08-10-2013, 02:42 AM
U19 has brought the enhancement pass which to me seems to offer great advantages to the WF shiradi wiz/mnk build. It has also removed some of the feat requirements giving more flexibility in picking feats.
Here is the way I intend to build mine - for EE difficulty. Comments and suggestions are most welcome.
Max INT, Max CON, remaining in WIS (or some in DEX if you want Dodge and dont have a +5 DEX tome).
- Toughness, Toughness (or Dodge if you have 13+ DEX)
- Max, Emp, Quicken (for reconstruct)
- Enlarge (for Magic Missiles which have short range), Extend (for displacement)
- Mental Toughness, Improved Mental Toughness (more SP)
- Wiz PL (for the clicky MM), Sorc PL (more SP)
- Insightful Reflexes
- Adapt of Forms (used to be monk enhancement, now its a monk feat).
* You can also consider Master of Forms and Grandmaster of Forms for feats if you are willing to part with some of the other feat.
- (21) Epic Mental Tougness, (24) Epic Toughness
- (26) (28) Undecided as none of those looks spectacular. Maybe Forced Escaped (to get away from being stunned) and Guardian Angle (a bit more surviveability) or maybe just Toughness. Could also take Hellball I suppose.
- (27) Epic Reflexes (not failing on a 1 with evasion and high reflex saves is superb)
#Note that SF:Evoc and GSF:Evoc are not longer needed to access the AM SLA Evoc line. Hence I dropped those feat as Shiradi doesnt depend on DC anyway. Hence room for more exotic feats like Luck of Heroes.
Up for debate. Spellcraft, Diplo (need 40 total for Tea) and UMD (rez scrolls) I definitely want. Concentration, Repair, Balance, Search (hidden doors), Spot (hidden enemies), Move Silently (invis running) are all good so pick the ones you like :)
WF (21 ap): 40 hp, 2 con, +75% fortification, +3 will saves, +3 fort saves, -5% asf
Henchin (1 ap): +5 fire spell power, +5 force spell power, +2 fire resist
Ninja (8 ap): +1 hide/move silently, +3 concentration/balance/jump/tumble, +3% dodge/max dodge, +3 reflex save
PM (15 ap): +30 hp, Efficient Maximize rank 3, +1 INT, +11 USP from spending 15 AP.
AM (35 ap): AM Spec 1-5 (the SLA), +90 SP, Improved Empowering rank 3, Improved Quicken rank 2 (didnt have enough points for rank 3, unfortunately), +2 INT, +6% crit chance, Arcane Supremacy, +35 USP and +70 SP from spending 35 AP.
Only downside compared to the U18 build is with SP which is down - everything else seems to be up. Some of the SP could be regained by spending more in the AM tree but I really like the effects gained for those other trees so I consider the tradeoff worthwhile.
Note - its very much a possibility to change this into 17 wiz / 2 mnk / 1 fvs adding a few choice fvs tier 1 enhancements. Going 16/2/2 is also viable but means a loss of Meteor Swarm.
U19 has brought the enhancement pass which to me seems to offer great advantages to the WF shiradi wiz/mnk build. It has also removed some of the feat requirements giving more flexibility in picking feats.
Here is the way I intend to build mine - for EE difficulty. Comments and suggestions are most welcome.
Max INT, Max CON, remaining in WIS (or some in DEX if you want Dodge and dont have a +5 DEX tome).
- Toughness, Toughness (or Dodge if you have 13+ DEX)
- Max, Emp, Quicken (for reconstruct)
- Enlarge (for Magic Missiles which have short range), Extend (for displacement)
- Mental Toughness, Improved Mental Toughness (more SP)
- Wiz PL (for the clicky MM), Sorc PL (more SP)
- Insightful Reflexes
- Adapt of Forms (used to be monk enhancement, now its a monk feat).
* You can also consider Master of Forms and Grandmaster of Forms for feats if you are willing to part with some of the other feat.
- (21) Epic Mental Tougness, (24) Epic Toughness
- (26) (28) Undecided as none of those looks spectacular. Maybe Forced Escaped (to get away from being stunned) and Guardian Angle (a bit more surviveability) or maybe just Toughness. Could also take Hellball I suppose.
- (27) Epic Reflexes (not failing on a 1 with evasion and high reflex saves is superb)
#Note that SF:Evoc and GSF:Evoc are not longer needed to access the AM SLA Evoc line. Hence I dropped those feat as Shiradi doesnt depend on DC anyway. Hence room for more exotic feats like Luck of Heroes.
Up for debate. Spellcraft, Diplo (need 40 total for Tea) and UMD (rez scrolls) I definitely want. Concentration, Repair, Balance, Search (hidden doors), Spot (hidden enemies), Move Silently (invis running) are all good so pick the ones you like :)
WF (21 ap): 40 hp, 2 con, +75% fortification, +3 will saves, +3 fort saves, -5% asf
Henchin (1 ap): +5 fire spell power, +5 force spell power, +2 fire resist
Ninja (8 ap): +1 hide/move silently, +3 concentration/balance/jump/tumble, +3% dodge/max dodge, +3 reflex save
PM (15 ap): +30 hp, Efficient Maximize rank 3, +1 INT, +11 USP from spending 15 AP.
AM (35 ap): AM Spec 1-5 (the SLA), +90 SP, Improved Empowering rank 3, Improved Quicken rank 2 (didnt have enough points for rank 3, unfortunately), +2 INT, +6% crit chance, Arcane Supremacy, +35 USP and +70 SP from spending 35 AP.
Only downside compared to the U18 build is with SP which is down - everything else seems to be up. Some of the SP could be regained by spending more in the AM tree but I really like the effects gained for those other trees so I consider the tradeoff worthwhile.
Note - its very much a possibility to change this into 17 wiz / 2 mnk / 1 fvs adding a few choice fvs tier 1 enhancements. Going 16/2/2 is also viable but means a loss of Meteor Swarm.