View Full Version : Build request: Iconic Bladeforged Artificer
08-09-2013, 10:49 AM
HI all,
Just pre-ordered next SC, and got access to Bladeforged. Woot!
I'd like to make an artificer, but am aware that I need at least one level of Pala. I have no IDEA how to mix these two classes. What I'd like is:
- Mainly ranged combat (repeater)
- Quickened reconstruct
- Backup caster offense (maybe, not solid on this)
- Not a juggernaut (I'm not experienced enough, or geared enough to play one)
- Full trapping (please include Spot - I don't know alot of the trap locations)
- Solo-oriented, but useful in a party
08-09-2013, 11:24 AM
One way: take 2nd pally level for the bonus to saves, take the rest as Arty as if you were doing a regular Arty.
You can also play around with 2pal/6arti(Engineer1)/12rog(Mechanic2) etc for fun although this might be mostly fun in Heroic levels.
In a few days it will be a whole new ballgame anyways :)
08-09-2013, 11:37 AM
16/2/2 arti/paladin/monk would be what I'd do. (It's what I did on my opener toon, actually)
16 arti for.. arti stuff, of course.
/2 paladin because you need 1 paladin, and 2 will give divine grace. Saves should never be ignored!
/2 monk because if you've got divine grace, you should get evasion to use it with. :)
I'm not 100% sure what leveling order I had, nor does it really matter imo. I'd take arti at level two, which I most likely did. Aside from that, 2 monk when you want evasion, add the other paladin when you want a save boost.
I started with 14 dex, 18 con, 16 int and 10 charisma (rest were dumped), then put first two levels into dex for 16 dex - add on a +3 dex tome for IPS and you're set. Rest into int for artificer goodness.
Feats are down to preference. Typical feats, improved precise shot, rapid reload, rapid shot, precision, toughness, ect.
This is just the way I'd do it, of course - I'm sure others have a much better idea.
08-09-2013, 12:35 PM
Most folks will do a 2/2/rest arty, i.e. 2 pali, 2 rouge/monk, rest arty levels.
However, I chose 1 level pali, because I couldn't get around that, and the rest all arty levels. Why? Because I use the arty dog allot and it makes the dog stronger. The arty dog is viable at epic levels despite what you may have read. Its what you pick and how you use the dog. I see the arty dog as an extension of myself. You need to keep your dog healed (reconstruct spells, wands, scrolls...) and buffed. You can ship buff the dog with buffs that don't have a dialogoue screen. Buffing the dog on the ship makes em' tougher and easier to maintain in epic content.
For the build I started with 18 INT and 18 DEX. I was able to get most the ranged stuff right out the gate at L15. The high DEX is nice for the repeater.
My experiment is now L17 and I like it very much. I'm debating whether or not to start another that is 2/2/rest arty to compare. I may not do any evasion and go 2 pali, 2 FVS, rest arty on my next experiment.
Some Dex info. from Wiki
Dex-based (
Dex-based melee characters use the Weapon Finesse feat to trade their strength-based to-hit bonuses for dexterity-based to-hit bonuses. These melee types are typically two weapon melee, who use the additional dexterity to boost their Armor Class as they do not use shields. They take advantage of the dexterity armor class bonuses afforded by using light armor (Robes with Armored Bracers, Mithral Chainshirt or the Kundarak Delving Suit).
Rogues, Rangers and Monks, as their classes' nature, have great synergy with being Dex-based.
Many dex-based fighters take either two Monk or Rogue levels to gain access to the Evasion feat. One of the main reasons for choosing a dex-based fighter instead of a Ranger, which gain the two weapon fighting feats and Evasion as class abilities, is access to fighter feats (Weapon Focus line typically) and fighter bonus feats.
Dexterity (DEX) (
Dexterity measures hand-eye coordination, agility, reflexes, and balance. This ability is the most important one for rogues, but it’s also high on the list for Player Characters who typically wear light armor (rangers and barbarians), medium armor (barbarians), or no armor at all (monks, wizards, and sorcerers), and for anyone who wants to be a skilled archer.
You apply your Player Character’s Dexterity modifier to:
Ranged attack rolls, including those for attacks made with bows, crossbows, throwing axes, and other ranged and thrown weaponss.
Armor Class (AC), provided that the character can react to the attack.
Reflex saving throws, for avoiding fireballs and other attacks that you can escape by moving quickly.
Balance, Hide, Move Silently, Open Lock and Tumble checks. These are the skills that have Dexterity as their key ability.
Here is a neato article on Dex builds. I use the Staff of Nell Gan on some of my toons that are dex based:
08-09-2013, 12:55 PM
Pun intended.
Your WIS is gonna be low, which will affect spot. However, your high INT will make you a Search machine. Don't worry about not spotting the traps. You will find them when you Search (based on high INT). You may die a few times, because you don't spot the danger and walk into it. You will learn where the boxes are, and in general where there might be a trap to Search for.
Also, a high INT/DEX build is going to leave little points for the rest of the stats. You can buff STR with equipment, augments, etc. To get your HPs up with lower CON, fold in items with HPs or blue augment slots that you can slot an HP augment in to. I want to point out the high DEX will offeset some of the low HP due to your high reflex.
Here is an item I use on my bladeforged arty to pump up my HP:
08-09-2013, 12:57 PM
Hmm...I'm thinking maybe the 2/2/16 Pal/Monk/Arti split might work, although I wouldn't play it as a Juggernaut most likely. I'm a bit of a newb (read: alot of a newb), and that kind of advanced play is beyond me atm. seems to powerful, and do-all - am I missing something basic here? Should I bite the bullet and try one?
Rogue and arti is a popular mix, I know, but it's dependant on sneak attack damage, correct? I'm not good with that - I can get a few sneaks in in a party for sure (where someone else is taking the aggro), but solo? Maybe Bluff would be a good skill to invest in, seeing as there are plenty of points? I'm just not sure how the skill actually works... :/
Let's maybe put this thread in another light...
- My highest char ever is level 17, a 15 Wiz/2 Rog
- I have some bits and pieces, but very few named items, and very little raid gear. I do NOT have GS items (yet - working on it)
- I am not wealthy (plat-wise - for sure I can throw a couple of thousand points on the store, but I don't really want to P2W. Having said that, I'd definitely throw XP elixirs or whatever at a char)
- I am VIP
- I have access to all races and all classes
So in effect, I am a newb :)
EDIT: Yeah, wrt to Spot, I guess I could live without it if necessary - although on an arti it doesn't seem hard to fit :) Certainly not a deal-breaker.
08-09-2013, 01:09 PM
I don't worry about sneak attack. My bladeforged is big, slow, and sexy.
However, you want to hit your targets in the back if possible, where as they take 50% more damage.
Before you start on the target with the repeater let a tank draw aggro and when the target turns towards the tank shoot it in the back. You will deal even more damage. If no tank, then use your arty dog to get the aggro. The dog is very useful.
High diplomacy might help you in this scenario, so you don't steal the aggro from the tank/dog.
08-09-2013, 01:25 PM
I typically don't invest in Diplomacy, but rather just gage how the battle is goin' and back off on the repeater when I need to.
The Skills I like to invest in for my arty builds are:
Use Magical Device
Disable Device
Open Lock
You want your repair skill up to about a 100-140 ish depending on your style, set up, and pieces of gear. This will help with the Reconstruct spells to heal yourself and the arty dog.
You want high Use Magical Device for your scrolls, wands, and clickies.
08-09-2013, 01:32 PM
Hmm...I'm thinking maybe the 2/2/16 Pal/Monk/Arti split might work, although I wouldn't play it as a Juggernaut most likely. I'm a bit of a newb (read: alot of a newb), and that kind of advanced play is beyond me atm. seems to powerful, and do-all - am I missing something basic here? Should I bite the bullet and try one?
Rogue and arti is a popular mix, I know, but it's dependant on sneak attack damage, correct? I'm not good with that - I can get a few sneaks in in a party for sure (where someone else is taking the aggro), but solo? Maybe Bluff would be a good skill to invest in, seeing as there are plenty of points? I'm just not sure how the skill actually works... :/
Let's maybe put this thread in another light...
- My highest char ever is level 17, a 15 Wiz/2 Rog
- I have some bits and pieces, but very few named items, and very little raid gear. I do NOT have GS items (yet - working on it)
- I am not wealthy (plat-wise - for sure I can throw a couple of thousand points on the store, but I don't really want to P2W. Having said that, I'd definitely throw XP elixirs or whatever at a char)
- I am VIP
- I have access to all races and all classes
So in effect, I am a newb :)
EDIT: Yeah, wrt to Spot, I guess I could live without it if necessary - although on an arti it doesn't seem hard to fit :) Certainly not a deal-breaker.
going for a jugg build is hard on a bladeforged as with 32 pt build you really need to be able to afford to buy +3-4 tomes in imo
dex>int>con>str This is just to meet pre-reqs especially in dex and the int is to keep up enough skills. If you p2w some tomes or have a stockpile it's a solid choice and is stronger than a standard arti. The advanced play is really pretty simple to start with. Melee when manyshot is on cooldown and manyshot with a bow whenever you can. If you need to range something and manyshot is on cooldown bring out your repeater.
The rest of the advanced play you get as you get more experienced with avoiding damage etc, but that's the same as any toon.
08-09-2013, 08:34 PM
However, you want to hit your targets in the back if possible, where as they take 50% more damage.
Before you start on the target with the repeater let a tank draw aggro and when the target turns towards the tank shoot it in the back.
Um... I think that's called "helpless" state. I've never observed a 50% dmg increase hitting from behind - and having just tested in game, I don't see it.
You get flanking bonus to attack, which isn't irrelevant, just not something major.
Some things you've said.. hm.
1) How often do you have a tank for the +2 to attack rolls?
2) The repair skill does not affect reconstruct until after enhancement pass.
3) Jump is pointless, as you can get clickies to get to max.
4) You also mention the dog being useful... It's not. For any serious content, it will be ripped apart.
5) How did you start with 18 dex, with a -2 dex penalty on bladeforged?
6) Dex based isn't as good, due to the lack of dmg. Hence why int is awesome.
Now, in regards to what Istaria1 said, the build I suggested isn't a jug - it just has the same split as the pally juggernaut.
16 arti for spells, reconstruct, ranged feats, 2 paladin (no choice :P) for divine grace (if you need one, taking two is logical), 2 monk for 2 feats and evasion. (or two rogue)
Then just take ranged feats instead of melee feats. :)
08-12-2013, 01:41 PM
No offense Soulfurnace, but I'm not sure you have ever played an arty before?
Um... I think that's called "helpless" state. I've never observed a 50% dmg increase hitting from behind - and having just tested in game, I don't see it.
You get flanking bonus to attack, which isn't irrelevant, just not something major.
Some things you've said.. hm.
1) How often do you have a tank for the +2 to attack rolls?
2) The repair skill does not affect reconstruct until after enhancement pass.
3) Jump is pointless, as you can get clickies to get to max.
4) You also mention the dog being useful... It's not. For any serious content, it will be ripped apart.
5) How did you start with 18 dex, with a -2 dex penalty on bladeforged?
6) Dex based isn't as good, due to the lack of dmg. Hence why int is awesome.
08-12-2013, 06:44 PM
No offense Soulfurnace, but I'm not sure you have ever played an arty before?
Yes I have. This build, is, y'know... What my opener toon is.
I played it, thus I shared it. +2 to attack rolls isn't the be all and end all.
I -very- rarely play with tanks, and I'm running more and more solo (less and less LFMs up)
Repair skill = enhancement pass. I do not care for hp given on resting, waste of skill points.
Clickies. Enough said.
Dog sucks. Tried it on both druid and arti, ditched it on druid and arti.
Bladeforged do start with a -2 dex penalty, which sucks. +2 to charisma, but -2 to dex. Natural max is 18, -2 is 16. Oops?
Now, it's attack based versus damage based. Each to their own.
So yes, I've played an artificer. I've played melee artis too - prefer those.
It just wasn't viable to build one on a bladeforged.
*Edit* Just something to consider - I play differently to you. My build works fine for me, because of these things.
1) Self healing. Enough said.
2) Divine Grace - moar saves! :)
3) Evasion - putting saves to use.
Those things seriously help ones capability to solo a quest - which is what OP asked, and it's what my opener toon did. (unless a quest required more people)
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