View Full Version : Druid SLA´s not working
08-22-2013, 09:36 AM
The SLA´s are not working on my Druid, a guildy has similar problem his Word of Balance is not working.
This was after the patch and my Season Herald tree was empty I set the ap again but the SLA´s are grey and not working any ideas?
08-22-2013, 10:18 AM
Have you tried dragging & dropping them from your enhancements panel to the hotbars again? sometimes something that simple can sort it
08-22-2013, 10:32 AM
Have you tried dragging & dropping them from your enhancements panel to the hotbars again? sometimes something that simple can sort it
Yep numerous times :)
I will do a LR when I get home, hope that will fix things...
08-22-2013, 01:11 PM
A lot of the druid stuff is completely borked if you haven't remade your character with the free LR or the LR20 after the enhancement pass.
08-22-2013, 01:31 PM
A lot of the druid stuff is completely borked if you haven't remade your character with the free LR or the LR20 after the enhancement pass.
figured as much but ty :)
08-24-2013, 05:35 AM
I have 5 level 25 druids. I did not LR a single one. I just reset enhancements(no LR) and the SLA's work fine on all of them. I do not know what the issue is, but it is not the need for an LR. You do know that there is a LONG cooldown on those, right? I have the cooldown timer showing on mine.
08-24-2013, 07:14 AM
I have 5 level 25 druids. I did not LR a single one. I just reset enhancements(no LR) and the SLA's work fine on all of them. I do not know what the issue is, but it is not the need for an LR. You do know that there is a LONG cooldown on those, right? I have the cooldown timer showing on mine.
I am 99% certain that the results are different on every character depending on what enhancements you had before the pass took effect. On one of my druids I could not put any points into seasons herald at all until I used my LR20 (couldve just used free LR I'm sure, but I wanted to swap some classes around). That character also had 2 seasons herald trees on its character sheet (reset had zero effect and cost me money).
Another Druid I had couldnt take tier 5 enhancements at all until I used my LR.
Every single one of my characters have trees that read "Invalid" before using their LR.
So, I stand firm that if you're having weird enhancement bugs on your druid (and possibly other classes), that it is probably due to the enhancement changes and you'll likely need to LR, and the appearance of these bugs is very likely tied to what enhancements you had before the pass.
08-25-2013, 04:01 PM
I experienced something similar. My SLAs worked fine until I selected word of balance. Then everything borked out. It seems selecting word of balance locked out all other tier 5 choices (within tree) and it grayed out previously working SLAs on my hotbar and they were no longer workable. I reset the trees, didn't take word of balance, and the other SLAs worked again. I might try out the LR thing, but getting word of balance while nice, is not enough of a priority for me to LR this character.
08-27-2013, 05:46 AM
I reset all my hotbars with spells and such when I reset those enhancements. All of them. I took the icons from my character sheet on all toons. I am not saying anyone did not. I am just saying what I did that works fine.
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