View Full Version : Arrow of Slaying is now ka ka?

08-19-2013, 05:39 PM
I knew that slaying arrows were going to be changed to a set damage amount of 250 per, from the 500 on vorpal as previous. What I didnt expect is that it isnow just one arrow of slaying....one...uno - not 2 0r 3 or some set timer amount. Nope, just one. So, 2 action points, a tier 5 ability, and 20 SP for a one time 250 damage? If this is WAI, I believe I will be resetting that tree very soon.
Oh yeah, Im not super thrilled about losing my capstone either.

08-19-2013, 05:45 PM
It was changed to 250 from 500, but also changed to work with criticals, with the base bow multiplier being x3. It typically may not end up being as potent, but it's not as dramatic as a 50% decrease .

What do you mean 'only one'? Per rest?

08-19-2013, 05:59 PM
my understanding is... it's not a stance/buff wahtever like it was before that's on constantly, but an attack (like whistler arrow) that you need to re-click every time it comes off cooldown.

what... did it never come off cooldown?

08-19-2013, 06:33 PM
It was changed to 250 from 500, but also changed to work with criticals, with the base bow multiplier being x3. It typically may not end up being as potent, but it's not as dramatic as a 50% decrease .

What do you mean 'only one'? Per rest?

one arrow

08-19-2013, 06:44 PM
my understanding is... it's not a stance/buff wahtever like it was before that's on constantly, but an attack (like whistler arrow) that you need to re-click every time it comes off cooldown.

what... did it never come off cooldown?

it came off cooldown just fine - the intent of my original post was to convey my surprise at how different it is from the previous in terms of the damage dealt, cost to use, and pre req to use. For me, I dont think it is worth slotting for 2 AP, and 20 Sp a pop.

08-19-2013, 08:00 PM
it came off cooldown just fine - the intent of my original post was to convey my surprise at how different it is from the previous in terms of the damage dealt, cost to use, and pre req to use. For me, I dont think it is worth slotting for 2 AP, and 20 Sp a pop.

try it with manyshot + adrenaline + ips.

When its 4 arrows doing 8k each arrow, its worth it.

08-28-2013, 05:13 PM
I would add one more thing, slayer arrows picked up the ability to proc on all targets that are hit, whereas previously they only proc'd on one target regardless. When the stars align, it's pretty.

08-28-2013, 07:17 PM
I would add one more thing, slayer arrows picked up the ability to proc on all targets that are hit, whereas previously they only proc'd on one target regardless. When the stars align, it's pretty.

So it's a net "win" then. If it multiplies on crit and adrenaline and can hit multiple targets it's tough to imagine this will be a net loss in DPS.

08-28-2013, 09:57 PM
try it with manyshot + adrenaline + ips.
When its 4 arrows doing 8k each arrow, its worth it.

Could you elaborate on how would you activate manyshot, adrenaline and arrow of slaying combo please?

Thank you.

08-28-2013, 11:49 PM
Could you elaborate on how would you activate manyshot, adrenaline and arrow of slaying combo please?

Thank you.

Can't you literally just press those buttons in that order?

Manyshot = 20 second buff begins,
Adrenaline = 15 second buff begins,
Arrow of Slaying = Kaboom!

08-29-2013, 01:33 AM
Can't you literally just press those buttons in that order?

Manyshot = 20 second buff begins,
Adrenaline = 15 second buff begins,
Arrow of Slaying = Kaboom!
For even more adrenalined goodness, click a damage boost if you have one.

08-29-2013, 02:03 AM
For even more adrenalined goodness, click a damage boost if you have one.

wait wait!!too many buttons!!roflmao

fyi i've seen ppl using metas as combat stances...xD

08-29-2013, 05:16 AM
try it with manyshot + adrenaline + ips.

When its 4 arrows doing 8k each arrow, its worth it.

maybee on an helpless target or with dmg boost.

~5,2k-6.4 is it on a normal crit and ~9,8k-11k on an helpless Target.

wit manyshot 20k+++ dmg on every target in the line.

Can't you literally just press those buttons in that order?

Manyshot = 20 second buff begins,
Adrenaline = 15 second buff begins,
Arrow of Slaying = Kaboom!

better use Adrenaline and wait 4 seconds without attacking so that the coodown runns out use manyshot then and push Arrow of Slaying. and have Adrenaline instant rdy for a deepwood sniper shot.
at least u can use 4 adrenalines while manyshot is active if u do it in the right combo.

08-29-2013, 11:01 AM
At first I thought it was a nerf, but after adjusting my AA technique, I've found the changes to be net positive. My kill numbers are through the roof. An adrenaline + slayer arrow will normally one shot kill most any normal EH mob. Im seeing numbers from 2k to 5k damage. An Adrenaline + manyshot + slayer can reach 20k damage on mobs that can be criticaled.

The change makes rangers play more mindfully now as well. I love soloing and taking the time to sneak and line the mobs up all in in a row and with one arrow, they fall like dominoes.

And in groups, well lets just say, I like being the kill leader.

08-29-2013, 04:35 PM
The change makes rangers play more mindfully now as well. I love soloing and taking the time to sneak and line the mobs up all in in a row and with one arrow, they fall like.

I can't agree with you more .... As much as I like playing my archers all of these new enhancements has made playing much more enjoyable

08-30-2013, 02:32 AM
I'm loving the change to slayer arrows, just make sure to line them up & have whatever boosts activated before firing it off, then follow up with a sniper shot. Took my AA monkcher into battle for eveningstar EH last night with some guildies, took down the bebilith then when the boss was available activated unbridled fury & manyshot then just used the slaying arrow, sniper shot & the rest of the +w attacks.. boss dropped in under 10secs then used the rest of the time left to wipe out the reinforcement mobs.