View Full Version : Doing quests under level, what do I lose?

07-21-2013, 01:00 PM
An example:

I'm character level 20. I have a hard and elite bravery bonus streak. I'm VIP and have eaten a tome of greater learning and a tome of greater epic learning.

I decide to do some quest I've never completed before. The quest has has both heroic and epic versions, let's say Beyond the Rift, a Heroic Normal CR 16 quest, Epic Normal CR 21 quest.

What do I miss out on in terms of BB and 1st time xp bonus completion if I do the quest at character lvl 20 for the first time on:

Heroic Normal (16)
Heroic Hard (17)
Heroic Elite (18)
Epic Normal (21)
Epic Hard (22)
Epic Elite (23)


07-21-2013, 01:33 PM
So short answer is all your "loosing" is the over level pen, but your missing out on bb and first time bonuses as well

So as a level 16 quest anyone over 18 will loose BB streak.
Assuming your 5+ on streak you'll loose your first time bravery bonus elite (although youll still get first time elite quest bonus) and your +25% for streak
You are considered over level on elite at 19 on a level 16 base quest (16+1 hard+ 1 elite=max18) and so assuming its not a wonky quest as far as elite leveling (some elites are much higher then the normal IE devil assault) you would take a two level hit for over level normally -20% but that depends on quest.

07-21-2013, 01:54 PM
You will NOT lose you Bravery Streak if you do the level 16 and 17 quests on Elite.

To qualify for Bravery Bonus, the quest must be no more than 2 levels below you character's level on NORMAL setting. A level 16 quest is 4 levels below a lvl 20 character, and is therefore unaffected by Bravery Bonus. You will not GET a Bravery Bonus for running that quest, but nether will it kill your streak.

I recently went through this very process with my newest toon, at lower levels. I started at level 1 and ran everything on Elite. Soon, I found I was out-levelling content. So I asked a guildie about the levels thing and possibly losing my Bravery Streak, and I was given the same advice I just posted above. So at about level 7 I went back and did some level 3 quests on Elite, and NO, I didnt lose my Streak. I just didnt get any Bravery Bonus for those quests.

07-21-2013, 03:04 PM
I think you do miss out on your first-time char bonus even if you're too high to disrupt your Bravery Bonus. So you would be missing out on the first-time completion multiplier applied to your Epic XP. I think....

07-21-2013, 03:36 PM
Ugh, people, this is how it works:

To get the FULL bravery/first time bonus for doing a quest, you want to do it when you're within 2 levels of the level of the quest on normal. So, for a level 16 quest, to get the full bonus you ideally want to do it on elite difficulty at level 18. That gets you this:

First time completion bonus (elite) +80%
Bravery bonus! You have chosen to do this quest on elite for the first time! +50%
Your streak continues (assuming you have one): +50%

If you do the quest on elite instead at level 19, you get this:

First time completion bonus (elite) +80%

If you do the quest on elite at level 20, you get this:

First time completion bonus (elite) +80%
The quest is level 18, highest-level person in the quest is level 20, -10%

So, if you do the quest over the level, you still get the first-time completion bonus for elite. (you get this even if you have done the quest on an easier difficulty, in fact.) However, you lose the Bravery bonus and also the bravery streak bonus.

HOWEVER, doing a quest while over-leveled will not BREAK a streak--it doesn't reset back to +10% xp for the first new elite quest you do. You can even do quests at level as long as SOMEONE in the quest is over-level without breaking your streak.

Epic quests are a bit different. The streak works the same, but you don't get an over-level PENALTY to XP if you or other people are above the quest level. So you can run a level 21 quest (23 on epic elite) with someone level 25 in the quest and you won't get the -10% xp penalty for someone being above the quest level. However, you also won't get bravery bonus or the bravery streak bonus, AFAIK.

You do get less xp for doing a quest if you've leveled past the bravery bonus territory (which is why many people "bank" levels when grinding out levels so they can keep getting max xp from the easier lower-level quests), but it won't HURT you to do it, either. You'll still get that first-time completion xp for each difficulty. However, lower difficulties are considered lower-level quests, and the over-level PENALTY xp goes up RAPIDLY, looking like this:

Level 20 doing a level 16 quest on elite: Quest is level 18, highest-level character is 20: -10%
Level 21 doing a level 16 quest on elite: quest is level 18, highest level character is 21: -25%
Level 22 doing a level 16 quest on elite: quest is level 18, highest level character is 22: -50%
Level 23 doing a level 16 quest on elite: Quest is level 18, highest level character is 23: -75%
Level 24 doing a level 16 quest on elite: quest level is 18, highest level character is 24: -99%
And a level 25 will get no xp of any kind for doing the quest.

07-22-2013, 06:40 PM
An example:

I decide to do some quest I've never completed before. The quest has has both heroic and epic versions, let's say Beyond the Rift, a Heroic Normal CR 16 quest, Epic Normal CR 21 quest.

What do I miss out on in terms of BB and 1st time xp bonus completion if I do the quest at character lvl 20 for the first time on:

Heroic Normal (16): Lose out on any BB bonus; bravery streak unaffected.
Heroic Hard (17): Lose out on any BB bonus; bravery streak unaffected.
Heroic Elite (18): Lose out on any BB bonus; bravery streak unaffected.
Epic Normal (21): Lose out on any BB bonus; bravery streak lost.
Epic Hard (22): Lose out on elite BB bonus; elite bravery streak lost, hard streak unaffected.
Epic Elite (23): Lose nothing.

You can't lose out on 1st time completion bonus; those are auto-grants the first time you complete a quest on a given difficulty no matter what you do or when you do it.

07-29-2013, 12:53 PM
Heroic Normal (16): Lose out on any BB bonus; bravery streak unaffected.
Heroic Hard (17): Lose out on any BB bonus; bravery streak unaffected.
Heroic Elite (18): Lose out on any BB bonus; bravery streak unaffected.
Epic Normal (21): Lose out on any BB bonus; bravery streak lost.
Epic Hard (22): Lose out on elite BB bonus; elite bravery streak lost, hard streak unaffected.
Epic Elite (23): Lose nothing.

You can't lose out on 1st time completion bonus; those are auto-grants the first time you complete a quest on a given difficulty no matter what you do or when you do it.

You can lose out on the first time Tome bonus though not that its major but still.

07-29-2013, 11:53 PM
You can lose out on the first time Tome bonus though not that its major but still.

So that's one thing I'm wondering, (and thanks everyone for the replies so far!:)) if I do a quest on a heroic level that has epic and heroic versions, do I not get the bonus when I do the quest on an epic difficulty?

Normally I would think not, but they have both an epic and a heroic tome of experience, and I don't think their bonuses overlap...

07-30-2013, 12:59 AM
Tome bonus is similar to bravery. Greater heroic gives 50% first time through the quest on any difficulty, then forevermore the tome gives you 20%. Epic tomes cut that in half. (25% first time, 10% thereafter.)

You raise a fair point that since the tomes don't overlap, they could conceivably both give first time bonuses. I don't know the answer for sure, but my suspicion is no; after the first run on heroic, the second run on epic would only give a 10% tome bonus.

But then that's weird if you ate an epic tome but not a heroic tome and ran the quest on heroic first. Would you then never get your first time tome bonus? That doesn't sound right.

Testing (or dev comment) is warranted.