View Full Version : Monk Back - Need help after new contents

07-25-2013, 04:34 PM
I'm a former Argonessen's player, now in Sarlona (Usbing, Valenttina and Adnanref are my Main Toons) backing to game after a break six month. What change have in the game for monk generalist builds?
What gears I would run for?
Can the ddo community help me to get confortable with the game again?
Thanks all, hope see you in-game

07-26-2013, 06:47 PM
I'm a former Argonessen's player, now in Sarlona (Usbing, Valenttina and Adnanref are my Main Toons) backing to game after a break six month. What change have in the game for monk generalist builds?
What gears I would run for?
Can the ddo community help me to get confortable with the game again?
Thanks all, hope see you in-game

You can try out my Monk guide for some of the fundamentals. Search "Update 16", "Update 17" for a few tidbits. We can't talk about Beta Fight Club yet, but in a short time there'll be far more changes.