropping balance.
Alternately, just go with bracers of wind and don't wear a greensteel item at all. I need to hammer out the exact HP situation before I TR, which will likely end up being the next post.
12-11-2013, 07:31 AM
15 base
+3 tome
+6 item
+2 ship
-2 wind stance
24 constitution (+7 mod)
40 heroic durability
10 draconic vitality
128 monk
112 constitution
40 false life
15 conditioning III (shintao tier 2)
20 way of the patient tortoise (henshin tier 1)
365 base
20 vitality
45 greensteel
20 guild augment
450 max
Dropping the guild augment leaves us at 430, meaning we can scale the tome back from +3 to +1 and still get to 414, which works for me.
EDIT: Once I TR and get him back to 16 I'll revisit the beginning of this thread to update the feat order changes (to accomodate a possible Past Life: Monk) as well as add in gearsets.
12-11-2013, 07:53 AM
Head: Cove Hat (Superior False Life of Concentration +15 w/Kobold Haste)
Eyes: Deadly V w/green: Heavy Fort
Neck: Health +6 of Natural Armor +3
Back: Cloak of Invisibility w/green: Resistance +5
Wrist: Greensteel: +45 HP of Smoke
Hand: ML16 Brawling Gloves, Tier 3
Waist: Arkat's Cord w/yellow: Deathblock
Feet: Madstone Boots (upgraded)
Ring: ML15 Ring of the Stalker, Tier 2
Ring: Wise +6 of Balance +7
Trinket: Feat: Mobility of Good Luck +2
Body: ML16 Frozen Tunic, Tier 2
Wraps: +5 Screaming of Pure Good w/red: Greater Acid
You could find a necklace with a green slot then you can slot Natural Armor +5 instead, is the Balance +7 all that important my farmer already has a pretty high score. Not sure about Mobility on the trinket since you lose out on Devotion for Healing Ki which I am finding very handy to say the least.
As for HP I am currently at 382HP with a +2 CON tome and +2 ship buff, so can still get 10HP from the favor unlock so that would be 392HP (plus a bit more with a +3 CON tome to make my score even) which is not bad for without Green Steel (I don't have access to Large Guild Augments), during challenges I have not died once yet though I have come close on Devashta if I get my timing wrong but Healing Ki tops me up again anyway.
As for Stunning yeah I am having the same problem but there is always the Vampiric Stonedust Handwraps which give +6 to Stunning, overall though he does so much damage that stuff dies pretty fast as it is without it being stunned and if the stun did go off then it dies even faster.
12-11-2013, 08:00 AM
You could find a necklace with a green slot then you can slot Natural Armor +5 insteadAwesome idea, that's a winner. My necklace has a tiny guild augment for +1 saves vs traps, but I'll have 38 reflex save for the crucible swim even without it thanks to greater heroism and infused chaosrobes.
is the Balance +7 all that importantAlmost completely worthless, I think. Is there something better to put there? Maybe Heal +7 for the finisher?
Not sure about Mobility on the trinket since you lose out on Devotion for Healing Ki which I am finding very handy to say the least.Madstone Boots give +48 devotion, +52 when upgraded.
As for Stunning yeah I am having the same problem but there is always the Vampiric Stonedust Handwraps which give +6 to Stunning, overall though he does so much damage that stuff dies pretty fast as it is without it being stunned and if the stun did go off then it dies even faster.Alchemical is the ultimate stunning wraps for ML16, but in a pinch you can find better dps stunners than stonedust from Eveningstar challenges. (ML16 Cormyrian wraps.)
12-11-2013, 08:07 AM
Well, hmmm. With the loss of the min2 that also loses +5 protection. So now I'm thinking +6 necklace w/green: natural armor +5 and +6 wisdom w/green: +5 Protection.
The problem there is that I totally spaced that Madstone means we lose the +7 jump from the old crafted boots, and we kinda want that +7 jump for mansion. Hmmm...
12-11-2013, 08:14 AM
Body: Frozen Tunic.
Waist: Elite Arkcat's Cord w/ Deathblock slotted (Yellow slot) (could replace Deathblock with Feather Fall or Blindness Immunity depending on what you want).
Head: Cove Hat.
Wrists: Bracers Of Wind.
Ring: Ring Of The Stalker.
Gloves: Brawling Gloves (STR +6).
Cloak: Cloak Of Invisibility w/ Heavy Fort slotted.
Trinket: Devotion +48 & Good Luck 2 (crafted).
Neck: CON +6 w/ Resistance +5 slotted (Green slot) (crafted).
Ring: WIS +6 w/ Natural Armor +5 slotted (Green slot) (crafted).
Boots: Upgraded Madstone Boots (DEX +6 & Striding 30%).
Eyes: Deadly VI w/ Protection +5 slotted (Green slot) (lootgen if you are lucky enough). / True Seeing or Detect Secret Doors (crafted or lootgen) / GS Min2 (Stoneskin clickie) / GS Smoke (Displace clickie).
The above kit is what I am using right now except for the following (all Cannith Challenge kit is upgraded to Tier 2):
Not got the Mastone Boots yet.
Using Deadly V goggles at the moment but keeping my eyes peeled for Deadly VI w/ Green Slot.
Not got the GS clickie items yet either (only just flagged for Shroud and need more mats plus the power shards).
Now then as you can see it has Natural Armor +5, Protection +5 and Resistance +5 which covers most of the good stuff from GS (Heavy Fort in the cloak), sure we lose the 45HP but sitting at close to 400HP already is pretty **** good!
As for losing Jump +7 no big deal since we can drink pots for that which are stupid cheap and even then most of the time are not needed (not that I have found anyway).
Good call on the trinket/Madstone thing will be swapping that round when I get the boots (still got to flag for the raid yet *sigh*).
I managed to pick up a +4 INT tome for cheap which has been used on my farmer since I will use the extra skill points in to Heal which will off set the need to try and slot it in to gear (though having both would be nice but pretty much impossible I think).
12-13-2013, 09:07 PM
Body: Frozen Tunic.
Waist: Elite Arkcat's Cord w/ Deathblock slotted (Yellow slot) (could replace Deathblock with Feather Fall or Blindness Immunity depending on what you want).
Head: Cove Hat.
Wrists: Bracers Of Wind.
Ring: Ring Of The Stalker.
Gloves: Brawling Gloves (STR +6).
Cloak: Cloak Of Invisibility w/ Heavy Fort slotted.
Trinket: Devotion +48 & Good Luck 2 (crafted).
Neck: CON +6 w/ Resistance +5 slotted (Green slot) (crafted).
Ring: WIS +6 w/ Natural Armor +5 slotted (Green slot) (crafted).
Boots: Upgraded Madstone Boots (DEX +6 & Striding 30%).
Eyes: Deadly VI w/ Protection +5 slotted (Green slot) (lootgen if you are lucky enough). / True Seeing or Detect Secret Doors (crafted or lootgen) / GS Min2 (Stoneskin clickie) / GS Smoke (Displace clickie).
The above kit is what I am using right now except for the following (all Cannith Challenge kit is upgraded to Tier 2):
Not got the Mastone Boots yet.
Using Deadly V goggles at the moment but keeping my eyes peeled for Deadly VI w/ Green Slot.
Not got the GS clickie items yet either (only just flagged for Shroud and need more mats plus the power shards).
Now then as you can see it has Natural Armor +5, Protection +5 and Resistance +5 which covers most of the good stuff from GS (Heavy Fort in the cloak), sure we lose the 45HP but sitting at close to 400HP already is pretty **** good!
As for losing Jump +7 no big deal since we can drink pots for that which are stupid cheap and even then most of the time are not needed (not that I have found anyway).
Good call on the trinket/Madstone thing will be swapping that round when I get the boots (still got to flag for the raid yet *sigh*).
I managed to pick up a +4 INT tome for cheap which has been used on my farmer since I will use the extra skill points in to Heal which will off set the need to try and slot it in to gear (though having both would be nice but pretty much impossible I think).
I believe Deadly VI with a greenslot is min level 17, probably aim for Deadly V with Green or hope to find a cursed or masterwork one. Either way, that is starting to become a hard to find item.
12-13-2013, 11:00 PM
I believe Deadly VI with a greenslot is min level 17, probably aim for Deadly V with Green or hope to find a cursed or masterwork one. Either way, that is starting to become a hard to find item.Correct; Deadly V w/green is the goal, ML15.
I finally TRed my guy this morning. Getting another four shards from Shroud was the bottleneck, but I finally managed to pull the last two supremes and made him some smoke bracers. This is the gearset I now have and plan to use. No Madstone Boots because I don't expect to ever be able to farm them up:
Head: Cove Hat (false life of concentration)
Eyes: Deadly V w/green: Heavy Fort
Neck: Health +6 w/green: Natural Armor +5
Back: Cloak of Invisibility w/green: Resistance +5
Wrist: Smoke Screen (+45 HP)
Hand: Brawling Gloves, ML16
Waist: Arkat's Cord w/yellow: Deathblock
Feet: Dexterity +6 of Jump +7 w/guild: HP
Ring: Ring of the Stalker, ML15
Ring: Wise +6 w/green: Protection +5
Trinket: Devotion +48 of Good Luck +2
Body: Frozen Tunic, ML16
Fists: +5 Screaming of Pure Good w/red: Greater Acid
EDIT: I finished putting together the "official" gear post at the top of the thread. Doing so led me to discover Prisoner's Manacles, which are ML16 bracers with reinforced fists and +6 dex. Wish I knew about them 24 hours ago, before I made my smoke bracers! heh.
12-14-2013, 07:15 AM
Crucible Swim:
Underwater Action ring of Swim +13
Kama of Greater Parrying
Infused Chaosrobe w/+10 reflex
Aquatic Bracers ( are the best switch item for the crucible swim. And since it does drop in the Crucible, and this character will be able to run it a lot of times, you will end up finding it sooner or later.
Visor of the Flesh Render Guards (multiple)
Planar Gird
Any invisibility clickie for colossal crystal
Shard of Xoriat
Phiarlan's Pendant of Time
Unfortunatelly, clickies stopped dropping since U19. Cloak of Invisibility have a single clickie, and with all the shrines around Lava Caves, it is enough to cover the carrier in Colossal Crystal. Just remember to cast it after the kobold grabs the crystal.
Exceptionally, you can algo gather Kobold Gem of Shadow Fade ( for emergency uses.
12-14-2013, 07:25 AM
Aquatic Bracers ( are the best switch item for the crucible swim.While true, it's mostly a distinction without a difference. The monk already has improved evasion so the only thing aquatic gives over the very-easily-crafted ring swap is +2 swim.
The downside with aquatic bracers is that now you have to manage a bracer swap. I normally swap only goggles (visors, true seeing) and a ring (feather fall, charisma of persuasion, underwater of swim). Easier to manage 2 swap slots than 3.
12-16-2013, 05:38 AM
I'm just trying to get the Madstone Boots now for my farmer in the mean time I will use a pair of crafted +6 DEX boots. I might even see about getting a pair with an augment slot and see if there is anything else worth slotting in.
12-16-2013, 11:09 AM
EDIT: I finished putting together the "official" gear post at the top of the thread. Doing so led me to discover Prisoner's Manacles, which are ML16 bracers with reinforced fists and +6 dex. Wish I knew about them 24 hours ago, before I made my smoke bracers! heh.
Would the Reinforced fists of the Prisoner's Manacles and Arkat's Kord stack?
12-16-2013, 12:15 PM
Would the Reinforced fists of the Prisoner's Manacles and Arkat's Kord stack?Almost certainly not, but when I get back to 14 I can test with arkat's cord and garments of equilibrium.
If they do stack that will blow my mind and completely change my gearing, but since they're the same name effect there's almost zero chance they will.
12-16-2013, 07:16 PM
While true, it's mostly a distinction without a difference. The monk already has improved evasion so the only thing aquatic gives over the very-easily-crafted ring swap is +2 swim.
Still an upgrade for the crucible swim. And it being part of the same quest this character is built to defeat as a hobby makes them much easier to acquire than a lot of other named items in the setup. Specially the greensteel.
I think it is worth at least a note on the gearset as (UA of Swim + 13 or aquatic bracers)
01-22-2014, 11:27 AM
Hey Ellis have you got your guy back to 16 after the TR? Just wondering since I am toying with the idea of TR'ing my farmer so was just wondering about the past life feat for Monk.
01-23-2014, 12:05 AM
I left him at 11 when my 1-month VIP kicked in so that I could do all the favor on my epic farmer, the wizard. That wizard is level 21 and fully geared out, but I'm still stubbornly farming up off destinies for twists. Over 6 million xp so far, it's a brutal slog. On the plus side, tonight will finish slotting the twists so I'll be done. Woot! He'll only be tier 4 Draconic so I may spend tomorrow night getting to 24 AP in his primary destiny, but after tonight he'll be able to twist necro specialization, boulder toss and endless faith. So happy!
Once that dude is finished the plan is to resume the monk. Early reports are that the past life is noticeably good, especially when combined with the +1 damage. However, my challenge farmer avoided LRing his first life because he'd banked too much xp to stay at 16, so he was missing some dps feats anyway. He had two toughness feats instead of improved crit, for example. So this second life DPS is just plain better all around.
Now I'm regretting making those videos when his dps was so gimped. hehheh.
01-23-2014, 09:10 AM
Now I'm regretting making those videos when his dps was so gimped. hehheh.
I wouldn't say he was gimped at all m8 not by a long shot! I took my banked levels last night which puts me at level 18 rank 1 (working on rank 2) so will be a while before I reach 20 and TR, I don't run the challenges much but I did really like levelling up this toon so I thought a TR would be nice do for something a bit different here and there.
I have a toon doing a Artificer life at the moment which is going to be TR'd in to your epic farmer since I could use a toon for getting soul gems for crafting recipes so this will fill a bunch of roles very nicely.
01-23-2014, 03:37 PM
I have a toon doing a Artificer life at the moment which is going to be TR'd in to your epic farmer since I could use a toon for getting soul gems for crafting recipes so this will fill a bunch of roles very nicely.Yeah, the epic farmer is an excellent soul gem farmer, for sure.
01-30-2014, 12:33 AM
However, my challenge farmer avoided LRing his first life because he'd banked too much xp to stay at 16, so he was missing some dps feats anyway.
My CFM is 15, and I'm planning on leaving him at 15. He currently has over xp at rank 81. I haven't used the free LR, and was planning to do so soon.
Are you saying that since I'm banked over level, I can't LR?
Just discovered a pro to 16 over 15, running L20 challenges and killing Devashta gives a Cannith supply treasure chest that requires minimum L16. They are sitting in my inventory un-openable at the moment.
01-30-2014, 05:43 AM
My CFM is 15, and I'm planning on leaving him at 15. He currently has over xp at rank 81. I haven't used the free LR, and was planning to do so soon.
Are you saying that since I'm banked over level, I can't LR?Correct; you have to take any banked levels before you can LR. So it's quite possible you might have to take 17 before you can LR if you hit the xp cap @ 15 and then got a single xp from any monster manual. That's what happened to me, and is part of the reason I tr'ed. The other reason was to get UMD.
Just discovered a pro to 16 over 15, running L20 challenges and killing Devashta gives a Cannith supply treasure chest that requires minimum L16. They are sitting in my inventory un-openable at the moment.Yep, I mention this in the challenge tutorial thread. Challenge chests have an ML of CR-4.
02-01-2014, 01:04 PM
Correct; you have to take any banked levels before you can LR. So it's quite possible you might have to take 17 before you can LR .
Can I stop at level 15 during the LR process on the ship?
02-01-2014, 02:04 PM
Can I stop at level 15 during the LR process on the ship?Pretty sure they fixed that loophole. (You used to be able to /death off the LR ship but I believe they fixed that.)
02-01-2014, 02:38 PM
Pretty sure they fixed that loophole. (You used to be able to /death off the LR ship but I believe they fixed that.)
The portal doesn't open to take you back to the Hall of Heroes until you finish the LR process. :\ :(
03-07-2014, 11:26 AM
What do you think about 12 monk / 2 ranger / 2 something? 2 ranger gives sprint boost, which is fantastic for a challenge runner.
2 ranger provides:
one free feat (TWF)
sprint boost +50%
+1d6 sneak attack
I'm torn about the "something". Here are some options:
A third level of ranger adds:
+10% offhand attack chance
1 rogue provides:
unlocks UMD (even with full ranks, we'd need to spend a number of gear slots to no-fail Heal scrolls though)
16 extra skill points
+2d6 sneak attack
A second level of rogue adds:
+30% haste boost
+1d6 sneak attack
1 fighter provides:
+30% haste boost
+1 feat
+3 action boosts/rest
A second level of fighter adds:
+3 tactics DCs
+1 feat
I don't think we'd want to go lower than 12 monk; Abundant Step is too useful.
03-07-2014, 12:06 PM
What do you think about 12 monk / 2 ranger / 2 something? 2 ranger gives sprint boost, which is fantastic for a challenge runner.
Dropping below monk 16 costs you +0.5[W] and Adamantine Strike (helpful for animated armors, IIRC); dropping below monk 15 costs you Quivering Palm (although the forthcoming DC nerf makes it less OP & therefore less of a loss).
03-07-2014, 05:03 PM
Dropping below monk 16 costs you +0.5[W] and Adamantine Strike (helpful for animated armors, IIRC); dropping below monk 15 costs you Quivering Palm (although the forthcoming DC nerf makes it less OP & therefore less of a loss).More relevant, dropping below 15 costs you run speed.
I personally would prefer to stay 16 monk for the run speed, +0.5[W] and adamantine bypass, but sure, mixing in some fighter or ranger would work fine.
Heal scrolls aren't really an issue. Healing touch and a pair of full vampirism wraps is sufficient for even the strongest boss fight on CR20 challenges, and more often than not in those fights the vampirism wraps aren't even needed.
The only thing I did for burst healing was make a cove flask. I actually really like the flask for the challenge farmer, and the flask is pretty much useless for any other build. So it makes me happy that I had something unique and useful to spend all those thousands of greens I inevitably accumulated helping guildies out with cove runs.
03-09-2014, 01:33 PM
For the Heroic challenges I will be frankly amazed if there is something better than this out there. I've used it at lvl 16 and once I got used to it and got my gear sorted it out it was/is insane! On top of that thanks to the tutorials I now happily do these challenges even the ones I hated with a passion (looking at you Disruptor).
03-09-2014, 06:05 PM
More relevant, dropping below 15 costs you run speed.
That's a really good point, and I'm embarrassed to have overlooked it.
I crunched the numbers a bit. Comparing two characters with:
+20% monk run speed, +30% striding, five 20-second +50% sprint boosts
+25% monk run speed, +30% striding
The character with the action boosts comes out ahead if they spend less than 16.7 minutes running (or less than 26.7 minutes with eight action boosts). The character with the +25% run speed comes out ahead if they spend more than 16.7 minutes running. Of course, there are other factors to consider. If don't need to run for a full 20-seconds, then some of the action boost time is wasted. On the flip side, sometimes a boost of speed at a crucial moment is quite valuable. I think it mostly comes down to play style.
03-10-2014, 11:15 AM
Visor of the Flesh Render Guards (multiple)
Planar Gird
Any invisibility clickie for colossal crystal
Shard of Xoriat
Phiarlan's Pendant of Time
In your videos you cast the same four things (GH, DW, ExpRetreat, and Stoneskin). I see from your clickies, where you are getting the Deathward and GH, but where do you get the Stoneskin? From your build I do not see any UMD taken, so I just was puzzled on where all the buffs were coming from.
I am working on one, but only at lvl 10 so far, and as a first life. I do not have many TR toons available, or "uber" gear, so having to farm for the gear you show, will take me a while to finish the Challenge Farmer.
Great build though. Thanks for doing all this.
03-10-2014, 11:39 AM
In your videos you cast the same four things (GH, DW, ExpRetreat, and Stoneskin). I see from your clickies, where you are getting the Deathward and GH, but where do you get the Stoneskin? From your build I do not see any UMD taken, so I just was puzzled on where all the buffs were coming from.
I am working on one, but only at lvl 10 so far, and as a first life. I do not have many TR toons available, or "uber" gear, so having to farm for the gear you show, will take me a while to finish the Challenge Farmer.
In his videos, the usage counter on his green steel goggles goes down from 2 to 1 when he casts Stoneskin. Presumably they're Min2 HP goggles.
I personally can't imagine spending the materials for a tier 3 dual shard item on a challenge farmer . . . but I've never run Shroud as much as a lot of people. I doubt very much that Stoneskin is essential to the performance of this build.
03-10-2014, 05:05 PM
In his videos, the usage counter on his green steel goggles goes down from 2 to 1 when he casts Stoneskin. Presumably they're Min2 HP goggles.
I personally can't imagine spending the materials for a tier 3 dual shard item on a challenge farmer . . . but I've never run Shroud as much as a lot of people. I doubt very much that Stoneskin is essential to the performance of this build.Correct, and no it's not required.
Even crazier than spending the larges on a dual-shard accessory for a challenge farmer is that I then made a second one after they introduced deadly items. Gah!
My new gearset is much stronger dps-wise, but it no longer has a stoneskin clickie. I opted for smoke screen hp bracers this time instead of min2 goggles, slotting heavy fort in a green augment on a pair of deadly goggles.
03-23-2014, 03:05 AM
I opted for smoke screen hp bracers this time instead of min2 goggles, slotting heavy fort in a green augment on a pair of deadly goggles.
So you no longer use Bracers Of Wind then and giving up 6% Dodge?
03-23-2014, 03:17 AM
So you no longer use Bracers Of Wind then and giving up 6% Dodge?Yep.
03-24-2014, 01:35 AM
Interesting... the extra 45HP is nice but so is 6% Dodge hmmm will have to have a think about that one.
04-08-2014, 12:27 PM
Oh, one flaw in this build is the complete lack of umd. Even 1 single rank is sufficient, but stealing up to 6 ranks from balance and swim is desirable. (Keep concentration and jump maxed, though.)
Knock scrolls are 24 UMD. Assuming a +6 cha of persuasion ring swap with a +2 cha tome:
1 rank
4 GH
2 luck
3 persuasion
4 cha mod
4 skills boost (replaces human vers: saves, which I never use)
18 umd = 75% success with 1 rank
I've been told that the locks in mansion (in the trap hall guarding a treasure trove of crests) have a DC of 1, so scrolling knock should be no-fail if you can hit the umd. It also looks like 6 ranks in UMD gives 100% knock scrolls, so 6 ranks is the goal.
This finally gives me incentive to go up to 20 and TR my guy.
EDIT: Actually it's damage boost, not saves boost, and I use damage boost all the time. Still, the concept is there.
Oh Ellis just wanted to let you know that if you put 9 ranks in to UMD and then add on everything you can get the scrolls to 100% success rate, my farmer has a +4 CHA tome though so not sure if that was factored in to your calcs above but mine are as follows (I think, never done this before):
9 ranks in UMD.
4 Greater Heroism.
3 Persuasion.
5 CHA mod (no idea how this is happening since my character sheet says +2 from somewhere which stacks with the +6 CHA ring of Persuasion).
2 Good Luck.
23 UMD (which says 100% success rate when you hover over the scrolls).
I took everything from Swim since I don't do Crucible so it's another option if people want it.
EDIT - I think the extra mod for CHA is coming from ship buffs it's the only thing I can think of.
04-08-2014, 12:45 PM
It is indeed coming from ship buffs.
Mine has 95% using the same breakdown due to only having a +2 cha tome.
04-08-2014, 03:46 PM
Out of curiosity how much of a difference does it make for the mansion challenges since you can all those barrels etc? Does it mean not having to mess around so much in the banner hall looking for extra crests?
04-08-2014, 04:09 PM
Out of curiosity how much of a difference does it make for the mansion challenges since you can all those barrels etc? Does it mean not having to mess around so much in the banner hall looking for extra crests?
Yes it does. Down the entire back door from both closed gates, and the surrounding area there can be upwards of 10 crests. Typically anywhere from 2-4 behind each locked gate.
04-08-2014, 04:28 PM
Awww phooey! Tried using Knock scrolls on those locked doors and they will not unlock even on a 20 here ( is a screen shot (large image). I managed to pull 600+ mats in a 37 minute run so not too bad.
04-08-2014, 05:24 PM
Awww phooey! Tried using Knock scrolls on those locked doors and they will not unlock even on a 20 here ( is a screen shot (large image). I managed to pull 600+ mats in a 37 minute run so not too bad.
Stoner81.Gah! Seriously?! I was told they have a DC of 1. That's the whole reason I TRed! *grumble* *grumble*
04-08-2014, 05:37 PM
Yeah, I tried using Gtr Dowsing Rods in Rushmore's; no luck on lvl 15-16 runs. :(
04-08-2014, 05:52 PM
Gah! Seriously?! I was told they have a DC of 1. That's the whole reason I TRed! *grumble* *grumble*
You know I seem to remember knock wands use to work pretty easily on these doors.
Then recently(ish) they stopped working such that if I don't have knock, open locks or bells of opening and don't even bother anymore.
04-08-2014, 05:52 PM
Gah! Seriously?! I was told they have a DC of 1. That's the whole reason I TRed! *grumble* *grumble*
Yup seriously m8 hence I took a screen shot :( on top of that something seems to be funky with Buying Time most of the runs I did tonight I either struggled to make quota or didn't make it at all! Only one run out of about 10 where there was enough purple to pull 200+ mats, it could just be my typical luck or something but getting seriously annoyed with it (especially since I need like 1,000 mats).
06-04-2014, 07:09 PM
Stone81 pointed me towards this build when I was making some BTA wraps for a storage mule monk. I swapped in the dragonmark and adjusted my leveling plan and she's worked out beautifully.
I'm not the best at soloing content. I find it boring to run without other people as company. So I prefer to group when possible. I wanted to point out some non-challenge areas this build can be used to farm with company. 16 turns out to be a magical sweet spot for a wide range of content.
1) Vale farming. A level 16 challenge monk can very easily farm rares in the Vale, and do the shroud flagging quests with a bit of caution. Thanks to Stone81 for this suggestion. My collection of Shavarath stones is growing at a slow but steady rate. Greensteel base items can be passed to any toon.
2) Lordsmarch "Mark" farming. While 16 is slightly too high to preserve bravery bonus, it's still pretty easy to find like-minded people for a group. Or, if you don't want a group, hard or normal runs are a cakewalk. I'm actually using this to do double duty and farming earth elementals for my MM pet and collect marks for my "other" toons Sora Kell sets.
3) Orchard farming. I hate the Orchard (I tend to get hopelessly lost), but I love the shield and tome items. I've completed a shield and two tomes since getting my challenge farmer up to 16. I also have spare tapestry shreds to pass along to guildies. I can solo the zombie train and rats, or blend into a bigger orchard farming group at need. She can also do the Necro 4 flagging quests to help out friends/guildies.
4) Adamantine farming. She's an over-level guide to take F2P players to get their Nightforge Gorget and "teach" adamantine farming for the other Nightforge items. Since this quest doesn't need to be completed to collect the adamantine, no xp penalty issues. Her fast movement significantly speeds up solo runs. She can also hold the quest to share with others.
5) Heroic Tor farming. It's easy to find epic Tor groups, but a bit harder to farm in heroic levels as people tend to speed level on the abundant Gianthold xp. I now have a farmer for heroic dragon scales (and heroic relics) along with the Crucible swimming.
6) House C favor. Since she's not on the TR train, and not farming epics, I can use her to hold all my House C favor. That means an endless supply of crafting marks, crafting xp potions, and crafting boosts. These items are bound to account, _not_ character. My cannith crafter has been able to return to TRing.
If you planned ahead while levelling, she can be used as an opener for the Necropolis "Crypt" quests. I also use her to hold the two Twilight Forge flagging quests (Bring Me the Head of Ghola Fan, and Slavers of the Shrieking Mines). While the latter two quests aren't that popular, on the rare occasion someone wants to run them it helps to have an opener to share the quests and access the teleporters.
If you're really REALLY bored the challenge monk can be used to farm the Slavers of the Shrieking Mines for a Ring of the Ancestors.
Some gear notes.
At level 16, she can summon her level 17 owlbear from the second expansion. The owlbear can use levers like any other hireling.
The aforementioned Ring of the Ancestors is ml: 11 and requires a lawful alignment to use. It gives you an unbound 1/rest raise dead clickie when needed. A double-pos greensteel shuriken does the same, and trips levers.
The ml: 15 Shard of Xoriat can be equipped for a "free" summon (extra DPS), then swapped out for the permanent trinket. Speaking of trinkets, if you flag for the Shroud you can loot a basic Shard of Power and use it as a craftable trinket (instead of buying a BTA one with TP).
If you lucked into the right cards during the Anniversary special, you could make a Bottomless Flask of Deathward. It spares you from hauling around every pair of Flesh Render goggles you own.
I found out the hard way that Ghost Touch wraps don't touch ghosts (apparently a long-standing bug). ml: 11 Spectral Gloves work just fine and swap easily from the Brawling Gloves. Since they're unbound, you can probably trade some of your farmed swag for a pair. Or, farm them yourself. They come from An Offering of Blood in the Sands.
Garments of Equilibrium break in long quests. However, they're _not_ exclusive and people tend to be happy to pass them in the chest. Two sets seem to be enough.
06-08-2014, 11:10 PM
I found out the hard way that Ghost Touch wraps don't touch ghosts (apparently a long-standing bug). ml: 11 Spectral Gloves work just fine and swap easily from the Brawling Gloves. Since they're unbound, you can probably trade some of your farmed swag for a pair. Or, farm them yourself. They come from An Offering of Blood in the Sands.Cloak of Invisibility gives ghost touch, 10% incorporeal, and a green slot that can hold +5 resistance.
Garments of Equilibrium break in long quests. However, they're _not_ exclusive and people tend to be happy to pass them in the chest. Two sets seem to be enough.Garments are quite nice; fragile as you say, but solid. I prefer the ML16 frozen tunic for double the ki regen. (+2 on hit as opposed to the default +1.)
06-22-2014, 05:20 AM
I'm curious what your thoughts are on swashbuckler as a challenge farmer compared to this build. You get the same movement speed bonus as monk as well as sprint boost. Through spells you have access to ddoor, haste, displacement, healing, and GH (available from scrolls or song also). Probably a similar damage output overall. You'd also get both single target and mass CC capability as well as an instakill. No tomes would be required.
As a pure bard, feats would be swf, iswf, gswf, imp crit, extend, precision/power attack. Could splash 2 fighter to pick up cleave and great cleave for better AoE dps, and/or 2 rogue for evasion and open locks. As a PDK (or shadar-kai also I guess), it could be ready right out of the gate with just a bit of gearing.
The only loss that I really see is shadow veil, but unless you've got the monk equipped with greensteel displacement clickies (which means flagging for and farming at least a little of Shroud), then access to displacement spell is an overall gain.
I'm sure you've invested a bit into this character already and may not be interested in changing it completely, but I'm just wondering if you were starting from scratch today, would you go swashbuckler instead?
06-22-2014, 05:54 AM
edit: rethinking position.
06-22-2014, 05:19 PM
I'm curious what your thoughts are on swashbuckler as a challenge farmer compared to this build. You get the same movement speed bonus as monk as well as sprint boost. Through spells you have access to ddoor, haste, displacement, healing, and GH (available from scrolls or song also). Probably a similar damage output overall. You'd also get both single target and mass CC capability as well as an instakill. No tomes would be required.
As a pure bard, feats would be swf, iswf, gswf, imp crit, extend, precision/power attack. Could splash 2 fighter to pick up cleave and great cleave for better AoE dps, and/or 2 rogue for evasion and open locks. As a PDK (or shadar-kai also I guess), it could be ready right out of the gate with just a bit of gearing.
The only loss that I really see is shadow veil, but unless you've got the monk equipped with greensteel displacement clickies (which means flagging for and farming at least a little of Shroud), then access to displacement spell is an overall gain.
I'm sure you've invested a bit into this character already and may not be interested in changing it completely, but I'm just wondering if you were starting from scratch today, would you go swashbuckler instead?
The difference between swashbucklers and the traditional challenge farmer is in the Crits. Using just a basic dagger (reward from base Shadar Kai) I was able to clear the dragon room and kill the dragon (playing at CR 20 with level 15 Shadar Kai Swashbuckler, no hireling) at approximately the same speed as my actual challenge farmer. Since I have a geared swashbuckler with a skull smasher I can say that your dps would go up a lot if you used a proper weapon.
The other difference is abundant step.. which you could use Shadar Kai's shadow jaunt. Also bards have access to sprint boost.
Monks will never run out of sp or healing which is a big bonus, you rarely have time to shrine during challenges (if the challenges even have shrines).
The part that may tip farmers in favor of swashbucklers : Extended Hastes!
06-22-2014, 06:05 PM
Yeah, the swashbuckler is a solid option.
If I were going to roll one up from scratch right now, I'd probably choose whichever one I wasn't using as a normal character. As in, if I otherwise wouldn't have an unarmed monk I'd go monk. If I otherwise wouldn't have a SWF, I'd go bard. If I wouldn't otherwise have either style, I'd probably go monk just because unarmed is a larger departure from THF/TWF than SWF is. May as well get as much variety out of each character slot as you can, right?
The bard has one big advantage over the monk: It's free to play
06-24-2014, 10:58 AM
Thanks for the responses Arcanegrin and EllisDee37. I'd forgotten about abundant step. That is a considerable advantage. So if going bard, then shadar-kai would be ideal for shadow jaunt.
Regarding healing - I've never been very impressed with monk's self healing. It's certainly better than what a fighter or barb has, but they lack an immediate, "I need a hjeal right naow!" ability. Their bigger heals need to be prepped and sometimes that's just not enough. Most of the time their healing is sufficient, but when you need it the most, I find it's just not enough. But it's also true that bards are limited by sp. So I guess they both have their limitations.
06-24-2014, 12:18 PM
Regarding healing - I've never been very impressed with monk's self healing. It's certainly better than what a fighter or barb has, but they lack an immediate, "I need a hjeal right naow!" ability. Their bigger heals need to be prepped and sometimes that's just not enough. Most of the time their healing is sufficient, but when you need it the most, I find it's just not enough. But it's also true that bards are limited by sp. So I guess they both have their limitations.
To be honest I wasn't impressed either when I first started playing Monks but after doing some extensive reading and using this build I am quite impressed now :). Healing Ki hits my farmer for 80HP or more, he carries a stack of 100 CSW pots which never get used (or rarely), he has a Bottomless Flash of Rum for those oh s*** moments and if all that wasn't enough add in a pair of crafted Varpirism wraps + Healing Touch. I have TR'd my farmer just because he is so fun to level up so took the active past life feat to boost his damage and he just doesn't die... like at all. The closest I come to dying is in Moving Targets thanks to the elementals constantly re-spawning.
I found that I struggled at first running the challenges at lvl 20 but once I started getting his "end game" kit together his survival rates shot up like crazy because stuff dies so fast around him.
@ Ellis - Hey m8 I have been thinking about gear again lol and I think if you get the Madstone boots you can put Stunning +6 on the trinket with Good Luck though I need to double check if this is the case, if it is then hopefully Stunning Fist should land a lot more.
06-25-2014, 10:50 AM
Cloak of Invisibility gives ghost touch, 10% incorporeal, and a green slot that can hold +5 resistance.
Garments are quite nice; fragile as you say, but solid. I prefer the ML16 frozen tunic for double the ki regen. (+2 on hit as opposed to the default +1.)
My challenge monk missed the Tempest Spine train when she was at level and now I can't find anyone to guide me through it. The internal map is broken which means I have no hope of getting through it on my own. But, if I ever TR (or can cash in a big enough favor from a guildie) it's on her list of gear to farm.
I've been so busy farming other junk on her I wasn't using her for challenges. Since I've caught up on the other gear I wanted to farm for toons I guess it's time to use her for her planned purpose and farm up the frozen tunic.
Is it sturdier than the Garments of Equilibrium, or should I be planning for two?
06-25-2014, 11:25 AM
I've been so busy farming other junk on her I wasn't using her for challenges. Since I've caught up on the other gear I wanted to farm for toons I guess it's time to use her for her planned purpose and farm up the frozen tunic.
Is it sturdier than the Garments of Equilibrium, or should I be planning for two?
Definitely. Garments is Hardness 7, Durability 55 ( Frozen Tunic is Hardness 11, Durability 95 ( AFAICT the calculations that determine the rate of equipment wear are not known to any real precision (e.g. consider the partial wiki info (, but since the durability is almost twice as high on the Frozen Tunic it should last almost twice as long at a minimum, and if the hardness has a significant effect in the content you are running it might last 3+ times as long.
06-26-2014, 01:33 PM
Solid choice, and leaves you with 410 HP so it's not like you fall back to the 300s with the riff raff. hehheh. Improved Sunder is probably better, but for me personally I just can't fit in any more combat hotkeys. I should add a note to the build. Besides which if I can slot a stunning item I'll likely no-fail stun pretty much everything without any debuffs needed.
I've been experimenting with cormyrian weapons lately, and I think I might try to farm up a pair of +4 Screaming wraps of stunning +10 w/disintegrate or lightning strike, ML16. It'll likely take a (very) long while to get that perfect combo, but it's pretty cheap and reasonably easy to farm up the mats to try. Figure it costs around 55/30/55 mats for each try when you count the mats you get back deconning the failed attempts. That's like 50 tries for a large bagful (2500) of golden lions.
The actual experiment was for my level 18 fighter who was getting a little restless with Whirlwind. He's now using a +4 screaming cormyrian greatsword of paralyzing w/corrosive salt, which is less dps compared to Whirlwind but paralyzing is incredibly satisfying.
EDIT: Note that the cormyrian wraps require a sunset ritual ingredient, which I can't even imagine farming on this monk. I'm currently theorycrafting an epic challenge farmer (drow pure wizard, level 21 using draconic) for farming epic cannith and regular eveningstar mats now that the eveningstar ones are finally bta instead of btc.
I decided to give this a try, after farming up 3 stacks of ingredients. After a number of unwanted combinations, I ended up with a nice-ish pair of +4 screaming, steam, stunning +8. I also kept a pair of +4 screaming disintegrating paralysers.
I did not see a single +10 stunner. Is it confirmed that ml: 16 cormyrian items can produce +10 stunners, or was this just a guess (or typo)?
06-26-2014, 07:38 PM
My challenge monk missed the Tempest Spine train when she was at level and now I can't find anyone to guide me through it. The internal map is broken which means I have no hope of getting through it on my own. But, if I ever TR (or can cash in a big enough favor from a guildie) it's on her list of gear to farm.You can solo farm the cloak of invisibility with your challenge farmer. I did with mine. You need to hit 18 intelligence to activate an int rune, so you'd need +2 from ship, +2 from tome and a swappable +6 item. Once you can hit 18 int it's trivially easy to solo farm. Fair warning: You'll probably want a deathblock item, since the room with the cloak's chest is chock full of casters who spam dispel magic followed immediately by slay living.
Is [frozen tunic] sturdier than the Garments of Equilibrium, or should I be planning for two?Frozen tunic is practically indestructible. The only downside is that to me, they're fugly. Fortunately there's a sale on cosmetics going on right now.
I did not see a single +10 stunner. Is it confirmed that ml: 16 cormyrian items can produce +10 stunners, or was this just a guess (or typo)?Just a guess. Looks like +8 is all you can get. For +10 you'd need alchemical wraps.
06-26-2014, 11:09 PM
My challenge monk missed the Tempest Spine train when she was at level and now I can't find anyone to guide me through it. The internal map is broken which means I have no hope of getting through it on my own.I tossed together a video showing how to farm it up. I just run it on normal in the video, and I actually farmed it up on normal originally because he hadn't unlocked hard or elite yet. It took 19 runs (once per day for 19 days) to farm it up the first time. Of course, just because the loot gods like to mock me, I pulled another one on this sample video walkthrough.
06-27-2014, 08:53 AM
Thanks for the video - now I have no excuse for not trying to farm one up for myself. *grumble grumble* ;)
BTW, I notice that the warning about offhands on cleaves for non-human non-males warning isn't on the build anymore. Has that actually been fixed (and confirmed by players)? There was a release note about animation changes on cleaves a few updates back (U21 ( that stated:
Great Cleave's animation for many races is now the same as Cleave, which was already true for other races.
I've been trying to find confirmation by players that this fixed the Monk cleaves for other races and genders but my forum-fu is not strong enough to find anything. Obviously here one still wants Human for the DDoor DM so it is semi-moot, but I would like to know in general.
06-27-2014, 05:35 PM
I've been trying to find confirmation by players that this fixed the Monk cleaves for other races and genders but my forum-fu is not strong enough to find anything. Obviously here one still wants Human for the DDoor DM so it is semi-moot, but I would like to know in general.It's a fair question. I took the warning out because of the release note, but I have not tested all race and gender animations. To be honest, I haven't tested any of them. heh.
07-28-2014, 06:33 PM
Hey Ellis I finally got my hands on a pair of Madstone Boots so now my trinket slot can be tweaked however, it seems that you can't make Stunning of Good Luck since they are both suffixes. The problem is I am not sure what to put on it since you can get Stunning +8 from Cannith Crafting which is huge but then losing out on +2 to all saves is a bit of a bummer too.
Any thoughts?
07-28-2014, 10:13 PM
Hey Ellis I finally got my hands on a pair of Madstone Boots so now my trinket slot can be tweaked however, it seems that you can't make Stunning of Good Luck since they are both suffixes. The problem is I am not sure what to put on it since you can get Stunning +8 from Cannith Crafting which is huge but then losing out on +2 to all saves is a bit of a bummer too.
Any thoughts?Stunning doesn't go on trinkets via cannith crafting, only weapons and shields. And there is no flexible version.
EDIT: But if you want to replace the Devotion prefix, Mobility is always nice.
07-29-2014, 09:38 AM
I really shouldn't do this sort of thing when tired lol thanks for the help :)
EDIT - I just checked the Cleric vendor in Eveningstar for Deathward pots and the pots are unbound so rather than trying to farm the VotFRG the pots are an option especially if you have a epic level toon or two with comms to spare.
07-29-2014, 10:34 PM
EDIT - I just checked the Cleric vendor in Eveningstar for Deathward pots and the pots are unbound so rather than trying to farm the VotFRG the pots are an option especially if you have a epic level toon or two with comms to spare.What's the ML on the pots? For some reason I thought they were ML18, but now I'm thinking that might just be the caster level and they're really ML1.
07-30-2014, 06:48 AM
What's the ML on the pots? For some reason I thought they were ML18, but now I'm thinking that might just be the caster level and they're really ML1.
Somewhat conflicting information on the wiki. In the NPC description it is listed as ML18 and CL20. But digging down into the link for the potion itself shows ML-none and CL20. However, I would go by the screenshot which shows ML1 and CL20.:
07-30-2014, 08:57 PM
Thanks much for the screenshot; it's always nice to have a definitive answer.
08-02-2014, 10:06 AM
Yeah they are ML1 and last 20 minutes and they only cost 1 Cleric comm too so they are pretty easy to get hold of, add to all of that they are unbound too :cool: I have so many comms left over from when MoTU came out and I finally have a use for them all :D
10-24-2014, 11:43 AM
I was going to post straight to this thread, but it really is a separate topic, so I started a new thread. Put I did want to put a post here to see if any of you all other experienced challenge farmers have some solutions to offer to the hireling problems that the new update introduced.
12-27-2014, 11:17 AM
Ok so I will be making a monk for challenges in the next week or so.
My question is...will a staff build work as well? I ask because I played rogue acrobat a few lives and I have some really nice staves and not as many handwraps lol
12-27-2014, 03:20 PM
Ok so I will be making a monk for challenges in the next week or so.
My question is...will a staff build work as well? I ask because I played rogue acrobat a few lives and I have some really nice staves and not as many handwraps lolI'm sure it could. I'd probably want to splash in a rogue level, though, for +15% attack speed. Possibly a second rogue level for the better version of quick strikes. Max open lock instead of umd and you can open the locked doors in mansion.
As long as a staff can use unbalancing strike (for devashta) and dismissing strike (for the elementals in mansion) it should work fine. The descriptions just say "melee attack" so that means it applies to staffs too, right? You'll lose stunning fist, but meh. Just replace it with trip (the standard version everyone gets for free) and get the +3 trip from henshin and you'll be fine. Bonus, that actually works on undead for disruptor.
I think you'll end up with less dps, but it will still be very strong.
12-27-2014, 04:35 PM
I'm sure it could. I'd probably want to splash in a rogue level, though, for +15% attack speed. Possibly a second rogue level for the better version of quick strikes. Max open lock instead of umd and you can open the locked doors in mansion.
As long as a staff can use unbalancing strike (for devashta) and dismissing strike (for the elementals in mansion) it should work fine. The descriptions just say "melee attack" so that means it applies to staffs too, right? You'll lose stunning fist, but meh. Just replace it with trip (the standard version everyone gets for free) and get the +3 trip from henshin and you'll be fine. Bonus, that actually works on undead for disruptor.
I think you'll end up with less dps, but it will still be very strong.
Well I won't be out anything for trying and I can easily respect if its weak. Thanx =)
12-27-2014, 04:59 PM
Ok so I will be making a monk for challenges in the next week or so.
My question is...will a staff build work as well? I ask because I played rogue acrobat a few lives and I have some really nice staves and not as many handwraps lol
The only major drawback I see is the loss of stunning fist (that is amazing in challenges, even ungeared) and native DR breakers. This means Devashta and the animated armors will take a bit longer to die.
On the other hand, splashing rogue 1 allow you to unlock the doors in rushmore. The 15% attack speed is balanced out with unarmed improved attack speed.
12-27-2014, 05:12 PM
The only major drawback I see is the loss of stunning fist (that is amazing in challenges, even ungeared) and native DR breakers. This means Devashta and the animated armors will take a bit longer to die.
On the other hand, splashing rogue 1 allow you to unlock the doors in rushmore. The 15% attack speed is balanced out with unarmed improved attack speed.
Ok so I have very little experience with challenges...but by DR breaker you talking about weapons? I have a GS Min2 Staff...would that work?
And I was thinking of something like 13monk/3rogue to get sweeping strikes which is quite effective on mobs at lvl even with only 3 rogue levels plus I would get the better rogue staff speed boost which is much better then the monks version.
12-27-2014, 05:54 PM
Ok so I have very little experience with challenges...but by DR breaker you talking about weapons? I have a GS Min2 Staff...would that work?The damage won't be great, but it should still be passable. You'll definitely need Unbalancing Strike (hopefully it works with staffs) for devashta, though.
The min2 won't break dr for the archon on kobold island, unfortunately, but killing her is an optional bonus.
(EDIT: A lit2 should be excellent for trash, especially if you made it with good instead of holy. Lots and lots of neutral trash in challenges.)
And I was thinking of something like 13monk/3rogue to get sweeping strikes which is quite effective on mobs at lvl even with only 3 rogue levels plus I would get the better rogue staff speed boost which is much better then the monks version.You only need one rogue level for the staff speed boost, and two rogue levels gets you the acrobat Quick Strikes, better than the monk version.
12-27-2014, 06:07 PM
Yeah I was debating 3 rogue levels for sweeping strikes which is an AoE trip attack. Might try it and LR out if I don't like it
12-27-2014, 06:34 PM
Looking over how I'd do the enhancements for a staff version, I see some good stuff. The first thing I notice is Unbalancing Strike in the henshin tree, so that has to work with staffs. Should be all good.
I think I'd go darkside for the tier 5 henshin super attack: Shadows Cannot Exist Without Light. Tag a mob that's beating on the kobolds, kill it, and all nearby kobolds get healed for 100 hp. That sounds good to me. The alternative, if you go light side, gives enemies negative levels when you kill the tagged mob. That sounds kind of meh for challenges.
Void Strike has me intrigued.
Henshin Mystic: 36 AP
1 first core
8 henshin staff training I-IV
8 elemental words I-IV
4 wisdomx2
2 way of the patient tortoise
2 unbalancing strike
3 contemplation III
2 lightning the candle
2 staff specialization
2 void strike
2 shadows cannot exist without light
Thief Acrobat (23 AP)
1 first core
4 staff training I-II
3 thief acrobatics
3 trip focus
6 quick strike III
6 haste boost (woohoo!!!!)
Human (4 AP)
1 damage boost
2 wisdom
1 saves boost
Shintao (1 AP)
1 first core
In terms of dps, the biggest concern for a challenge farmer is boss fights, so I'd definitely spend 6 AP on haste boost (paired with human damage boost: yum!) instead of sweeping strikes. So you only end up needing 2 rogue levels.
For devashta, a min2 will work fine. Haste+damage boost, all those staff damage bonuses, quick strikes; she'll go down quickly. And with unbalancing strikes she'll spend half the fight attacking the air behind her, so it won't hurt too badly. But it will hurt. And definitely don't skimp on wisdom, since the dc used to turn her around with unbalancing is wisdom based.
For animated armors, I guess just use a lit2 and ignore the DR/adamantine. The unarmed version bypasses it natively, so any smiting wraps ML16 or under from the ah work great.
Without unarmed combat you'll get virtually all your healing from Shadows Cannot Exist Without Light, so definitely go darkside. For 15 ki you tag any mob, then kill it within 10 seconds and bask in a 100 hp aoe heal. Devotion doesn't help, but the 5% amp from shintao will. Cooldown is a mere 6 seconds, so if you have enough ki, this should give you all the healing you need. It could end up being even more healing than my lightside unarmed guy. (Long boss fights could leave you vulnerable, since without kill shots you get no heals.)
The biggest loss is dismissing strike. It is incredibly useful in most challenges: In the mansion, it's key for insta-killing water elementals, which give nearby bosses super fast healing. On kobold island it's effective at insta-killing orthons and bearded devils, and in extraplanar palace it's basically no-fal for banishing mephits. Lava caves is the only area it doesn't help.
I think your staff version should work well and be very fun.
12-27-2014, 06:37 PM
Looking over how I'd do the enhancements for a staff version, I see some good stuff. The first thing I notice is Unbalancing Strike in the henshin tree, so that has to work with staffs. Should be all good.
I think I'd go darkside for the tier 5 henshin super attack: Shadows Cannot Exist Without Light. Tag a mob that's beating on the kobolds, kill it, and all nearby kobolds get healed for 100 hp. That sounds good to me. The alternative, if you go light side, gives enemies negative levels when you kill the tagged mob. That sounds kind of meh for challenges.
Void Strike has me intrigued.
Henshin Mystic: 36 AP
1 first core
8 henshin staff training I-IV
8 elemental words I-IV
4 wisdomx2
2 way of the patient tortoise
2 unbalancing strike
3 contemplation III
2 lightning the candle
2 staff specialization
2 void strike
2 shadows cannot exist without light
Thief Acrobat (23 AP)
1 first core
4 staff training I-II
3 thief acrobatics
3 trip focus
6 quick strike III
6 haste boost (woohoo!!!!)
Human (4 AP)
1 damage boost
2 wisdom
1 saves boost
Shintao (1 AP)
1 first core
In terms of dps, the biggest concern for a challenge farmer is boss fights, so I'd definitely spend 6 AP on haste boost (paired with human damage boost: yum!) instead of sweeping strikes. So you only end up needing 2 rogue levels.
For devashta, a min2 will work fine. Haste+damage boost, all those staff damage bonuses, quick strikes; she'll go down quickly. And with unbalancing strikes she'll spend half the fight attacking the air behind her, so it won't hurt too badly. But it will hurt. And definitely don't skimp on wisdom, since the dc used to turn her around with unbalancing is wisdom based.
For animated armors, I guess just use a lit2 and ignore the DR/adamantine. The unarmed version bypasses it natively, so any smiting wraps ML16 or under from the ah work great.
Without unarmed combat you'll have essentially no heals at all. I would find that problematic, as the vast majority of my challenge farmer's healing comes from fists of light. And there's a fair amount of self-healing to do. This could end up being the downfall.
Yeah what you had listed is pretty much what I was leaning to but the healing is a concern. I have a week or 2 before I build this so will think about it. Might just go handwraps and go farm some *shrug*
12-27-2014, 06:49 PM
Yeah what you had listed is pretty much what I was leaning to but the healing is a concern. I have a week or 2 before I build this so will think about it. Might just go handwraps and go farm some *shrug*Actually, I was mistaken on first glance, and edited in the correction.
You'll have lots of heals as a staff user thanks to the henshin tier 5 darkside ability.
The only real bummer is losing dismissing strike. While I do use it a lot, and love it, losing it isn't a dealbreaker.
01-30-2015, 06:38 AM
Yeah what you had listed is pretty much what I was leaning to but the healing is a concern. I have a week or 2 before I build this so will think about it. Might just go handwraps and go farm some *shrug*
To be fair though most of the handwraps are Cannith Crafted which can be made unbound if you know somebody with high enough levels the only named ones are from Mabar I think that I can think of so it wouldn't take long to farm out the end game gear. Until then use what you find or can craft with the odd named ones in for good measure (Stone Dust wraps for example).
On a off topic note has anybody done challenges since the Champions were introduced and if so are Champions present in challenges?
01-30-2015, 07:03 AM
are Champions present in challenges?Pretty sure I have, but not positive.
In any case, all challenges are considered Normal difficulty, so no Champions to worry about.
01-30-2015, 08:00 AM
Pretty sure I have, but not positive.
In any case, all challenges are considered Normal difficulty, so no Champions to worry about.
You just made my day dude :) thanks!
01-30-2015, 08:34 AM
My challenge farmer is a Wiz.
But leveling up a Bard, I jumped into some challenges at lv 14-16 and wow.
I have forgotten about Wiz and Bard is my new ideal challenge class. It's got everything you need.
DDoor, fast movement, self-heal, haste for kobolds, straight DPS, fast CC to get mobs off kobolds or w/e, Disco Ball to protect an area with CC, sound bursts to stun scorps or w/e, you don't have to worry about SP as much as Wiz.
Maybe a PDK. The first fighter life can unlock some stuff, give you a feat, unlock Intimidation which would work great with high CHA, rest Bard (or maybe two fighter lives, IDK)
Edit - just saw this was in the Monk section so sorry for the Bard derail but derailing is kinda what I do. It's my thing.
01-30-2015, 10:23 AM
Edit - just saw this was in the Monk section so sorry for the Bard derail but derailing is kinda what I do. It's my thing.
You should check out the discussion in this thread ( Many of the same posters are involved and we discuss PDK Bards a lot in pages 7-9.
01-30-2015, 01:48 PM
I have forgotten about Wiz and Bard is my new ideal challenge class. It's got everything you need.
DDoor, fast movement, self-heal, haste for kobolds, straight DPS, fast CC to get mobs off kobolds or w/e, Disco Ball to protect an area with CC, sound bursts to stun scorps or w/e, you don't have to worry about SP as much as Wiz.Yep, swashbucklers are rock solid challenge farmers, probably a wash with the monk or maybe even better.
Two advantages monk has over bard are super-short DDoor cooldown (6 seconds, maybe?) and abundant step. Those are both very nice, but also easily done without. Extended haste (for the kobolds) makes up for it, though.
I do have a good reason for going the monk route: When I created this build, swashbuckling didn't exist yet. heh.
01-30-2015, 01:52 PM
Yep, swashbucklers are rock solid challenge farmers, probably a wash with the monk or maybe even better.
Two advantages monk has over bard are super-short DDoor cooldown (6 seconds, maybe?) and abundant step. Those are both very nice, but also easily done without. Extended haste (for the kobolds) makes up for it, though.
I do have a good reason for going the monk route: When I created this build, swashbuckling didn't exist yet. heh.
/tongue in cheek:
A likely story!! Lolz! Bahahahah! :P! :)! :D!
I kid, I kid! ;)!
Keep up the great work/theory crafting guys, always great to read & very interesting, maybe 1 day I'll consider coming back to DDO!
04-07-2015, 05:33 AM
I updated the build in the OP to the new output format.
Everything is the same, though I did re-order the feats to support Past Life: Monk if you have that option. If not, toughness, same as it ever was.
07-14-2015, 08:48 AM
Still looking in to gear but so far can't find anything better than what is posted in post #73:
Body: ML15/16 Tier 3 Frozen Tunic (Lesser Freezing Ice, Fire Shield (Cold), Enhanced Ki +1, Craftable +3).
Waist: Elite Arkat's Cord (Vitality +20, Reinforced Fists, Yellow Augment Slot w/ Deathblock)
Gloves: ML16 Tier 3 Brawling Gloves (Strength +6, Spike Studded, Glass Jaw Strike, Sneak Attack Bonus +4)
Head: Cove Hat (Superior False Life +40, Kobold Haste and Concentration +15).
Wrists: ML15/16 Tier 3 Bracers of Wind (Blurry, Dodge Bonus 3%, Air Guard, Craftable +3)
Ring: ML15/16 Ring of the Stalker (Exceptional Sneak Attack Bonus +2, Seeker +4, Manslayer, Ethereal, Craftable +3).
Trinket: Devotion +48 & Good Luck 2
Eyes: Green Steel 45HP ConOp (+6 Wisdom).
Neck: Constitution +6 of Resistance +X (crafted).
Back: Cloak of Invisibility w/ Heavy Fort slotted.
Ring: Dexterity +6 of <something>
I have about half the above gear:
Body: ML15/16 Tier 3 Frozen Tunic (Lesser Freezing Ice, Fire Shield (Cold), Enhanced Ki +1, Craftable +3).
Waist: Elite Arkat's Cord (Vitality +20, Reinforced Fists, Yellow Augment Slot w/ Deathblock)
Gloves: ML16 Tier 3 Brawling Gloves (Strength +6, Spike Studded, Glass Jaw Strike, Sneak Attack Bonus +4)
Head: Cove Hat (Superior False Life +40, Kobold Haste and Concentration +15).
Wrists: ML15/16 Tier 3 Bracers of Wind (Blurry, Dodge Bonus 3%, Air Guard, Craftable +3)
Ring: ML15/16 Ring of the Stalker (Exceptional Sneak Attack Bonus +2, Seeker +4, Manslayer, Ethereal, Craftable +3: Crafted Feather Falling).
Trinket: Greater Bold Trinket
Eyes: Goggles of Time Sensing
Neck: Deadly 5 (green slot: Heavy Fortification).
Back: Iron Cloak of the Bear (Sheltering +3, Protection +5, Insightful Combat Mastery +4, Incite +20%)
Ring: Ring of Troll's Regeneration (Regeneration 1/minute, green slot: Resistance +5)
Feet: Cannith Crafted Constitution +6 boots of Melee Alacrity 10%
I also have a very old belt with a 3/rest Invisibility clickie, ML: 11 that she carries at all times, a Ring of the Ancestors (raise dead 1/rest), a Heal+resto Flask of Rum, and a good selection of hand wraps. I mostly use either Vampiric Stonedust Handwraps or Cannith Crafted +2 Holy of Vampirism. I like the latter when I need a little more healing or I don't want to run in Mountain stance.
She doesn't have a better trinket. I flagged her for the Shroud, so once I get a spare small shard I'll craft one for her. Also, she doesn't have better goggles, they're a placeholder for greensteel and I use them for the Haste clickie. The regen ring is purely for the green slot.
A few questions/thoughts:
1) Any point in getting the Cloak of Invisibility for her? It seems like a downgrade from what she has given her invisibility belt. But, Ghostly on the cloak may be worth a loss of DPS. It's proving a PITA to farm as I don't have VIP and I didn't run it at level. This means I solo farm it on normal (worse drop rate).
2) I love running the Shroud. Would it strengthen her gear if I farmed two greensteel acessories for her? I was thinking Smoke bracers and Con-Op goggles. One hit points and one...dunno (I'd have to check the other options). Would smoke bracers be a better choice than bracers of wind or am I better off with just a gs displace clickie?
3) I have a blank ring with a green slot. What am I missing (what would be good to craft into the ring)? Wisdom will come with her greensteel.
07-14-2015, 09:00 AM
1) Any point in getting the Cloak of Invisibility for her? It seems like a downgrade from what she has given her invisibility belt. But, Ghostly on the cloak may be worth a loss of DPS. It's proving a PITA to farm as I don't have VIP and I didn't run it at level. This means I solo farm it on normal (worse drop rate).Ghostly is very strong defensively. I consider it one of the clear no-brainer choices, but that is only after I made peace with the (tough to swallow) decision to essentially dump my stunning fist DC. My stunning fist is still effective on casters, which is nice, but pretty much only on casters.
HOWEVER, if you go with the alternate enhancement load-out that gets you 25% incorporeal, the named Cloak of Invisibility gets you nothing but a green slot.
2) I love running the Shroud. Would it strengthen her gear if I farmed two greensteel acessories for her? I was thinking Smoke bracers and Con-Op goggles. One hit points and one...dunno (I'd have to check the other options). Would smoke bracers be a better choice than bracers of wind or am I better off with just a gs displace clickie?With so many core abilities to fit in there really isn't room for two greensteel items.
For you, with your gear list as stated, my recommendation would be smoke bracers to neatly take the place of the bracers of wind. Same blur effect so no disruption in your gear, plus 45 hp and a displacement clickie. ConcOp isn't that great for the build other than the wisdom +6, which can be crafted on a ring with augment slots.
3) I have a blank ring with a green slot. What am I missing (what would be good to craft into the ring)? Wisdom will come with her greensteel.Maybe Dex +6?
08-01-2015, 10:34 AM
the only named ones are from Mabar I think that I can think of so it wouldn't take long to farm out the end game gear.
Since Mabar no longer exists is there anything even remotely as good as the Wraps of Endless Night? The only thing I can think of is a triple positive quarterstaff which is a totally different combat style/type, I can't think of any other wraps that are as good :( for me though this isn't an issue since I got my set ages ago but for new folks it does present a problem.
ConcOp isn't that great for the build other than the wisdom +6, which can be crafted on a ring with augment slots.
Actually maybe it could be worth it? If you do a fully fledged ConOP item you can get STR and WIS +6 along with +100 Heal Amp which is huge for Healing Ki, vamp wraps and even pots to some extent. Fitting 2 of the main stats needed is pretty big, now I must confess I don't know if this can be done on an item but I know it can be done on weapons so I am "assuming" it can be done with accessories.
08-01-2015, 01:12 PM
Actually maybe it could be worth it? If you do a fully fledged ConOP item you can get STR and WIS +6 along with +100 Heal AmpBoth strength and healing amp are weapon only; neither can be placed on an accessory.
08-01-2015, 05:28 PM
hi Ellisdee, have you considered a different class now with the changes up to U27? I figured the main reason for monk was the movement speed coupled with all around survivability, but I have found with almost all challenges that I prefer having a ranged toon. Only Rushmores would I prefer a melee, and that is just for breaking stuff; the eveningstar ones are much easier with ranged toons.
I would suggest 13 rogue mechanic/1 barbarian/2 arti. It would need maybe a +2 or so Dex tome for IPS at level 15 (unless level ups go there instead of INT) but it could use acrobat staff for rare melee situations and breakables. Barb adds 10% movement speed, 13 rogue in acrobat tree adds another 13% (so at 23% you are pretty close to monk's 25%). It then gains all the good stuff of mechanic great xbow and repeating crossbows, also improved evasion, wand and scroll mastery (for heal scrolls).
Given that most of the challenges involve protection efforts, sneak attack damage is very useful; along with ranged attacks, coupled with improved web traps, this would be a really handy build. The lockpicking/traps are only useful in two spots in Rushmore although the build could help guildies in other ways like you suggest in the Crucible (and have better skills due to 13 rogue) for the dialogue options and any quest in which some trapping might boost xp and survivability at that level range (maybe Col Chamber). Ranged attacks make taking out the bosses in the challenges much easier, especially the Marilith. Also has 35% fort bypass, even more if one gets one of the nice named repeaters. Knockdown on 19-20 on great xbow further aids in protection quests.
Just thinking out loud--the one you have here is obviously well-developed and very well geared, no need to change--just that if I were starting anew, and as a new player, I think I might go with the 13/2/1 split.
challenge farmer
13/2/1 Rogue/Artificer/Barbarian
True Neutral Human
Level Order
1. Rogue 6. Rogue 11. Rogue 16. Rogue
2. Barbarian 7. Rogue 12. Rogue
3. Artificer 8. Rogue 13. Rogue
4. Artificer 9. Rogue 14. Rogue
5. Rogue 10. Rogue 15. Rogue
36pt Tome Level Up
---- ---- --------
Strength 9 4: INT
Dexterity 16 +2 8: INT
Constitution 15 12: DEX
Intelligence 18 16: INT
Wisdom 9 20: INT
Charisma 8 24: INT
28: INT
1 : Point Blank Shot
1 Human : Least Dragonmark: Passage
3 : Rapid Shot
6 : Precise Shot
9 : Precision
12 : Improved Critical: Ranged
13 Rogue : Improved Evasion
15 : Improved Precise Shot
16 Rogue : Opportunist
autogranted: rapid reload, rune arm, etc.
08-01-2015, 06:16 PM
Both strength and healing amp are weapon only; neither can be placed on an accessory.
Aww man that just rained on my parade :( oh well...
08-02-2015, 01:53 AM
have you considered a different class now with the changes up to U27?No, but only because of inertia. The crossbow rogue variant sounds like it would be good. Also note that a bard swashbuckler would be very strong as well.
acrobat staff for rare melee situations and breakablesFor breakables, just grab a cacophonic verge from claw of vulkoor and you're good to go: Endless sonic blast. (50 uses/rest, recharge 1 every 3 seconds) Since it's a wand it has no ASF, which doesn't matter for your rogue/artie/barb concept but is super nice for heavy armor builds with UMD. (Like my cleric.)
Ranged attacks make taking out the bosses in the challenges much easier, especially the Marilith. Also has 35% fort bypass, even more if one gets one of the nice named repeaters. Knockdown on 19-20 on great xbow further aids in protection quests.The fort bypass is sweet, no doubt. I don't consider the marilith an issue for the monk, though. For example, see this CR20 run ( where I don't even bother to heal up before or during the 18-second fight, and then afterward I only use a single finishing move to (not fully) recover health.
Just thinking out loud--the one you have here is obviously well-developed and very well geared, no need to change--just that if I were starting anew, and as a new player, I think I might go with the 13/2/1 split.Yep, it's a great choice. If it were me starting new, I would definitely choose non-spellcaster to avoid dealing with shrine issues, but after that I would gravitate toward the one that has a fighting style I don't use on a normal character. If you don't have an unarmed monk alt, unarmed monk is attractive. If you don't have a crossbow user, your mechanic concept is appealing. If you don't have a SWF character, a swashbuckler would be nice.
08-05-2015, 01:15 PM
I know this in the monk forum, but I've found the following a really good build as a challenge farmer recently:
True Neutral PDK
Ftr 4 / Barb 1 / Warlock 11
Str 13
Dex 8
Con 16
Int 12
Wis 8
Cha 17 +lvl ups
Max ranks in UMD, Spellcraft, Intimidate and Jump
1 - Lightning Reflexes
1 - (PDK bonus) Force of Personality
1 - (Ftr bonus) Power Attack
3 - Empower
3 - Great Old One pact (gives Knock spell for doors in Rushmore's mansion)
5 - (Ftr bonus) Shield Mastery
6 - Maximise
7 - (Ftr bonus) Improved Shield Bash
9 - Quicken
12 - Imp. Crit Slashing
15 - Improved Shield Mastery
PDK - 3 - Spell power Boost & Cha to hit / damage
StD - 24 - Durable / Inciting / Resilient / Hardy / Tenacious / Swift defense
ES - 37 - aura stance, both bursts, shining through, hireling boosts for when you need them to (hopefully) protect kobolds
Speed is excellent from StD and the Barb level. Most things in heroic challenges die from the initial eldritch burst / spirit blast - even with no spell power items equipped.
Warlock spells include DDoor, Invis and displacement - also some CC with entangle / evard's if needed.
I'm currently just using the PDK starter gear, apart from armour (swapped to a medium armour for lower ASF). Possibly could swap to a Threnalian War Blade with +78 Impulse and Corrosion augments slotted for better bursts, and find somewhere to slot spell agility - but already tearing up the heroic challenges with no problems.
Not much use as a crucible swimmer this one though :)
08-05-2015, 03:01 PM
The Iconic Challenge Farmer thread is over here ( :)
10-10-2015, 06:14 PM
One option worth considering now is the Scraps of Enlightenment from Archon's Trial. +5 Holy 3, Solar 3, Impact 3, Reinforced Fists. In terms of stopping power that probably trumps the +5 Screaming of Pure Good. it also allows you to re-slot the Spare Hand for Stunning Fist DC, though you'd have to find a place to slot deathblock again. Maybe drop the Jump on boots and grab a green there?
10-10-2015, 06:43 PM
One option worth considering now is the Scraps of Enlightenment from Archon's Trial. +5 Holy 3, Solar 3, Impact 3, Reinforced Fists. In terms of stopping power that probably trumps the +5 Screaming of Pure Good. it also allows you to re-slot the Spare Hand for Stunning Fist DC, though you'd have to find a place to slot deathblock again. Maybe drop the Jump on boots and grab a green there?
For me personally swapping out Arkat's Cord is a no no since the Reinforced Fists works with all handwraps that are equipped, losing it would mean a drop in overall DPS. However, the wraps you mentioned do seem pretty good and has more procs than the crafted ones (2D6 extra I think) plus with them being Good and having Light damage they might work for an alternative to the Wraps of Endless Night if folks don't want to get them for some reason. The main downside to the wraps that I can see is that you would end up doubling up on abilities but that's all I can think of really.
10-10-2015, 08:13 PM
Those do look really nice.
I think most of the mobs in Rushmore are neutral, as are animated armor in extraplanar and wolves/lions in lava caves. Does the new-style holy hurt neutrals?
10-10-2015, 08:19 PM
"On Hit: 3 to 12 Good Damage (Good aligned creatures are immune to this effect)" is what the wiki says on the item screenshot so in theory it should do since it states that only Good aligned creatures are immune but I guess it would have to be tested to be sure.
10-10-2015, 09:54 PM
Arkat's Cord and the Scraps of Enlightenment both have Reinforced Fists For the fights where you'd want to take off Enlightenment You could still keep Arkat's for swap. But for most uses where you'd be using stuff like Ivy or +5 Screaming of Pure Good, Enlightenment would fare better.
+5 is a wash with Crafted
Holy III > Pure Good (3d4 > 2 flat. Assuming it can hit Neutral it's better across the board)
Solar III > Screaming (again 3d4 > 1d6)
Impact is a pure gain +1[W] Damage. Keen effect (does not stack with Improved Critical: Bludgeoning).
Red Slot is a wash (found on both).
Reinforced Fists is a gain (+0.5[W] again. Bringing our total up to 4.5[W] including Monk Unarmed Strike!)
If you reach a point where you're comfortable using Enlightenment full time, you can even swap the IC:B feat out (because it's redundant) for Precision. Fort Bypass is godly against Undead and Constructs.
10-10-2015, 10:56 PM
Holy III > Pure Good (3d4 > 2 flat. Assuming it can hit Neutral it's better across the board)Are you thinking of Righteousness? Pure Good is 1d6 vs non-good.
Don't forget the paragon bonus: 0.5[W]
10-11-2015, 12:47 AM
Are you thinking of Righteousness? Pure Good is 1d6 vs non-good.
Don't forget the paragon bonus: 0.5[W]
ah, yup. I was thinking of a different effect. Sorry bout that one.
10-11-2015, 10:51 AM
Arkat's Cord and the Scraps of Enlightenment both have Reinforced Fists For the fights where you'd want to take off Enlightenment You could still keep Arkat's for swap. But for most uses where you'd be using stuff like Ivy or +5 Screaming of Pure Good, Enlightenment would fare better.
+5 is a wash with Crafted
Holy III > Pure Good (3d4 > 2 flat. Assuming it can hit Neutral it's better across the board)
Solar III > Screaming (again 3d4 > 1d6)
Impact is a pure gain +1[W] Damage. Keen effect (does not stack with Improved Critical: Bludgeoning).
Red Slot is a wash (found on both).
Reinforced Fists is a gain (+0.5[W] again. Bringing our total up to 4.5[W] including Monk Unarmed Strike!)
If you reach a point where you're comfortable using Enlightenment full time, you can even swap the IC:B feat out (because it's redundant) for Precision. Fort Bypass is godly against Undead and Constructs.
Swapping IC:B is a bad idea I think since there are a number of wraps used for different circumstances (namely bosses) plus the healing ones if things go pear shaped (I use these a lot actually they are so good). Assuming that Holy III does work then it looks like they are better by a fair bit and are lower level until you slot an augment. Wraps of Endless Night are instakill for Undead and as for Constructs I think it's just the animated armours? I might see about farming the wraps in question and see how they fair compared to the others.
10-11-2015, 07:17 PM
I don't think I'd drop Improved Critical regardless, but if Holy III damages neutrals it's hard to not switch to those over the screaming of pure good crafted versions. Consider the pinnacle of crafted goodness, the Devashta beaters:
+5 Holy of Greater Evil Outsider Bane (+9 weapon with +5d6 proc damage per swing and +0.5[W])
Scraps of Enlightenment (+5 weapon with +6d4 proc damage per swing and +1[W])
+5 Screaming of Pure Good (+5 weapon with +2d6 proc damage per swing and +0.5[W])
Level 16 monk starts with 3[W], reinforced fists add another +0.5, and base damage is 1d8 thanks to shintao tier 5. That means:
4.0[1d8] +9 = 18 + 9 = 27 base damage for +5 holy of greater bane
4.5[1d8] +5 = 20 + 5 = 25 base damage for scraps of enlightenment
4.0[1d8] +5 = 18 + 5 = 23 base damage for +5 screaming of pure good
5d6 = 17.5 proc damage for +5 holy of greater bane
6d4 = 15 proc damage for scraps of enlightenment (not counting augment, which could add another +1d6)
2d6 = 7 proc damage for +5 screaming of pure good (not counting augment)
That makes scraps of enlightenment pretty close to a tie with the best possible crafted bane weapons, and clearly better than the trash beaters.
EDIT: If you're wondering why 0.5 only adds 2 damage, my calculator does what I assume the game does, which is round down. For the d8 roll, if you roll a 1, and have 4.5[W], that means it does 4.5 base damage. Since we can't do fractional damage, I assume that rounds down to 4. Thus:
1: 4
2: 9
3: 13
4: 18
5: 22
6: 27
7: 31
8: 36
4+9+13+18+22+27+31+36 = 160 / 8 = 20 damage per roll
Any error in this assumption can only favor scraps of enlightenment even further.
10-11-2015, 07:26 PM
Now that you've convinced me to farm up Scraps of Enlightenment, what's the best use for the augment?
Yugoloths are immune to acid, which I didn't care about with the crafted version because I switched to the evil outsider bane weapons for them. If we're only using Scraps, it should be the best all-around damage. What do you think that would be?
Maybe cold? That way it would do extra damage to fire giants and that eveningstar arena one where everything is a fire mob?
Or maybe, since regardless what element we pick there will certainly be mobs who resist it, would it be better to go with a +78 devotion augment? That adds another +15 implement bonus, for a total of +93 devotion compared to +48 as written. That sounds good to me.
EDIT: I think I like devotion for the augment, since it would let us switch the trinket to Blindness Ward of Good Luck +2. The mephits definitely blind us in Extraplanar, so Blindness Ward would be a nice improvement.
10-11-2015, 08:18 PM
Swapping IC:B is a bad idea I think since there are a number of wraps used for different circumstances (namely bosses) plus the healing ones if things go pear shaped (I use these a lot actually they are so good). Assuming that Holy III does work then it looks like they are better by a fair bit and are lower level until you slot an augment. Wraps of Endless Night are instakill for Undead and as for Constructs I think it's just the animated armours? I might see about farming the wraps in question and see how they fair compared to the others.Well, the healing wraps could be switched to +3 Impact of Vampirism.
Since Scraps of Enlightenment are competitive with greater bane boss beaters, I could see dropping all the boss beaters and only keeping specialized weapons for undead (mabar/disrupters) and constructs (smiters). Those targets are fortified anyway, so improved critical is largely irrelevant for them.
Dropping Improved Crit for Precision would be nice if there are fortified bosses, but more importantly for elementals. I do hate having to dps down elementals when dismissing strike is on cooldown.
10-11-2015, 10:45 PM
It basically comes down to the procs, since +0.5[W] is worth 4.5 damage
How does 0.5[W] work out to 4.5 damage with handwraps? I thought that for unarmed combat with a monk W = 1d6. I'm coming back to the game from a long hiatus, so I am likely missing something.
10-11-2015, 11:02 PM
Dropping Improved Crit for Precision would be nice if there are fortified bosses, but more importantly for elementals. I do hate having to dps down elementals when dismissing strike is on cooldown.
I'm surprised banishing weapons haven't been mentioned on this thread yet. They're useful against elementals as well as everything in Extraplanar Mining (including the maralith) except the enchanted armors and maybe the dragon (untested). Hot swapping Enlighted Vestments will add +5 damage/attack on average if you prefer not to use a banishing weapon.
10-11-2015, 11:10 PM
Holy III (all numbered Holy actually) work on Neutral creatures. Just tested it in Epic 3BC. My Holy Throwing Axe (crafted) didn't do Holy to the Elementals, but a Holy IV club did.
10-12-2015, 02:30 AM
How does 0.5[W] work out to 4.5 damage with handwraps? I thought that for unarmed combat with a monk W = 1d6. I'm coming back to the game from a long hiatus, so I am likely missing something.It doesn't; my calculator has 0.5[W] being worth 2 damage. That original statement was incorrect, later edited.
10-12-2015, 02:37 AM
I'm surprised banishing weapons haven't been mentioned on this thread yet. They're useful against elementals as well as everything in Extraplanar Mining (including the maralith) except the enchanted armors and maybe the dragon (untested). Hot swapping Enlighted Vestments will add +5 damage/attack on average if you prefer not to use a banishing weapon.That's a good call. I'll keep an eye out for them in the ah.
The main reason they've been overlooked is that the build has what approaches a no-fail instakill attack for all non-redname extraplanar enemies: Dismissing Strike.
10-12-2015, 07:50 AM
Level 16 monk starts with 3[W], reinforced fists add another +0.5, and base damage is 1d8 thanks to shintao tier 5. That means:
4.0[1d8] +9 = 18 + 9 = 27 base damage for +5 holy of greater bane
4.5[1d8] +5 = 20 + 5 = 25 base damage for scraps of enlightenment
4.0[1d8] +5 = 18 + 5 = 23 base damage for +5 screaming of pure good
Wow that really is very very close!
Well, the healing wraps could be switched to +3 Impact of Vampirism.
Since Scraps of Enlightenment are competitive with greater bane boss beaters, I could see dropping all the boss beaters and only keeping specialized weapons for undead (mabar/disrupters) and constructs (smiters). Those targets are fortified anyway, so improved critical is largely irrelevant for them.
Dropping Improved Crit for Precision would be nice if there are fortified bosses, but more importantly for elementals. I do hate having to dps down elementals when dismissing strike is on cooldown.
If that is the case then I think the only "boss beater" left would be the wraps for the Archon in the Kobold Island challenges. Are there any Constructs at all in any of the challenges the only ones I can even remotely think of are the Animated Armours and I'm not even sure if they are classed as a Construct.
EDIT - Just checked and they are a Construct according to the wiki (
Now that you've convinced me to farm up Scraps of Enlightenment, what's the best use for the augment?
Yugoloths are immune to acid, which I didn't care about with the crafted version because I switched to the evil outsider bane weapons for them. If we're only using Scraps, it should be the best all-around damage. What do you think that would be?
Maybe cold? That way it would do extra damage to fire giants and that eveningstar arena one where everything is a fire mob?
Or maybe, since regardless what element we pick there will certainly be mobs who resist it, would it be better to go with a +78 devotion augment? That adds another +15 implement bonus, for a total of +93 devotion compared to +48 as written. That sounds good to me.
EDIT: I think I like devotion for the augment, since it would let us switch the trinket to Blindness Ward of Good Luck +2. The mephits definitely blind us in Extraplanar, so Blindness Ward would be a nice improvement.
Kinetic Ruby Eye or a Star Ruby maybe? The problem is that I think those types of augments currently do not work with unarmed combat. Having said that though Devotion would be a good shout though that does mess me up a little since I use the Madstone Boots for it but the Rage proc drives me mad (no pun intended). If we add Devotion though that does affect the DPS calcs somewhat since we are losing 1D6 from the current Acid augment.
Blindness Ward comes as a Yellow augment so is there any place we could slot that perhaps? If that is possible then how about Melee Alacrity of Good Luck +2? We could then switch stance to either Fire or Mountain though having said all of that I have no idea how Melee Alacrity behaves with all the extra speed stuff Monks get naturally so it may not even give us anything extra. As I currently understand Wind Stance gives +7.5% to attack speed where MA gives a full 10% so on paper it should work.
Holy III (all numbered Holy actually) work on Neutral creatures. Just tested it in Epic 3BC. My Holy Throwing Axe (crafted) didn't do Holy to the Elementals, but a Holy IV club did.
Overflowing with win! This should then work on Animated Armor since they are True Neutral?
10-12-2015, 09:08 AM
Wow that really is very very close!
If that is the case then I think the only "boss beater" left would be the wraps for the Archon in the Kobold Island challenges. Are there any Constructs at all in any of the challenges the only ones I can even remotely think of are the Animated Armours and I'm not even sure if they are classed as a Construct.
EDIT - Just checked and they are a Construct according to the wiki (
Kinetic Ruby Eye or a Star Ruby maybe? The problem is that I think those types of augments currently do not work with unarmed combat. Having said that though Devotion would be a good shout though that does mess me up a little since I use the Madstone Boots for it but the Rage proc drives me mad (no pun intended). If we add Devotion though that does affect the DPS calcs somewhat since we are losing 1D6 from the current Acid augment.
Blindness Ward comes as a Yellow augment so is there any place we could slot that perhaps? If that is possible then how about Melee Alacrity of Good Luck +2? We could then switch stance to either Fire or Mountain though having said all of that I have no idea how Melee Alacrity behaves with all the extra speed stuff Monks get naturally so it may not even give us anything extra. As I currently understand Wind Stance gives +7.5% to attack speed where MA gives a full 10% so on paper it should work.
Overflowing with win! This should then work on Animated Armor since they are True Neutral?
Melee Alacrity is a Suffix, you'd lose Good Luck for it.
Given that elementals are True Neutral (or at least the ones I pinged weren't Evil, as my Holy Cold Iron Throwing Axe can attest), if Holy III worked on those, it should work on Animated Armors (unless, for some backwards reason, the Armors are Good alignment, which they aren't)
10-12-2015, 05:35 PM
Melee Alacrity doesn't stack with Wind Stance. Master of Forms (autogranted at monk level 12) grants 12.5% alacrity in wind stance. (15% at level 18.)
As for constructs, mainly it's just animated armor in extraplanar, and also in rushmore the gargoyles are typed as constructs, plus there are metal dogs. Both animated armors and the gargoyles are actually annoying (the dogs are fine), but a pair of smiters (plus the level 16 monk ability to bypass DR/adamantine) is all you need.
If that is the case then I think the only "boss beater" left would be the wraps for the Archon in the Kobold Island challenges.Oh, right, good call there. Wouldn't want to spend a keen on those wraps. Hmmm. While DPS is pretty critical for beating down that archon, it's probably still easy enough with just a 20x2 profile. (Compared to 19-20x2.)
Kinetic Ruby Eye or a Star Ruby maybe? The problem is that I think those types of augments currently do not work with unarmed combat. Having said that though Devotion would be a good shout though that does mess me up a little since I use the Madstone Boots for it but the Rage proc drives me mad (no pun intended). If we add Devotion though that does affect the DPS calcs somewhat since we are losing 1D6 from the current Acid augment.I view those augments as too expensive for a challenge farmer. I'd save those for a "real" alt.
10-12-2015, 05:58 PM
Oh, right, good call there. Wouldn't want to spend a keen on those wraps. Hmmm. While DPS is pretty critical for beating down that archon, it's probably still easy enough with just a 20x2 profile. (Compared to 19-20x2.)
Gulp down a Haste pot and hit Damage Boost, the problem I have killing the **** thing is that it constantly moves which is very annoying. Generally I find the faster I dish out damage the better I do against rather than crits.
I view those augments as too expensive for a challenge farmer. I'd save those for a "real" alt.
Really? I've seen them go for very little but I guess that's dependant on the server. So lets "assume" you loot one or you buy one for not much would they be worth taking instead of Devotion? Heck I'd be tempted to just throw in the Acid augment currently in the trash beater wraps.
10-12-2015, 06:03 PM
Finally got a set of the wraps, I added the Force Ritual to them since it does add up pretty fast with all the fast attacks Monks get just not sure on the augment still. I farmed them with a level 28 alt on Heroic Elite and used a couple of shard re-rolls and got lucky with the +2 Mythic :)
10-12-2015, 06:06 PM
Really? I've seen them go for very little but I guess that's dependant on the server. So lets "assume" you loot one or you buy one for not much would they be worth taking instead of Devotion? Heck I'd be tempted to just throw in the Acid augment currently in the trash beater wraps.I have seven "main" characters, two challenge farmers (one heroic one epic) and four dual-box openers. None of them have any of the exotic augments. If I were to acquire one, it would definitely go to one of my seven mains. If I found eight, I'd consider it on the challenge farmer.
But even then I'd probably stick with devotion. +93 devotion is the yum!
EDIT: Awesome, gratz! And good call on the force ritual.
10-12-2015, 06:29 PM
I have seven "main" characters, two challenge farmers (one heroic one epic) and four dual-box openers. None of them have any of the exotic augments. If I were to acquire one, it would definitely go to one of my seven mains. If I found eight, I'd consider it on the challenge farmer.
But even then I'd probably stick with devotion. +93 devotion is the yum!
EDIT: Awesome, gratz! And good call on the force ritual.
Thanks, I'm going to try them out hopefully sometime this week.
+93? OK reeeeeally dumb question incoming here but how on Eberron do you get +93 from a +78 augment?
Sticking with Devotion means we lose 1D6 acid damage per swing per hand from the other wraps but it could be worse I guess, though if I do switch I have no idea what to use since Madstone has +6 DEX and Striding 30% :(
EDIT - I had another thought but again it does involve a possibly expensive augment... Ruby of the Vampire Slayer (1-4 Light damage on hit) now it's not as high as the 1D6 from the Acid augment but far less will be able to resist it. Currently the wraps are showing me 5.8[1d8] + 20 which is a massive jump up from around 4.5 ish with the crafted wraps I just need to give these bad boys a spin and see how they fair.
10-12-2015, 07:24 PM
Just tried Shadowplay since I have 2 nVidea video cards in my rig, a run through of Buying Time ended up at 1.7GB in size but that's at 1440p so I guess it could be a lot worse (like 4K worse lol!). The run was terrible since I'm tired but it should give an idea on DPS hopefully from the new wraps, going to see about getting it uploaded tomorrow to Youtube and maybe Mediafire if folks prefer to download it instead.
10-12-2015, 09:33 PM
+93? OK reeeeeally dumb question incoming here but how on Eberron do you get +93 from a +78 augment?
Adding any spell power to a weapon makes it a casting implement. +3 per enhancement level, +5 weapon = +15 Implement. 78 +15 = 93
10-12-2015, 11:05 PM
Just tried Shadowplay since I have 2 nVidea video cards in my rig, a run through of Buying Time ended up at 1.7GB in size but that's at 1440p so I guess it could be a lot worse (like 4K worse lol!). The run was terrible since I'm tired but it should give an idea on DPS hopefully from the new wraps, going to see about getting it uploaded tomorrow to Youtube and maybe Mediafire if folks prefer to download it instead.For dps tests, maybe just enter a CR20 Short Cuts and run straight to a large?
10-13-2015, 08:33 AM
Adding any spell power to a weapon makes it a casting implement. +3 per enhancement level, +5 weapon = +15 Implement. 78 +15 = 93
You see I told you it was a dumb question :P thanks :)
For dps tests, maybe just enter a CR20 Short Cuts and run straight to a large?
Jumped in to Buying Time since that has the Maralith and here is the video...
I really like these wraps and I have replaced the existing trash beaters with them. Still keeping the Vampirism wraps for when things go pear shaped and obviously the Marbar wraps for Undead. I have the Archon ones and a couple of others. In total I am down 1 set of wraps which does make swapping easier.
10-13-2015, 08:47 AM
Nice. I like the look of those wraps in the field. What are the light blue damage numbers? Did you customize your crit color?
Don't forget Dismissing Strike; it's pretty much a no-fail insta-kill for mephits, and probably 50/50 chance at insta-killing demons like that ice flenser.
Also, Stunning Fist is almost no-fail against mephits as well. Mephits are total gimps.
10-13-2015, 09:12 AM
Nice. I like the look of those wraps in the field. What are the light blue damage numbers? Did you customize your crit color?
Don't forget Dismissing Strike; it's pretty much a no-fail insta-kill for mephits, and probably 50/50 chance at insta-killing demons like that ice flenser.
Also, Stunning Fist is almost no-fail against mephits as well. Mephits are total gimps.
I forgot a lot in the run to be honest m8 I was worn out when I did it hence it's a lousy run :) now with regards to the light blue colour that is the colour of any kill I make I found it handy to differentiate between kill and non kill. Also note that this toon has had numerous tomes passed to him so he has at least +3 in everything with the odd +4 here or there so that will obviously help but as you can see they really are good :)
As I mentioned previously I added the 1-4 Light damage augment instead of Devotion.
10-16-2015, 01:37 PM
I had another thought but again it does involve a possibly expensive augment... Ruby of the Vampire Slayer (1-4 Light damage on hit) now it's not as high as the 1D6 from the Acid augment but far less will be able to resist it. Currently the wraps are showing me 5.8[1d8] + 20 which is a massive jump up from around 4.5 ish with the crafted wraps I just need to give these bad boys a spin and see how they fair.
Since the old Marbar loot has been added to the new Night Revels event it does mean that this particular augment isn't that hard to come by as long as you run the event so it's rather similar to running Crystal Cove for the other bits of kit.
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