View Full Version : Shroud of the Wraith

08-15-2013, 04:07 PM
My wife currently is playing an elven palemaster wizard (level 14) she has palemaster I & II and only has shroud of the zombie as an option atm is it correct that she needs to take the mental toughness feat in order do get shroud of the wraith?

08-15-2013, 04:19 PM
My wife currently is playing an elven palemaster wizard (level 14) she has palemaster I & II and only has shroud of the zombie as an option atm is it correct that she needs to take the mental toughness feat in order do get shroud of the wraith?

For now, yes. Wait 5 days or so, then the answer will be no.

08-15-2013, 04:23 PM
ok thanks for the quick reply! i will have to look into the new enhancements... also she has only just hit 14 so 15 will be a while away.

08-15-2013, 08:54 PM
With 30% xp boost I'm sure she could take mental toughness at lvl 15. Extra sp doesn't really hurt. If I remember correctly you get a class and level feat for pure lvl 15 wizard. so it isn't like you're losing that bad of a feat slot.