View Full Version : Questions about Epic Elite survival (Displace/Dodge/Incorp). Post enhancement pass.

08-13-2013, 01:36 PM
I'm getting ready to revamp my novasoul build post enhancement pass. I was on lamania this weekend trying out different builds to test the hints and advice that I have been giving.

One of my best surprises was my test run of a wraith form shiradi wiz. The combination of displace/max dodge/incorp actually provided a reasonable amount of survival against a pack of melee EE mobs. I couldn't go toe to toe with the entire mob, but I also didn't go instasplat the very instant the pack caught up with me.

The bad news however is that it seems to require a significant build commitment. 25% incorp (or better) is only available to level 6 monk or level 12 palemaster.

Displace is almost as limited. Shroud clickies look like a lot of grind. Elf dragon marks are interesting at 1 feat, but anything that requires heavy racial investment will soon be a questionable choice. One more thing that concerns me is that even when I could cast displacement on demand... I found myself refreshing it early to avoid it wearing out in the middle of a big fight. I'm not sure that limited uses of displacement is going to work in an environment where I want it up nearly 100% of the time.

Any feedback from people who use this approach to survival in epic elites would be appreciated, either by reply to this thread or as a PM if you prefer.


08-13-2013, 01:44 PM
Get a Barbarian, a bard, and 4 healers. Best group for any EE encounter.

08-13-2013, 01:46 PM
Get a Barbarian, a bard, and 4 healers. Best group for any EE encounter.

Shade, did you forgot to switch accounts?

08-13-2013, 02:01 PM
I am kind of having a hard time finding where the question is in this. You are correct, Shadow Fade from NS or Wraith form from PM does make for a very good bit of survivability. But even for those without it, stacking 10% incorporeal from items with 50% displace and some Dodge is pretty much assumed for those who are actually prepared.

I have just recently started looking at the expansion to see if it is worth playing again, so thing may have changed, but generally limited number of charges was not much of a problem. In the easy EEs you can just blow through it with 20% Blur most of the time and using your Displace for the more difficult encounters, and in the harder ones everyone is at level cap anyways so you can just recall out, shrine, and come back in.

Shroud clickies look like a lot of grind.
Keep in mind that if you just want it for the clicky, you only have to make a T2 item, not T3. Most players have a surplus of T1 and T2 ingredients that just accumulated while getting twice as many T3 ingredients for dual shard items.

08-13-2013, 02:18 PM
Shade, did you forgot to switch accounts?

Crud! I've been found out. Um . . . meant to say "oot" since I'm Canadian or something.