View Full Version : [Build Request] | Easiest Solo Toon | Needs High Survivability
08-22-2013, 04:02 PM
Hello everyone I am looking for a build that goes with the new update and is basically the easiest build to get from 1-20 the fastest mostly solo while having high DPS and livability.
Thank you very much for the help.
08-23-2013, 05:58 AM
Hello everyone I am looking for a build that goes with the new update and is basically the easiest build to get from 1-20 the fastest mostly solo while having high DPS and livability.
Thank you very much for the help.
Well, other's oppinions may differ, but if you have access to Favored Soul and Monk, I would advise for Favored Soul 17/Monk 3, Human. Stats depend on what you have available and what path you might want to know - works even for very undergeared toons.
I am doing this to get rid of the FvS past life and also (with the help of the free LR+20) the Rogue past life I dread somewhat. I admit I have some gear stashed, but this really works with any random lootgen items. My advice would be:
Str/Dex/Con/Int/Wis/Cha 16/8/14/8/14/14 for 28-pt build, all level ups to Str. Level progression MMFFFFFFFFFFFFMFFFFF (you get Evasion right away, than FvS for Blade Barrier, Monk for Light Finisher, FvS up till end). Feats taken:
1 Dodge, Power Attack (Monk), Cleave (Human)
2 Mobility (Monk)
3 Maximize
6 Great Cleave
9 Quicken
12 Imp. Crit: Bludgeon
15 ...Whatever you wish
18 ...Whatever you wish
Get Shield clicky, switch to fire stance (moar Strength), and cleave your way through anything in your path. You will have good saves even undergeared, evasion, decent HP for your level, self-heals and even some AC.
Mine is 36-pt build with access to LitII staff, Dreamspitter and few other things. Good equip helps, of course, to fill some blind spots, but overall you do not need anything special. So far (lvl10) I haven't met a trap I would have to pause before - just running through them all.
Just my 2 cents
08-23-2013, 06:15 AM
WF sorc.
If you have lots of gear, splash 2 pally at some point. End of story.
(Or maybe it's WF wizard/rogue with the enhancement pass?)
08-23-2013, 09:53 AM
Now that druids & clerics have offensive SLAs too, pretty much any divine caster should be fine. Pale Master with a bit of Archmage should still be pretty strong. WF sorcs look a bit nerfed, but since they were the OP "Easy Mode" to begin with, it was probably overdue. :p
08-24-2013, 11:45 PM
WF sorc.
If you have lots of gear, splash 2 pally at some point. End of story.
(Or maybe it's WF wizard/rogue with the enhancement pass?)
I haven't seen any 28 point WF sorc builds for update 19. could you point some out if you've seen em?
08-25-2013, 09:28 AM
You should look into WF arty, they can do traps, self healing, and if you go heavy on the SLA's and meta's you will blow up everything, I have only gotten to lvl 8 but I can solo the Delara's chain on elite, without any gear, having no gear I had to bypass the traps the hard way=).
08-25-2013, 01:24 PM
Well, other's oppinions may differ, but if you have access to Favored Soul and Monk, I would advise for Favored Soul 17/Monk 3, Human. Stats depend on what you have available and what path you might want to know - works even for very undergeared toons.
I am doing this to get rid of the FvS past life and also (with the help of the free LR+20) the Rogue past life I dread somewhat. I admit I have some gear stashed, but this really works with any random lootgen items. My advice would be:
Str/Dex/Con/Int/Wis/Cha 16/8/14/8/14/14 for 28-pt build, all level ups to Str. Level progression MMFFFFFFFFFFFFMFFFFF (you get Evasion right away, than FvS for Blade Barrier, Monk for Light Finisher, FvS up till end). Feats taken:
1 Dodge, Power Attack (Monk), Cleave (Human)
2 Mobility (Monk)
3 Maximize
6 Great Cleave
9 Quicken
12 Imp. Crit: Bludgeon
15 ...Whatever you wish
18 ...Whatever you wish
Get Shield clicky, switch to fire stance (moar Strength), and cleave your way through anything in your path. You will have good saves even undergeared, evasion, decent HP for your level, self-heals and even some AC.
Mine is 36-pt build with access to LitII staff, Dreamspitter and few other things. Good equip helps, of course, to fill some blind spots, but overall you do not need anything special. So far (lvl10) I haven't met a trap I would have to pause before - just running through them all.
Just my 2 cents
Interesting, so what is SLA exactly?
I have also heard AC has pretty much no affect is this true?
Interesting, so what is SLA exactly?
Spell-Like Ability.
You know, like some of those clickies that you get from enhancements...
I have also heard AC has pretty much no affect is this true?
If you've been reading old threads here, it used to be so that only a certain range of AC was meaningful against any specific opponent, and plenty of toons were outside that range at least past early levels. (Straight d20 does work like that.)
It's been changed so that any change in AC theoretically has some effect. (Any specific 1-point change may still be lost in the rounding, but anyway...)
08-27-2013, 06:25 AM
As already answered, the defense value I have pretty much all the way from lvl1-current13 is about 60% miss chance at level. Add in displacement clickies (;-)), dodge 15 (no effort to pump it higher), Evasion and saves over 30 (all of them), I pretty much die only on my own stupidity. I cannot wait for the Blade Barrier next level - should have decent 28 DC right off the bat and then also some nice damage (ML14 +4 Thaumaturgy quaterstaff (Force, Light) of Evocation mastery prepped).
At cap, I will LR+20 to Rogue, TR, and start this life again from scratch as it is really easy to rip through things.
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